Chapter 47
_Chapter 47~ Cake, Cookies and Friendships_
I was back at the bowling alley.
Erika and the others were off laughing by the bowling lane, cheering whenever pins were knocked down or strikes were given. I wanted to walk over there to see what was the ruckus but my feet were stuck in the far distance that I was. My eyelids were extremely heavy but I realized soon that my mouth was moving. I was talking.
Somebody handed a drink but I was shorter than them so I couldn't see their face. Though, their voice was transmitting clearly and I was replying back to them.
School. Summer vacation. It was trivial conversation starters and it went on for quite awhile. The lucid words that left my mouth grew shorter. More fumbled. More nonsensical—all, as I only continued throwing the drink they'd given me down the hatch.
I spoke about my first encounter with Ryu; our involvement with the infirmary and community service. I mentioned my visit to Ryu's house to study for my math exam; his nonexistent resemblance with his mom; the photo of his younger brother Aki and his delinquent past. Our trip to the festival; Aki's strange phone call earlier that day.
I was talking about Ryu. My thoughts of him, what I knew... and the person before me whose battered pair of black sneakers only continued to ask me questions regarding that.
A call from Erika was able to steer our attention away and I looked over to see that she was pointing to Ryu who had arrived at the table. I immediately brightened and went over to greet him, the person behind me in suit—that friendly smile pitted onto their face as it always seemed to be.
I parted my heavy eyelids, allowing me to be stuck staring at the whiteness of my ceiling. I blinked to tune in my vision, my mind groggy and turning its gears. As I hauled my body upwards, frowning to myself, there was a small-scale premonition that gnawed at the pit of my stomach from the lucid dream.
What was that all about? That day at the bowling alley... I was with somebody then? Somebody gave me that drink...?
Pressing my eyes closed, I banished the thought. It most likely meant nothing. I mean, the brain typically conjured up nonsense when it came to the aspect of dreams. It probably mustered up with that scenario to fill that empty blot in my mind from that night. And maybe it circled around Ryu because my mind had been full of thoughts of him when I went to bed last night.
The mention of the male allowed for the appearance of a wide smile to envelop my lips.
"Of course I like you. More than I can ever say."
The memory only spurned for a tiny giggle to leave my mouth. I dropped back down onto my pillow, unable to stop the excessive warmth overflowing from my chest. I wasn't actually dreaming that event up was I? Ryu really....
"I do want to be with you. Really badly."
My lips came together, spread back in the biggest smile I could possibly muster. Even if we technically didn't have the kind of outcome to such a confession you'd typically have, Ryu still told me he felt the same way. I still had a shot. And he even kissed my cheek....
Flipping onto my back, I cast my hand upon my already warm face. Ugh, how was I supposed to deal with all this unspoken happiness? It was too much for my heart.
"Reina, are you awake?" My mouth immediately clamped shut and I hoisted my body upwards as Mom poked her head in through the door. "I heard giggling," she said, laundry basket in one hand and a clear quirk in her eyebrow. "Somebody's a little chipper on the weekend aren't they?"
Throwing off the covers from my body, I bashfully laughed. Slipping out of bed, I skipped towards the doorway and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Good morning, Mom."
Mom had gone still in surprise and I hummed as I crossed the hallway, stopping by the bathroom to brush my teeth. After exiting, I hopped down the steps leading into the kitchen only to find Dad seated at the table, papers strewn around him, a mug of coffee in hand.
He looked up at me as I entered, adjusting his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "'Morning, Reina."
Accordingly, I swung my arms around him. "Good morning!"
Dad nearly dropped his mug. Mom entered the kitchen after me, leaning against the doorframe with obvious confusion coating her face.
I made my way up to the kitchen window, opening the blinds and staring out into the backyard. Letting out a dreamy sigh, I propped my elbows onto the countertop, palms rested underneath my chin. "Wow, the weather's so lovely today."
"Lovely? It looks like the gloomiest day of the year to me," Mom replied. "The sun's not even out and it looks ready to rain."
"A little rain never hurt anyone." I shrugged with a smile. "And what always makes sure to come after rainfall? A rainbow! Then it'll go back to being a cheerful day. C'mon, Mom, you have to look at the brighter side of everything. Not everything should be viewed negatively."
My parents didn't respond, but knowing them they were probably sharing a secretive 'is-she-feeling-all-right' look. But I didn't care. What I said was true. Even if Ryu and I had a little metaphorical wall between us—the rain—it'd disappear and we'd reach a conclusion for sure. And until then I just had to be patient and watch the rain pass. It wasn't too difficult. It wasn't like I had to discard my feelings, right?
"Well I'm glad you're so happy today for whatever reason," Mom said after a long pause. "Makes it easier to tell you that Masumi called."
My thoughts were disrupted at the mention of my older brother. I twisted my parents away. "He did?"
Dad bobbed his head, taking a leisure sip of his coffee. "Said he's coming home to visit soon."
Excitement consumed my features. "Really? That's great!"
Mom made a face with a shrug. "As long as he doesn't bring another girl home with him, it will be."
"We've told him not to," Dad reasoned.
"You know the boy; he doesn't listen." Mom shook her head. "He only moved to that Sumato place because he heard there were pretty girls there."
A tiny laugh left my mouth. Well, my older brother was a bit of a womanizer. Ever since we were children and even until now he'd always been the popular kid and found nothing more pleasing than being surrounded by 'hot beauties.' Thus, not longer after he graduated from high school he'd left the city and decided to go travelling around the world to find the girl of his dreams. His unrealistic hopes, though, were immediately shot down the moment Mom ordered him to get his butt into a college or university and find a proper job if he ever wanted to support this nonexistent 'one.' And so my brother moved to a remote town within Japan called Sumato where his best friend (and apparently very good-looking girls), lived.
Even now, whenever he called home he was always sure to brag about the girls there and how much fun it was; that he was going to live there forever.
My brother was ever the exaggerator, I admit. But he was still family. Underneath all the negatives I couldn't help but get a small twinge of joy knowing I'd be able to see him again. It'd nearly been a year since the last time I did.
Added onto that joy was the delight from yesterday and here I was, a bubbling mass means of contentment. I needed to do something to equate for it.
Quickly reaching for the apron that hung in sight, I threw it on and went rummaging around for flour, eggs, sugar and anything else I needed.
"Always fond of her brother I see," Mom breathed from behind me, little to her knowledge. "Happy news always makes my little girl giddy enough to start baking."
"Be sure to make whatever it is chocolate," Dad chimed in.
"I always like strawberry," Mom added.
I glanced over my shoulder at them to see them with matching grins. I put forth a smile of my own. Life really was looking good.
"How about Neapolitan?"
* * *
Bluntly put, I ended up baking a lot. More than a lot, actually. Cookies, cupcakes, tarts. Whatever supplies remaining I'd just keep mixing and humming until I covered nearly all the counters and table with various baked goods.
It wasn't until after I ran out of flour did I realize what I'd done; that I'd made too much for my family to eat alone. Defeated, I fell into an open seat. If only I had a bakery. I'd be able to earn money for this plus give all the excess goods away. My eyelids rose at the sudden notion that flitted to my mind. I might've not owned a bakery but I knew the next best thing.
Fishing into my pocket, I nearly stumbled over my fingers calling his number. After a few rings, the line finally went through and his voice spoke, "Hey, Reina, what's up?"
"The sky, duh."
Daichi paused and I shortly chuckled as a result. He finally found his voice, "Is the reason you called to tell me this? Because if so—"
"No, wait!" I spoke quickly. "Daichi, I kind of accidentally baked a bunch of cake and cookies and such and I don't know what to do with the excess ones. I was hoping you could take some, even if it's to your parents' shop. What do you think?"
I blinked in confusion at the silence that greeted me.
"You had me at cake and take some," Daichi confessed. "Do I have to come over?"
I snorted, not entirely surprised. "Yeah, if you could I'd appreciate it."
"Hmm... but don't you live in the north side?" Daichi asked tentatively. "That's a little far...."
I curtly looked at the plate of Neapolitan cake. "Should I just throw them out then?"
Daichi gasped as if the suggestion itself was taboo. He then uttered a swift, "I'll be there in ten minutes" before hanging up.
Laughing, I rolled my eyes. The guy was too much.
Just as he said, Daichi arrived at my doorstep in ten short minutes. My parents who had been casually lounging in the living room were pretty baffled when the doorbell rang and I went to answer it.
Daichi's attire was clearly thrown on last minute, his usually tidy hair was tousled as well. As soon as he met my eyes the first words to come out of his words were, "Did you throw them out yet?"
"They're in the kitchen waiting for you," I replied. "You had just about a second until their utter doom."
"Thank goodness I didn't stop to brush my hair then," Daichi breathed, stringing his fingers through his bangs. "Now, now, what are you waiting for? Lead me to the goodies at once."
"Yes, sire." Cracking a smile, I gestured him inside. "Jeez, this worked amazingly. Should I use this against you in the future if it'll have you running like this?"
"Potentially." Daichi grinned. "Great, I didn't think this through enough. Now you have something on me."
"Don't feel bad, it's always a pleasure having the upper hand."
"Reina, who's this?"
Both Daichi and I flinched at the call of my name. When Daichi came to the realization of the two adults present and listening in on our bantering, he froze like a statue.
"Oh gosh, parents," he forced out.
"That, we are," Mom spoke with an intent look in my direction.
I stiffened. Oh great, I guess I didn't think this through enough. Not wanting to make things awkward, I pointed his way. "Well, this is Daichi Sugiyama. A friend from school."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Daichi said with a bow.
"Friend, huh?" Dad nodded. "I've seen you hanging around the infirmary in the past."
When Dad staggered to his feet, Daichi's eyes definitely widened in shock. He lurched back a bit. "Mr. K-K-Kikuchi?!" His head jerked my way, jaw-dropped. "Reina, you didn't tell me Mr. Kikuchi was your dad! You've been working for your dad in the infirmary the entire time and you didn't tell me?"
My eyelids rose in equal astonishment as I stared at Daichi. Wait, I'd never told him? "I thought you knew," I said. It wasn't too hard to figure out. I mean, we did share the same surname.
"Reina..." Mom's voice held me in place, disbelief filling her features. "First name basis?"
My gut churned. "I-It's nothing serious, Mom! We're just friends."
I looked over at Daichi for help and with a jostle to the side, he grimaced but didn't falter.
"Uh, y-yes!" he hissed through the pain. "I've never had such feelings about your daughter before, promise. We're strictly friends. I heard that there was extra cake left over so I came over to try some."
"All this way?" Mom said in surprise.
"I see you've fallen for my daughter's baking as well," Dad chuckled, clapping his shoulder. "Feel free to take all that you'd like, Daichi."
Daichi, though tense, nodded. "Th-thank you, sir."
Once we were freed from my parents' inquisitions, I led Daichi to the kitchen where he scooped up whatever he could bring with him. Despite wanting to speak, we were aware of the uneasy quiet from the living room, giving us the notice that my parents were trying to eavesdrop. As uncomfortable as that was, I led Daichi upstairs towards my room for a means of peace. I didn't know what kind of misconception they had despite reiterating otherwise, but I'd let them believe whatever they wanted until he left.
"Sorry for the awkwardness," I told the guy after taking a seat on my bed, him on the chair of my desk.
"It's fine," Daichi responded, chewing on a cookie. "But for future reference, I think notifying me that I'd be interrogated by your parents at the doorway would be nice to know before I rush over looking like a mess."
"Oh trust me, I will."
After things fell silent, I was somewhat bewildered when a sudden laugh erupted from Daichi. I turned his way in confusion and he shook his head.
"No, it's nothing," he quickly said. "I just can't believe they thought we were like that."
"Put any girl and guy together and parents will think that," I said.
"I know. But if I was to have feelings for a girl I would not let her see me as a friend. I'd cut out of that friend-zone as fast as I can because those things are a double-edged sword."
I laughed a little. "True. My sympathies go out for those stuck in the friend-zone."
At my words, Daichi stared at me in a funny way, even going as to cock an eyebrow. "Last time I checked weren't you still in the friend-zone with Iwasaki?"
Daichi's inquiry allowed for my body to freeze up. He immediately caught my hesitation and his jaw fell to the ground.
"No. No."
I dropped my head, unable to stop the heat creeping onto my cheeks. I turned away, grabbing a cookie and swiftly chewing on it.
"Reina!" Daichi hissed, nearly toppling over the seat and rushing over to me, placing his hands onto my shoulders. "When did... Where was... What happened?"
Daichi's wide and curious eyes only managed to fluster me further. I gnawed the cookie in my mouth, signalling for him to wait.
He jostled my shoulders. "Stop stalling, girl! Tell me!"
I swatted Daichi's hands away from me. "It's hard to just admit it!"
"Doesn't matter! I have the obligation to know!" Daichi suddenly gasped. "Wait, so Iwasaki feels the same way?"
Dropping my head, I bashfully bobbed my head. Daichi twinkled in utmost joy and relief. He cheered, throwing his arms into the air as he did.
"I so called it! A guy just doesn't treat a girl like that without underlying feelings! Yes! This is such a proud moment! You're officially in a—"
I yanked Daichi's arm down to silence him and with widened eyes, he did.
"Shh," I hissed, insinuating to my parents who could still be eavesdropping.
Daichi sheepishly dropped his arms and hung his head in apology. He collapsed into his seat, facing me once again.
My lips came together the slightest. "Well, we're not officially a... couple yet."
"Huh? Why not?" Daichi asked, blinking. "Don't you two feel the same way?"
"Yeah, but... it's complicated."
"Well, he wants to keep me safe, and..."
"Keep you safe?" Daichi echoed in disbelief. "Safe from what? Are people after you?"
"No!" I objected. "I don't think so, at least. I mean, it's a little unrealistic. What happened with those delinquents was a one-time thing, too—"
"Delinquents?" Daichi said again, eyes shrinking back the slightest. "Wait, what happened with delinquents? You've never told me!"
I hesitated, not knowing if I should go into detail with that day's occurrence. It wasn't my business to bring up Koshiro or how it caused both brothers to react, and my idea that it may be involved with those delinquents cornering me that day. Still, just answering Daichi vaguely or even lying about it was not something I should do.
Seeming to understand my reluctance, only a frown took hold of Daichi's lips. "Don't you think that's a little selfish of you; not telling me anything?"
I looked his way in disbelief. "No, I want to tell you! I just don't think I should."
"Because you don't trust me?"
Hearing the bitterness in his voice I lurched to my feet. "No! I do trust you! You're my best friend, Daichi! It's just...."
"It's always 'it's just' with you." Daichi's words hit me hard. "I can't confess, 'it's just.' I can't do this, 'it's just.' Why don't you put yourself into my shoes. Don't you think getting to hear you rant on and on to me about things without actually explaining them gets a little annoying?"
My mouth moved wordlessly. "Daichi...."
He ran his fingers through his hair. "You always do this. Does our friendship mean that little to you? Am I just some substitute wall? All I need is to listen to you complain and complain for you to feel better about yourself? No need any proper answers. Subjects unrelated to nonchalant chatter are things 'you can't tell me' in detail, because hey, it's only Daichi you're talking to.'"
"Daichi, you know that's not true!"
"It may not be, but it feels a whole lot like it. I didn't even know Mr. Kikuchi was your dad but I bet Miyabi and Iwasaki knew. And I bet those two also know about those 'delinquents' as well." Daichi looked at me, and then my bandages. "Are those delinquents the ones that hurt you and sent you to the hospital?"
Subconsciously, I reached for the bandages. Unsteadily, I carried myself to my feet. "They didn't necessarily but... I swear I thought you knew about those things, Daichi! I wasn't trying to hide them from you. But...."
"You just didn't think you could 'tell me,'" Daichi finished, rolling his eyes as he did.
I could only stare at Daichi in mute silence. What had gone from such a frivolous conversation had shifted into this. And I didn't know what I could say to revert it back.
"You know... nobody's stopping you from venting to me, too," I finally mustered out, dropping my gaze to the ground. "You never tell me anything about yourself either."
My words were clearly not the right ones because Daichi ended up giving me an exasperated look. Shaking his head, he heaved a sigh, resuming to stuff his cheeks with the remaining cookies on the plate. "Why don't you get it?" he murmured after a pause.
"Get what?" I demanded. "You're not exactly telling me so how am I supposed to know."
"You're just supposed to! How hard is it for you to tell me about Iwasaki?" Daichi's shout caused me to falter a step. Instantly, a look of regret coated his features and he fixed his posture in his seat. Pausing, he averted his eyes and quickly swung his legs over the chair to get up. "I... I think I'll just go."
Before Daichi could slip past me, I snagged his sleeve to stop him. "Wait," I said as he tried to yank free, unable to halt the widening of my eyes. "Iwasaki?"
Daichi's body stiffened at first and craning his neck away, he attempted tugging for freedom again. "Let go of me."
"Not until you tell me why you just brought up Iwasaki! Weren't we talking about ourselves?" A tremor reached my voice and I waited for Daichi to explain. My heart hammered against my ribcage. "You're always asking me about Iwasaki. Never anyone else! Do you—"
"Wherever you're going with that, the answer's no!"
"But," I said, not able to believe if it was true or not. My lips came together. I didn't even want to come to a conclusion. "Listen, Daichi. I do treasure our friendship a lot, and your company. I wouldn't be where I am right now if I hadn't met you. We had so many adventures together, laughs, good times—even that amazing concert."
Daichi didn't say anything and I maneuvered my way in front of him to continue.
"You're my first and best friend at that academy! And ever since I met you I can honestly say that I'm not scared to go to that hellhole every day; I actually look forward to seeing you, Miyabi and Iwasaki there." I waited, searching through his eyes. "Don't... you feel the same way about all this, too?"
As soon as his eyes landed on me, Daichi instantly veered his gaze away. Momentary guilt flashed upon his features and he nudged my hand off of him, Adam's apple bobbing. "I have to get to my shift right now," he said in a hurried whisper, heading for the doorway. "Bye, Reina."
Although my body had gone utterly useless at first, my senses soon returned. I raced after him out of my room, halting once I reached the top step. He scurried down the flight of stairs without a further glance in my direction hurrying to the doorway and slipping on his shoes. I took a good look as he fumbled to put on his pair of black sneakers—the same tattered pair I was sure I'd seen somewhere before. My heart stopped in my chest as he said his goodbyes to my parents before bumbling out the door.
I gripped the staircase handle, thoughts swirling through my mind like a curling fog. About our strange argument, his avoidance—the dream I had this morning.
They were the same pair of shoes I'd seen in them. But it was only supposed to be a dream, though. I was just taking this the wrong way. I had to be.
There was absolutely no way Daichi could have given me the alcohol that day... right?
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