Chapter 59
_Chapter 59~ Won't Lose_
He was right in front of me.
Living, breathing, standing, leering?
"Um, Aki," I finally found it in me to speak, blinking rapidly as I stared at the silhouette that hovered by my front gates. "Why... are you here?"
The redhead pursed his lips, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He rose his head to meet my eyes. "Let's do something together, Senpai."
"Something...?" My eyelids fluttered as I peeked down at my cell phone screen that displayed his recent text message of coming outside to see him. Little did I expect for him to be standing here like this... "But why...?"
Clearly not liking my series of questions, Aki pushed open the gates and snapped his hand over my wrist, yanking me outside into the open.
"I want to spend time with you."
My voice got lodged in my throat. Surprised, I allowed Aki to drag me down the pavement with long, fast strides. I couldn't see his expression with the back of his flimsy black hoodie facing me but knowing just how puzzling of a case the guy was, I didn't question further than what it was.
"You're dressed really light today," I noted after a while to break the silence. "Are you sure you don't need a coat?"
Aki slowed his pace, coming to a sudden halt. My action of jogging nulled as well and I watched him, puzzled. He really was acting strangely today.
Twisting around to face me, Aki stared at my face, as if scrutinizing me. I grew uncomfortable as a result, fiddling with the hem of my coat. "What is it?"
"You're... feeling better aren't you?"
My head jerked up. "Huh?"
Aki instantly seemed to regret his choice of words. He craned his head left before he could dare lock eyes with me. "No... I was... simply asking for small talk."
Brushing aside his oddly sweet concern, a tiny smile curved up the corners of my lips. "Were you worried about me?"
"N-no!" Aki objected. "I don't care. I already told you I asked for small talk didn't I?"
I laughed a little at his defence, reaching up and playing with my bangs. "That... was before I remembered I still have amazing people around me. There's no reason for me stuck moping in regret when there's better things I can do. I... realize that now."
"Amazing... huh?" Baffled, I cocked my head to the side. Aki frowned, folding his arms behind his head. "You must be referring to my brother when you say that."
Heat crept onto my cheeks at the mention and I darted my gaze, awkwardly shuffling my feet. "Well, Satoru is amazing himself... but, what I was referring to includes you too, Aki."
Just as I picked up my gaze, I'd seen that the boy had gone wide-eyed, mouth dropped in shock.
"M-me?" he asked in disbelief, poking a finger towards himself for emphasis. "You think I'm amazing?"
"Of course I do," I responded unaccompanied by hesitation. "Without ever asking for anything in return, you've always helped me out and listened to my troubles. I appreciate it a lot. Besides, I think it's super cool how much information you know. Sure at times you can be a little intimidating and you're always trying to get yourself mixed into unnecessary trouble, but you always know when to draw the line."
I chuckled yet again in an attempt to cover up my embarrassing spiel.
"Sorry for suddenly saying this all, but I guess this senpai has just become very fond of her kouhai."
Aki had gone speechless and bug-eyed. Automatically, goosebumps arose on my arms, and not due to the cold. Had I spoken out of line again? Biting my lower lip, I anxiously leaned towards him. Though, it was without warning that an unexpectedly wide beam took hold of Aki's face. Despite the reddening of his cheeks from which I guessed originated from the nippy winter air, he let out a whoop! and fist-pumped.
"Yes! Since Senpai thinks so highly of me that means I still have a chance!" I was startled when Aki lessened the proximity between our faces, an excited twinkle in his eyes. "I have a chance, don't I?"
My breathing hitched as I took a step back. Granted, Aki's enthusiasm was something I was used to but this time it had taken me off guard. "H-have a chance for what?" I carefully asked.
"Capturing your heart," he bluntly declared.
"M-my... heart?" I echoed. My eyeballs had bulged from their sockets but I berated myself before I could left my thoughts get the best of me. There was no way he meant it that way. This was Aki I was talking about. Who knew what kind of surreptitious things he had planned.
I was brought of my thoughts at the ringing of my cell. My head rotated in the direction of my pocket and I hurriedly dug into it, whipping it out. I felt Aki's eyes follow my actions as I brought it to my eyes. At the sight of the Caller ID, my eyebrows shot upwards. It was Satoru....
"You're not going to answer?" Aki questioned from where he was after my ringtone continued to blare.
"I-I will!" I stammered. I inhaled and exhaled quick breaths to calm myself down before sliding my thumb towards answer and placing it to my ear. "Hello?"
"Hey, Reina," his voice sounded through the receiver, as convivial as it always was. It successfully caused my heart to flutter. "How are you this fine afternoon?"
"I-I'm good," I replied, internally cringing at how nervous I sounded. When would these nerves disappear? "How are you?"
"See, I was pretty good," he drawled. For some reason, though his voice resounded from the call, I swore I could hear it outside of that too. Was it echoing? Right as I positioned the phone closer to my ear, I nearly jumped from my skin when one arm wrapped itself around my shoulders, compressing them. Orange hair flitted into my ray of vision halting my heartbeat as his voice chuckled both from the call and real life. "But I'm even better now that I get to see you."
I sucked in a large amount of air as I jerked my head backwards for a proper glimpse. My lips pulled back into a wide grin. "Satoru! Where'd you come from?"
He partly loosened his hold as he beckoned to the basketball he carried in lateral hand. "I was heading towards the park," he enlightened me. Satoru's head rose slightly to see who Aki who was looking at him in askance. Satoru proceeded to cock a brow, his gaze flickering from him to me. "What were you two up to?"
"Doesn't matter," Aki sourly said before I could, stomping towards us and shooing his brother away from me like a hissing cat. "And what kind of idiot plays basketball in this kind of weather?"
"What kind wears a thin hoodie?" retorted Satoru, a frown taking the form of lips. "You should be dressing properly."
"I'm fine," huffed Aki. "The cold never bothered me anyway."
I couldn't help but chuckle at his reference. Aki, who caught that, grinned at me—the entire opposite to Satoru whose expression grew more perplexed.
"Reina, are you taking his side?"
"I'm not," I assured him. "I even told Aki the same thing; to conceal don't feel, don't let them know."
"Well now they know," continued Aki dramatically, his tone completely off key.
"Let it go, Aki, let it go," I went on, slapping his arm with a grin.
"But Senpai, I can't hold it back anymore," stifled Aki.
Simultaneously, we ended up bursting into a fit of laughter. Satoru's head whipped back and forth between us, his eyebrows scrunched together.
"You never pinned me as a princess movie fan," I noted, nudging the boy's arm. "Don't tell me you want to build a snowman too."
"It doesn't have to be a snowman, Senpai. Remember?" Aki said.
Having enough with his unnecessary cringe, I bumped his shoulder, chortling, "Okay, bye."
Once woken up out of our reveries, both Aki and I turned towards Satoru who'd gone silent. Unlike earlier, he no longer looked lost but instead, dejected. His cheeks had puffed up similar to a chipmunk, and he kicked at the pavement.
I ventured up to him, standing on my tippy-toes and poking at his cheek. "Satoru~ Why are you so down?"
He didn't meet my eyes. "It's okay, I know I'm a failure. I didn't watch that one princess movie so I don't understand a single thing you're laughing about. Don't mind me, you can continue. I'll just do my walk of shame...."
"What are you still here for then," Aki interjected, beckoning out his arms in a direction.
"N-no it's fine!" I objected, vigorously my head whilst shooting Aki a glare. I peeked at him again. "It's not too late. We can still watch it."
"Together?" he asked hopefully.
"Sure!" I responded. "Aki can come too."
Satoru who had brightened considerably beamed even further at the mention of his brother. "Do you want to, Aki?"
Aki promptly flinched. "Why would I ever..." his words trailed off at the sight of both me and Satoru's pleading stares. He clicked his tongue, folding his arms. "Do whatever you want."
"Yay," I said, grinning.
Satoru lightly chuckled as well. "So why were you two out here together?"
"Oh, Aki said he wanted to hang out," I answered.
"And you already agreed?" Satoru asked, disappointment slipping into his tone. "Aww. And here I was going to ask you out today."
"You snooze you lose," Aki said, snaking his arm around my shoulder and pulling me his way. "Kikuchi-senpai's hanging out with me."
Satoru didn't appear too happy at that idea. Casting his head a little, he looked at me in that irresistible puppy-dog pout of his. "I can't spend even a little bit of time with you?"
My insides melted to mush on the spot. I clenched the fabric of my coat above my chest, subconsciously taking a step forward. "Of course you can—"
"—not," Aki interjected, tugging me back to him before I could finish. "Senpai and I are going somewhere and you're not allowed to interfere."
My lips met, head jerking back and forth between a saddened Satoru that tugged on my heartstrings and then to a scowling Aki. "Can't he just tag along?"
"I'll be quiet," Satoru agreed with a vehement nod. "You won't even know I'm there!"
"No," refused Aki easily. "You'd just be flirting or holding hands or doing other couple-ish things with Senpai if I left you come!"
Both Satoru and I lit up. "Then—" we started simultaneously.
"No negotiations," Aki hissed, dragging me away that that. "You and I are going alone, Senpai!"
I had no choice but to relent to his firm yanks but that didn't stop me from peering over my shoulder and waving at Satoru goodbye. It took me by surprise to see that he was smiling though. Why was he? I couldn't fathom what was so amusing. Though, my thoughts were soon reciprocated when he broke out into a quick sprint in our direction. He scooped up my left hand once he arrived, causing Aki to pivot around on his foot, bemused at the unexpected disturbance.
"Aki, how about I verse you?" Satoru suggested, holding up his basketball. "Winner gets to spend the day with Reina?"
Aki's own grip around my right hand tightened. "No," he refuted. "There's no use fighting for her. It's already been decided Senpai and I are spending the day together."
Satoru, despite his words, didn't back down. "Even still, I'll fight for her," he declared. His gaze was fixed on Aki but that still didn't stop the warmth brushing across my cheeks and my inconsistent heartbeat.
Aki glowered at him after catching my blush. "I already told you nothing will ever—"
"Then I'll just tell her about Mr. Rabbit."
Aki froze like a statue.
"Mr. Rabbit?" I repeated the English title in bafflement.
Regardless, Satoru's smug smile didn't waver.
"You wouldn't dare tell her," Aki growled.
"About Mr. Rabbit's personal diary or stories of your extreme fondness to a plush?" challenged Satoru. "I don't know, it may have to leak out accidentally."
Aki grounded his teeth, but didn't shout an objection like earlier. My eyebrows rose high. Aki, the master of all things blackmail and threats—the most cunning human being I ever knew—was at a loss of words. He was losing. Against his older brother.
After what felt like ages, Aki grunted in defeat. "If I beat your ass you better not say one word about this again."
Satoru grinned. His provocation had worked. "Fine with me. But the main prize—"
"Will be Senpai for the day," Aki finished.
I folded my arms, my expression falling in disapproval. "I am not an item, thank you."
My words had snatched their attention. With a good-natured smile Satoru squeezed my hand, sending my stomach to do a flip. "I know," he assured me. "Either way, today will be ours."
"Unless it ends up being mine," spat Aki. He peeped my way and flushed. "O-ours, I mean."
Satoru's eyes studied Aki, unable to hide his confusion. He must've noticed Aki's strange behaviour too. As if an idea hit him though, his previous expression disappeared and he gained a random glint in his eyes. "Also—"
"I'm not adding anything ridiculous into this," Aki cut him off.
"It's not ridiculous," Satoru defended.
Dubious, Aki hesitantly motioned for him to spill.
"If, or really when, I win, let me dye my hair back to black."
Aki was somewhat startled. Even I was staring at him in astonishment. Black hair? "You... want to?" Aki questioned.
Satoru nodded his head in a heartbeat. "I want to," he concluded. "Really, I've wanted to since I lost that bet of ours and walked out of that shop with bright orange hair, and still do for years."
Aki rolled his eyes but a tiny smile successfully upturned the corners of his lips. "Oh c'mon, Koshiro got neon pink."
"He liked the change though," Satoru pointed out. "So I'm taking that as a yes?"
"Suit yourself."
Satoru threw his fist into the air, ecstatic. He flashed me a grin and I returned an equally big one. Him with black hair, huh? Then he'd look like those pictures from middle school. Or maybe not exactly considering he'd changed quite a lot from when those photos were taken.
Unable to halt the curiosity welling up inside of me, I spoke, "Hey, what was your guys' deal even about?"
"Our deal?" drawled Satoru.
Aki smirked, plucking the ball from brother's hands and, like a pro, spun it on the tip of his index finger. "It was simple. If him and Koshiro couldn't beat me in a basketball match they'd have to dye their hair any colour I picked."
* * *
Even though I deemed Satoru to be the best at basketball, Aki had proven to be better.
The tension in the atmosphere was thick; Aki up by six, Satoru still at four. They decided on a short game where the first person to ten points wins. Considering the weather and time of day, luckily the park was completely empty giving them the opportunity to play full court.
I had taken a seat on the nearby bench, Satoru's coat which he had given me to carry in my hands.
"Ready to give up now?" Aki taunted, smirking as he slowly dribbled the ball in his right hand. "Why are you even trying? I've always been the better player."
Satoru was in the defensive stance, determination masking most of his features. "What's this, are you feeling concerned for your older brother?"
Aki scoffed, tapering his eyelids. He bent his knees. "Fine. I'll just dominate you and let Senpai learn how pathetic you really are."
In a split moment, Aki raced forward. He was quick on his feet, already halfway across the court in a flash. He halted abruptly once he reached Satoru, ricocheting the ball between his hand and the court. He moved right and left but Satoru stayed on him. Gritting his teeth Aki did something bold. He took a huge step forward and as soon as Satoru followed him, pulled back, leaving him out in the open. As swift as he could, Aki darted towards the exposed net, taking three steps before performing a smooth layup.
I observed as the ball soared into a perfect angle towards the basket. Before it could dare hit the rim though, Satoru sprung out of nowhere from the ground, smacked the ball, successfully blocking Aki.
Aki was frozen in shock but by the time he woke up from his daze he learned a little too late that the ball was still in action. He twisted around in order to hurry to the ball but Satoru had already caught it and was dribbling in his net's direction. As soon as he arrived, he positioned himself at the three-point line and shot it. It made an easy basket.
Just like I had every time one of them scored, I clapped wildly, this time whistling as I did. Satoru faced me with a smile and wink while Aki couldn't look any more pissed.
"Just because you're a little tall..." he petulantly stated as Satoru checked him the ball.
"Someone sounds sour," Satoru teased. "Getting scared now that we're tied?"
Aki spared a look my way, taking me off guard. He clenched the ball tighter. "I'm still not giving up. I'll win her."
"I'm not handing Reina over to anyone."
All the cheesiness in the air had successfully made me giggle. What was this? Was I a stuffed animal they were battling for at a carnival? Still, I did admit I felt somewhat special at how needlessly serious they were. I didn't know what was so great about the idea of spending the day with someone as boring as me, but as flattering as it was, it was still inexplicably humorous.
The game droned on. But unlike the first half it ended up being back and forth. Aki would score followed by Satoru, until the final score was 9–9. Aki was tense, as he started with the ball. They were intimidatingly staring one another down, and for a period of time, none of them did anything. Then, without warning, they moved. Back and forth the ball went, and neither of them were going to yield.
After ten minutes of the repetitive blocking and shooting, I was beginning to get bored. The game had already taken more than a half hour. After pursing my lips, I decided to open my mouth.
"Satoru, Aki—someone hurry up and win this game!"
"That's easier said than done," Satoru called out, jumping up to shoot.
Another sigh left my mouth as Aki blocked his shot yet again. "Then you make the next basket if you love me," I tried again.
He nearly dropped the ball at that. Satoru halted in place, looking at me with wide eyes. "What kind of pressure is that?"
I only smiled. "Someone needs to raise the stakes," I reasoned.
Satoru definitely grew more nervous, only making me laugh. Aki on the other hand, looked more determined to stop him. As Satoru attempted dribbling around him, Aki easily speared the ball out of his hands and made a mad dash towards his net. Satoru blanched as he swerved around and dogged him.
Aki came to a stop once he reached the net, reeling back his arm to shoot. Satoru launched himself for it as soon as he shot but it wasn't a very strategic way to. The tips of his finger grazed the ball, inducing a loud popping noise. He winced and ended up stumbling into Aki's back. Both of them collapsed onto the ground.
I lurched to my feet in a heartbeat, hurrying towards them. "Are you guys okay?"
Aki groaned as he pushed Satoru's body off of him, glaring as soon as he pulled free. Satoru leaned on his forearm as he pushed his body upwards as well.
"I'm fine," he responded as I crouched down beside him. He wriggled his fingers and instantly winced, gritting his teeth. "Scratch that. I accidentally jammed my fingers on the ball."
"Then tackled me!" Aki snapped, scanning his body over for visible cuts.
"Thanks for cushioning my fall," Satoru sheepishly laughed.
Aki rolled his eyes. Guilt seized my features after the two of them rose up to their feet. "S-sorry," I apologized, eyeing Satoru's injured fingers. "It's because I pressured you."
"It's okay, Reina," Satoru quickly assured me, holding it up. "It's happened before. It won't kill me."
I wanted to trust his words despite how horrible I felt. I let it drop, hanging my head. I paused. "Let me prepare myself."
Satoru was bemused. "Prepare yourself for what?"
"Remember that day I was in the hospital?" I prodded, focusing on my eyes. "I promised I'd cry for you if you ever got hurt. Just give me a minute to muster tears."
"Agh!" Satoru shouted, blushing as he swung his hand out to silence me. "Reina! I said to never bring that up again!"
"But you were so sweet!" I argued. "You were so worried about me!"
"That's because you gave me a reason to be!" Satoru had tinged an extremely dark shade of red and recoiled once he saw that I wasn't giving up. "Reina—"
"Aniki." We both came back to reality to find Aki hovering to the left of us, the basketball tucked under his arm. Eyeing us over with disapproval, his frown deepened. "Whatever. Let's just leave it at a tie."
Satoru's mouth fell. "But—"
"It's already getting late," Aki said. "You can dye your hair or whatever you want, but this means that we both get to split the rest of the day with Senpai." Aki turned to me. "You're fine with that, right, Senpai?"
"Sure," I agreed with a shrug.
Satoru didn't seem too pleased with the idea that he couldn't take the win.
"C'mon, Satoru." I nudged him. "I can even nurse you back to health."
Catching my gaze, Satoru couldn't stay disappointed. "Fine," he drawled out like a little kid. "Well, at least I didn't lose you."
I couldn't stop the grin that took over my face. "Am I hearing you had the intention to?"
Satoru gasped, as if shocked I would ever think so. A smile crossed his features as he ruffled my hair with his unhurt hand. "I would've made that shot for you, you know."
I giggled, placing both my hands on top of his. "I know."
"Seriously... I wonder why I even give myself hope and try..." Aki's glum whisper snatched both of our focus. I was startled to see his gaze fixed on me, a wistful smile taking hold of his lips. "You two are just perfect for each other."
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