30~ Petals
Keith and Lance stood at the sink, the dishes piled high. Hunk hadn't done them because he felt that was and always had been Lances job.
And Lance hadn't done anything when Keith was gone.
"So I have this idea." Lance said, the dish soap suds on the tips of his fingers.
Keith plunged his hand into the warm water, feeling carefully for any sharp objects. "And whats that?"
Lance turned to Keith, and placed a soap sud on his nose. "I wanna take you to the mountains."
Keith wrinkled his nose, but he was smiling. "Mountains?"
"Yeah, in Washington."
Keith nodded. "I don't know where that is but it sounds fine."
Lance smiled. "So how do you feel about another road trip?"
Keith blushed and grinned. "I'd love to."
This is it. This is the time. No more excuses.
Lance rallied his thoughts and ordered his actions as he drove Keith to the mountains. The five hour drive wasn't as chaotic as the way to Malibu, or as awkward as the way back, but just like they liked it. Like they wanted it. Like they needed it.
Lance knew it was his last chance to confess his feelings, and for some reason he felt like he had time. He had time to wait just a little longer, wait for the perfect scenery, perfect place, and Keith was the perfect guy.
Lance didn't know how to feel yet about the fact that Keith had given up his life as a siren to show Lance how much he cared. He loved that Keith cared, it made him more confident, but it made him worry if he was treading on the right feet.
On one hand, he had nothing to lose, and Keith would probably stay friends with him. Probably.
On the other hand, this could ruin everything he had worked for, everything he had built with Keith, this close tighted, comfortable relationship.
Maybe he was reading it all wrong, and Keith gave up his life because he wanted to learn more, and because he loved life on the surface. Lance was just a perk.
"Ah my ears-" Keith plugged his ears. "What's happening??"
Lance laughed. "Oh we are at a higher altitude, your ears pop. It hurts a little at first but it's worth it. Look out your window."
Keith turned, to see the violet crescents of the mountains reaching towards the sky. "Oh wow. So those are mountains?"
Lance nodded. "Pretty huh?"
Keith smiled at him. "Gorgeous."
They drove for two more hours until the gps on Lances phone told him they were half an hour from the log cabin he'd rented.
Which meant he was five minutes from his destination.
"We have a place to stay right?" Keith asked. Lance had told him little about the weekend, other than they'd be going to the mountains in Washington for the next two days. He had packed his clothes and took his word.
"Of course, but I have to show you something first."
Keith nodded, bracing himself for whatever it was.
Lance drove around the bend of a rocky road, leading behind thick trees and bushy ferns and moss. Keith eyed the road, waiting for the surprise.
But no matter how much preparation he had, he wouldn't have expected what was at the end of the road.
It was a full meadow of soft petaled light purple flowers, curving and dancing in the slight breeze. It was endless, a sea of roses, running on for what seemed like forever.
Keith looked over them, the quiet beauty they held taking him aback. "Wh-why?" He asked, though he already had a guess.
Lance shrugged, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. "They're lavender roses... They're real pretty and the guy who helped me get the cabin we are staying in said they're beautiful and I thought you might've wanted to see them..."
He sounded so nonchalant but Keith couldn't control his heart, which immediately sped up and began to flutter. "They are beautiful."
He glanced at Lance, who was staring at his feet, and seemed to be fighting an internal battle, but Keith knew what he had to do.
He took a deep breath and stepped up to Lance. He reached out his hand. "Come on." He said nodding toward the meadow.
Lance smiled and took his hand, as Keith led him through the purple field, the flowers brushing up against their shins. Then, in the middle of the field Keith abruptly stopped and turned to him.
He took a deep breath and looked Lance in the eyes.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked, trying to steady his voice.
Lance blushed, his hand still in Keith's. "Y-yeah, what is it?"
"A lot of things, actually. A lot of things I have figured out, wondered, and screwed up. Like how I figured out this world is so much bigger than I thought, and how I figured out the sky is clearer standing on a beach, and the stars are real, and your eyes seem endless. Then there were things I wondered. I wondered about my family under the ocean, and Lotor, and my parents, how many freckles you have, and my purpose.
"I screwed up a whole ton, like when I hurt you. Which is my number one regret, and I can't tell you how sorry I am. Mostly though, I've figured a lot out. I figured out my parents died a ruthless death, figured out everyone deserves a second chance. I figured out I don't need a purpose to be happy. I found that last one out when I figured out..." He squeezed Lances hand. "That I'm in love with you."
Lance felt himself melt, relief and love flowing over him. "That's great because I just remembered what these flowers stood for." He smiled taking a step forward.
Keith blushed, and stepped even closer. "And what's that?"
"Lavender roses stand for love at first sight." Their foreheads were touching now, hands clasped together, breaths apart.
Keith could smell the sweet coffee on Lances skin, his silky caramel skin, and was sinking into those deep blue pools.
They kissed, and as their lips slowly brushed each other, the wind picked up, the flowers rippling. Neither of them noticed, instead pulling each other closer, tugging at hair, as the petals flew up around them, a small unimaginable storm whipping around them as they stood obliviously in love.
"Keith-" Lance pulled away. Keith's eyes stood in a pleading beg for more but he nodded.
"I think I know your purpose."
Keith smiled at him. "Me too."
They pulled each other close again and whispered the small word, that meant everything.
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