Chapter 29
About thirty minutes after Draven dropped us off, Reese had text me wanting to know if I would make him and the kids spaghetti for dinner. Of course I agreed, after all he is watching the kids for me and lucky for him, I already had plans on having spaghetti at some point this week and had bought everything I need for it a few days ago. I finish adding my seasonings into the sauce and let it simmer on low for a little while before cooking the noodles. I'll put the noodles on right before, Reese and Draven get here, that way it's all fresh.
Both kids are sitting on the couch watching television when I walk in. I take a seat between them and relax. My phone dings with a message from Reese, telling me to be ready by seven-thirty. I glance at the time. It's already six o'clock. I guess I don't have much time to relax.
Just as I was about to get up and go find something to wear, another message comes in from Reese, telling me that there is a brand new outfit waiting for me on my bed. When the hell did he find the time to do that? I make my way up the steps towards my bedroom and sure enough there is a white jumpsuit with flower ruffled sleeves and rhinestones neatly laid out for me on my bed. At the bass of the bed on the floor is a shoe box. I open it up and pull out a the most beautiful pair of floral white lace peep toe chunky heals I have ever seen in my life. I mentally note to smack the shit out of him later and put the shoes back in the box.
I walked back downstairs to check on the sauce. I'm not at all surprised to see Greyson, standing at the stove taste testing the sauce. Anywhere there's food you'll find Greyson.
"Busted!" I shout, causing Greyson to jump. I burst into a fit of laughter when he turns to face me. He has sauce splattered all over his face and shirt. I grab a napkin from the counter and begin wiping his face. "Busted red handed this time," I chuckle.
He smiles, "You got lucky."
"Doesn't matter if it was luck or not. Point is I finally caught you."
No matter how hard I try, I am never able to catch him in the act. I always catch him before or after, but never in the act. So this is a sweet victory for me.
He rolls his eyes, "So now that you caught me. I guess it's fair to keep up with my end of the deal. So what's the one favor you ask of me mother?"
Greyson and I made a pack two years ago that if I ever caught him in the act of eating food before it was done, I get to ask him for one favor. When I made this pack with him I never really thought of what my actual favor might be. Because truth be told, I didn't really think I'd ever catch him. But then it hit me.
"There is one thing I would love for you to stop doing." He isn't going to like it but...a deals a deal. "You can't eat Oakley's cake anymore." He has been doing it for so long, I don't even remember the last time Oakley got to enjoy her birthday cake.
"Fine," he folds his arms over his chest and pouts. "Way to take away all of the fun."
"Oh...I'm sure you'll find other ways to annoy your sister on her birthday." I ruffle his fluffy hair.
He swats my hand away and tries to fix the rat nest he calls hair. "Don't you have a date to get ready for?" He growls.
I look at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall above the oven. It's now six-fifty. "Shit!" I sprint up the steps taking two at a time and jump in the shower. Leave it to me, to be running late for my first date. When I was finished, I quickly put on the outfit Reese had bought for me and haul ass back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I don't even waste anytime to take in my appearance in my new outfit. That will have to wait.
I plug in my straightener and curling iron, and blow dry my hair. While I'm waiting for both of those to heat up, I decide that going with a more natural makeup look will look better with this outfit and primer my face and begin to do a cool brown tone smokey eye. After I was finished applying my eye shadow, I lined both my top and bottom waterline, giving myself the perfect cat eye look.
When I was finished straightening my hair, I pulled it up into a high ponytail and began curling my hair into the ponytail. I don't know where we're going, but a nice updo hairstyle should do just fine. If there's one thing that I learned from working with all the girls at the club, it's doing hair.
I take a step back and take in my appearance in the mirror and I'm stunned. I almost don't recognize the person staring back at me.
"You look beautiful." I turn to see Oakley and Greyson standing in the doorway of the bathroom staring at me with their mouths hanging wide open.
"Do you really think so? You don't think it's to much?" I gesture to my face, hoping I didn't over do it. The only time I ever wear make up is when I'm working at the club.
"Absolutely! I've never seen you so...dolled up like this before. You're absolutely stunning mom," Oakley tells me.
"I have to agree. You look amazing," Greyson chimes in. For him to pay me a compliment...I must look good.
I pull them in for a hug, "Thank you! That means a lot coming from the two of you ." I fight to hold back the tears, that threaten to ruin my make up and pull away. That's all I need.
They both followed me back to my bedroom and watched as I slipped on my new shoes.
"Where did you get those?" Oakley asks.
"Reese bought them for me along with this outfit."
She mouths "oh" and takes a seat on the bed. "Do you know where he's taking you?"
Actually...I don't. Neither Reese or Draven mentioned where we was going. "No, but I'm sure it will be nice wherever we go."
When I was growing up my parents struggled to put food on the table for me. I ate whatever they provided me with. So when it comes to places to eat, I'm not too picky about it. As long as the food is good and the place is clean...I don't care.
"Are you nervous?" Greyson asks as he takes a seat next to his sister on the bed. Both of them stare at me in wonder.
They have no clue how nervous I am. This is all new territory for me and I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. I just hope I don't fuck it up.
"Of course I am. I've never been on a date before," I answer truthfully.
"Dad never took you on a date before?" Oakley questions.
Shaking my head no, I make my way to the body mirror hanging on the back of my bedroom door. The outfit looked nice displayed on my bed, but I haven't seen what it looks like on me yet. I gasp at the image in the mirror.
The outfit Reese had bought for me fits my body perfectly, showing off curves I never knew I had.
"Told you, you look amazing," Oakley says pulling me from my thoughts.
"Yeah, but I thought you were just!"
I could look like total shit and they would both lie and tell me I look amazing.
Oakley laughs, "Not this time. You really do look beautiful mom."
"Thank you!"
A knock at the door grabs all of our attention. They both jumped off the bed shouting "I'll get it," and barrel for the door knocking me out the way. Thankful there was a wall behind me to stop me from landing on my ass.
I'm about to walk out of my room when my stomach begins to feel queasy. I cover my mouth and make a run for the toilet, emptying what little contents I had in my stomach. Why does this have to happen right now?
"Are you okay?" Reese asks.
I flush the toilet and stand. "Yeah, I think it's just my nerves. I'll be fine," I smile, trying to look and sound convincing.
"Are you sure? You look pale."
"Yes," I tell him, turning the sink on to brush the vile taste of vomit out of my mouth. There is nothing worse than puking. Especially when you have a hot date waiting for you downstairs.
He hands me a hand towel and I dry my mouth. " do I look?" I spin around so he could get a good look at me.
"Absolutely breathtaking," He tells me holding his arm out for me. I smile and slide my arm through his and he leads me down the hall.
Just before we reach the steps I stop and look at him, "Are you sure I look okay?"
"Have I ever lied to you before?"
I don't even have to think about it, because I know the answer is no. Reese has always been truthful with me, which is why I trust him so much.
As Reese leads me down the steps, Draven comes into view. He looks so handsome in his black suit with his hair neatly in place. Him and the kids are too busy chatting away to notice our presence. I'm glad to see they are all getting along so well.
Reese clears his throat, grabbing Draven's attention. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out, leaving it slightly ajar. If his eyes weren't attached to his body, I think they would have popped out of their sockets by now.
"You look...stunning," he finally says, scanning me from head to toe. I can feel a blush creeping up my neck to my face.
Draven's eyes never leave mine, as Reese escorts me the rest of the way down the stairs. When we are directly in front of him, Reese kisses my cheek and hands my hand over to Draven. His hands are just as clammy as mine. It's relaxing to know he's just as nervous as I am.
Reese hands Draven a bag and whispers something in his ear. "You better get going before you're late," Reese says, pushing us towards the door, barely giving me enough time to kiss my kids goodbye.
"The sauce is cooking and I didn't get the chance to cook the noodles yet" I managed to get out before Reese shut the door in my face.
Draven opens the car door and I slid in. I watch as he jokes around the car and opening the door to get in. When he was finally situated behind the wheel, he looks at me and smiles. "Are you excited?"
I return the smile, "I'm nervous and excited. But I'm more excited."
He starts the car and begins to drive, "Me too."
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