Chapter 1
The constant vibration of my phone on my nightstand wakes me. The clock reads two in the morning. Who in their right mind would be calling at this hour? Without looking, I answer.
"All I have to say is, you better be dying."
One thing you don't do is interrupt my sleep. I hear the mischievous laugh of a male through the phone. I'm so glad that waking me from my sleep is fucking hilarious. My annoyance grew quickly.
"Now is that any way to talk to your best friend?" I should have known it was him.
"I don't have a best friend anymore!"
I hang up the phone, turn it off, and place it back on the nightstand. He knows better than to fuck with my sleep. What the hell is wrong with him?
After about five minutes of tossing and turning, I'm finally comfortable. I snuggle into my soft, fluffy pillow, waiting for sleep to consume me. Just as I'm about to drift off, my front door slams shut. I snap my eyes open and listen closely. A loud 'thud' was heard, followed by a slew of curse words. I can't help but let out a laugh.
"Bitch, I hear you in there laughing!"
He turns on the hallway light and makes his way loudly down the hall towards my room.
My bedroom door bursts open and slams off the wall. The light from the hall blinds me, and a large, black silhouette of a man stands in the doorway. I let out a squeal, pulling the covers over my head.
He laughs wickedly. "Oh, no, you don't," is all I hear before he grabs me by the ankles and yanks me out of bed. I land hard on the floor.
"Ouch, you asshole, what the hell was that for?" That shit really hurt.
He crosses his arms and stares down at me. "That's what you get for hanging up on me!"
I growl as I push myself up from the floor. "There are better ways to get someone out of bed." I grit.
"Well, I called you, and hung up on me, so I went with option two!" He tells me, holding back a grin.
I roll my eyes. He's always doing shit like this to me. I push past him and make my way down the stairs and towards the living room.
"What do you want, Reese?"
Reese is my best friend and boss. He has helped me in more ways than I could ever repay him. I am forever in his debt. If it wasn't for him, I would probably be dead by now.
"Can't a guy come visit his best friend?" He jokes.
Is he serious? I stop and face him. "Not at two in the morning!" I shout, throwing my arms in the air.
"Well in this relationship," he points between us, "any time is a good time." I want nothing more than to strangle the life out of him right now. If he says one more stupid word, I just might. I plop down in the recliner as Reese sits comfortably on the couch. I stare at him, waiting for him to talk but, he doesn't.
This is concerning to me. This is not Reese at all. The Reese, I know never shuts up.
"Reese, what's wrong?" He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "Oh my god, Reese, what is wrong?" I spring from the chair and take a seat next to him. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He returns the hug instantly, placing his cheek on my head.
He lets out a long sigh before speaking."Sarah has been cheating on me for the last month," he says softly as his fingers play with the ends of my long brown hair.
"What?" I pull my head back so I can see him fully. I've never seen him emotional like this and it's breaking my heart.
I know he really cared for her. All he talked about was Sarah. Hell, after a few months of it, I started to feel like I was dating her too. That's how much he talked about her. Unfortunately, she didn't like me very much. She was a little jealous of my and Reese's relationship.
She said our relationship isn't that of friends but more like a couple. To be honest, most people think that about Reese and me when they see us together. We do show a lot of affection towards each other not only in private but in public as well. So I guess I can see why. But everything between us is completely innocent. Well, sort of.
I am very protective of Reese when it comes to his heart as he is with me. And to make this situation worse, I'm the one who introduced them.
Sarah and a group of her friends approached me after one of Reese's fights and wanted to take pictures with him. I ended up talking with her for a while and took a liking to her. So I talked Reese, into asking her out. They hit it off immediately and began dating a few weeks later. She seemed so sweet and innocent back then.
"I'm so sorry, Reese," I apologize sincerely to him, placing my head back on his chest. I hope he can forgive me. His heart was pounding so hard that, for a moment, I thought it was going to burst out of his chest.
He sighs, "Don't apologize, Sugar," he kisses the top of my head. "I'll be ok, I promise." He says as he squeezes the air out of my lungs like a python would its prey. I groan as I feel the bones in my back pop. His body shakes as he lets out a soft chuckle.
I'll suffer through anything just to hear his laugh right now. He releases his hold on me, allowing me to suck in a much-needed breath.
"How did you find out?" I ask softly, settling back into the couch beside him and resting my head on his shoulder. He leans his head back on the couch staring up at the ceiling and sighs loudly.
"I was out and about and figured I would swing by her place and surprise her. When I approached the house, I heard loud music playing and I knew she wouldn't hear me knock, so I used the key she gave me and walked in." He tells me.
He lifts his head up from the couch, looks down at his lap, and begins to fiddle with his fingers. I quickly grab his hand, weaving my fingers through his, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He returns the gesture and continues.
This really has him all fucked up.
"She was fucking her ex on the couch I helped pick out," he rushes out. I'm shocked, I would have never pictured Sarah as that type of girl. My heart breaks for him more. He never dates and this is one of the reasons why.
I observe him closely, as he sits quietly. His body language is normally relaxed, but right now he is tense, too tense.
"Reese, you didn't do anything stupid, did you?" I question him curiously, breaking the silence. He glances at me.
My eyes widen, "Oh Reese, you didn't," I say slightly panicked.
Reese laughs, "He isn't dead if that's what you're worried about," he reassures me. "As much as I wanted to kill him, I didn't," he sighs. Well, that's a relief.
Reese can go from being a kind, loving, gentle giant to a wrecking ball in sixty seconds or less. And if my suspicions are correct, he didn't leave Sarah's without making a statement. I glance down at his busted knuckles. How did I not notice them before?
"You better hope he doesn't press charges, "I tell him, getting up and walking to the kitchen. I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, grabbed the first aid kit from the cupboard, and headed back to the living room.
Men and their hormones. He is lucky he's my best friend and that I love him dearly. I take a seat next to him and begin cleaning the wounds on his knuckles. He must have done some damage if they look like this.
"Ouch, that stings," he whines. "What is that?"
"Calm down," I blow on his knuckles, "it's only peroxide. Stop being such a baby."
He laughs loudly shaking his head. I finish up and hand him the ice pack. We sit silently for a little while.
I start to feel exhaustion creep up on me and stand up giving myself a nice stretch, "How bout we go to bed, hmm?" I extend my hand out to him to take.
Without hesitation, he takes it and follows me down the hall towards my room. Reese shuts the door, quickly strips down to his boxers, and climbs into bed.
"Must you sleep in your boxers?" I ask climbing in beside him. I really don't care. I'm just trying to cheer him up.
He laughs loudly, shaking the bed. " I could always sleep naked, Wren," he teases.
"No, I'm good!" I quickly rush out. The fucker would sleep naked just to prove a point. It wouldn't be the first time I have seen him naked though, and it most likely won't be the last.
He laughs harder, throwing his arm over my waist, and whispers, "You know you like seeing my sexy body." He then pulls me towards him so that my back is up against his chest.
I roll my eyes. I do have to admit, he does have a sexy body.
I smile and shake my head, " You do have a sexy body," I tell him truthfully, pushing my backside closer to him.
"Don't do that," he hisses and adjusts himself. He then grabs an extra pillow and puts it between us.
"God you're such a fucking tease," he groans.
I'm really not.
"Only when it comes to you," I giggle. It's true, he's the only man who has been this close to me in over a year.
"Hey, Wren?" Reese's voice calls out softly.
"Yeah?" I yawn.
"Thanks for being a good friend, it really means a lot and I'm sorry for waking you," he tells me snuggling closer. I smile. He can be so sweet when he wants to be.
"Like you said Reese, in this relationship any time is a good time," I tell him before closing my eyes.
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