Chapter 5
Lucy Pov:
In the morning I got woken up by my alarm and the moment I was up, I heard voices from downstairs. I got into my shower and then got dressed in a black bralet, a blue-black flannel, some black ripped jeans, and my black Vans. Just as I styled my hair, the other door opened and my girlfriend came in.
"Hey babyy, Anna is here already and damnn look at you, looking all sexy and way too attractive to just go to school. But sadly the car belongs to Avery which means she will let me sit in the back with Anna and won't let me drive alone in her car." She pouted and I gave her a kiss. "I'm sure you can make up for it during lunch break today. I also need to finish getting ready or else we'll be late." I kissed her for the last time, got back to my room to pack all of my things and went downstairs to see Ag and Anna hugging without letting go.
I went to the kitchen to get a granola bar and went to meet up with the three other girls in this house. Of course Anna had to say something. "Oh look who didn't come punctually. Well, anyway let's go babes." She threw her hair back, holding Ags hand and going to the car. I rolled my eyes at her and Avery tried to smile at me while taking my bag and following Anna and her sister to the car.
It was quiet in the car until Anna started talking. "Isn't this great? Couple in the back, couple in the front. How it is supposed to be in the movies." I glared at her. She didn't want to mess with me. I am an Italian gay girl. I have much more power than her. Gladly Avery said something.
"Just to remind you dumb bitch, my sister is dating Lucy and not you. Ag didn't deserve you but she deserves Lucy and she also deserves someone like Ag, someone who will treat her right and won't cheat." I smiled at Avery, thanking her silently and then Ag exploded.
"What the fuck Anna, I am not gonna be with you ever again. Yes, I forgave you but I would never leave Lucy for anyone, especially someone like you who cheats on their girlfriend with a guy they've known for ten minutes. Because even if we were to break up one day, we would see each other every day till one of us moves out. So get the fuck over it and grow up Anna Shumate." My significant other immediately smiled at me as I looked back. "And I can't wait to get married next year. Like I actually wanna marry you while getting a second loving mum. I want to be surrounded by people I love while marrying the girl of my dreams."
I definitely didn't tear up at her little speech about marrying me so soon. Okay, maybe a little but not more. Fineeee, okayyyyy? I cried a lot and everyone looked at me weirdly. My baby looked also hurt and I immediately knew she took it the wrong way. I took her cheek in my hand while drying her tears with my fingers. "Baby, I cried because I love you. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Because I can't imagine living without you ever again. I mean it. I don't plan a future without you as it is pointless to have a future missing the reason I get up everyday knowing it will be a good day, just because you make it good. Whether I'm having a good or shitty day, you will always make me happier than the last day." She look so relieved and I was very happy. I gave her a forehead kiss and took her hand in mine.
At school, we ran to our first class which was maths. Just as we sat down, the bell rang and class started. "Good morning students, today we are doing something that doesn't involve maths but is important for our society. Find a passion of yours and hold a speech about it. The time is ticking. Twenty minutes and then you all will say something. You students need to use your brains and be ready to present us the speech."
He gave us time and I sure didn't know what to say. I am very passionate of a lot of things like kissing my girlfriend, talking gossip with my mum and spending time with my family. Suddenly an idea popped up in my head and I knew what could impress him. I looked to my left and saw my significant other working really hard on her speech. She looked really cute, all focused on her sheet and biting on her pen, knowing she tried to remember something of her past as she always does it.
„Listen up students, please present your speeches. Lucy McQuaine, please start." I nodded, stood up and walked to my teacher. I was so nervous that I was shaking a little bit and looked at the class. I saw Ag and immediately felt better as she and the rest of our friends cheered me up.
„Dear professor, dear colleagues and students. I am very passionate about my sexuality, my gender and my life choices. I am here to protect the people I love and to give my future children a home on earth where they feel safe and sound. I want to provide a safe place for my wife alias Mary Annagrace McDaniel, my mums, my best friends who will be the aunts of our children and vice versa. I am standing here as a white, gay, cis-female woman to present you that the world has to change in order to have peace, freedom and equality on this planet. This is my passion; fixing events, speeches, votings, people and opinions who don't belong in this society. So I try to change everything a white, male, heterosexual man made us suffer from. I try not to offend men but as I stand here, at least three females in this room alone were either raped, sexually assaulted, abused mentally/ emotionally or bullied because for example we were feeling confident wearing a revealing top by MEN. I always wonder, why lesbians don't rape because we love women just as much and at least we can satisfy our beautiful girlfriends unless most men. But back to my wondering question. Here is the answer. Because we know better, we know the pain and the struggle to be normal when these things happen to us all the time. We are constantly challenged by society of being normal, being skinny, having boobs, an ass, a pretty face, much money, knowledge but not too much, wearing makeup but having clear skin and having a past but not speaking up for myself. It is not the outfits we need to change, change in men's behaviour is needed and nothing else. No lesbian will go up to a straight girl and say 'Hey, you want a threesome with me and my girlfriend?'. Exactly, we don't force ourselves onto people we either don't know anything about or people who are allies or just people trying to go on with life. I am one of those three females, I can't go somewhere alone because I would be too scared to have any contact with a male person. I don't hate men because I am not attracted to them but especially white, cis, heterosexual men make me feel scared of everything. I will not say kill all men because those gay, feminine, cute men or just really bisexual men are nothing like this. I know this sounds like a stereotype but growing up in Italy, I had not one but three sexual harassments and tons of men trying to get me. Every man was white, cis-gendered and heterosexual. How could I not be scared of this type of man when all these things only happened with them? No gay man would ever think of doing this because someone is hot. So I ask you now, where do you stand and who do you fight for when it comes to good or bad?"
By the time I ended this speech, I looked up and met my girlfriend's eyes. She was crying and I wasn't able to get to her as I was stuck next to my teacher. I looked at Mia and she got my message to comfort my baby. She might top me in the bedroom but she's a big softie everywhere else especially when it comes to subjects like these.
"This was very good, Ms McQuaine. I adore your way of being protective over the world and that you want to change the world. However I didn't expect for you to actually do this good in the presentation. Well done, next out is Annagrace McDaniel."
I sat down quickly and took Ags hands in mine while looking into her eyes. "Baby, I know this made you emotional but you have to stay strong now, okay? You have an amazingly prepared speech that you will now present to me. Keep looking at me whenever you feel like you can't talk in front of others. Close your eyes for a moment, then you open them and focus on me and only me. Your anxiety is valid and a part of your personality but it shouldn't keep you from doing what you're passionate about. This is one of few opportunities to tell them what you are passionate about and what you want instead of always pleasing everyone around you, baby. You can do this, I love you and I will always support you, no matter how messed up everything is, you will have my support in everything but killing Donald Trump as he deserves to die in a more tragic way like having a slow and painful death after saying gay marriage is illegal now. I am your biggest number 1 fan, supporter or just your bottom you need to boss around sometimes and I am proud of you as is everyone else in here."
She kissed me softly and afterwards hugged me for a long time, silently thanking me for saying all those words to her. "I don't deserve you, Lucy Maria Lucia Rigliotti McQuaine. Ti amo mamas." She kissed my forehead, stood up and walked forward slowly while focusing on the present events. She positioned herself in a pose she was comfortable in and began to talk.
"Hello, my name is Annagrace McDaniel, I am known as Ag McDaniel 22 or Banannagrace on all my social medias and my passion is my love for a community that saved me from a darkness I couldn't escape and handed me a group of people I now can call my family.
Growing up I had problems identifying myself as I never really had a dad in my life and my mum tried everything she could to make me happy. To this day she treats everyone that loves me as her own child and never gives her hopes up when one of us is feeling a bit under the weather really. So I guess caring for everyone is a trait I picked up from her and I want to continue doing it so I can pass it on to my babies.
I also am very passionate about presenting my community. I don't care what your sexuality or pronouns are. If you can't respect my relationship with a woman and me dressing more masculine, then I don't want it. Got the Tiktok reference? Please? Anyone? Thank you. Okay so I don't care who you are, do not disrespect peoples opinions and wishes. If they want to be called they/them then use they/them without disrespecting them. Misgendering someone on accident is okay, we are humans who make mistakes and we should forgive them.
The LGBTQ+ Community made it possible for me to find friends with the same interests, hobbys, passions and rights. As long as I stand here, alive, I will fight for all of my human rights like marrying my girlfriend in the near future and adopting kids with her and not with Kevin who gets drunk and cheats on me. I often don't get why girls even date guys. Most of the majority cheats, drinks too much, is an addict or a preditor. The rest are just assholes. Why waste my beautiful life with a man who I don't have any feelings for but regret and not just date a beautiful girl I can kiss when I wake up and who will cuddle me when I feel down. A girl who stays home from work if I'm ill because she wants to take care of me.
Thank you for listening what my passion is and the last thing I want to say is: Is a little support and help too much to ask when you can easily just respect someone's pronouns and sexualities and even maybe their genderidentity? Thank you."
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