Chapter 4 "I will be here even if she breaks your heart"
Lucy's Pov:
We just stared at them. What the fuck was going on? Ag held my hand and she held Avery's hand. We were so not ready for what came next.
"Sit down girls, I know this news will shock you all but I really hope we can work it out. So, my babies, Lucy, I met this beautiful woman at work today and we instantly clicked. We both just worked and we had a long talk. I asked her out but she wouldn't say yes unless our girls say yes because we want to have your approval as this is also about you. I hope, Lucy, that the two of us will also bond if u allow me to take your mum on a date."
Everyone looked at me, I was shocked but not as surprised as Ag and Avery. I stood up and hugged her. "I can't wait to have you here. I really love the idea of us being a family. I know it's just a date but we all know that you will get married by the end of this year. It is a lesbian rule that is in our blood. But I would love to spend a lot of my free time with you. This is sooo excitinggg."
Everyone laughed at me except their mum. "Please never call me Mrs McDaniel because that would be weird but I don't expect you to call me mum. This would be way too much but maybe one-" "I would love that, mum." I kissed her cheek while cuddling her and I smiled at all of them. "I want us to be a family, a happy one who doesn't care about opinions of others." Soon we all had one big hug.
"Sooo I call her mum, Ag mamas and I want to call you momma if that's okay." Avery bursted out laughing so loud, I wasn't sure if she was alive afterwards because of how much she laughed. Ag just smirked at me and our mums looked at us weirdly. "One rule, don't talk about your sex life with us if you don't need help." I looked at them. "But mamas is such a cute name, I love calling her that." Ag kissed my cheek. "I love u, mamas. You are just too cute for this world. Also why don't you move in with us. We have a few rooms we do not use currently and we could all spend more time together."
Our mums smiled at us. "But you two don't share a room. And not because of a pregnancy obviously but because I want both of you to focus. You can have as many sleepovers as you want as long as you do your work. I don't even care what you do in the room as long as your grades are as good as you can. I do not pressure you if your mental health is involved. But this also counts for you Lucy, if your mental health makes you being unable to do work, you tell us and we talk with the school, take you out for a month or how long you need and then you can go back to school."
I smiled so bright that my mouth hurt and I hugged them. "I am kinda hungry, can we go and make a picnic? I want us all to spend some time together. Food and drinks in a park at night." Everyone agreed, so we went to Dunkins, Starbucks, McDonalds and KFC to get some food for all of us and then we headed "straight" to the park where we ate until Ag got a call. She left us and came back looking very frustrated.
I looked at her and took her hand. "What is up?" She smiled at me, gave me a forehead kiss and sat back down. "Anna is coming, she is an old friend of mine." Our mums smiled but Avery stood up and looked kinda angry. "She will not stay with us, Ag. She damaged us and risked so much. Are you sure you want Lucy to meet the dragon? You know what, I don't even care. I just won't pick up the pieces when she leaves and breaks you, Annagrace."
After Avery's little speech, we all decided it was time to get home. It was the last night at our house as we moved the other day already which is a free school day.
Timeskipppp brought to you by Ags flawless face and Zimba
Putting my last box in my walk in closet, I decided to get some sleep early, so I would be able to get up early the next day for school. Suddenly someone knocked at my door. I stood up and opened it. "Hey Avery, what's up?" She looked really serious. Probably because she was still mad that one of Ags friends were coming.
"Look Lucy, Anna is Ags ex, the one who broke her the hardest. She broke up with her after Ag found her cheating in her bed with a guy. Ag thought Anna was just making one mistake and the next day she broke up with my sister. I know you are different but that is the reason I told her all this last night. I hope you understand, goodnight cutie." She kissed my cheek and left me wondering what went down when Anna broke up with her.
I decided to wait till the next day when she was supposed to be here. I now definitely needed some well deserved sleep. I just hope my baby is okay. I quickly texted Ag:
gn mamas, i luv u muchly
gn bby, ily2 x see u tmr
I turned the lights off and quickly sleep fell over me and gave me a wonderful dream where I was happy, living with Ag and our children and all our friends with their families. Maybe it could all work out some day.
sorry for the late update again but this week and last week was just so much and on Monday I start with school and I will try to update in September again. Love you all so so much and thank you to everyone who supports and reads my story. You make my day
Goodnight, your favourite lesbians (probably not but I love to pretend)
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