Chapter 22
I woke up to an empty bed this morning. At first I thought him being here at all was just a dream. That everything that had happened in the last sixteen hours was a figment of my imagination. That was until I rolled over. On his pillow, was the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers I have ever seen, and with them was a note.
'Reese and I went for a run this morning, and came across these flowers. They reminded me of you, so I had to pick them. You should have seen all the looks I was getting on our way back. It was worth it. There's a vase already, ready for them in the kitchen. We will be back soon, love.'
After reading that note, memories of last night came flooding back in my mind. The way he kissed and touched my body was incredible. For the first time in my life, I felt wanted.
The oven timer goes off, letting me know that the breakfast casserole was done. I grab my oven mitts and pull the dish from the oven and place it on the counter to cool. This was the only thing I could think of, that would feed an army without causing a huge mess.
I counted out equal amounts of plates, cups and silverware, and began setting the table. I have hosted tons of sleepovers over the years and have learned to never wake children up for breakfast unless the breakfast is already made. It only took one time for me to learn that lesson.
After I was done, I finished what was left of my coffee and make my way up the steps. Since Grayson is the easiest to wake, I head to his room first. I open his door and turn on his light. All three boys are fast to sleep on the bed. Grayson's lays in the center of the bed, with his head towards the headboard, while both his friends have their heads placed at the foot of the bed.
I approach the bed and give him a gentle shake. His eyes open slowly. He shields his eyes from the light. When they finally adjust, they land on me.
I run my fingers through his messy hair, "Time to get up," I whisper. "I made breakfast."
He stretches and sniffs the air and smiles. "Did you make breakfast casserole?" He loves him some breakfast casserole, that's for sure.
I chuckle, "You know it. Now, wake up your friends." From the painful groans I heard, Grayon most likely jumped on them in order to wake them up. I call that, 'The Grayson wake up call.'
Ever since he was a child, he has had this fascination with jumping on people in order to wake them up. It was cute at first, but as he got older, it became more painful. I always thought he would grow out of it the older he got, but I was wrong.
Oakley isn't a morning person and always gives me trouble in the morning's. Waking her up for school is a nightmare itself.
I slowly open the door and peak my head in. There are bodies spread out everywhere. Even in front of the door. I push it open a little further and squeeze my body through the small opening. The door presses into my ribs and I hunch over in pain.
Tears rim my eyes. I take a few short deep breaths to push the pain away. I straighten myself and turn on the light. Oakley lays comfortably on her bed. Alone.
I carefully make my way through the bodies on the floor, making sure not to step on any of them. Thankfully they were spread out far enough for me to safely place my feet. I take a seat on Oakley's bed and give her a gentle shake. She groans and pulls the covers over her head.
"Oakley, it's time to wake up." I whisper softy.
She growls and pulls the cover from her face. Her hair is a mess and spread out on her pillow. Her hazel eyes narrow on me.
"What?" She snaps.
"It's time to wake up. Breakfast is ready and it's getting cold." I stand from the bed. "Now, get up and wake up your friends." I don't need to be looking at her to know she is glaring at me.
I bend over and shake the body in front of the door. There is no way I'm squeezing through there again. Ciara pulls her sleeping bag away from her face and stretches.
"Morning," she yawns.
"Good morning," I smile. "I need to open the door." She looks around the room. When it dawned on her that she was blocking the door, she wiggled herself out of her sleeping bag and stands up.
"Breakfast is ready. Could you help Oakley wake the girls?" She nods her head and begins to wake them. Oakley grumpily flings her covers from her body, mumbling something under her breath and helps Ciara.
When I make it back down stairs. Grayson and his friends are already seated at the kitchen table. Taking amongst themselves.
"Good morning," I chirp. They all greet me back sweetly.
I grab two cartons of orange juice from the fridge and begin filling the glasses. Loud footsteps can be heard as the girls make their way down the steps. They all greet me and take their seats at the table. Except for Oakley, who still has attitude. I ignore her behavior and serve the kids their food.
They immediately dig into their food. All you can hear is the clanking of silverware against their plates as they devour their food. That's always a good sign.
After making myself another cup of coffee, I make my way out on to the porch and take a seat on the porch swing. I pull out my phone and look at the time. It's eleven-thirty.
While my phone was out, I sift through my emails. A reminder pops up on the screen, reminding me that Reese has a meeting this afternoon. Hopefully he makes it back in time. I really hate canceling his meetings at the last minute.
I sit my phone next to me on the swing and take a drink of my coffee. My mind wanders back back to last night. The way he took control of my body has my emotions all over the place. He tortured me to the point of tears. It hurt so good.
My breath hitches. I can feel the heat between my legs begin to rise. Just the thought of it turns me on.
"What are you thinking about?" A deep voice asks. I jump and turn my attention towards the voice. A very sexy looking Draven, stands at the top of the steps. He smiles from ear to ear, showing off his incredible dimples. His dark hair is tousled giving him a bad boy look and I just want to run my fingers through it.
My eyes roam from his face and down his body. The plain white T-shirt he is wearing, hugs his chest just right, showing off his perfectly scalped pecks. The sight makes my mouth water. Draven leans on the post at the top of the steps and crosses his arms. I force myself to stop checking him out and revert my eyes back to his face.
His beautiful sapphire eyes stare dangerously into mine, "What was you thinking about?" He asks again. I can feel the heat rise from my neck to my face.
"N-nothing," I stutter, hoping he doesn't press me any further. But something tells me he's going too.
"Nothing huh? Do you always blush at nothing?" He chuckles. I don't bother to answer and turn my attention to the coffee cup in my hand. He knows exactly what I was thinking about.
I can hear his heavy footsteps crossing the porch. He positioned himself directly in front of me. His bulging zipper is in my direct line of vision.
I tear my eyes away and force them to make the long trip up his beautiful body. My eyes connect with his. The intensity behind those eyes, causes my body to quiver.
He cocks his head to the side, "I thought I told you last night, that I don't like being ignored?" My heart begins to pound wildly in my chest. What is he going to do?
He extends his hand out for me to take and I do so without hesitation. He pulls me gently towards him, so that my body is pressed against his. His arms lock behind my back holding me in place. My hand rests comfortably on his chest. His heart beat matches mine.
"Looks like someone didn't learn her lesson," he whispers. I blush and turn my gaze to my hand on his chest.
He smirks, "Looks like your going to have to sit through another lesson." I let out a shaky breath. The thought of him exploring my body like he did last night has my body on fire. I unconsciously push myself against him.
He chuckles mischievously. The hairs on my neck stand at attention. It's amazing how my body reacts to him. I close my eyes, as his fingers travel up my spin. His lips brush against mine and I moan.
When he reaches the base of my neck, he grips it tightly, but not too tight, holding my head steady. He has complete control over me. His soft lips follow my jaw bone up to my ear and back down to my lips. I can feel the pull between my legs.
He weaves his fingers through my hair and gently pulls my head back, exposing my neck. He kisses the base of my neck and my knees buckle.
"Don't ignore me again," he whispers. "It will only bring you pain." My eyes snap open. He releases his hold around me and takes a step back.
My breathing is heavy and my heart is beating wildly in my chest. He better not do what I think his going to do. "Draven," I warn. "You're not leaving me like this."
The pleasing look on his face makes me want to smack it off. He walks backwards toward the door and opens it. Without saying another word, he winks and enters the house.
I take a seat on the porch swing, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened. The fire between my legs is nowhere near ready to burn out. I shift uncomfortably. The need for release hurts so bad.
All the kids burst out of the house, causing me to yelp in surprise. They race towards the swimming pool at full speed. I watch as they jump in one by one.
I cross my legs and lean back, trying to relieve the presser. Sadly it only made it worse. This is going to be a long day.
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