Chapter 34
Two months later
It's been two months since I found out I was pregnant and in that two months my life has changed drastically. Draven has moved in permanently and has left Sean in charge of managing the club for him back in New York City. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting him to move in so quickly and was quite shocked when a moving truck pulled up in front of my house filled with all his things from his apartment. Including that beautiful bed of his.
Two weeks after I found out about my pregnancy, Maxen surprised the hell out of all of us by showing up at my door late at night, looking like absolute hell, asking if I could find it in my heart to forgive him for all he has put me through. Little did he know I already have. The main reason for his visit was to help him get clean. I always knew he was using, but never expected him to come to me for help and neither did Draven, who wasn't at all happy about the situation.
The kids miss seeing their daddy and it breaks my heart to see them upset. Right now they don't understand, but one day they will.
Aside from all that, Draven had forced Reese to fire me, and he did. At first I protested until I was blue in the face. That was until they told me why. They have received more threats on not only my life, but my children's lives as well.
I was absolutely horrified. Let's just say I didn't take the news very lightly. The fact that it took my kids being threatened for them to finally tell me, didn't settle well with me at all. I should have been notified way sooner than I was. Thankfully school is out for the summer and I don't have to worry about them being away from me, until the end of August.
They have no clue about the situation and are very upset that I won't let them stay anywhere. I just can't take the chance. My kids are my life and I don't know what I would do if anything were to happen to them.
Draven has increased security around the house. There is always someone sitting across the street in a car keeping an eye on things. I have to admit, it feels pretty weird to be watched all the time.
After I finished up cleaning the house, I decided that I would spend the rest of the day relaxing on the couch watching TV, until Draven gets home from whatever him and Reese are doing.
I hear the a door slam from upstairs and loud footsteps storming down the steps. I already have a feeling who it is. Oakley appears in the doorway of the living room, glaring at me.
"Hey Oak, What can I do for you today?" She has been extremely irritated since she hasn't been able to hang out with her friends lately.
She narrows her eyes at me. "You know exactly what you could do for me."
So much for relaxing. I sigh and push myself up so that I'm sitting in the edge of the cushion, "Oakley, we've already been through this-"
"And you haven't given either one of us a reason why, mother," she sneered. She said mother with so much venom in her voice it was almost like she was possessed.
"Don't talk to me like that little girl. I'm doing this to protect you."
"From what? What could you...of all people protect me from? You couldn't even protect yourself when da-," she stopped herself from finishing her sentence. She had definitely wounded me and she knows it. I just can't believe she just said that to me.
"Mom, I'm sorry," she says taking a step forward.
I put my hand up stopping her in her tracks. Sorry isn't going to cut it right now. "Go to your room," I tell her coldly. She hesitates for a moment, before heading back up the steps.
I places my face in my hands and begin to sob. She is right though. How am I suppose to protect either one of them, when I wasn't able to protect myself? I lay back down and place the pillow over my face, trying to hide my sobs.
"I'm a failure," I whisper into the pillow.
"No you're not. Don't say that." I pull the pillow away from my face to see Greyson stand over me, looking concerned. I didn't even hear him.
I give him a weak smile and place the pillow back over my face. He pulls the pillow away from my face and tosses on the chair.
"Grey, "I warn, wiping the tears away. "I'm not in the mood to be told about myself, again." I don't think I can handle anymore right now. It felt like Oakley stabbed me in the heart.
"Too bad, I want to talk and you're going to listen,"
What in the hell has gotten into my children? It's like they're not even them.
"I'm sorry she said that to you, mom. She had no right, no right at all. You're a great mother and even though I don't show it all the time, I do love you."
His words bring more tears to my eyes. " I love you too, but you don't have to pretend you're not mad at me. I understand if you are. I pretty much took your entire summer away from you with no exclamation." They both have every right to be upset with me.
"Oh...don't get me wrong, I'm mad, but I understand why you're doing it," he tells me, sitting next to me. He looks down at his lap and fiddles around with the hem of his shirt. He seems to be nervous about something.
"Greyson, what aren't you telling me?" I ask him softly.
He gives me a worried look and directs his attention back to his lap. "I may or may not have eavesdropped on your conversation with Draven and Reese a while back," he mutters. I'm shocked. I always knew he was sneaky, but didn't know how sneaky until now. I don't press him for answers and wait for him to continue.
"I know everything. I know why dad isn't here, which I'm glad he's getting the help he needs. I know what Reese and Draven, actually do for a living. I know that James...I know what he is and I know that you are keeping us cooped up in the house to protect us from whoever is threatening us and-," I cover his mouth to stop him from going any further.
I am absolutely horrified. He really does know everything. "No more, please. I get it." He nods his head and I remove my hand.
I have no clue what to say to him. I am dumbstruck.
After sitting in uncomfortable silence, Grayson speaks. "Look mom, I know what I did was wrong and I promise I won't say anything to anyone and as much as I enjoy eavesdropping, I promise I won't do it anymore."
"You shouldn't have been doing it in the first place. You know better than that," I tell him sternly. He does know better. At least I thought he did.
He puts his head down. "I know and I'm sorry," he whispers.
Guilt courses through my body. I can't just blame him though. This is all my fault. I should have been more careful.
"Look at me," he does what he's told. "If anyone's to blame here it's me. I should have known better and I'm sorry. Now I don't want to talk about this anymore." I wasn't comfortable having this conversation with him. I need to talk to the guys about this.
He nods his head and kisses me on the cheek before heading back upstairs. This can't be happening.
I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner, when I hear the front door shut. I look at the time and know it has to be Draven and Reese.
Draven wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on the neck. "Something smells good. What are you making?"
"Lasagna. It should be done in a few minutes."
"Good, I'm starving," he tells me rubbing my small baby bump.
"Get a room," Reese snickers from behind us. Draven sighs and takes a step back. I already miss his touch.
"You know if you don't like it, you could always go home," Draven tells him.
"And miss the opportunity of being a cock block?" Reese snorts. "I think not."
Draven glares at him. I roll my eyes at how childish they are. "Can you guys please stop bickering and set the table for me?" Without another word they do.
"Guys I have to tell you something important."
They both stop what they're doing and looked at me.
"Are you alright?" Draven asks with concern. "Is the baby alright?"
"Yeah. We are both fine," I reassure him. "It's's about Greyson." They both look at me curiously.
I tell them everything that had happened today and what Grayson had confessed to me. Neither one of them knew what to say.
"Now what?" Reese asks.
I shake my head, "I have no idea. I'm still shocked."
"What about Oakley?" Reese asks.
Once again I shake my head, "I don't think she knows anything." I hope not anyway. "I'm a horrible mother."
"No you're not," Reese and Draven say at once. "I don't want to hear those words come out your mouth again," Reese tells me sternly. "So what you made a mistake, everyone does. You're a great mom."
Draven sighs, "How bout we eat dinner and talk about this another time. You've had a stressful day and need to rest. Maybe tomorrow, Reese and I can take him to get a new game or something and talk."
"Don't worry, we got this," Reese chimes in.
I laugh. "That's reassuring."
Reese sends me a playful glare and pushes his chair out, "I'll go get the kids."
This is going to be a very awkward dinner.
Sorry about the long wait guys. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment.
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