Chapter 23
Wren has been acting really strange ever since we got back, and it's beginning to freak me out. So far she has cleaned out the refrigerator, rearranged the kitchen cabinets and scrubbed the kitchen floor on her hands and knees. I've seen her clean many times. But I have never seen her clean like this before.
I asked Draven if he knew what her problem was, but all I got was a shrug. He definitely knows more than what he's willing to share. I'll find out sooner or later. I always do.
Without saying a word, Wren strolls right past us and opens the living room closet and begins pulling out boxes and blankets, and places them on the floor. I couldn't help but notice Draven watching her every move.
I take a seat next to Draven on the couch and watch her sort through the boxes. Whatever she doesn't want, she tosses in a garbage bag next to her. After about twenty minutes of watching her, I decided that I have seen enough. Whatever is going on between the two of them, they need to fix it and fix it now.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on with her? Or are you going to sit there and act like you have no clue what I'm talking about?" I ask.
He turns his head to look at me. A smirk is already plastered on his face. His eyes are slightly darker than normal and his facial expression screams mischief. It's a looks I know all too well.
He chuckles, "Let's just say, she's learning a lesson the hard way," he replies. You can hear the amusement in his voice.
His comment piques my interest. What does he mean she's learning a lesson? What lesson does she need to learn?
I snort, "And what exactly is this 'lesson' she has to learn?" I ask curiously. He ignores my question and turns his attention back to Wren.
He can't tell me something like that and not expect me to pry. Wren is the type of person who wears her emotions on her sleeve. Right now, her silence tells me she is upset about something and she's cleaning to keep herself distracted.
"You do know, she will tell me if you don't?" I state with confidence. "After all I am her best friend." He snaps his head in my direction, his earlier relaxed posture now tense. He knows it's true.
His eyes zero in on me, "I really don't think that's any of your business," he retorts. His tone is slightly irritated. I don't care if he's her boyfriend or not, it is my business. The tension between us is so thick, you would need a chainsaw to cut through it.
I lean in, "You see brother, that's where you're wrong. Anything that has to do with that woman sitting over there, is my business," I tell him calmly. I may be overreacting, but that girl has been through enough. And since Draven has a track record in being a heartbreaker, I want to make sure he is doing right by her.
I sit back and observe him. His nostrils flare and his breathing becomes heavy. His once sun kissed face begins to turn red. Let him get mad, I don't care. He doesn't scare me.
Draven takes a deep breath, "Look Reese, it's nothing to worry about," he reassures me. "She was ignoring me. So I decided to teased her a little bit to teach her a lesson. It's nothing to be concerned about. I promise."
Nothing to be concerned about? I glance over at Wren who is still sorting through boxes. She hasn't paid us any mind since she started her little cleaning spree. That's when it dawned on me.
I snap my head back to Draven, "You mean to tell me she's sexually frustrated?" I ask. He smirks.
I burst into a fit of laughter. This entire time I was thinking the worst. That he may have did something to her upset her. I mean, she is upset but not in the way I was thinking.
When I finally have my laughter under control. I notice that I have gained Wren's attention. Her eyes are narrowed, and her facial expression is hard. To be honest, she looks intimidating.
I raise my hands up in surrender, "Don't look at me like that. I'm not the one who left you hanging."
If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.
She grabs an object from the floor next to her and launches it in my direction. I duck my head just in time, letting it hit the wall behind me.
I think she has lost her damn mind. "Are you crazy?" I shout. She has thrown many things at me, but nothing that could potentially cause me bodily harm.
She pushes herself to her feet. "Maybe I am." A look I have never seen before takes it's place on her beautiful face. Her eyes are wild and challenging.
"You," I poke his chest. "This is all your fault."
Not only have I been given the silent treatment for the last few hours. I was nearly beheaded because of him. I'm the one getting the short end of the stick here, and I didn't do anything.
"You need to fix this, and fix this now," I tell him, taking a step back. I don't want anything to do with this.
He glance at Wren, and gulps nervously. He should be nervous. I warned him not to fuck with her emotions and he did it anyway.
"I'm going to keep the kids occupied. I expect this 'problem' to be solved within the hour," I tell him.
He grabs my arm. "You're leaving me alone with her?"
"Damn right I am. This is your mess. Now clean it up!" I yank my arm from his grasp and exit the room. The look on his face will forever be imprinted in my mind for the rest of my life.
The kids and I had been playing dodgeball in the back yard for a little over a half an hour now, and there is still no sign of Draven. Maybe she killed him.
Just as the thought entered my mind, Draven steps out onto the porch and takes a seat on the porch swing. I toss the ball to the kids and make my way towards the porch. I take a seat next to him. He looks exhausted.
Sweat glistens his forehead. His hair is disheveled and his breathing is heavy. He pops open a beer and chugs most of it down. She must have really did a number on him.
I clear my throat. "Don't you think it's a little too early for that?" I ask, pointing to the beer.
He shakes his head and finishes his beer. I'm trying really hard not to laugh at this point. But his actions are making it really hard.
"Who are you and where is my brother? I joke.
He turns his head towards me. His eyes are a weird shade of blue. "He's here, he's just a little confused right now." Is all I got.
"Confused? What are you confused about?" I press him for answers.
He runs his fingers through his hair and stands, and begins pacing the porch. He looks shaken up.
"Is it her?" I ask.
"No," he answers quickly. "It's not her I'm confused about. It's me!"
I give him a wary look. "Draven," I warn.
He raised his hand, cutting me off. "I'm not going to hurt her if that's what you're thinking," he reassures me. "This might sound crazy to you. Hell, it sounds crazy to me. But I-."
"Excuse me," a annoying female voice calls out. "I'm here to pick up Ciara." A blonde haired woman with way too much make up on her face approaches us with a smile. Her red lipstick is smudged on her two front teeth. She's a little less curvier than Wren, but about the same height.
"I'm Mindy," she extends her hand out for us to shake.
"I'm Reese and this is my brother Draven." We both shake her hand. She holds on a little longer to Draven's hand.
"It's nice to meet you both," she purrs, batting her eyes at Draven. Draven struggles, but he eventually pulls his hand from her claws and takes a seat on the swing next to me.
She leans back on the railing. "So are you boys seeing anyone?"
Draven and I share a look. "Yes," we both answer at the same time. She puckers her lips, trying to look cute, when in truth, she looks like she had a run in with a fake plastic surgeon.
Ciara makes her way on to the porch and greets her mother. She looks nothing like her, lucky girl. She must get her looks from her father.
Mindy writes something down on a piece of paper she had pulled from her purse and hands it to Draven. "If it doesn't work out call me."
She forcefully sways her hips as she walks away, making it seem as if they are bouncing off walls. It's amusing, yet terrifying at the same time. When she was finally out of sight, Draven crinkles up the paper and tossed it in the garbage.
"That was terrifying," he says with wide eyes. "I've never experienced that type of fear before. She looked like she wanted to eat me."
I laughed so hard, tears begin to roll down my face. I have to agree with him, she really did. She was the predator and he was the prey.
He stands abruptly. "Where are you going?" I chuck.
"I'm going to thank, Wren."
"Thank, her for what?"
He reaches the door and opens it. "For being the beautiful goddess, that she is," he tells me and enters the house.
All these females are going to give him a heart attack. I lean back on the swing. The remainder of the kids are still playing dodgeball. After watching them for a little while, I realized something. Draven never did get to finish telling me what he wanted to say. It seemed important. Hopefully we get the chance to talk later.
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