Chapter 42
When my eyes landed on Jen, sitting in my father's office, I was furious. I haven't see or hear from her in years, and for good reason.
But as much as I despise the woman who I let rip me apart years ago, I am grateful she came forward with the information she did. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't know where to look.
I just can't believe I was played. I really underestimated, Penelope. She played her cards wisely.
Right now, we are sitting in the living room at our parents house waiting for our mother to get home with the kids. I don't know where she took them, or when they'll be home, but I needed to see them. I needed a piece of her with me.
"Your mother just called. She'll be here in a half an hour," our father tells us as he enters the living room, carrying a bottle of whiskey.
Thank god. I feel like they've been gone for hours. I nod, keeping my expression blank.
"Where did they go?" Reese asks, taking the whiskey from our father's hands and taking a large gulp straight from the bottle, before handing it to me.
We both know he keeps tabs on every move she makes.
"Shopping as usual," he chuckles lightly. "I swear that woman was made for shopping."
This is true. She should be crowned queen of shopping.
I take a swig of the whiskey and place the bottle on the table. "Any more developments?" I ask, hoping he has heard something.
He shakes his head and I frown. "Sadly no," he sighs, leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "I know it's hard, but you have to be patient. As soon as I hear something, you guys will be the first to know."
He has sent groups of teams out to scout all of Jakes properties, to pinpoint her exact location.
They have to be careful. All it takes is one slip up and it's game over, so I understand the importance of patience. It's just so hard.
"We're going to find her," he says softly, pulling me from my thoughts.
"I hope so," I whisper, placing my head in my hands, trying to keep my emotions in check, but fail as hot tears seep into the palms of my hands. I must look like a pussy in my his eyes, but I don't care. All I care about is finding her and bringing her home where she belongs.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, who I suspect belonged to Reese. When I look up, I am shocked to see my father sitting on the table before me, staring at me with expression I can't quite pinpoint.
I sniff and wipe the tears away. "I'm sorry to disappoint you," I say coldly. "I guess I'm not the man you thought I was." At this point, I don't care how I look in his eyes.
A shocked expression covers his features. "Disappointed?" He asks. "I'm far from disappointed, Draven. If that was your mother, in her place, I would be in the same position as you are right now."
And for the first time in my life, I see my father's eyes begin to water.
"Dad," my voice cracks. "What if-, what if we-," he doesn't let me finish my sentence and pulls me into a tight hug. I hesitate for a moment, not sure what's going on, but eventually I wrap my arms around him and begin to sob sloppily, on his shoulder. I feel another set of arms wrap around me. I almost forgot about Reese and before I knew it, the three of us were a mess.
I can handle a lot of things, but this? This I can not handle at all.
"We better get our shit together before the kids get here," our father breaks the silence. "They'll ask questions and we all know we don't need that."
We pull apart and wipe away our tears, trying to regain our composure. I let out a shaky breath and slump back into my seat, rubbing my temples.
We all stiffen as we hear the front door open and close. My mother's voice echoes through the hallway as she makes her way towards us.
She stops in her tracks and scans over our faces. A grim expression clouds her features. She then turns to Oakley and Greyson before they had a chance to enter the room and tells them to take their things upstairs to their room. Once they were out of sight, she turns her attention to us. "Everything okay? Any developments?"
My father stands and closes the distance between them, engulfing her in a hug. "Nothing yet," he pulls away, still holding her and looks at us. "Me and the boys were just...expressing our feelings with one another."
She nods slowly. "The kids have been asking questions," she says softly. You can hear the sadness in her voice. "They're worried. They have been trying to call her since yesterday and I don't know what to tell them."
Dad pulls her closer. "We have a strong lead," he informs her. "We are just waiting for the call. Then we are going to go get her."
She sighs, nodding her head. "I'm going to get dinner started," she states before leaving the room. Cooking for her, is her stress reliever.
My stomach rumbles at the mention of food. It hasn't seen much of it since Wren has been gone.
"Wren would be so disappointed in us if she found out that we wasn't taking care of ourselves while she was gone," Reese says.
"At this point, I'll take whatever she decides to throw at me," I chuckle weakly. "Even if it's the kitchen table."
"Me too," he agrees, running his fingers through his unkept hair. He looks just as bad as I do.
I lean my head back and look up at the ceiling. All I want is to hold her in my arms. I miss her eyes, her smile, her laugh, her lips, just everything about her in general. I smile for the first time in days, but disappears when thoughts of the baby pops in my head.
I stand up suddenly, taking both, Reese and my father by surprise. "What about the baby?" I ask as panic settles in and begin pacing the room. My mother emerges from the kitchen, giving me a sad look. How could I not think of the baby until now? "What about the baby?" I direct my question to her.
"Calm down," my mother says soothingly as she slowly approaches me. "I'm sure the baby is fine." She rubs her hands up and down my arms.
"You don't know that," I say completely defeated. We don't even know if Wren is okay.
"That child is a mix of both you and Wren," she says sternly, catching me off guard. "It's a fighter, it's not going to give up that easily."
She's right. I'm not a quitter and neither is she. We will all get through this. At least I hope so.
"What's going on? Is our mom okay?" Oakley asks. "And don't you dare lie to me."
My heart sinks. Well all turn our attention to the entrance to see, Oakley and Greyson stand firmly in the doorway. Oh god, much did they hear?
"She hasn't answered any of our calls or texts. Is she okay?" She asks again. You can hear the worry in her voice.
"Please," Greyson's voice quavers. "Please."
This is not what I wanted to happen.
Reese pats the cushion on the couch next to him, "Come sit with me?" They both hesitate for a moment, but eventually do what he asked.
Reese sucks in a breath and tells them everything. Well mostly everything. He kept the more inappropriate details to himself, which I am grateful for. They don't need to know everything.
By the time he was done, they were a mess, crying hysterically. My mother tried her best to comfort them, but ended up losing it herself.
It took awhile to calm them down. I don't know how my mother managed to do it, but she did. She even talked them into sitting down for dinner, which no one really wanted to eat, but we did anyway.
After dinner, Reese and I walk the kids up to their rooms. After tucking them in, we make our way back downstairs and wait for our father in the living room.
"I'm glad you told them."
Reese gives me a look of uncertainty. "But was it the right thing to do?" He asks. "I mean their just kids from fucks sake."
I don't answer. I'm not sure if it was the right thing to do or not. I have never been in a position like this before and hope I never have to be again.
"Okay," I hear my father say from the other room. I wonder what that is about? "We have to go," he tells us, entering the room. "Now!"
We don't bother asking questions and follow him out of the house and to his car.
The ride to the warehouse was silent, too silent. As soon as we pull in, we are immediately greeted by James. "We received word from Jen about Wren's whereabouts," he glances at me. He knows I don't like to hear her name. "She told us where to find her. I have the team gearing up as we speak.
Reese pats James on the back. "You did good," he appraises him.
"I just hope we make it in time."
This gets my full attention. "What do you mean?"
"Jen thinks...she thinks something bad it's going to happen tonight," he says cautiously. "She said Penelope is there right now and...and that she is alone with Wren. I don't know about you but I have a bad feeling."
It doesn't take either one of us long to realize what he means and we quickly head into the warehouse.
Dozens of men are standing in the center of the room, talking amongst each other. They all go silent when they finally notice our arrival.
"They are going to wish they never met me," I say with so much venom as I gear up, bullet proof vest at all. They fucked up when they chose my girl.
"They're going to wish they never met any of us," Tucker, one of our staff says. "Wren has impacted all of us in the most positive way possible and we would give our lives for her."
Everyone mutters in agreement and for the first time since this nightmare started, my heart fills with warmth.
Hey, hey my beautiful dedicated readers. I just wanted to take this time to thank you all for reading. You guys are awesome and with your support, I would have probably given up by now! Muah 💋
See y'all in the next chapter.
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