27~ Trials
Keith, Adam and Shiro held their onyxs to the surface of the water, and when the blurry day of sunshine hit them, they sparkled, little shimmers in the pitch black stones.
They dissolved into the water, and were swept up into the waves.
The currents drove them into Atlantis, the city bustling with sirens in the late morning.
"How do we do this?" Adam asked as the three of them swam slowly through the busy markets and stores.
"Can't just pop up at the Tower, we'd be arrested for sure." Shiro reasoned.
"We create a commotion." Keith said. "Bring them to us."
Keith went first, snatching bags from the young sirens on their way to school. He swerved in between woman, who grabbed at him for their children's bags. He crossed Atlantis, throwing them bags in random spots as he flew by.
Adam and Shiro swam after him, pushing over anyone in their way, creating a rowdy, hazardous group. The crowd came after them, eyes blazing with anger, kids screaming and yelling, but Keith kept going.
Shiro and Adam kept chasing.
It wasn't long, before the Council showed up.
"What's going on here?" The main councilor, Alfor asked. His white hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, his eyes calculating.
"Seems someone has been making trouble?" Trigel asked, standing tall. Her long brown hair flowed through the water as she took in the three.
"No ma'am, we actually have been trying to get your attention." Shiro explained, his voice steady.
"And you think you can just call us from the Tower by creating chaos in our city?" Blaytz asked, his blue tail flickering, annoyance in his tone.
"It worked didn't it?" Keith asked, impatiently.
Blaytz glared at Keith. "If this one doesn't get his attitude straight, we won't even take in account what you have to say."
"Now, now." Trigel said stepping in between them. She looked at Alfor. "What do you think we should do?"
Alfor looked them over. "I'm not sure."
Gyrgan shook his head. "We should listen to them clearly, if they did all this to get our attention-"
"And wreck the city." Blaytz added, scoffing.
"No one was hurt." Trigel assured, her green illuminesct pulsing calmly.
"That is true." Alfor said. "Come with us."
Alfor turned, and began swimming toward the Tower, Trigel quick to follow. Gyrgan gathered Keith, Shiro and Adam, his strong yellow tail pushing them forwards.
Blaytz groaned. "Am I the only one who sees how bad of an idea this is??"
"Come on Blaytz." Alfor called.
So he reluctantly followed.
The Tower was a tall building made of onyx stones, the deep black keeping the building warm all year. The long corridors led to other wings of the Tower, where meetings were held throughout the day.
Keith watched in awe, the councillors swimming easily through the long hallways, the currents slow and soft.
Keith felt that aching feeling in his heart, he wanted Lance there.
Lance would make some stupid comment on how warm it was, or flirt with Trigel, or make a conspiracy theory about the stone.
It made Keith smile.
"In here." Alfor said, his calm voice directing them into a room, with one opening into the main square of Atlantis, crowds still waiting to disperse, looking confused and enraged. Trigel watched in distaste.
"You three didn't need to go to such far measures-"
"We did. You guys are untouchable up here, what we have to say is important." Adam interrupted.
Trigel blinked at him. "Don't ever interrupt me, or my colleagues. Do you understand?" She swam close up to him. "You are not my equal."
Adam stood tall under her intense gaze. Alfor cleared his throat.
"Clearly, there are some lines to be drawn here. We are your Council, not your close friends, you cannot speak to us, or treat us as you have been." His accent was thick. "If you can't understand that, we will not listen to you as Blaytz said. Is that clear?"
The three of them nodded slowly as Blaytz grinned.
"Now, what is it?" Gyrgan asked, as they surrounded the smooth table.
Shiro and Adam looked to Keith.
He groaned, rolling his eyes before sighing again.
How many times will I have to explain this, it was bad enough to go through it.
"Lotor and Haggar escaped and went to the surface." Keith started. All four councillors eyebrows shot up, their fear apparent.
"Wha-" Blaytz started.
"How do you know?" Alfor asked.
"Keith went to the surface for a few weeks." Shiro said.
Gyrgan grimaced. "Everyone knows we need to approve for a siren to go to the surface."
"Keith was going through a hard time- he was upset, angry, and needed to get away."
"And what made him so upset he had to leave behind this society, knowing he could get hurt and we wouldn't be able to help?" Alfor demanded.
"He didn't manifest during his monsoon year, the time passed and he was still purpose-less. That on top of feeling alone with his parents gone, he felt it was too much. You see he didn't know until recently that his parents were murdered by Zarkon." Adam said. This caused the councillors to look away.
"He had any right to be confused and upset."
"Tell us more about Lotor." Trigel said.
"While on the surface, he attempted to capture me from where I was staying. He failed, but tried again a while later. And he succeeded that time." Keith cleared his throat, "He was with two others, they were human, one I could tell had been a siren but changed. I think permanently."
"Zethrid." Alfor sighed. "I should've known she was close to him."
"She didn't do much, her and another human were just assistants almost, keeping Lotor going and doing the dirty work for him. He took me away, and showed me Zarkon tricking my parents into giving away their purposes. He explained to me why I had no choice but to give up my purpose."
"Why did he want your purpose?" Trigel asked.
"Same reason his father killed my parents." Keith stood tall. "He believed my purpose would be the most powerful in all siren history, based off of a vision Haggar had."
"The most powerful eh? Any idea what that might be?" Blaytz asked, looking slightly amused.
Keith blushed, "No idea."
"Well." Trigel clasped her hands. "It's clear we need to find Haggar and Lotor immediately and arrest-"
"Actually." Shiro said. "We think they might deserve a second chance."
Alfor chuckled. "And why is that?"
"Keith." Adam motioned for him to speak.
"Lotor only did this to me to somehow, in some messed up way, get closer to his father. He wanted to 'avenge' him, but I really believe he was scared and upset. Zarkon selfishly left his family to rot and be banished. He didn't think of what his arrest would mean for them, and didn't care. I could see in Haggar and Lotor's faces they were only heartbroken."
"And that changes that they captured and tried to kill you?" Gyrgan asked.
"It isn't an excuse." Keith said. "But they let me go, and that's a start."
"No it isn't. Doesn't change the fact that they tried to kill you. I don't think you realize how bad that is." Blaytz said.
"Blaytz is right, they broke many of our laws, letting someone off easily under that is unimaginable-"
"We aren't saying let them off easy." Adam spoke. "We are saying give them a chance."
Alfor eyed them, his thoughts running a mile a minute.
"I- I think we should hold a trial." He said.
"What??" Blaytz asked, throwing his arms up dramatically. "Are we going to suddenly throw away all of our morals for a purpose-less siren?"
"Look at our people! In disarray because they wanted to speak to us? How selfish-"
"Blaytz!" Alfor rose his voice, stopping Blaytz immediately. "Enough."
"We aren't throwing away our morals. We are to protect our people- and Lotor and Haggar are still apart of our society. If they can change for the better, we would want that. Wouldn't we?" Trigel asked.
"Stop living in the past man." Gyrgan said, placing a hand on Blatyz's shoulder.
Blatyz nodded. "Fine."
"Good." Alfor smiled. "Then it's settled. Trigel, send out troops in search of Lotor and Haggar. Blatyz and Gyrgan, prepare for the trials." The councillors split up, leaving Alfor to speak to the torn family.
"I'm sorry this was so...complicated." He grimaced. "Hopefully you are right, and they do deserve a second chance." He glanced at Keith.
"I can sense why are you fighting, and I think I might know what you're purpose is." He smirked. "Would be very powerful." His eyes twinkled.
And with that he swam out of the open onyx doors.
The trials were to be held in the main courtroom, the judges to stay in the pods floating over the onyx pedestals, for Lotor or Haggar.
It took the rest of the day for Trigel and her troops to come back with Lotor and Haggar. They knew the Council would be after them, and had fled to the North.
Finally, Trigel showed up, her troops holding the tired looking Lotor and his mother.
Haggar scowled. "I knew we couldn't trust that useless siren."
"You should be thankful, stop being ignorant Haggar." Alfor floated over to them. "Keith has given you a shot at a new life."
"Don't mess this up for me mother." Lotor growled.
"You will both be put on trial, and we will be agreeing on whether you can stay banished, under stronger security and watch.." Trigel started, her expression blank. "Or be put back into society, under further watch for a little bit of time."
"So." She smiled. "Whose going first?"
Haggar went first, and answered Alfors questions truthfully, mostly based on what she was planning on or her reasons for Keith's capture.
She based it all solely on being lonely in the cave.
"Raising a son that reminds you more and more each day of the love of your life that betrayed you- when you gave everything you had for a shot at happiness with that person- isn't easy. If Lotor acquired Keith's purpose, I might have another chance at happiness. I'd do anything for that chance."
"Did you care how it would affect Keith's loved ones?"
"Does anyone care about me? And my loved one? I understand it would hurt a lot of people, but no one was hurt when me and my infant son were banished, for a crime we didn't commit. I thought I wanted justice, but I just want to start over. Give my son a chance at that."
Alfor nodded, his expression neutral. "You're trial is done. Send in Lotor."
Lotor's trial was longer, he was more emotional.
His answers were short and sloppy, as he talked about his childhood.
"I didn't know much about my father." He said quietly.
"Do you wish he was still alive for you and your mother?"
"I wish I had a stable father figure in my life, but I don't want to think about what it would have been like being raised by someone like him."
"Mhm. Now tell me, if you could base your life and actions on one moral, or belief what would that be?"
"Work for someone."
Alfors eyes furrowed. "Can you elaborate?"
"I want someone to approve of me, say I did a good job. My mother never did that, let alone my absent father. I felt like I was working for him when I captured Keith. I couldn't care less if I had Keith's purpose or not. I wanted his approval."
"But...your father is dead, if not he is close."
"Think I don't know that?!?" Lotor snapped. He took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you keep asking these questions."
"You don't need to understand, and I have all the information I need to know. Your trial is over."
Shiro, Keith and Adam were able to watch the trials. And they knew Alfors choice before he told them.
It was announced over the entire city.
Alfor sat in his throne, the three other councillors flanking him as he spoke, his voice broadcasting across the sea.
"I, with my fellow councillors have come to a decision. As you all may know by now, a siren has brought in Lotor and Haggar, Zarkons only living relatives. The siren who brought them in was nearly killed by them, but believed they deserved a second chance. In a tedious process, we held them both in trial, and I believe-"
He looked over the city and exhaled. "They deserve a second chance."
The crowd erupted in a mixture of applause and outrage. It was clear there would be tension and riots for a while, but Keith was watching Lotor and Haggar.
They stood just behind the Tower walls, listening in. Keith watched as the news sunk in.
Two things that hadn't happened in a long time happened.
One, a single tear fell down Haggars face. Then she began to flat out bawl. Tears of joy, some may call it, but she was releived.
Her son would have a real home.
Two, Lotor hugged Haggar. He had never believed in physical contact with her, their relationship had always been strictly survival.
She hugged him back.
Keith watched them collapse, tears streaming down their faces, holding each other tight.
He felt the smile rise on his face.
"Before you return home." Alfor caught Keith, Adam and Shiro as they were leaving the tower, the deep night sky refracting through the waves. Keith could even see the moon.
"I would like to speak with Keith privately."
Keith glanced at his parents before ascending into the tower.
"I'd like to make you an offer." Alfor started. "And you don't have to answer right away, but I'd like you to think about it."
"Okay." Keith nodded.
"I'm only making this offer to you because of how you've helped our society, I feel everyone will see this as a new age and for the better, and because of what I am assuming your purpose is, and how it will reveal itself."
"Hold up, can you like tell me what you think it is? It's slightly annoying when people keep bring it up and I'm not in the loop."
Alfor chuckled. "I like your fire kid, but your purpose is for you to find. Now to my offer."
Keith nodded.
"I'd like to offer you the option of being a human permanantly."
*credits roll
Haha lmao jk guys
Sorry past few chapters have been sad and confusing and complicated. I really do apologize , I hope no one is hurt too bad? :(
Just know I love every single one of you <3
And if u have questions about literally anything/ other than spoilers/ please comment I'd love to clear up any confusion if these chapters were too confusing
Also if u want, and if u have a guess I would love to hear what you guys think Keith's purpose is, tho I won't tell u if ur right or wrong of course I'd still love to know what you guys think ;)
Anyways excited for the next few chapters??
I am haha
Love ya!!
SNS out
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