The Website
As the car rumbled down the road, Namjoon retreated into himself.
His brain had gone into survival mode, blocking out every other thing. He didn't even feel the fear anymore.
There was one thing Namjoon understood better than anything else in the world, and that was getting what he wanted.
And he wanted to survive the night.
These men were strong and dangerous, but they were also just men.
And men were easily swayed. Especially when they started thinking with their dicks instead of their brains.
When Namjoon thought back, he recalled many moments where these men had sexualized and objectified him. They found him attractive. They wanted him to entertain them.
And through their weakness, Namjoon saw his way out.
"What are you smiling at?" Jax raised an eyebrow as he looked down at his captive.
The boy was gazing up at him, a lazy half smile on his face. One dimple was showing, and his hair was messily swept over his forehead. He looked cute.
"Nothing." The boy kept smiling, then turned away with a chuckle.
Jax felt a twinge of irritation at whatever inside joke the boy was thinking of. "You're not in a position to hold things back from us." He held up the blade as a warning. "What are you laughing at?"
The boy giggled. "You really wanna know?"
Jax lowered the knife to the boys face, hovering it just an inch away from the skin. "You can say it, or I can carve your tongue out."
"No need to showboat." The boy was suddenly scowling, his eyes narrowing in a cold glare. "If your fragile little ego wants to know so bad, I'm laughing at how fucking stupid you and your ugly high school drop out buddies all are."
"The fuck did he just say?" Baek demanded, leaning in closer.
"I said you're a putrid waste of life whose own mother can't even look at without gagging and thinking about killing herself for being responsible for bringing your deformed, egregious face into the light of the world." Namjoon stated, raising his voice slightly as if insinuating Baek was hard of hearing. "You're a useless, worthless, pointless, senseless clown. I wouldn't even spit my own vomit on you. Your life is so pathetic that insulting you is wasting my own time. You're a lackey for a motley crew of wannabe gangsters. The best thing you can say about yourself is that you're a weak little beta, always following around a stronger male. What do you even need me for? You can suck your leaders dick yourself."
"You stupid little fucking whore." Baek growled, his face red. "I'm going to fuck you to death for this."
"Calm down, B." Jax sounded amused as he pushed the enraged man back into his seat. He patted Namjoon's head, and the boy leaned into the touch, smirking at Baek.
"You fucking calm down!" Baek seethed. "You heard what he said about my mom!"
"So what?" Jax clearly felt he was better than his crew, demonstrated by the way he treated them.
"Yeah," Namjoon called. "So what, Baekie boy? You know, you should learn a thing or two from me. Subs know how to properly treat their superiors. Like me. I've been trained by the best. And you clearly don't respect your own leader." He shook his head, as if ashamed on the mans behalf.
Beak lunged at him, grabbing fistfuls of Namjoon's shirt with an angry growl.
"I said back off." Jax shoved the man back, and Keno quickly grabbed him, holding him back. "Calm down, jeez."
He looked down at Namjoon, who blinked up innocently at him, parting his lips just slightly.
"What's this training I hear?" Jax asked, and Namjoon knew he had him.
Namjoon shrugged, looking away. "Hmph. Not sure why I should even tell you. You guys have no idea the absolute treasure that I am."
"We know you're pretty popular in the sex scene." Keno said, still holding Baek.
Namjoon sniffed, as if offended. "That's the bare minimum. You have no idea how desired I am. How sought after, how priceless, how valued I really am. You haven't even seen my live streams." He glared at them. "You know how much money I make from those? My last one made over a hundred grand. Even doms would pay me for just five minutes of being alone in a room with me. Fucks sake."
"Aren't you hyping yourself up a little much there, babygirl?" Jax chuckled.
"He's not kidding." Wyatt sounded impressed as he pulled out his phone. He scrolled through the videos he had searched up and showed the screen to Jax while Baek scowled at Namjoon.
"Shit, man," Keno said. "He wasn't lying about the money, look at all those donations!"
Jax watched it, and Namjoon could feel the mans bulge grow in his pants.
Jax looked at the boy again. "So, babygirl thinks we're all idiots for not appreciating your bedroom talents?"
"I think you're all idiots for not realizing the opportunity you have here." Namjoon said with a scoff.
"Are we seriously listening to him?" Baek seethed. "Just shut him up, I'm tired of letting him talk."
"What opportunity?" Jax ignored him, never taking his eyes off Namjoon.
Namjoon laughed and turned his head away. "Why should I tell you? If you're too stupid to figure it out, and you're just going to kill me anyways, why should I bother?"
Baek pulled out his blade and flashed it at his neck again and Namjoon rolled his eyes at the repeated threat. "Oh come on now, put that little stick away. The knife too."
Keno snorted and from his seat up front, Wyatt grinned.
"Tell us." Jax encouraged, running his fingers through the boys hair. Clearly he was trying a different approach than his colleague.
Namjoon pretended to be swayed by the gentle touches, smiling and pushing his head into the mans hand like a pleased cat.
"Well, if you really can't figure it out for yourselves," he purred, relishing in the spoiled attention he was getting.
Baek was glaring bloody murder at him, but he was the only one.
"You boys have the most desired sub in the whole scene." Namjoon told them. "Literally laying on your laps. You have me all to yourselves. The benefits of that alone should have been obvious. My mouth, my ass, my hole, my fingers- come on boys, think." He sighed. "That's not even mentioning how much money I could be making you. I'm a literal cash cow. All you would have to do is record videos of me and you would be millionaires. You saw my successful stream, and that was just one of them. And instead of wanting to use me for pleasure and cash, you just want to kill me?" He rolled his eyes. "Stupid. An absolute waste of my body and talent."
This revelation startled the men, all of them falling silent as they thought about it.
"Oh come on!" Baek loudly interjected. "He's just saying this to save his ass! You really think he would obey us? Make videos for us? Come on, don't you idiots dare believe a word he says!"
"Spell erythematoedematous." Namjoon told him.
Baek blinked. "Wha- huh?"
"Spell erythematoedematous." Namjoon repeated, narrowing his gaze at him. "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, spell erythematoedematous."
"I- what that's got to do with anything?" Baek asked hotly.
"Be quiet, B." Jax said.
"But he-"
"You can't spell it, can you?"
Baek scowled. "Jax, man, come on! Remember what it said in his file? He's got a high IQ, we can't trust him. This is just some trick he's doing to save himself. I say we just gag him and stick to our plan."
"You should gag me," Namjoon agreed, surprising the man. "I look hot with my mouth stuffed." He grinned at Keno, who grinned back at the innuendo and looked eager to try it out.
"But then again," Namjoon sighed deeply, settling himself more comfortably over their laps. "If my mouth is occupied, I can't use it to show off the reason why I'm the most treasured and prized sub in the whole scene."
The fingers in his hair had stopped moving as Jax's arousal grew, and Namjoon tilted his head back slightly to look at him. "Keep going."
Immediately, the fingers started up again, and Namjoon he had won the leader over.
"Fucking shut him up!" Baek demanded, sensing he was being ostracized from the group and losing control of the situation.
"You shut up." Keno said. "You're just mad he insulted you."
"He has a point." Jax said, slowly stroking the boys hair as if he were the cartoon villain in a movie. "We could double- triple, even, our profits if we use him."
"That's what I've been saying." Namjoon shook his head.
"Baek has a point too." Jax said, tapping a finger against Namjoon's nose. "How do I know this isn't a plot to run away?"
Namjoon huffed. "Have you seen me struggle to get free of these ropes? Have I made a break for the doors? For shits sake, I haven't even tried to sit up."
"That doesn't mean anything." Baek crossed his arms like a child. "We can't trust him, guys. Don't you see what he's doing?"
Jax seemed to make up his mind. "Come on, babygirl." He grabbed Namjoon's bound arms and helped to raise him into a sitting position.
"Jax!" Baek gasped. "What the hell are you-"
"I wanna sit back there!" Wyatt exclaimed, still holding the phone up. "Baek, switch spots with me since you hate him so much. Someone else take over recording."
As they began to argue, Namjoon settled himself against Jax's body, letting the man wrap his arms around him.
He just hoped the leader wouldn't feel how fast and hard Namjoon's heart was beating.
When he looked up, he saw that even T was taking his eyes off the road periodically to glance at Namjoon in the rearview mirror.
"Alright, alright." Jax complained loudly, talking over the arguing. "T, pull over."
"Oh- what?!" Baek glared. "You can't seriously be believing this bullshit!"
"You're just pissy cuz he roasted your ass." Wyatt eagerly bounced in his seat as T slowed the car and steered it to the side of the dark road.
"He 'roasted my ass' to make me pissy." Baek whined, but no one was listening to him, even though he was right.
"B, you drive." Jax said when the car stopped. "T, you record. Wyatt, take Baek's spot."
Outraged, Baek protested loudly, but was quickly drowned out as the men eagerly switched their positions.
Wyatt flung open the door and practically yanked Baek out of the car, sliding in quickly to take his seat.
T silently slid into the passenger seat, twisting around to keep the gun and the phone aimed at Namjoon.
Namjoon looked away from him, trying to look uninterested at that fact. His heart was pounding, leaving a sick taste in his mouth from how terrified he was, but he couldn't show them any fear. He had to keep up his ruse of being a spoiled little slut.
Jax was still holding him tightly, more than a little possessively, and Keno had reached out and started running his hands along Namjoon's legs.
Namjoon scowled and yanked them away as best as he could in the cramped backseat. "Hey, one person at a time."
"You can multitask." Keno encouraged, reaching out again, his hands heading straight for Namjoon's dick.
"Did Picasso paint with multiple brushes at time?" Namjoon snapped, leaning back.
"Wait your turn." Jax shoved the man off.
The car started up as Baek glowered in the drivers seat, steering the car back onto the road. He shot death glares at Namjoon, who ignored him.
Turning his group members against him had been part one of Namjoon's plan to escape. Now that he had the others whipped for him and had taken away all of Baek's power, Namjoon only had to deal with the four remaining men.
His next phase was to solidify a connection with the leader, cementing a possessive bond that Jax wouldn't want to break. Once the leader refused to share Namjoon with the others, Namjoon would only have to deal with Jax.
And Jax wasn't the one with the gun.
He nuzzled his face into the mans neck, pressing a few lazy kisses here and there.
"I'm glad you were smart enough to see the opportunity I can give you, boss." Namjoon whispered in the mans ear, making him shiver. "I knew you would be. That's why you're the big, strong leader. I could sense that from a mile away. I only respect real alpha males."
"Boss?" Jax was grinning, his hold tightening on Namjoon. He scooped the boy up, situating him fully on his lap, away from Keno and Wyatt, who immediately protested the loss of Namjoon in their vision.
"Of course." Namjoon giggled conspiratorially. "We're business partners now, aren't we, boss?"
"We're something." Jax agreed, one hand grabbing the back of Namjoon's neck, his fingers massaging the cinnamon skin while his other hand placed itself over the boys chest and rubbed up and down.
Namjoon pretended to like it, sighing happily as he laid his cheek on the mans shoulder.
"Drive faster." Jax looked at the front of the vehicle and snapped at Baek. "What are you waiting for- a ticket for going too slow?"
The engine roared as it was flooded with gas and the car shot down the road.
As much as Namjoon wished they would get pulled over, he knew he wouldn't be saved that easily.
The only person who could get him out of this situation was himself.
So, with a sick taste in his mouth, Namjoon turned to the man holding him and resumed kissing up and down his neck.
Sai looked up from the computer screen, watching as Yoongi paced in tight circles in the office.
The dom was watching the second video that had just come in, repeating it over and over again the moment it ended.
Sai had been impressed with Namjoon's directness, as well as more than a little scared on the boys behalf. More than once he had feared the boy had pushed too far and was about to be injured, but luckily the leader of the group seemed to have fallen completely for Namjoon's charms.
That would give Namjoon some protection, but it wasn't permanent. And he had truly made an enemy with that Baek character, he would have to be careful not to be alone in a room with him.
He tuned out the sounds of the video and focused on the screen in front of him again. Reverse image searching the logo on the jacket had been difficult, since Sai was having to do it on the dark web.
It had seemed obvious that a group of kidnappers wouldn't have a normal business website for the police to easily find, so that left him scouring the depths of the wicked world wide web.
Already, he had seen videos and pictures and chat rooms that disgusted him to his very core. Twice he had to stop and take a break in the bathroom, gagging over the sink at what he had unwillingly seen.
However, it all finally paid off when the search engine finally turned up a hit.
Sai froze. "Yoongi."
Yoongi paused the video immediately, freezing the image of Namjoon curling into the mans arms. He rushed over to the desk, looking over Sai's shoulder at the screen.
Sai didn't know what to say, after all he had seen he was exhausted and numb. He didn't even want to click through the pictures the website proudly boasted, but it was for Namjoon's sake, so he slowly scrolled through the various sickening photos.
"They're a snuff group."
"Murder porn." Yoongi stated emotionlessly, staring at picture after picture of naked and abused bodies.
"They're going to kill him."
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