Chapter 10
I wake up to the smell of food cooking. I pick up my phone and look at the time, 8:32 AM. I stretch my body out before climbing out of bed. Throwing on a pair of shorts, I follow the aroma of food. What ever it is, it smells good.
A smile spreads across my face when I enter the kitchen and see Wren dancing around with headphones in while she cooks. The best part is she is still wearing my shirt. I watch as she sways her hips effortlessly to the music. You can tell she was born to dance. I walked further into the kitchen and lean against the refrigerator, waiting for her to take notice.
This girl is something else. I have been standing here for a few minutes now and she hasn't noticed me yet. It's not every day I get to wake up to a beautiful woman dancing around in my kitchen wearing nothing but my shirt, so I'm not complaining.
I laugh warmly at the sight. Lucky for me she can't hear me.
I push myself off the refrigerator when she begins to moonwalk blindly in my direction, placing myself directly in her path. I watch as she closes the distance between us. Right before she reaches me, she spins around slamming the front of her body into mine, knocking me off balance. I instinctively wrap my arms around her, taking her to the floor with me. I land hard on my back with her on top of me.
"I'm definitely going to feel that later." I groan. I wasn't expecting her to slam into me that hard.
She slowly lifts her head up from my chest. Her eyes widen, "Oh my god! Are you okay?" She pulls her headphones out of her ears.
"I am so sorry!"
She begins to push herself off me. I'm not sure what made me do it but, I locked my arms around her waist pulling her body back against mine and holding her in place. She gives me a questioning look, but says nothing. She blushes lightly when I gently push a small portion of hair behind her ear. My finger grazes her cheek and she lets out a shaky breath. I can feel my heart rate rapidly increase.
Her eyes flicker from mine to my lips and back to my eyes. I can't take this shit anymore. She yelps in surprise when I roll her over so that she is pinned under me. Her heavy breathing matches mine. She has no idea what she is doing to me.
Her breath hitches as I begin to lean in. My lips connect with hers and all the hair on my body stands up. I slowly slide my tongue across her lips and to my surprise she grants me access. When our tongues met it was like waves crashing down over me.
I am completely under her spell right now. Her arms wrap around my neck as our kiss deepens. She tastes so good.
I slowly run my hand up the outside of her thigh, following the trail of goosebumps. She moans in my mouth, sending chills up my spine. I press my hard member against her warm core and she moans again.
I know If I don't stop now I'm going to take her right here. I break the kiss and lay my head gently on hers and stare into her beautiful chocolate eyes. She stares back at me as both of us struggle to catch our breath. That was the most intense kiss I have ever experienced.
"What's going on?" Reese's voice echo's through the kitchen.
I quickly push myself off her and pull us both up from the floor. Wren, clears her throat and pulls her shirt down so that nothing is showing. She turns her attention back to cooking. After a few moments she shuts off the stove and nervously searches through the cupboards, looking for something.
Reese watches her every movement. Wren finally finds what she is looking for and sets the table, avoiding Reese at all cost.
"For a moment there I thought I was about to experience a live porno," Reese says, causing Wren to blush and shift uncomfortably. Wren excuses herself and walks out of the kitchen. Normally I wouldn't care but, I couldn't help but wonder if she regrets what just happened.
I feel eyes on me and slowly turn my attention to Reese. Sure enough he is staring hard at me.
Reese pulls out a chair and takes a seat at the table. "You know what," he states firmly and leans back in his chair, crosses his arms. I roll my eyes and take a seat across from him. After a few seconds of silence, Reese places his elbows on the table and leans in with a serious look on his face.
Why am I getting the impression he is trying to intimidate me? I copy his movements and stare back at him attentively, waiting for him to talk.
"I have told you before that she is very special to me, Draven," he says in a hard tone. I remember the conversation in the car after meeting Wren like it was yesterday. He looks over his shoulder before leaning in further. "Do you remember the favor I asked you?"
I give him a duh look. Of course I remember. He asked me not to hurt her and I haven't. So I don't see why we are having this conversation.
"Yes, I remember."
He nods his head slowly and sighs in frustration. " Wren isn't one of your play things and I'll be damned if I sit back and watch you use her like one."
His eyes stare hard into mine. He thinks I'm going to hurt her.
Before I can even react, Wren enters the kitchen. She puts her head down and walks past us without saying a word. We both watch as she approaches the oven opening it, pulling out a pan and placing it on the counter. She then turns her attention to the pan on the stove and removes the bacon and places it on a paper towel to soak up the grease. She crushes up the bacon and sprinkles it over the contents of the pan and places it back in the oven.
She walks to the refrigerator and pulls out the orange juice. She then fills three cups with juice and throws the empty carton away. I guess I have to buy more orange juice later.
She carefully carries all three cups in her hands and places them one by one in front of us before returning to the stove.
Reese and I look at each other. I raise my eyebrow up at him and he shrugs his shoulders. Wren opens the oven and pulls the pan out placing it back on the counter. What the heck did she cook?
Wren shoves a large spoon in the pan and carries it back to the table setting the pan next to me. What ever it is it smells delicious.
Wren scoops a large portion of the contents from the pan and places it on the plate in front of me. I look down at the food on the plate and then to Reese.
"It's called a breakfast casserole," she tells me as she walks around the table and places the same amount on Reese's plate before serving herself. She takes a seat next to Reese and looks at me briefly. Reese is the first to take a bite of the food. He moans and looks to Wren.
"It's delicious, as always."
Wren smiles and looks to me. I guess its my turn. I pick up my fork and gather some of the casserole and place it in my mouth. My eyes spring to Wren who is watching me closely.
Reese was right its delicious.
"It tastes amazing."
She smiles wide at me and digs into her own food. The rest of breakfast was spent in silence as we were all to busy eating too talk. Reese and I thank, Wren for breakfast when we were finished.
Reese stands up rubbing his stomach, "I'm going to take a shower."
Wren walks around the table collecting some of the dishes and placing them in the sink. I grab what dishes were left on the table and place them in the sink as well.
She smiles up at me and continues washing. I can tell she is trying her hardest to ignore me and I don't like it. She finishes with the dishes and quickly puts them away. She smiles at me once more and exits the kitchen in a rush.
I follow her down the hall. She glances over her shoulder at me and picks up her pace. Just as she is about to pass the door to my bedroom I grab her by her arm and pull her into my bedroom. I close the door quickly and push her up against it, pinning her between my body and the door. I want to know, no, I need to know if she's going to continue to act like nothing happened or not.
I lean in, brushing my mouth against her ear.
"Are you going to talk to me about what happened earlier or are you going to continue to ignore me?" I whisper.
Her body trembles under mine. I keep my mouth close to her ear. She clears her throat and turns her head slightly towards me. I can feel her hot breath on my neck and ear.
"There isn't anything to talk about," she whispers back in my ear, her voice is shaky, sending waves through my body.
I didn't even try to stop the loud groan that left my mouth. I want her to hear it, to know exactly how she affects me.
"We have so much to talk about," I tell her seductively, placing butterfly kisses up and down her neck over and over again.
Her breathing becomes heavier with each kiss. I have never and I mean never encountered a woman who has affected me like this, not even my ex Jen, had this affect on me.
She lets out a shaky sigh, "I don't want to be one of your play things." I cringe at her comment. I definitely didn't expect to hear those words leave her mouth.
Reese has probably told her my entire life story so there is no point in trying to lie. I pull back slightly so we are face to face. She stares back at me with kind eyes.
"Everything Reese has told you about me is true. But I swear you're not one of my play things."
A knock at the door causes her to jump but I don't move. "Is everything ok in there?" Reese asks from the other side of the door.
His question makes it sound like I'm going to harm her or something and I don't like it.
"Everything is fine, we're talking," I tell him through gritted teeth. Wren looks at me and places her hand on my chest. Her touch having an instant calming effect.
"Sorry brother, but I need to hear it from Wren," he states through the door. I look at her waiting for her answer.
"Wren?" Reese says demandingly, causing her to jump a little. She looks at me and swallows hard.
"I'm okay Reese, we're only talking," she reassures him.
"If you're sure, I'm going to go to the store and buy us some clothes." He tells her.
She glances at me and sighs. "I'm sure," she reassures Reese. He says nothing as he walks down the hall. Moments later I hear the front door shut.
"Finally," I mumble and turn my attention back to her. "Now where were we?"
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