9~ Cinema
Keith spent the rest of the night learning about Hunk and eating a lot of foods that Hunk had him taste. Keith secretly complained to Hunk about not getting any ice cream, and Hunk gave him some.
"How is it?" Lance asked. Him and Hunk sat across from Keith who slowly and cautiously raised the spoon of cold chocolate ice cream to his lips.
They had gone out and bought all the flavors they could, despite the fact that Keith couldn't eat it all. Keith had already gone through majority of the flavors, claiming he didn't like pistachio almond or rocky road that much, but vanilla was on the top of his list with mint chocolate Chip. Meanwhile, Lance had been ordering Matt's headphones now that he had finally put aside enough money.
"Hm." Keith thought as he licked his lips. "It's.." He didn't say a word as he shoved another mouthful into his mouth.
"I'll take that as a good sign?" Hunk laughed. Lance chuckled and pulled the tub of strawberry ice cream out of the freezer.
"Okay buddy, that's enough of that one. You might like this one more." Lance said scooting the strawberry tub closer to Keith and pulling back the chocolate ice ceam. Keith frowned but moved his spoon over.
He took a small slip of ice cream into his mouth, like he always started off and sat there. He tapped the spoon on the side of the tub and table sucking his teeth.
"So how is it?" Hunk asked. He couldn't keep the smile off his face. He was clearly having a great time having Keith taste test ice cream.
"It's." Keith looked up at them, grinning. "It's amazing! This is the best thing I've ever eaten!" He exclaimed, shoving more into his mouth.
"Told you." Lance said smirking at Hunk.
Hunk groaned. "Whatever." He chuckled.
"You bet on me?" Keith questioned, his words slurred as he slurped more ice cream when it dripped down his chin.
"Uh yeah! You're Keith, we gotta bet on you!" Lance exclaimed.
Keith frowned, but got back to work on his ice cream. Hunks eyes widened as his phone buzzed.
"Uh Lance?" He said uncertainly.
Lance turned to him, a spoon hovering over the vanilla ice cream. "Yeah man?"
Hunk gestured for him to follow, and Lance did. They left Keith alone with his strawberry ice cream.
"Whats up?"
"I got a text from the group chat." Hunk held up his phone, it too bright for Lance to read the messages. "They know Keith is here.."
Lance placed his arms on his hips and leaned forwards. "And uh how is that?" He accused.
"Um.." Hunk hit his lip, before scratching his neck. "I might have..um.. I mean you didn't really emphasize on.."
Lance chuckled. "It's okay man." He playfully hit him in the shoulder. "So what'd they say?"
Hunk relaxed and smiled. "Pidge set up an event for tommorow. She is paying for tickets.." He said absentmindedly scrolling.
"A movie? Keith will love that!" Lance exclaimed, grinning. "Yes! She is really a genius! When?"
"Right when you get off of work.. 7 right?"
"Yeah..but um." Lance looked back to the kitchen where he could hear Keith at the table. "You gonna watch him? He still can't walk on his own." He said, a hint of protectiveness thick over his tone.
"Yeah of course, you can trust me with your life you know that. What's different with his? I'll make sure he can walk by the time you get home." Hunk smiled.
"I know you can. There's no doubt in my mind..but he is really stubborn Hunk."
"Nothing a little cooking can't fix." He smiled broadly.
"That's my man." Lance grinned back, and the two went back upstairs.
"What..." Hunk breathed as they watched Keith scrape the bottom of the ice cream tub.
"I think I found my favorite." Keith said guiltily.
"Geesh Keith..." Lance said laughing. He looked the man over. "You...feeling okay?"
Keith shrugged, spoon still in his mouth as he smiled giddily. "Never better."
That didn't last.
Not even an hour later, he was hurling and tossing and turning on his air matress.
"What do you think it is?" Lance said. Him and Hunk stood in the doorway of the living room, arms folded watching Keith sleep fitfully.
"Ate too much. Prob never ate this much as a siren.." Hunk guessed.
"Hm." Lance bit his lip. "I think he might be lactose intolerant. My sister was the same way when she ate ice cream."
"Oh yeah." Hunk nodded, as they both thought of Bryce. "Could be. Probably."
"Poor guy." Lance said as he squatted next to Keith. He wiped a wet bang off his sweaty forehead.
"Yeah. I'll take care of him though. You get some rest." He said.
Lance nodded looking over Keith a little longer before getting up and heading upstairs. Hunk watched him go up, a faint smile on his lips. "Can't fool me." He laughed pulling Keith's blanket up a little more.
When Keith woke up, Lance was already gone to work and Hunk was watching t.v. The news was on faintly, volume lowered to a quiet 2.
"Oh hey!" Hunk said spotting Keith sitting up. He laughed at the disarray of hair atop his head.
"Lance told me you had a bed head but..."
Keith involuntarily reached for his hair, the stiff matt not moving. He chuckled. "Yeah.."
"How are you feeling?"
"Okay? My stomach hurts."
"Yeah. Lance thinks you are lactose intolerance."
Keith quirked an eyebrow and Hunk explained, and connected it with all the ice cream Keith had eaten.
"Oh." Keith blushed. "Heh, sorry." He said quietly.
"It's okay you didn't know! We'll go get you something for that today. But first we need to get you walking. Tonight, your going to meet the gang."
"We are going to the movie theater. You're going to meet everyone."
Keith's eyes widened as he thought about that. "Don't worry, they're all going to love you. And you got Lance, he is already seemingly really protective of you."
Keith glanced up at that. Hunk seemed to be chuckling on the inside but he got up. "Anyway, let's get you up. First things first, breakfast."
The day passed slowly, but Hunks teaching strategy was different than Lances. Not as inconsistent and layed back but just as comfortable and more steady.
By lunch time, Keith could already at least hop on both foots. Hunk took that as an opportunity to teach Keith how to play hop-scotch and other outdoor childhood games. When they had gone through all of them, Keith was firmly exhausted but could walk, if only for a little amount of time.
"Should be good enough to work down to the drug store. You can finally get out of the house that way." Hunk said enthusiastically grabbing his house keys and wallet.
Keith furrowed his brows as Hunk slid him a pair of tennis shoes a few sizes too big. Keith had been wearing Lances hoodie for the past day, and changed into the first outfit he had worn on the surface after Hunk washed it. They set out for the store.
"This...is better than it was the first night." Keith exclaimed at the bright sun and grass. The trees danced in the wind, and the birds were chirping. For Hunk, it was almost like a cliche Disney movie but for Keith it was absolute paradise.
He grinned as he touched the bark of a tree, felt the wind in his hair, and walked through the thick grass, scratchy against his shins. The sun beamed on him, the warm air collecting them up as they walked down the sidewalk.
"Ugh, my legs are starting to hurt." Keith said as they arrived at the store. It was a normal WalGreens, but the air conditioning and gray bench right inside the door was a comfort for Keith.
"You walked 2 miles Keith! And it took 15 minutes that's great!" Hunk exclaimed. Keith gave him a sad thumbs up as he wheezed on the bench.
"You're a fast learner." Hunk said patting Keith on the back. "Now just sit here and rest. I'll go get the stuff for you and we'll be back home in no time. You okay sitting here alone?"
Keith nodded, still trying to catch his breath and Hunk walked off.
Keith watched people come in and out, usually one person a time, in a rush or nose deep in their phones. He took in the bright white lights over the entire place, and the stiff grayish green carpet. The store was split into cosmetics, snacks, random equipment, and personal care sections.
To Keith it all jumbled together, but he still watched in awe. He wondered about all of it, and when Hunk came back, he had his friend explain all of it.
It took them all the way back to the house for Keith to understand.
"Lance will be home in about thirty minutes, and he will take us to the cinema. I'm sorry you can't change, I promise we'll take you to get clothes when we can. We wanted you to be able to walk first ya know?" Hunk explained.
"Yeah it's ok. I'll be fine. This is actually really comfortable, I love it." Keith said smoothing out the shirt.
Hunk smiled. "Good. I'm going to take a shower and check my blog. The t.v is on okay, Lance explained how it worked?"
Keith nodded, and Hunk left for his room. Keith ended up watching a bunch of law and order episodes back to back.
"Hey." Keith lifted his hand in a wave to Lance as the tall boy walked in the door. He looked tired, eyes casted down and hair disheveled.
But when he spotted Keith, his eyes lit up. "Hey man! How was your day? How are you feeling?"
Keith grinned, and got up to walk over to him. "Never better."
Lance watched in awe, and the two smiled at each other softly.
"Ahem." Hunk coughed from the steps. "Sorry if I'm interrupting." He chuckled.
"He can walk!" Lance laughed. He high fived Hunk. "I knew you could do it."
Hunk smiled. "Yeah, this guy walked 4 miles to the drug store and back when we got his lactose intolerance medicine." He said jabbing his thumb in the direction of Keith.
Keith stood shyly off to the side smiling to himself. Lance couldn't contain his grin.
"But how was your day?" Hunk said placing a hand on Lances shoulder.
"Hard...again..but progress!" Lance smiled, and the sleepy emotion seemed to take over him again, for a second. Then he was smiling again. "Progress is key." He winked.
"Yeah it is. Also Matt's headphones arrived, I put them in your room. You can take them tonight." Hunk said addressing the package that had appeared in the mailbox right before they ate lunch.
"Oh yes. Now he can stop texting me about quantum realities with his friend Slauv." Lance laughed. "I'm gonna go get ready, see you guys in ten." He said heading up the steps.
When he returned, they all piled into the car, Lance in the back with Keith and they headed off to the theater.
They met up with everyone outside the theater. The sky was a bruised orange, and the breeze cool as Lance held the door open for Keith.
Keith froze as he looked at Lance and Hunks friends. Coran and Romelle were playing a game of cards, Pidge on her laptop, Matt talking to Allura. They all looked up as Hunk called to them.
"Take a deep breath. Hunk was nice right?" Lance said, leaning in, his breath hot on Keith's neck. He pulled Keith over to the group.
Keith nodded, sweat dripping down his forehead as they crossed the street.
"This." Lance said holding Keith forward. "Is my boy Keith."
"Hi Keith!" Coran and Allura said in sync, both raising a hand with a sweet smile.
"Hola." Pidge said barely glancing up from her laptop. Keith cocked his head that.
"Don't worry she's just antisocial." Lance nudged.
"Good thing you didn't say unsocial again." She shook her head laughing. Lance fumed.
"Hey." Matt waved smiling.
"Hello!" Romelle said sweetly.
"That's the gang, introduc-" Lance started.
"Wait." Keith held up his hand. "Can I guess?"
"Guess..guess what..?" Lance asked.
"Who everyone is." He glanced at them all. "I think I can tell based off of what you've told me."
"You can try." Lance chuckled.
"Okay." Keith bit his lip. "Pidge definitely." He said pointing at her.
"I don't know to take that as a compliment or insult." She shrugged.
"You decide." Keith smiled.
She looked up, the sunset reflecting off her glasses. "I like him." She said before turning back.
Keith turned to Matt. "Off of their similarities, I can tell that's Matt."
Matt nodded. "He's good."
Lance watched as Keith continued.
"You two both seem to be sisters." Keith looked at Allura and Romelle. "Just by how connected you seem..so I have a 50-50 chance at this..."
"You seem more comfortable, so you must be Romelle, and based off of your perfect stance, you must be Allura." He was correct.
"Which leaves Coran." They stared in awe as Keith smiled. "Nice to meet you all."
The movie was an action, and Keith ended up really liking it, sitting on the edge of his seat the entire time, though he did eat all of his popcorn and Matt's.
After the movie, they went to eat, the sky was dark and they knew they had to get home soon because most of them had to work, but they wanted to see each other just a little bit longer.
"Mattttttt." Lance drew out the name as he sat next to his friend.
Matt looked him over cautiously. "Whaaaaaaaatttttt."
"I have a presenttttttttttt."
"Just give it to him for Pete's sake." Romelle said.
Lance chuckled before handing over the package. Matt carefully unwrapped it before his eyes lit up. "Yes. Yes...YES!" He yelled. The other people in the resturaunt glanced at their table before continuing to eat.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you." Matt said as he examined the headphones.
"Least I could do." Lance shrugged.
Matt glared. "Yeah- don't do that again."
Lance chuckled. "Of course. Of course."
"This is so cool." Keith said looking around. They had gone to just a regular Chipotle but Keith couldn't stop admiring the glass over the food or the napkins, or the bright lights and spinning chairs.
"I know right? It's like my favorite place in the world." Romelle said smiling.
"Eh..it's not..quality.." Hunk said. "But it's alright."
"Better than alright." Romelle corrected.
"Guys I have great news." Hunk said smiling. The attention formed around him as he spoke. "I am getting my own catering van!" He announced, grinning.
"That's great Hunk!" "Congrats man!" "Good gosh, already?" "Amazing." "Knew it." "Now we can stop driving Lance everywhere." "Cool."
Hunk beamed at the praise of his friends. "By the end of this summer, I'm working on the design and stuff."
"Oo can we see the progress?" Allura asked.
"It's great." Romelle smiled.
"What do you mean..like you've seen it..." Coran said, silently accusing her, his eyes slitted.
Romelle's eyes widened and she glanced at Hunk. He laughed. "Cats out of the bag then. Melles been helping me with the design. She's known for only a few weeks."
"A few weeks?? I'm your best friend man!" Lance said.
"Only a few weeks, I'm sorry." Hunk said. Lance dramatically fell against Allura's lap. "You've killed me." He breathed.
"You guys can see the finished project I promise." Hunk said clasping his hands together.
"Well I hope so. Anyone who sees you driving it can see the finished project." Pidge said sarcastically. "But it's okay bud, you have your reasons, I don't care much. Congrats!" Hunk smiled.
"I also have an announcement!" Romelle grinned.
"What?" They asked.
"I got a boyfriend!"
Pidge groaned shielding her face. "Thanks to this adorable munchkin." Romelle said, pulling Pidge into a hug. Pidge squirmed trying to move away.
"Oh no..the british guy?" Hunk asked.
"She didn't stop asking!" Pidge gave in.
"I wanna meet him." Coran said, crossing his arms. They all laughed.
The conversation went on similar to that, and Keith felt comfortable with them, since the conversation wasn't on him. They seemed to just accept him automatically. Finally, Hunk and Lance took him home.
"So how do you feel? Did you like the movie?" Hunk asked.
Keith nodded. "Yeah it was pretty good."
"Did you like our friends?" Lance laughed.
Keith grinned. "Yeah, they're great."
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