11~ The Witch
"This is what my father wanted." Lotor whispered to himself, his black tail wrapped around the rock, slimy seaweed slipping off.
"And whats that?" Her craggly voice swept into his brain as she swam over, her dim orange illuminesct making the scars on her face more prominent.
"Nothing Mother." He said, the bite in his tone strong.
"Don't speak to me that way Lotor." She said floating next to him. She drew a sharp nail through his thick white hair. "Now tell me. What did Zarkon want?"
Lotor bit back a snarky reply and told the truth. She was all he had anyway. "To have unlimited power."
"Is that so?"
He glared at her. "You of all people know it is. His unquenched thirst for it- its what got him inprisoned." He looked away, the solemn look on his face apparent.
"Is that what you're going on about? Not having him in your life?" She growled. "You're so useless, always selfish and weak."
Lotor cringed. "No. Thats not what I was thinking about anyway. I was thinking of his plan. The one he was working out when he was unfairly captured."
Haggar laughed, the sound cracked like static. "Unfair? No, no. It was definitley fair."
Lotor whipped his head around. "How could you say that??"
She shook her head, the dark smile faint on her lips. "He was stupid in being so abrupt in his plan." She sighed. "I told him to be patient. His place in the council was important and valuable. So fragile..." She said slowly running her hand through the water.
Not only was his place in our society fragile...his place in our family was...Lotor thought to himself, the pain as sharp as a knife in his heart. "Still, he was right in trying. Wasn't he?"
"Yes. It was inevitable- a siren with that rare purpose? He'd be missing his chance to give that up." Her voice was thick with regret. Lotor couldn't pinpoint where it came from.
"He shouldn't have gone after the parents." Lotor stated it, though he was unsure of it himself.
"Yes he should have." Haggar pulled his hair. "That was the one smart decision he made. The timing? Needed work."
"We should finish the job." Lotor said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"We can do it. He did the hard work- took the parents out of the picture. We just need to find the siren now. And I have father's power. I can take it for my- us. For us."
"Now Lotor-"
"Mother just think about it- we could rebuild our reputation. Be allowed into Atlantis again. Get out of this dark cave.."
Haggar took in the hollow moist cave she called home, the water always a dark gray, too far from the surface for the sun to reach. When Zarkon was discovered, Haggar and young Lotor had been banished, and physically could not leave.
"I like it here." She said quietly.
"Me and you both know thats a harsh lie." Lotor sighed, swimming forward. He left her hand poised over where his stark hair had been.
"We'd never be able to. Your father left us in shambles.."
"You Mother. You can do it. Find us the right path to take." Lotor said looking her over.
"I-I don't even know if I could produce enough power for a simple vision." She stuttered, suddenly not as strong. She hadn't used her power since Zarkon was taken from their lives, and shuddered at the thought.
"Whats so wrong with trying?" Lotor said swimming closer. His yellow eyes burned with determination.
He just wants something to live for...Haggar thought with a deep pain in her heart.
I need something to live for...
"Lets do it." She said without looking at him.
Haggar stood over the bubbling murky water she had gathered in a broken crevice in the wall of the cave. It had shaped itself into a bowl like figure, from years of erosion and strong currents.
She let her hands direct themselves, motion upon motion, while her mind took a glimpse into the past- her watching others pasts to get to her future. Her destiny.
Her purpose was See-Through, which let her see into any reality or mind she wanted to. Though rare, the council didn't think it was good and she was split from her family at a young age, soon after her monsoon year. She secretly married Zarkon, and she claimed those to be her happiest years. He gave her everything she wanted or ever needed.
She didn't beleive in true love. But she beleived he wasn't far from it.
When she had Lotor, he was just another peice to the puzzle she called happiness. But then it went downhill, Zarkon and his devious plan to go after that one rare purpose. When she married him she knew he would do anything for power. But this?
He didn't listen to her pleas of warning, and soon, he was gone all together.
Left her to be banished and take care of their young son, who grew up without a father figure, the pain his mother let off the only memory he ever had. When he gained Zarkons Pass- On purpose, she knew he would most likely go down a similar path to his father.
And she didn't stop it. The inevitable destiny the purpose caused..was out of her control. Even if she could see it before anyone else. The purpose gave the siren the ability to take away other siren's purposes, hence the name pass-on. The siren could either take the purpose for themselves or totally destroy it. It is also rare and hereditary, always running in Zarkon's family. It gave him the free way into the council, the purpose used to take away sirens with bad notions.
He was deemed one of the most important in all of Atlantis, and Haggar couldn't have been more proud.
Now, she was disgusted and angry, or that was what she let off. Truthfully, she was sad, wading in a despair she couldn't swim out of.
"I don't know what I'm looking for Lotor." She scanned over the swirling purple and gray matter, nostalgia of her early marriage taking over her. She gulped back tears.
"Me neither. But we'll know." Lotor stood with his broad shoulders, watching over her scrawny build and scraggly hair.
Her illumimesct pulsed and brown tail twitched as something flickered in the water.
Lotor leaned in closer as she moved her hands to create a better view of the image.
A woman, tall with a frilly dress the color of her bleached hair, teal eyes looking at someone, gleaming as she laughed at a joke Lotor and Haggar couldn't hear. Haggar cocked her head in confusion, but stayed silent as she watched.
The view showed her alone, head in her brown hands as she looked over the still ocean.
The water turned brown again, the purple shine gone, and became still.
"What was that?" Lotor screeched, anger spiking. "A sad human?? Are you kidding?"
Haggar held up a wrinkled hand. "Wait.." She said, her gears turning as she thought ahead.
"A human.." She said to herself. She looked at Lotor. "My visions never give me something I can't work with. That human- she must have something to do with the siren."
Lotor watched her, his eyes moving frantically as he took in what she was saying. "You..you don't think the siren.."
Haggar nodded. "Thats exactly what I'm thinking." She groaned. "Which means-"
"I'm going to the surface."
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