Chapter 50
_Chapter 50~ Isn't That Enough?_
The crowd of delinquents around me howled in raucous laughter from within their existing hideout off campus. For the cause to be from a story of one of the many situations I'd gotten myself into this past year left me a tad sheepish, but amused nonetheless.
"Wait, wait, so you seriously got community service hours for picking a fight with the police?"
I sucked in a breath, grimacing. I motioned them closer, and closer they came. "Well, you see—"
The door to their base room swung open with such a loud force my words caught in my throat. I, as well as the rest of the males in the room, turned our heads only to find that the culprit of the disruption had been Ryu. No means of nonchalance was evident in his features, only causing for a spark of reluctance to wash over me.
"Kikuchi, we need to talk," Ryu commanded.
My skin crawled. Swallowing hard, I trained my gaze onto the delinquents to save me and automatically, all of them rose to their feet.
"Leave her alo—"
A glare from Ryu sufficed and all of them instantaneously cowered like scolded puppies. They retreated so far back I was left by myself with him standing before me.
After a period of silence within the room we were gathered in, Ryu deemed it wasn't necessary to wait. Snapping his hand over my wrist, Ryu practically forced me out of my seat and was dragging me out the door.
"H-hey!" a holler went after us. "What do you think you're—"
Ryu shut the door behind him, instantly quieting the weak shout. I stood deathly still, keeping my gaze to my shoes. Against Ryu, those guys were practically useless. And that was without any fighting! Dammit, Ryu must really be pissed.
"Look, whatever I did I'm sorry okay?" Ryu stated once we left the hideout, entering the quiet city. His voice barely escaped a whisper. "But if you're mad at me why do you have to surround yourself with a bunch of guys?"
Hearing Ryu's words shocked, yet also saddened me. Mad? He still thought I was mad at him? I bit my lower lip. "Sounds to me like you're jealous," I ended up saying.
"Jealous?" he repeated in surprise. I didn't respond, and soon, he spoke, "Jealous? I... They just kept getting really close to you, and I didn't like that. Just because you changed how you look? Why are you letting guys who only care about your beauty approach you like that?"
My heart immediately melted in my chest, leaving me to grin like an idiot. "So you are jealous."
Colour tinged Ryu's face. "I-I...."
"You know..." I said, pressing my lips together. My heartbeat was loud in my ears. "If we were together, you wouldn't have to worry about that."
I shuffled my feet awkwardly. What was I saying? Way to be petty, me. Still... When silence greeted me, I peeked upwards at Ryu, and he had become void of his emotion.
"Aren't we together now?" he responded.
Blood rushed to my cheeks. "N-no! I-I meant..." I swallowed hard then shook my head. I started off down the cement. "N-never mind. I need to get home anyway."
"Wait, but it's cold out. You didn't bring a coat, right?" Ryu called after me.
I merely stuck my tongue out at him and scurried on. "What does it matter to you?"
As soon as I made it a good distance away, I exhaled sourly. I'd been trying so hard lately to reassure him, more so because of Erika's words, but even then....
Frowning, I stepped further into the local park, staring up at the mauve and inky night sky. The stars which were beginning to come out nestled together prettily in the vast sky regardless of the existing nippiness in the air. It had transfixed my attention entirely–the sight of the city after sunset always did.
Just then, a tiny chill ran up my spine and I gripped my exposed arms, rubbing them to keep myself from shivering. Even my breaths came out in mini puffs of frost. It was freezing. I knew I shouldn't have come underdressed on such a cold day but that was the least of my concern this morning.
Even still... maybe I messed up. Maybe Erika's advice wasn't the best advice to follow after all. It did succeed in making him jealous, sure... Then again, what was I even expecting to come from this? Shutting my eyelids, I let my many thoughts overwhelm me. Instead of beating around the bush should I just come straight out with it and hope to not be met with disappointment again? Or was this all a good sign that told me I should keep going with my 'delinquency'?
Without warning, something heavy collapsed on my shoulders. My eyelids rose in surprise.
"See, you should've just gotten your coat."
Startled, I pivoted on my foot, reaching up and touching Ryu's large coat enveloping my shoulders. I stared at it and clamped my lips. "I'm not cold."
"It looks to me like you are," Ryu reasoned.
"Well, I'm not," I snapped, clenching the fabric further. "Are you trying to flirt with me by doing this?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Ryu countered. Immediately, I went mute. He heaved a sigh. "Kikuchi—"
"I'm still me."
"No, you're not," he enunciated. "You've been acting like a delinquent these last two days for a reason I'm still trying to wrap my head around."
Caving, I bit the inside of my cheek. "I decided I'd change."
"For whom?"
"You, because—" Suddenly, a shiver ran through me and my body reacted. "Wow, it's freezing," I murmured through my chattering teeth.
"That's why I'm giving you my coat. Hurry up and put it on," Ryu said.
"I said no."
"Kikuchi," he started, scrunching his features. I squared my shoulders. Ryu stilled, and his expression for some reason changed. Before I could make sense of why, he'd moved forward. My legs involuntarily retreated, and my heart skipped its beat, especially when he slammed his arm against the exterior of the tree behind me. He'd trapped me, leaving me no way to escape. Tapering his eyelids, he spoke, "What will make you reconsider?"
It took me a while to regain my poise.
"A night out," I mused, hoping to fluster him and make him back up. "Just the two of us."
Ryu locked eyes with me, them withholding a means of haughtiness I was not expecting. "Let's make it tonight."
His words honestly took me off guard. Although I was momentarily speechless, I swallowed back whatever second thoughts I was starting to have about this whole thing. "Tonight? I'm, uh, busy tonight," I ended up fibbing.
Ryu only leaned closer. "Don't care. Open up your schedule."
I reclined further against the tree. My heart had done a leap in my chest against me. What the heck? Why was he suddenly acting so forceful; so hot? Was this his attempt at fighting fire with fire? Ugh, calm down heart. Settle... "U-um... I-I..." I was a stuttering mess before I knew it. "I-I don't think that's possible."
"Then make it possible," Ryu stated, his face mere inches from mine. "I'm taking you out on a date tonight whether you like it or not."
My mind began swirling, my emotions left in a state of ultimate turmoil. Was Erika's plan really working? Although this was what I wanted, why did this outcome still make me feel like I dug myself into a hole instead?
Heat crossed my cheeks before I could help it. "A-a date? Just us?"
"Just us," he assured me. "Why do you look so unsure? Isn't it what you wanted?"
"N-no," I finally caved, meekly shaking my head. "I'm sorry. I'll take it all off."
Although just wanting him to drop it and move on, he instead slanted towards my ear. "Like this? Right in front of me?"
I blushed even harder in embarrassment, dropping my head. Did I actually say something like that to him before? Oh gosh. "I-I'm s-sorry," I sputtered. "N-never a-again."
A loud exhale pushed past Ryu's lips, fanning my neck as he drew away. He dropped his gaze then crouched down to meet my eyes. "Jeez, Kikuchi. What was the point of doing all this?"
"U-uh... I wanted you to become possessive?" I lied, the fact that he was seeing my beet red face only flustering me further.
Ryu went on to quirk a brow. "And how exactly did that work out for you?"
"Not very well," I admitted awkwardly. "I like you better as a soft teddy bear."
A tiny smile graced his handsome face. "And I happen to like you better as your regularly cute self as well. Be sure to take off all that next time I see you, all right?"
"In front of you?"
"N-no!" A blush consumed his cheeks. "I-I was kidding!"
"Yeah, me, too," I bashfully chuckled. "But, Iwasaki?"
"You should know you're extremely hot when you act like a badass."
At my unexpected praise, Ryu produced a laugh, enveloping me tightly within both arms. I was exposed to his cologne—a familiar scent I couldn't quite place but liked. Just like his hugs. They were always so warm and comforting.
The outside weather that had been forgotten to me in his arms finally hit me again when a gust of wind blew through. Once again, I chilled. Ryu finally retreated and seeing his pressuring gaze from on top of me, I knew exactly what he was trying to ask of me. Biting the inside of my cheek, I did as told, swinging my arms through the sleeves of his coat.
Right as I did, it engulfed my body in a new means of heat. Something wrapped itself around my neck and I looked up in surprise to see that Ryu had even taken off his scarf and was putting it around me. I attempted taking control of it by raising my hands towards it, but Ryu grabbed hold of it, as if telling me he'd do it himself. Seconds passed, and despite the somewhat embarrassing development, I couldn't keep my eyes off him.
"It's getting late. I should walk you home soon," he said. Once he was assured it was secure, Ryu's words trailed off. His own eyes met mine, and his eyebrows rose slightly. Almost instantly, colour tinged his cheeks. I wasn't sure if it was because of the cold or due to a blush, but regardless, my heart had begun to pound just as hard in my chest.
Although the awkwardness was making my skin crawl, for some reason I couldn't pry away my gaze. My fingers subconsciously twitched and that was when I realized he was still holding my hand, the warmth of his fingertips seeping through to my cold fingers.
Right as I tightened the grip, Ryu faltered back a step, bringing his hand with him. Without thinking, I clasped it once again. Ryu's eyes grew as wide as saucers and so did mine. Newfound embarrassment flourished within me.
I automatically flushed as red as a tomato after coming to terms with what I had just done. "S-s-sorry."
Though, instead of pertaining the same amount of embarrassment that was rushing through my veins, the corners of Ryu's lips curved up. He properly intertwined our fingers, successfully allowing for the butterflies to dance at the pit of my stomach. It left me both flustered and puzzled.
Tentatively, I craned my neck. "Iwasaki...?" I called.
I looked downward. "You're... holding my hand."
"I know," he said.
I found it hard to form the words. "B-but why?"
"Why did you grab my hand?" he asked back.
I averted my gaze, frowning a bit. My shoulders sagged and I let our hands fall. "That's..." Raising my head, I aimed a sour frown his way. "If you're doing this so you can mock me for grabbing your hand—"
"I'm not." Ryu rose our hands to my field of view. "I'm doing this because I want to."
I darted my gaze to the ground for a brief moment.
"Iwasaki... do you think we can start dating?" I inwardly squirmed as soon as the question left my mouth. "I-I mean, I know I said I'd wait but I feel like we've only become more distant since that day, and it's been harder to talk to you recently."
His grip on my fingers tightened. Brief wistfulness breached his features. "I got both of our hopes up like this didn't I? This is why I told you it'd be fine if you hated me—"
"I already told you there's no way I can hate you! I like you okay, Iwasaki. That's why I don't want you saying you want me to hate you. And more than anything, I don't want you to come to hate me either."
Tears were stinging my eyes, and this time, I couldn't stop them from falling. Ryu was definitely speechless, watching me with wide-eyes. I rubbed at my eyelids, backing away from him.
"You're always going on about how this is helping me... but this is more painful than getting hit by that vehicle. At least that pain was temporary." It was unsightly, but I couldn't halt the words tumbling from my mouth. "Just because we have feelings for each other doesn't mean you can suddenly keep a distance between us and not even give me a chance to be there for you too."
I slapped my hands over my face, attempting to hide it from him. Ugh, what was I telling him? I was such an idiot. Ryu was even so clear about how much he didn't want this from me. But what could I do? It was true. He couldn't just selfishly ignore the obvious and yet still care so much. It wasn't fair.
"Kikuchi..." I flinched at the call of my name, but I didn't want to face him. I was tempted to just run away, but it didn't get to come to that. Prying my fingers from my face, Ryu captured my attention anyway.
Even under the streetlights, the smile that graced Ryu's lips wasn't easy to decipher. I mustered the courage to look at his face. My vision was blurry from tears and he gently wiped them away, his thumb lingering on my cheek and increasing my heartbeat.
"I'm such a horrible person," he spoke softly, and my chest constricted. "I kept saying I didn't want to hurt you and yet I'm hurting you so much right now... I'm sorry.
"Stop being sorry," I pleaded, placing my hand over his.
"The reason," Ryu started, dropping his head with a head shake, "you dressed and acted like that—"
"I just thought you'd believe I'm tough enough," I explained. "That if what's keeping you away is the fact that you want to protect me, if I showed I was capable of keeping my own ground you'd finally rely on me a little." I hesitated, grappling for words. "Iwasaki, I want to be there for you. So why... why isn't that enough for you?"
Before I could make sense of anything, as soon as the words left my mouth, Ryu had pressed his lips against my forehead. It was short, and I was blinking wildly as he retreated, my eyes bulging from their sockets. An amused chuckle originated from him and his sonorous voice woke me up from my daze.
"It's more than enough for me," he whispered. "I like you, Kikuchi. I really do. You're the best girl I could ever want or have. That's why I'm pathetic. I'm the one that should be asking you to go out with me."
"B-but..." I stuttered, due to the erratic pace of my heart. Nudging that aside, I swallowed back my confusion. "You changed your mind?"
"I don't like all these complications either," Ryu responded. "I think it should be a good thing we both have feelings for each other. Besides, after continuously seeing your adorable conviction, I seriously don't feel like I can keep from you anymore. Much less do I like it at all when other guys fawn all over you like that. I'm the only one that can... as un-possessive as that sounds."
I couldn't help it: a giggle left my mouth as I looked up into his eyes. We were both still pretty close. "Yeah that definitely sounds possessive, but sweet nonetheless," I said. "Don't worry, I only ever want your attention anyway. The other guys' were a little...."
"Definitely extra," I agreed with another laugh.
After our talking subsided and we were stuck just staring at each other, it took a while for me to realize he was leaning in towards me once more. I stiffened as a result, and closed my eyes. In only an instant he captured my lips with his, enchanting me along with it. Delicate and sweet. It made my insides feel like goo and caused my palpitating heart to swell like a balloon due to the excessive joy welling up inside of me. And when he pulled away, I caught a similarly bashful smile growing upon his face—matching my own.
"I like you, Reina," he declared again. "A lot. Will you go out with me?"
No honourifics. No 'Kikuchi.' Just, Reina. He said my name. He asked me out. It was a split second realization, but it only managed to fill me with even more happiness than before.
Unable to stop myself, I threw my arms around in a tight hug, nearly toppling him over as a result. I was assured of the same. I felt the same way.
"Is that even a question? Of course I will!" I answered. Then before he could dare say anything else in reply, I stood on my tiptoes and once again pressed my lips to his.
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