12~ We Did It!
Lance piled into the car, Hunk at the wheel. It was a few days after Keith's first withdrawal, a day after his second one, and they felt he was mature enough to stay home alone.
He had undergone two withdrawals, and could almost run, able to do a quick jog now. He could stay there while they went to work. Hunk was going to drop Lance off, and head to an event while Lance would take the bus home that night. Lance had shown Keith how to use the house phone, in case of emergencies.
"You sure he'll be okay?" Hunk said again, as he pulled out of the driveway.
Lance waved off the question. "Of course he will. He's been exceeding our expectations so far hasn't he?"
Hunk nodded. "More or less."
Lance patted his best friends shoulder. "Don't worry, he'll be fine."
Hunk nodded, and drove on.
Lance went through his day as usual, chatting briefly with Matt, Thace, Kinkade, and James. They worked hard, and Lance noticed majority of the team were using rods, the fishing nets laying limp on their hooks in the dock house.
Dayak sat at her desk, tapping a pen against the dark wood. Lance noticed her frustrations as she went through phone call after phone call.
He worked hard through the first part of his day, catching almost twice as much as usual, close to his amount he would catch when he had nets. He took half an hour to get some lunch and check in on Keith before he went back to work just as hard.
He was exhausted five hours later, and hung up his rod, placing his empty bucket for bait back with the others. He felt himself grin as he saw them all.
"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat behind him. He turned around to see Dayak, looking disgusted as usual.
"Hey." Lance said causally before walking past her, a yawn escaping his mouth.
"Lance." She called right as he hit the door. "Stay for a little, I need to speak with you."
Lance didn't know how to feel, but instead did as he was told and took a seat at her desk. He vaguely remembered the morning she had told him she wanted him out fishing on his own, the day he almost lost his job, the day he first saw Keith.
"Yes ma'am?" He asked politely, letting his fingers fiddle with the hem of his shirt.
"I have been watching, watching this team and our progress. Watching you." She said, her eyes holding an unwavering intense gaze over him. He gulped.
"And do you know what I see?" Dayak said, taking a sip of her now cold coffee.
"No." Lance said honestly. He had no idea where this was going, and honestly didn't care.
"I see change." She said, cocking her head. "And as you know, I don't usually like change. It interferes with my own plans. Do you understand that?"
Lance nodded.
"But this change, this change I can tell is positive. Good at heart. And it radiates from you." She pointed at him. "This idea you've had, some godly notion to put yourself above others and try to change our entire economic system." She waved her hands.
"Well to put it at its least, it's stupid." She said. Lances face fell, and eyebrows furrowed. "An idiotic idea that could only come from you."
"Because it was risky. And I condemn you for that." Was she..complimenting him?
"And I'm glad someone made a stand for once. Even if it is different I can see where you're coming from. I can see your passion. And that is why-" she slid a paper across the table to him.
He picked it up to read it as she spoke. "I took up your offer, the net reduction program? I thought it wouldn't be so bad, and I took it on account of your hard work, and how only two men are still using nets on my team. I set in the request to other shipping bases around the world. And this is what I got back."
Lance read the fine print. "They accept." He screeched.
"They accept the offer! They accept!" He yelled standing up.
"Yes, and in a few weeks there will be riots to stop the production here in Florida. It's a small step, but a step indeed."
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Lance said wrapping his long arms around her thin fame in an attempted hug. She didn't hug back, but she didn't pull away either.
"You're welcome Lance." She said, a small smile on her face.
"Keith! Keith!" Lance screamed as he entered the house.
"What Lance? Why are you yelling?" The man with the mullet sat on the couch, criss cross apple sauce, with the Xbox controller in his hands. He was playing Resident Evil, the volume turned up.
"I did it! I-" he frowned as he heard the blood curdling scream of a character on the game. "What are you doing?"
Keith looked up, his eyes glossy and blank from staring at the screen for hours. "I don't know. What are you doing?" He asked before turning back to the game.
Lance groaned. "No Keith's seriously, it's important." He said. When the man didn't answer Lance snatched the controller.
Keith glared up at him before sighing. "What is it?"
Lance grinned again. "It worked!!"
"What worked?"
"The net reduction program! It was accepted all throughout Florida!"
Keith's scowl melted and his face broke into a grin. He stood up. "That's great! You did it Lance!" He exclaimed. He ran forward and leaped into Lances waiting arms.
"You did it Lance." He mumbled into Lances warm shirt.
Lance looked down into Keith's eyes, his smile wide. "No. We did it Keith."
Keith smiled back at him before placing his head back in the nook of Lances neck. "Thanks so much."
"Yeah of course." Lance hugged him tight, burying his face in Keith's hair.
"You know Keith this is the first time we've hugged."
"Don't make it weird." Keith said, but he was still smiling.
Dayak called Lance a little after Hunk got home, telling him he had the entire summer off from then on and he would be acquiring 75% of the income she got for the program. It was a huge business success she said, and his name would be running through businesses around the world now. He would still be payed weekly.
"This is insane!!" Lance said when he dropped his phone. Hunk picked him up in a huge bear hug, grinning just as wide.
"Now I can help you buy that van Hunk."
Hunk let him go. "Oh no no, I can do that on my own. Don't waste your money on that."
"Aw I want to though."
Hunk laughed. "We'll see."
The next day was windy, the sun casting a dry haze over the grass. Lance let all of his friends know about the new program being accepted and they all congratulated him. Hunk decided to throw a party for Lance and Keith's success when he got home from his event. Everyone would be coming over later that day.
Hunk left for his event and Lance for once, slept in. So Keith was pretty much alone. He went into the kitchen and searched for something to eat. He found the pancake mix in the pantry.
"Ooh." He said to himself before heading around the various spots in the kitchen to collect the ingredients.
Hunk had shown him how to make pancakes, and work the stove so he figured he could do it on his own.
As he mixed the batter he slightly wished Lance was up. He missed those blue eyes and freckles, and his laugh. He missed his nice singing voice and his perfect smile.
His first two pancakes were burnt through, and crumbling. But after he tossed those, his next few pancakes were fluffy and warm. He put them on a plate and went to play video games.
Lance waddled down the steps, hair hanging over his eyes and eyelids droopy. His phone had said 12 p.m but he never slept that late. He had opened the window next to his bed and let the strong winds wake him up.
He stepped off the last step and looked to the living room where Keith was sitting on the edge of the couch, eyes glued to the screen again, back arched.
"Not to sound like a mom or anything but I'm thinkin about setting a limit to you being on this thing." Lance said cringing at how old he sounded.
"Okay Mom." Keith said as he shot down a zombie.
"Resident evil again?" Lance asked sitting next to him. He spotted the plate in front of Keith.
"You made pancakes?"
Keith paused the game and looked up at him, from under his bangs. "Yeah I made you some. They're actually pretty good. How'd you sleep?"
Lance shrugged. "Fine I guess." He scratched his head. "You?" He asked as he headed to the kitchen.
"Good." Keith got up to follow.
Lance began to eat the pancakes, eyeing Keith warily. He chewed. "This....is pretty good. You made this?"
Keith rolled his eyes, arms folded. "Yes I did."
Lance smiled. "Hunk would be proud." He said with his mouth full.
Keith chuckled. "Thanks."
"Oh and Lance?" Keith asked sitting next to him.
"Remember those movies you told me about? The ones with like the magical worlds and stuff?" He had a slight blush on his face.
Lance laughed. "Disney?"
"Yeah those. You think maybe...we could watch them today? Or some?"
Lance grinned. "Yeah of course!"
And so that's what they did, they spent the rest of the day eating Keith's pancakes and watching Disney movies.
"Wow Lance you're making me proud!" Coran said, twirling his moustache with his pinkie. Everyone except Hunk and Romelle say in the living room chatting.
"You say it like I've never made you proud." Lance frowned. He layed on the floor with his head in Allura's lap.
"Um..well chap." Coran coughed. "Like my uncle says it's not the things you do-"
"No Lance you've never made him proud." Pidge said sarcastically and laughed. "Of course you've made us proud."
"It took Keith to show up for you to do something super cool though." Matt sighed.
"What?!" Lance sat up. "No I was already like this! Keith just helped you guys see how mature I could be. Right Keith?"
Keith blinked. "Am I supposed to know how you were before I got here?" He asked.
Lance frowned as everyone laughed. "You suck." He said. But he was smiling.
"Celebration cake is here." Romelle clapped her hands as she walked into the living room with Hunk at her side. He carried a round chocolate cake, with lots of icing spread perfectly around.
"Lances favorite." He grinned, but then frowned at Keith. "I didn't know what kind of cake you would like.."
Keith smiled. "It's ok. I'm sure I'll like it."
"Good. We also brought you some strawberry ice cream to go with it." Allura smiled as she placed Lances head back in her lap.
Keith beamed. "Thanks guys." He said.
Keith did end up liking the chocolate cake, and though he had only one bowl of ice cream, he was as happy as he could be.
Haven't done a little authors note for a few chapters hah. How is everyone doing?
I'm a little sick thanks for asking.
I hope you are enjoying these chapters, this one took me a little longer and wasn't as good in my opinion as the others just cuz I've been kinda sluggish and blocked plot wise for a while. But I promise it'll get better :) also the Klance fluff is coming I promise I just need to set up all the subplots and stuff
Speaking of which...how'd you guys like Lotor and Haggar? They will be a part of the story too and I hope u like that though they both have pretty sad backgrounds :(
Anyway let me stop ranting
Love ya!!
SNS out
(P.S does anyone actually listen to the songs I put up? If so do you think they go well with the content? Thanks for the feedback guys)
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