Chapter 53
_Chapter 53~ Tumbling World_
I couldn't beat my parents to the door.
It happened before I could think. I was awkwardly shuffling around the entire house, looking myself over in the mirror times and times again—eyeing my burgundy cardigan, black top and floral skirt. My hair tied back in a ponytail and star earrings. I'd even rallied up my best boots that would give me a little more height. Even still, I was jittery with nerves since I'd awaken at 7 AM until now—noon—impatiently looking out the window for any signs of Ryu.
Though, it was my fault for not anticipating that my parents would catch on to my antsy behaviour and would immediately rush to the door before I could have the chance of realizing the bell had gone off. After clambering down the steps, all the colour had left my face when I saw both entities blocking Ryu off at the door, matching smiles painting their features.
Although expecting Ryu to seem nervous as I'd deemed anyone would be, instead a small—though forced—smile was painting the bottom half of his face.
"Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Kikuchi," he greeted.
"Good afternoon," Mom responded with a knowing smirk. She played along regardless. "What a pleasant surprise to have you at our door. What brings you here?"
Ryu stiffened but quickly tried to play it off with a laugh, "O-oh, um—oh, Reina! Is that you?"
I automatically became stricken. Both my parents and Ryu shifted their gazes in my direction. I gave my parents an immediate warning stare but that was a lost signal to them because it only caused them to smirk even wider. My cheeks warm, I briefly peeked up at Ryu whose smile had grown more genuine at the sight of me.
"Hey, Reina," he said.
Suddenly feeble, I couldn't halt the nervousness enveloping me as I scuffed my feet. "H-hi."
I glanced at him, feeling my heart rate increase when my eyes met his. He was dressed rather casually—a flannel and dark-washed jeans—but it suited him nonetheless. I also caught that he'd had his one arm positioned behind his back as he stood at the doorstep.
"Iwasaki," Dad started, breaking apart our locked eyes. We turned to see that Dad's head was jerking between us in momentary hesitation.
Mom wasted no time to cut him off, "Reina, don't you think you should've told us you started dating Iwasaki here?"
Her bluntness was never something I expected. Immediately, we both recoiled. "I-is it that obvious?" I ended up stammering, ignoring the dark blush blossoming across my cheeks.
Instead of responding, Mom and Dad gasped. Simultaneously, their eyes gained an awed twinkle.
"I told you that was the case!" Mom cried, smacking Dad's arm. "She's always in a daze or humming to herself! That's a typical sign of a girl in love!"
My skin crawled with utter embarrassment. Ryu only chuckled under his breath and when I looked his way more awkwardness ensued.
"Th-that's not..." I began.
"I've met his guardian at the supermarket the other day and even she noted Iwasaki is constantly mentioning somebody special to her too!"
Now it was Ryu's turn to blush. When I nudged him, he averted his vision to his shoes. I couldn't help but smile a bit.
"How long has this been going on?" Dad demanded.
I bit my lip. "Uh, two weeks?"
"Two weeks?" Mom grinned. "So I'm guessing today is.... W-wait right here!"
Before even bothering to finish her sentence, Mom bolted towards the kitchen. When she returned, she immediately rushed towards me, extending something out for me to take.
"You have to wear this necklace," she ordered, dropping a stylish one into my hand. "I found it in one of your pockets."
Puzzled, I accepted the jewelry then returned my gaze to Mom. "My pocket...? Are you sure this is mine?"
I hadn't caught the fact that Ryu tensed like a statue from beside me. And that my parents had given him a knowing look. Bemused, I shifted my gaze between them then onto the guy. Ryu only flushed even more, flitting his attention elsewhere.
Despite not really getting it, with pressuring gazes from my parents I relented and went towards the nearest mirror to put it on. It was almost like the missing piece to my outfit. After finishing and satisfied with the result, I hastened back towards the door.
"Okay, we have to go. Bye, Mom, Dad," I started.
Just before I could dare show Ryu out the door, Dad called out after us.
"You better have her home early." Accordingly, I gave Dad a dirty look. Mom gave him a similar one, even going as to jostle him. Tense, Dad held up his hands. "What, I always wanted to play the overprotective dad part!"
Rolling her eyes, Mom spoke to Ryu, "You can have her home at any time. But not too late, okay?"
"And you better not go too far," Dad added. "Keep it within PG-13 boundaries—"
"Dad!" I shouted, hissing at the mortification that flooded my veins. "Goodbye!"
I pushed Ryu out the door and once we passed my gates, clear from my parents radius, I was finally able to heave a breath of relief. Something in my gut told me they weren't going to drop this even ways on into the future. Despite another wave of awkwardness washing over us, the silence was soon obstructed with another nervous chuckle from Ryu.
"S-sorry about them," I quickly stammered, suddenly feeble. "You should've just climbed in through my window or something instead; demonstrate your monkey talent."
Ryu scratched the back of his neck with his hand, his cheeks still painted with colour. "As I'm still feeling the aftermath of that embarrassment I would agree, but I said I'm taking you on a date so I don't need to be creepy. Besides, if I went through your window it'd be difficult to give you this."
Just as I shifted my gaze towards him, I was more than startled to see him extending a single rose towards me. My heart swelled in disbelief as I quickly jerked my head upwards. Seeming to understand my speechlessness, he placed it into my fingers. I twirled around the stem, dropping my eyes as a silly smile took hold of the bottom half of my face.
"You're so extra it's sweet," I said as he intertwined my fingers with his.
Ryu seemed shocked to hear my words. "Why? Do people not give flowers anymore?"
Processing the question, I ended up racking my head for an answer. "I don't know," I eventually confessed with a shrug, "this is the first time somebody's given me a rose."
His bottom lip pushed forward. "This is my first time giving somebody a rose, too."
My heart involuntarily throbbed. The idea of that only inclined its beat.
"Did I screw up?" With his free hand he tousled his hair. "I knew I shouldn't have listened to my step-mom."
The term made me pause. Recollections of Ryu's mom whom I had met when I'd visited to study flooded my mind. What I heard the other day wasn't wrong then. She was his step-mom. Albeit wanting to ask, knowing that I shouldn't ruin the mood due to a selfish thought like that, I decided to keep quiet. Ryu would tell me when he was ready. I had to stay patient.
Abruptly, Ryu came to a stop. A pout was playing at his lips as he met my gaze. "I was trying to be romantic, okay; so I could make you feel special."
A touched smile promptly spread across my face. He was too sweet. "Even without it I already feel special enough," I assured him.
My words had caused Ryu to grow elated. His grip around my hand tightened as he smiled from ear to ear. "We should hurry. We have to get there in time for the show."
"I'm looking forward to seeing the penguins," I said as we started off down the road.
"Really? I was actually looking forward to seeing you," Ryu responded.
Another wide smile spread across my face as I pressed my shoulder against his arm. "Don't you ever get tired of saying things like that?"
He only laughed, "Considering how much it gets you to smile, I don't think I ever will."
* * *
Our trip to the aquarium was definitely fulfilling. As I was always a fan of them it was really nice going around eyeing the aquatic animals. We even got the opportunity to head to the top floor where we were allowed to feed the sea turtles lettuce. Ryu was surprisingly sparkly-eyed when he tossed in his own bit, tensing when they suddenly swam to the surface to eat it. They even held an event where they raced the tinier ones on foot which was super cute. By the end of the afternoon, I had taken a bunch of pictures of the waddling penguins and the various amphibians and sharks and we then decided to head out to eat.
We chose to stop by a cafe nearby the planetarium we were to go to later. Needless to say, the entire meal itself was nerve-wracking. Although it was easier to talk to Ryu before at the aquarium, throughout our time at the cafe it was more difficult for me to muster words. I guess it wasn't too bad though because Ryu had somehow managed to get the conversations flowing until we were back to talking like our regular selves. When the sun began to set, tinging the sky with a golden glow, we headed towards the planetarium. Unlike the aquarium, the planetarium was super cool and seeing the stars, drawing various constellations and such was enough satisfaction to last awhile.
By the end of the night we were making our way back home, rambling about the amazing things we'd seen and experienced. Ryu even brought up where we should go for our second date and we discussed ideas rather animatedly, leaving us thrilled.
"Iwasaki," I brought up as soon as the thought crossed my mind, "have you spoken to Miyabi yet?"
Ryu who had pertained great amounts of optimism dulled the slightest. Seeing that, I rolled my eyes.
"Well lucky for you, I decided to text him," I informed him. "Told him to give it his all like a proper friend should."
"Reina," Ryu responded. "You're making a big deal out of nothing serious. If Miyabi needed our help so desperately he'd ask wouldn't he?"
"He would, but I still think we should at least show we're there for him," I told him. "I always insult the guy and end up regretting it so I want to change that. Miyabi hasn't really done any harm to me and I realize I should treat him as an equal and help him whenever I can—like he has for me since we met."
Ryu considered my words and sighed, pivoting his foot right. "Are you saying this all so you can make me feel guilty?"
Linking my arm through his, I tugged him backwards, holding up my finger in the other direction. "Our houses are this way."
Ryu immediately halted and I spotted a blush take hold of his cheeks. I laughed a little. His sense of direction was starting to get better, but he still lacked every now and again.
After a good amount of silence, I spoke, "And to answer your question, yes. That is exactly what I'm trying to do. So message him please."
I accordingly put on my best puppy-dog pout, sticking out my bottom lip for emphasis. Ryu rotated his head down and after a period of staring at me, he ducked his head down without warning and planted his lips against mine. All at once, my body froze as I jerked back, my heart skipping its beat as I stared at him wide-eyed.
"H-hey!" I shouted at him in disbelief.
"Hello," Ryu answered.
I scowled at him, swivelling my head away with my hand over my mouth in embarrassment. If this was his elaborate plan to make me forget about what I was going to ask him, he was way wrong about that. Yeah.
...Wait, what was I asking him again?
Miyabi...? "Message Miyabi!" I proclaimed after it finally hit me. The gears in my mind began to turn again.
He watched my reaction, feigning innocence with long blinks. "Wait, so you weren't pursing your lips to ask me to kiss you?"
"No!" I immediately refuted with a blatant blush on my cheeks. "I was trying to... Never mind! Just promise me."
Ryu's shoulders sagged and he curtly nodded. "Fine, I promise."
"Good," I huffed, paying heed to the fact that my heart rate had increased considerably. Stupid Ryu. Always catching me off guard....
"But I think this should be a double-sided promise," Ryu started after a pause. Baffled, I turned his way and he only continued, "Have you spoken to Sugiyama yet?"
My skin crawled with sudden regret. I should've anticipated this. "W-well...."
"What? You haven't?" Ryu asked in mock shock.
"I-I have!" I sputtered, glaring at him. "But he's still not messaging me back." I exhaled another loud breath. "Jeez, why do things have to be so complicated? Maybe I should go visit him in person so he won't be able to ignore me anymore?"
"He works at his family's coffee shop so you can see him there," Ryu agreed.
"True," I said. "Tomorrow I'm going there then. I'm making him talk to me whether he wants to or not."
"That's the spirit."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm still wondering where yours is. You should really treasure your friendships more."
Ryu was silent at that, piquing my curiosity. When I craned my neck upwards, I was startled to see him frowning. "I do understand," he spoke after a pause. "That if you decide not to treasure a friendship it can end before you realize it."
My eyelids rose the slightest. "...Iwasaki?"
"But even if you do treasure them," he went on, voice barely escaping a whisper, "sometimes they just don't last."
My heartbeat had somewhat picked up in my chest, swelling with involuntary pain. For the first time in a long time, I was left speechless. Many thoughts swirled around my head; why he would ever say such a thing; why he always seemed so sad when he admitted things like that; what he was keeping from me. And although I wanted to just push forward and demand for answers, I more so didn't know how to. The reason Ryu quit being a delinquent and changed his name—maybe it had something to do with it.
I opened my mouth. Just as I tried to muster my voice, the slow, raucous claps on an individual shifted my focus entirely.
"Wow," a low whistle erupted, followed by the amused voice of a male. "Truer words have never been spoken. I see you're still feeling guilty as you should, Satoru Ryutaro."
All at once, Ryu and I froze. Without any delay, Ryu had pushed me behind him, aiming a glower in the direction where the voice originated. My stomach bottomed out as low, simultaneous footfalls echoed from the darkness ahead.
"Who are you?" Ryu barked, tone oozing venom.
The first to emerge were towering males, intimidation and scruffy attires immediately giving away their roles. Though, when my eyes fell upon the first face—illuminated by the dim beam of the streetlights above—it was as if all of the life had been sucked out of me. Following after that, I surveyed down the rows of faces, my lungs aching as I did.
Chikao. Hideki. Kazuo. Rin.
Antagonistic and hostile; all of the delinquents who had promised to have my back were looming over us.
But that wasn't the only reason that made me feel as if I had gotten rammed by a truck straight through the side.
It was because of the person who had stepped out in front of them—hands retreating from their once renounce clap, smirking from ear to ear as in unparalleled amusement. The rim of his glasses glinted off the light source as he pushed it up to the bridge of his nose.
My body had gone limp. My eyes were bulging, tears stinging the corners of my eyelids. What was... Why was... But he hated delinquents. He... My gut churned with overwhelming nausea.
"You look so shocked, both of you," Daichi—my Daichi—had spoken, his deep voice echoing within this vacant neighbourhood. "I kind of feel bad, Reina, considering how easy to trick you were. You were so stubborn about it in the beginning but throughout everything you started to loosen up about the most important thing."
Daichi rose his head, training his hazel eyes that were usually filled with such nonchalance my way, tinted with abundant evil.
"That Akelius Academy is a school of delinquents," Daichi went on. "That the students attending aren't so misunderstood and nice; that we all ended up there for a reason. Some, worse than others, but still a reason. It was hard to get you to loosen up, but I'm glad you let down your walls. You don't understand how grateful both Koshiro and I are for allowing this all to play out better than we would've thought."
Ryu from before me had started trembling the slightest, especially when Daichi's gaze flitted onto him. Disgust danced across every inch of Daichi's features as his smirk broadened.
"K-Koshiro," Ryu spoke, in a weaker, shakier voice than I'd ever heard from him. "H-he's in the hospital. He's n-not...."
"Don't tell me you're not aware of who I'm talking about, Satoru. It's not like he went out of his way to hide his last name when he first approached you, too," Daichi chuckled, in a dry, humourless voice. "The Koshiro who's very much well and alive; the older twin brother of the guy you sent into a coma: Miyabi Koshiro."
I can already see you guys screaming "what?!" but ouch, it prickles my heart as much, lol.
I couldn't wait to get here so now that I have—I'm super duper excited to expose the rest of this story's secrets before it ends :)
Ha.... ha ha....
(Did you guys catch at least some of the hints I dropped in the story now?)
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