19~ Familia
Lance drove through the California streets slowly, so Keith could get a good view. It was his first time being anywhere other than Florida without a mask of the ocean over everything. He grinned as the wind blew his hair, whipping across his cheeks,
Palms trees and large glittering buildings lined the streets on one side while, more palms trees and the perfect sand bordered the water of the ocean, the waves turning white with froth as kids ran through the tide.
The streets sloped until Lance and Keith arrived at a quiet neighborhood, on the shore. All the houses lined the beach, about a mile down from the back porch of each house, the waters lay, calm in the noon air.
"Nice right?" Lance said as he pulled into the driveway of one of the houses, the white brick about three stories tall with a Chrysler minivan and beat up blue pickup truck in the driveway. Lances eyes widened as he spotted it.
The truck sat idly in the driveway, as if daring Lance to take her for a spin. "Blue!!" He exclaimed as he jumped out of the car. Keith groaned as the brunette did not open his door, instead practically flying to the truck. Keith could've sworn his feet weren't touching the ground.
He couldn't help but smile though as Lance started hugging the hood of the truck and caressing it. "There there blue, Lance is home..."
"Lance is home!!!!" Keith heard them before they saw them- two mini McClains, kicking up dust crossing the driveway.
The boy jumped and flew off the porch, making it to a skidding halt in front of Lance to embrace him. "Lance!! I missed you so much!!" Marco held a shocking resemblance to his brother, the same sharp jaw, though smaller, and the same peircing blue eyes and swift hairstyle. He grinned as Lance hugged him back.
"I missed you too hermanito." Lance said holding his brother close.
"Lance!!" Her voice broke the peaceful embrace as she came barreling into Lances arms, Gabriellas bouncy curls flying around her head.
Lance spun her around as she giggled uncontrollably. "Yayyyyy!!!!" She squealed.
"How's my favorite girl doing??" Lance asked crouching down to her level.
"Fine." She said plainly. She narrowed her eyes. "Am I really your favorite?"
"As long as I'm breathing cariño." He winked and tapped her nose. She laughed again.
"Ew, you got uglier since the last time I saw you. You're face looks more and more like a dorito every day Lance." Bryce looked him over, her nose scrunched. But she was smiling, a huge lopsided shit eating grin.
Must run in the family.
"Mama let you leave the house like that? What died??" Lance asked reaching up to touch her tangled hair, she slapped his hand away laughing as they hugged.
Keith watched as Veronica came over breaking up Bryce and Lances argument. Lance hugged her the longest Keith saw. They didn't say anything, nothing at all. They just seemed more than happy to be in each other's arms. Keith felt an achingly hollow spot in his heart watching them.
"Mi bebe is home." Elaine came down the porch steps softly, her sandals feet padding across the driveway, and her smile as soft as her wispy hair. Lance didn't wait for her, but instead rushed over to give her a big embrace.
"Nino, next time come home sooner!! I want to see my children!" She complained as Lance paraded her with kisses.
"Sorry Mama." He said hugging her again.
"Mhm- ooo you brought someone with you!" She moved quick for such a short stubby lady, and was at Keith's side in seconds, lifting up his arm and feeling his stomach. Keith looked at Lance for explanation.
"A handsome one too, he's a keeper." Elaine smiled proudly, looking Keith over. "Jorge! Come see who Lance brought ho-"
"Mama!" Lance was just as fast, swiping a hand over her mouth. "Me and Keith aren't together. Not like that." Lance said, his blush fierce. He didn't look at Keith.
"Keith and I." Bryce corrected. Lance stuck his tongue out at her, only for her to place her hands on her hips and do the same, scrunching her entire face up.
"Hijo," Jorge finally came out of the house, his strong build intimidating as he stalked over to Lance to wrap his arms around his son, but his eyes were soft. "I missed you." He said.
"You too Papa." Lance said, his voice muffled in his fathers shoulder.
Once again, Keith felt like he was trespassing on private property.
"So everyone this is Keith!" Lance exclaimed, suddenly wrapping an arm around Keith's shoulder, a huge grin plastered on his freckled face. "He's a friend of mine, and I thought he'd like to meet you guys and see the coast!"
"Really? Where's he from?" Veronica asked, walking over. She smiled at Keith kindly.
"Uh-" Lance started.
"Canada." Keith quickly answered. "I met Lance when I transferred for the summer, and we became quick friends." He explained.
Lance sighed in relief. "Yup!"
"Rico should be here in the next hour or so go ahead and unpack Lance." Elaine said. "It was nice meeting you Keith." She said softly as he passed by. He smiled shyly at the family before following Lance inside.
Lances room was the entire attic, a circular room with glow- in- the- dark stick on stars and constellations painted onto the ceiling, the bed and curtains all decorated in an ocean blue. He had multiplie lights in each corner that emitted a pale blue, since there were no lamps.
He immediately threw his bags down and plopped on the bed, making a huge sigh as the bed sunk. He immediately turned over and began to hug his pillow, sighing in content.
"This is..." Keith started.
"Childish? I know." Lance said with his face in the bed.
"I was gonna say nice, I like it."
"Eh it ain't nothin special."
"I like your family." Keith said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Lance nodded. "They're great right? Probably wondering what's taking so long. I have a drawer over there you can put your clothes in."
Keith began to place his clothes neatly in the drawers, while Lance threw his bags into his closet and struggled to close the door.
Finally, it stayed sealed and he sighed. "Well," he chuckled. "Let's go, time to meet Rico and Mel."
Rico, of course looked insanely similar to Lance, though he had more muscle and was quieter, with thin rimmed glasses. He was a lot taller too, and looked down on Lance when they talked briefly and hugged.
Apparently, he was a software engineer, along with his wife Melissa 'Mel'. She was about Veronica's height, with short cropped floppy black hair and a huge smile. She also had freckles, and they kissed every inch of her nose.
She was more outgoing than her husband, and definitely fit right into the family. Her belly was round with her 8 month pregnancy, but it didn't stop her from hugging everyone, including Keith.
Isabel, the older girl, was quieter. She also wore glasses and her hair was a lot longer, reaching her mid back. She quickly hugged everyone's knees before going to hide behind Melissa again. Keith watched in awe of her adorable shyness.
Lola, on the other hand, couldn't sit still. After quickly giving everyone a quick update on her day so far (which had consisted of creating a music video based off of the songs on the radio with her dolls, and finding new treasures in the trunk of the car), she chased Marco around the house.
Soon, Elaine had everyone get unpacked and gather around for a late lunch.
"Linner!" Marco exclaimed as they sat at the round table.
"Nah, Dunch is better." Bryce disagreed.
"Is it? I like linner better." Marco said. "So does Gabriella. Right Gabriella?" He asked.
"Yup!" She agreed blindly, meeting his fist bump easily.
Bryce rolled her eyes. "Ella stop being such a weak sucker, Marco is lying to you."
Gabriella laughed at that. "And what do you call what you're doing? You called me a weak sucker."
"I'm telling you the truth." Bryce shrugged, digging into her lunch.
"No name calling Bryce. You understand? Leave Gabriella alone." Jorge said, shaking his head.
"Sureeeee." Bryce said.
"Ari needs a napkin! She spilled her water all over her new dress!!" Lola screeched, her voice in full panic as she held up her doll.
"What did I say about keeping toys off the table Lola?" Melissa asked patiently as she handed her youngest daughter a napkin.
"You said..." Lola hummed to herself as she wiped Ari's dress. "Keep them off the table!" She smiled.
"Correct." Melissa said.
Lola continued wiping the dress until, suddenly it ripped. Right down the middle, and the naked doll layed exposed in Lola's trembling hands. She begin to cry. "Ari's dress is ruined!!"
"If she doesn't shut the fuck up." Bryce mumbled, with food in her mouth.
"Language." Elaine called. "Mel, can you help Lola?"
Melissa groaned. "Ah- my stomach-"
Ricos eyes went wide. "She's having contractions?!?!? Is she?!?"
"Can I have more food Mama?" Marco asked innocently.
"Ari's dress!!!!"
"Shut her UP."
Veronica leaned into Lances space. "Hey bro, mind doing me a favor and uh giving me cuties number over there?"
Keith sat in shock as he watched the chaos, oblivious to Veronica's pleas. "What?? Keith?!? What- no way!!" Lance sputtered.
"Okay, okay calm down." She sighed. "Thought you guys were just friends." She nudged him, with a wink, causing his face to explode in a deep blush.
"Contractions?? Right now??" Jorge asked, getting out of his chair.
"Here baby." Elaine said, giving Marco a heaping portion of food, the grin on his face soon to cause his face to split.
"I- I don't know- it just hurts-" Melissa said, breathlessly.
"Ari needs a new dress!!"
Keith watched all of the locomotion, amazed at how in two minutes the entire household could turn upside down. He couldn't stop smiling.
Lance crossed the table in a split second. "Hey Lola. I have an idea."
Lola sniffled. "Wh-what is it?"
Lance winked. "Well, it's a surprise."
That made her smile. "I love surprises!!"
"Works for me then. Can I see Ari? Please?"
"Her dress is ruined though." Lola pouted.
"My surprise might be able to fix that." Lance whispered. "But it's a surprise."
Lola watched him carefully before smiling. "Okay. But take good good care of her. Ari has to perform tommorow."
"Of course, I won't let anyone touch her. Cross my heart." Lance said, crossing his heart.
Lola nodded and handed over the doll. "I trust you." She smiled.
Lance smiled back before heading off into the hall bathroom with Ari.
"Daddy, I can't find my bracelet." Isabel tugged on Ricos shirt hem forcefully.
"Not right now sweetie I'm busy." He didn't look up.
Melissa continued to scream. Marco continued to eat. Bryce continued to roll her eyes. Veronica continued to watch Keith. Keith continued to watch it all, except Veronica. "But Daddy my bracelet-"
"I said not right now." He said again, his voice firm. The tears in Isabel's eyes were apparent.
Gabriella and Marco went over to help Melissa get onto the couch, and make her more comfortable as Rico and Jorge tried to figure out what was going on. Elaine soon followed.
"Go check on Lance Keith." Bryce commanded.
"It's fine Keith, I got it." Veronica smiled before getting up and heading to the bathroom in search of Lance.
Bryce stuffed more food in her mouth, rolling her eyes. "If she doesn't stop..thought she was gay anyways..."
"My bracelet." Isabel mumbled, standing alone, eyes frantic.
Keith took the chance.
"Hey Isabel." He said softly, crouching down to her level like Lance had.
She looked up at him. "Y-yes?"
"I heard your bracelet is missing?"
"Yes. I just had it when we sat down and then it wasn't there and now I-"
"Shh, calm down a little okay? We'll find it, let's just retrace your steps okay?" Isabel nodded and took Keith's outstretched hand.
"Wasn't contractions idiots, her blood pressure was too high." Elaine explained swiftly taking off the wrist monitor and helping Melissa sit up, with an ice pack on her head.
"Men, am I right?" Elaine grumbled. Melissa laughed at that.
"Where's my surprise?" Lola came back into the dining room and stomped her foot. Bryce looked up at her.
"Maybe if you shut the fuck up-"
"LANGUAGE." Rico and Jorge said in union.
"Here it is." Lances voice came around the dining room wall, and then Lance was there holding Ari out to Lola.
"She has a new design for her dress, but it's more durable now." Lance explained.
Lola looked over the doll, Lance had sown the napkin into the dress, the fabric tougher and stretchier, and the water was almost all gone. "She looks like a zebra!" She exclaimed happily. "I love my surprise!"
"Where's Keith?" Veronica asked, causing Lance to glare at her before he realized Keith wasn't there.
"Oh- where is he?" Lance asked spinning around.
"And..Isabel?" Melissa called.
"Right here." Everyone turned to the living room entrance where Keith stood, hand in hand with Isabel, who was smiling again with her bracelet secured in her small wrist.
"Sorry I left." Keith said to no one in particular.
"He helped me find my bracelet!!" Isabel said happily. Then she padded over to Melissa to give her mother a hug.
"Nice one Keith. Pretty good with kids huh?" Lance asked as they sat on the stairs, the house calmer but still bustling with energy as everyone cleaned off the table.
"..I don't know. Might just be her."
"Ah yes, Isabel has many admirers."
"Oh my god." Keith smiled, elbowing Lance in the stomach.
"You're family is.."
"Crazy, wild?" Lance suggested.
"They're great." Keith grinned.
Lance laughed, wrapping an arm around Keith. "Like familia should be."
After lunch, Lance said he would be taking Keith out to go biking on the bike trails before slipping out of the house with him.
"Are we really going biking??" Keith asked as he followed Lance to the shed attached to the back of the house.
"Uh yeah, duh." Lance said as he unlocked the shed, he pulled out a blue and white bicycle, a curvy 'v' at the front and wide handle bars.
He hopped on. "Get on." He said. Keith got on, ignoring his feelings as he wrapped his hands around Lances waist. He never wanted to let go.
Lance pushed off and was soon pedaling out of the neighborhood, and down the sloping hills, the wind whipping his hair. Keith gripped tighter to Lances waist as they sped down the steap hills.
"Ready for this?" Lance asked. Keith quirked an eyebrow,
"Ready for wha-" Lance let go of the handlebars and raised them into the air as they flew down the hill, both screaming at the top of their lungs, Lance from the thrill of it, and Keith because he was sure they'd go flying through the window of one of the surf shops.
"I LOVE MALIBU!!!" Lance screeched as they flew down the hill, and he finally placed his hands on the bars.
He came to a stop. "You alright back there?"
Keith gasped, and though they had came to a complete stop, he didn't let go of Lances waist. Lance noticed, but he didn't say anything.
"F-fine." Keith wheezed.
Lance twisted in Keith's arms, to hold him. "Sorry, thought you were in love with this kind of stuff."
"I'm in love with-" Keith carefully chose his words. "This place." He said smiling around at the palms trees and setting sun. The boardwalk and sand turned a peachy pink under the rays, holding the boys together, in each other's arms.
Lance smiled. "Yeah," He smiled. "I love it too."
Hola loves!,
Familia- familyyyy
Nino- boy
Hermanito- little brother
Hijo- son
Mi Bebe- my baby
cariño- darling/dear)
Tbh this might just be my favorite chapter yet, lances familia is super fun to write and I love Malibu haha and this song Is GOLD my dudes, I've been listening on loop the entire period of writing hahah. Hope you listened to it, it definitely makes this chapter more enjoyable.
How is everyone? :D
The skiessss more blue in malibuuuuuuuuu
Anyways lmao love you all!!
SNS out
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