21~ Constellations
"Are you going to show him?" Veronica asked Lance as they walked out of the house.
After coming home from the rink, it had been a commotion of noise, trying to get the kids in the shower, making dinner, and talking about Lances performance. Finally, everyone had taken a shower, and dinner was served.
Luckily, the meal wasn't as chaotic as the one the day before, but it definitely wasn't boring.
Lance walked Keith up to the attic, after dinner, because the former siren was exhausted. Lance layed in bed next to him, listening to his slow breathing, and watching his eyelashes flutter. He didn't know what was going on.
He definitely felt something for Keith, a vague ache in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't put a finger on it, but it felt familiar. Yet so far away.
"What are you talking about Roni?" Lance asked. After he made sure Keith was fast asleep, he crept past the kids fast asleep in their rooms, Marco snoring loudly in the room he shared with Gabriella, and a dim light coming from under Lola and Isabel's room.
He went outside to sit with Veronica on the front porch swing. He nodded at Melissa and Elaine in the kitchen, washing dishes, when he passed.
"Don't play dumb. Show him the stars. You know the roof is the best view, always has been."
"I don't wanna show him, that's a personal thing I do Roni. You know that."
"I do, and I can also tell you've shared other personal things with him." She insisted.
"He's asleep." Lance tried.
Lance looked over at his sister, her eyes shining, the moon reflected in her glasses. "Thanks Roni." He said quietly.
"My pleasure." She pulled him into a tight hug.
"Keith." Lance nudged Keith's shoulder, for the fourth time. "Keith, wake up. I have to show you something."
Keith didn't budge, but he spoke. "This sounds vaguely familiar. You already took me to see a sunrise, did you forget?"
"It was beautiful, thank you, I couldn't be happier. I don't wanna see another right now though." Keith interrupted.
"Keith, I'm not showing you another sunrise. And you're welcome." Lance said. "But there are more things out there I want to show you. Get used to it."
At that, Keith sat up, with one eye open and his hair messy. He groaned. "Fine, what is it this time?"
"Surprise." Lance said.
Keith shook his head, "Uh-uh, no that's not how this is gonna work, I'm not Lola right now, you gotta tell me. It's too early." He said, standing and crossing his arms.
"Well what?" He popped his hip before looking to the small clock on Lances dresser. "Its fucking 12?!?"
"Keith! My siblings and nieces are right down the steps!" Lance exclaimed, pulling Keith away from the cracked door.
"Oh, right." Keith eyed the door, before turning back to Lance, an accusing look on his face. "Still didn't tell me where you're taking me."
"Ugh fine, I'm taking you to the roof."
"Why would I-"
"To watch the stars."
Keith's eyes lit up. "Oh."
"Yeah, so you coming or not?"
Keith grinned. "Hell yeah, I'm coming."
Lance held open the hatch to the roof as Keith climbed through, before he helped him over to the part of the roof where it was perfect to see the sky. The wood bent just right for them to sit close together and not slip.
"It's pretty." Keith said, crossing his arms and watching the stars prickle and shine in the layers of velvety dark blue.
"Yeah." Lance said. The stars seemed to reflect themselves in Keith's violet eyes, deep like the galaxies behind the moon. Lance smiled to himself.
"I used to come up here every night." Lance started, talking to no one in particular, telling the man in the moon his story. "I've always been slightly obsessed with space, and would watch every chance I got, the stars are always bright up here. I even learned all the constellations by the time I was 5."
"Constellations?" Keith asked without looking way.
"Yeah, they're groups of stars that make certain shapes or images, usually from folklore or mythology.
"There's the Big Dipper,which is super popular, and then constellations for each zodiac sign-"
"What's that?"
"Zodiac is this astrological sign based off of when you're born. I'm born in July, the 28th to be exact, and so my sign is Leo. Zodiac signs tell a little about our pesonality so mine says how smart and amazing and charming-"
"Yeah okay." Keith laughed. The roof was rough, but Keith felt his hand next to Lances warm fingers and kept them there.
"Do you know your birth date?" Lance asked.
"Not really...we don't track time the same way and my parents and all so.."
"Oh yeah." Lance seemed to be thinking to himself. "I think I know what your zodiac sign would be though, just based of of your personality."
"What do you think it is?" Keith was actually interested in what Lance would come up with.
"Probably a Scorpio, they are kind of secretive and to themselves but have really powerful personalities and beliefs. I feel like you're kinda like that.."
Keith shrugged. "Could be."
"Thing with that though, is Scorpios don't get along well with Leo's."
"Hm." Keith smiled. "Guess it's wrong then."
Lance laughed at that, and let his arm loop around Keith's waist. He felt the boy stiffen, but soon relaxed, and placed his head on Lances shoulder.
"Thanks again Lance."
"For what?" Lance teased.
"Everything." Keith said, curling himself into Lances chest.
Lance felt his heart stop, but recovered quickly and held Keith close. Lance placed his face in Keith's hair, the soft curls smelling of seawater though he hadn't been in the ocean. Lance felt himself smile nonetheless.
"Of course."
Sorry for such a short chapter eek. But I'd like some answers from you guys!!
First of all, I did the zodiac signs based off of their real birthdays, so Keith is actually a libra, but he seems more like a Scorpio and missed that deadline by one day :/ so I just made him a Scorpio. But Lance is really a Leo. :D
So tell me, what's your zodiac sign?
Also, was this chapter or the sunrise chapter better? Tell me which you prefer, and why. Pleaseee
Lol this chapter was super short and hella gay. Once again sorry for it being so short, next chapter might be too but idk I didn't wanna put em together cuz that'd be too much ya know.
Anyways Love ya!!
SNS out
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