Chapter 43
_Chapter 43~ To Protect You_
"Reina, you're awake!"
I was engulfed into a squeezing hug before I knew what was happening, wincing as a result of the pain that shot up my body. "Mom. Hurts," I choked out.
Immediately, Mom lurched away from me, eyelids high. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry! But you don't understand; I'm just so, so glad to see you're okay!"
Fluttering my eyelashes, I scrutinized my surroundings consisting of only white and then down to the bed I was lying on. A hospital? I guessed. I peered downwards at the cast that overtook my limbs and also the other wrapped bandages encasing my exposed skin. It hurt just to breathe, too.
"You were out for nearly twelve hours," Dad continued, placing a hand on Mom's shoulder and moving forward so that I could see him. "How are you feeling?"
I placed my free hand to my abdomen, shutting my eyes. "Hurt. Everywhere."
"I'd imagine," Dad said, maneuvering around the bed I was laying on and handing me an icepack to put on my side. "You got hit by an oncoming vehicle. Luckily, it wasn't going too fast and almost stopped in time, but as a result you've sustained a slight concussion, broken arm, bruised ribs... Also—"
"I don't want to know what else," I groaned, laying down appropriately. "That sounds horrible enough."
The room was engulfed by a silence that made me aware my parents found it difficult to really talk. Eventually, I heard snivels derive from Mom who fell into the stool beside the bed.
"Why do you always get yourself into these kinds of situations?" she demanded, tears brimming in her eyes. "You shouldn't have left the house."
"Dad told me to get groceries," I mumbled. "I wanted to make you dinner to apologize."
Mom sniffled. "I know! Why did you have to listen to him? I was perfectly okay with making it myself!"
Dad sombrely turned his head as a result. I could guess he most likely felt guilt due to his request...
"Your cooking is terrible when you're emotional," he confessed.
Never mind.
Mom immediately socked his arm. "It is not!"
He grimaced, placing his hand on top of his limb. "But you just toss in whatever without considering it. Hot sauce into rice when you're angry, pickles into omelettes when you're envious; even soybeans into cookie batter when you're—"
"Kosuke!" Mom yelled, scowling at him. "We are not discussing this matter right now! The point is, Reina got hurt because of your selfishness!"
Sending her an apologetic smile, Dad met Mom's eyes. "She really did want to apologize to us," he told her. "I thought it was a good idea."
"But Reina is our little girl," she said sadly. "Maybe that school is a bad influence after all."
"Kahoko, it's a fine school," Dad assured her. "There's always bound to be issues at any institution. Besides, it's already her final year. We can't possibly take her out."
"Still..." Mom said.
"I don't wanna leave now either," I mustered out. "I'm fine there."
Mom and Dad both turned my way in shock.
"Since when?" Dad inquired with clear surprise. "You've always begged us to transfer you out of the school!"
"What changed your mind?" Mom went on.
"I don't know... Why are we even having this conversation now?" I mumbled. "If it was last year I would've been all gung-ho about this. Now, I don't mind it."
Mom shared a look with Dad before nodding. "Last year? That was before those Iwasaki's moved in across the street."
"They've gotten pretty close," Dad added with a secretive smile.
"I know," Mom agreed, equally smug. "His mother and I talked about it. That one day Reina even went over and stayed in his room until very la—"
"Excuse me, I'm bruised and in pain right now!" I interjected, ignoring the blatant heat creeping to my cheeks. "Can we stay on track, please?"
"Of course, of course," Dad dismissed. Despite that, he turned towards Mom and mouthed, 'something is going on.'
Inwardly, I flared with incredulousness but had no choice but to push it aside. I was already in too much pain as it was—no need to overexert myself and try to prove them otherwise.
"Anyway, Reina. We have to pop back home for something but we'll be back as soon as we can," Dad informed me as Mom rose to her feet as well. "In the meantime we'll go call the nurse for you, all right?"
Sauntering up to me, Mom firmly gripped her purse strap over her shoulder and leaned over to plant a kiss on my forehead. "Rest up, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am." I smiled as she withdrew.
With the roll of her eye, Mom sent me a curt wave before joining Dad as they left the room, pulling the door closed behind them. A stillness consumed the room as I lay on my bed, eyes wandering towards the ceiling. My memory replayed the events of yesterday and only a frown was able to settle upon my face. Nudging away the unease, I pressed my eyelids shut, comforting myself the best I could.
Whatever happened, happened. All I had to focus on now was simply getting better.
* * *
"So you seriously got hit by a car—like, a truck? The same cliched vehicle?"
"I know, it's crazy," I replied to Daichi with a laugh. He'd shown up once noon came around, a lovely bouquet of flowers in hand.
"I'm glad you're not too badly hurt though," he responded.
Staring at the bouquet he had brought in with him, I eyed the purple flowers in awe. "What kind of flowers are those?"
"Not sure," Daichi responded, falling onto the stool and getting a glimpse for himself. "I just chose whatever colour stood out to me since I was in a rush. I thought since it'd be too bleak in here you might need flowers to cheer you up."
"Aww, that's sweet of you."
"Nah, it was Miyabi's idea," Daichi told me. "He even pointed these flowers out."
"Miyabi?" I frowned a bit. Nudging aside the guilt, I asked, "Why isn't he here?"
"He had to go back to school apparently," Daichi vaguely replied. "Student Council business."
Though Daichi said that, I couldn't help but wonder if it was because he was blaming himself. If so, he had no reason to. It was my fault for not looking at the street. "I keep forgetting that guy is Vice President," I voiced regardless.
Daichi laughed, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's hard to settle in."
As Daichi's arms moved behind him, I caught sight of a newly painted bruise on his skin. My eyelids rose a bit and as if catching my gaze, Daichi immediately swung his arm back down, sheepishly darting his gaze.
"Daichi, whenever I see you lately—" I started.
"I've been really clumsy," he told me, avoiding my eyes. "A lot more than usual. The shop is always so packed, too. Room for lots of mistakes..."
My eyebrows creased together. Not buying it, I reached over to touch his bandaged cheek but before I could dare make contact, Daichi lurched away, nearly toppling over the stool as he did.
"I-I have to go." Scrambling to his feet, he scooped up the bouquet he had dropped and thrusted it towards me. "H-here!"
The flowers connected with my face and just as they did, an intake of the air suddenly made me sneeze. My nose grew ticklish and when I quickly went to scratch it I was cut off by a sharp 'achoo!' yet again. My ribs ached every time I sneezed after that. My eyes were watering as well and when I pushed them away from me I realized why: they were daisies.
"I-I'm— achoo!— aller—achoo!—gic to daisies." Snivelling, I pushed the bouquet away from me, wincing as I continued to sneeze.
"Y-y-you are?" Daichi cried, racing over and taking them from me. "Oh no—"
"I'm sorr—"
"Are you—"
"Agh! Clearly you're not okay!" Daichi shouted, racing for the door. "I-I'll go get you some kind of allergy medicine!"
"W-wai— ACHOO!" I sniffled, rubbing at my stuffy nose. It was already difficult enough breathing due to my bruised ribs.
Not before long, a nurse came in a hurry, handing me some liquid medicine for me to swallow. A while after taking it, my reaction calmed down a bit. When the nurse curtly reprimanded Daichi and then told me to contact her if anything else happened and left the room, Daichi who was hovering around the exit with his head dropped, fidgeted from foot to foot, clearly guilt-ridden.
"D-Daichi," I began.
"I..." he started sadly, "was supposed to be making you feel better and yet I just made things worse."
I quickly shook my head. "It's fine, you didn't know."
"I should've," he murmured bitterly. "I'm supposed to be your friend."
Bringing my lips together, I sent him a half-hearted smile. "I don't necessarily know everything about you either. It's normal. Besides, I should've noticed they were daisies before you gave them to me."
Daichi didn't seem satisfied. "Even you getting hurt... and you staying home yesterday... You should just tell me everything that happens when I'm not there with you so I can help."
My eyelids rose the slightest. "Everything...? But if I just ranted to you all day, that'd just annoy you wouldn't it?"
"No!" he protested, a little too loudly. "Not at all! Don't even think of it as a bother and let out your inner turmoil! I'd actually really, really appreciate it if you did!"
A bit startled, I drew back a bit.
"S-sorry," he hastily apologized.
"Um, don't worry about it," I mumbled, attempting to wrap my head around it. "I guess? So..."
"I... I'll just go now!" Daichi declared, swinging the door shut behind him. "B-bye!"
The slam of the door rung in my ears even after hearing his footsteps race down the hallway. Puzzled, I just stared at the door, waiting for my senses to return to me. Veering my gaze to my lap, I tried processing it all. Daichi really was acting strange lately. Even Miyabi...
Yesterday's recollections flooded my mind, causing a frown to flit onto my face.
"I'm really glad that I met you, Sheep. You've opened up my world. There's so many possibilities right there in front of me, and I have you to thank for every one of them."
He even said weird stuff like that... I could only hope that the reason Miyabi didn't come today was because it truly was Student Council business keeping him away...
Scratching incessantly at my nose, it was hard to rid the itchiness and the sensation to sneeze. Daichi had seriously done the harm to my already tattered immune system. Not that I could hold it against him. He was simply looking out for me—like always.
Without warning, the door to my room flew open. Startled, my head jerked towards the source, internally grimacing as I did. Though, all my previous thoughts and emotions dispelled the moment I took Ryu in, him appearing more out of breath and frightened than I'd ever seen him.
Surprised, I could only watch as he approached my bed, bouquet of peonies in hand, inhaling and exhaling heavily.
He fell onto the open stool, hunched over with a breath. "Y-you're fine? Thank goodness... You worried me so much."
Ryu's apparent concern for me had left me speechless.
My lips tightly clamped. I clenched the fabric of the blanket. My memories returned from the events leading up to my suspension, allowing for my throat to constrict.
"Who... are you?"
Accordingly to the question that left my mouth, Ryu rose his head, meeting my eyes with his widened ones. "Wh-what?"
"Sorry," I drew out, blanking my face, "I don't recognize you. What's your name?"
Clearly not expecting such a response from me, Ryu stared at me for a while, frozen. "K-Kikuchi—"
"Y-you're kidding, right?" Ryu demanded, voice rising a bit.
I tilted my head to the side. "What would I be kidding about?"
"B-but... you're saying...." Ryu's mouth had moved, but even as he spoke, the words had stopped producing properly. Just then, Ryu grasped onto my shoulders, panic reaching his features. "Th-there's no way you forgot everything!"
The fear consuming his countenance only made me frown further. I attempted to find my voice, but I found it difficult to. Wincing due to the pain that enveloped me from his tightening grip, I said, "It hurts—"
"You're joking!" Ryu's hold only tightened. Immediately, my eyebrows rose as high as they could. I realized that the reason was because Ryu's eyes had gotten overwhelmed with tears.
My heart dropped to my gut in immediate regret.
"Please tell me you're joking," he asked so feebly as if he would break if I said I wasn't.
I had been left utterly speechless. The occasional noises coming forth from my mouth cracked as soon as it exited.
"N-no... I—" I was fumbling for words, losing my poise. "I-I'm joking."
I averted my gaze, unable to handle the idea that it had made him so sad. I was such a baby. Thinking that 'if I just made him tell me his real name in a roundabout way I wouldn't have to ask him straight out.' I had no right to lie for something like that.
Ryu's hold on my shoulders loosened considerably at first. Mustering the remaining courage I owned, I glanced upwards. Though, before I could have the opportunity to see his face and say something to apologize, he scooped me forward into his arms. Caught by surprise, a gasp escaped from my mouth just as I collided into his chest. My mouth that had gone absolutely dry opened to move but I wasn't expecting Ryu to squeeze me the way that he did. My shock soon converted into pain from my various casts and bruises, but I decided to keep silent.
How could I not? Albeit knowing I had to say something, nothing had seemed to be working. It was as if that final puzzle piece of figuring out Ryu had finally become apparent to me. He could been lean and mean, sure. And he looked and glared like a delinquent; he fooled me many times with that, at least. But he was such a kind person underneath that. Incredibly so. Once I'd gotten to know him, it had become obvious to me that he had put on that persona on purpose. He'd wanted me, and everyone else he encountered, to hate him for a reason. And I could only guess it was due to his cryptic past with Aki, and Raidon Tsuki.
Even saying something like 'who are you' was able to spurn this kind of reaction from him.
"You're terrible," Ryu murmured into my neck, compressing me tighter. "So terrible. I can't believe you."
"Iwasaki, I can't breathe," I muffled into his chest.
My words had immediately caused him to come to his senses. His arms automatically released me and I sucked in as much oxygen as I could, placing my hand to my neck and hacking as a result.
"S-sorry!" Ryu hastily said.
I held up my hand to calm him, feigning a smile. "It's all right," I croaked. "I just nearly coughed up a lung, it's fine."
Not finding my answer funny, Ryu's previously saddened expression returned. My heart squeezed in response and I sat up straighter, looking him in the eye.
"I'm sorry for doing that," I said. "You can hate me for it."
Ryu pursed his lips. Despite looking as if the suggestion was ridiculous, Ryu reached out to me, brushing aside messy strands of my hair from my eyes. "Are you really okay?"
My heartbeat grew unsteady at the contact. Before he could dare retreat it, I clasped my hand overtop of it. Though tense at first, I guessed Ryu could tell that something had been bothering me. He shifted his head to finally look at me, grey eyes meeting mine.
"I-Iwasaki..." I began after a pause, voice trembling as I did.
No hesitation arose whatsoever from the call of his false name as he returned a squeeze. "Yeah? Are you not feeling good?"
"That's not it," I said. "I'm fine. But it's just..."
"Just what?" Ryu hung onto my every word, a frown tugging down the corners of his lips. "I'm sorry. I have to stick closer to you don't I? Just because I wasn't there for you this one time you ended up like this."
My heart which had felt like lead existed in my chest fluttered for a brief moment; a reaction that only originated around him. Bringing forth what was remaining of my already tattered courage, I spoke, "Iwasaki... is your real name 'Satoru Ryutaro'?"
I already knew it was true, but I needed confirmation. And when Ryu had gone wide-eyed in shock, I was given that. Averting my gaze onto my lap, I clenched the fabric between my fingers tighter.
A dry laugh pushed past my lips. "Sorry, I was kinda being nosy."
Although expecting him to be angry at the news, Ryu honestly didn't look anywhere near that. "Was Aki the one who told you about that?"
"Aki didn't tell me anything!" I quickly objected. "I was curious about your name so I kind of checked the class roster myself, and got in trouble. But, um..."
"So that's why you acted like a jerk by feigning amnesia and asking who I was. You wanted to somehow get that name from me."
Timidly, I dropped my gaze for a brief moment. "I know. I'm an idiot."
"You're not an idiot," Ryu told me, fixing eyes with me once more. "It's not like I was trying to hide that from you anyway. It is on my birth certificate, and it's the name I grew up with. But it's just... I wouldn't want to be referred that way if I can."
I peeped up at him. "Why not? I think that name is nice."
Ryu's lips quirked upwards into a weak smile. "You say that but I bet you already know why I'm telling you this."
I primmed my lips, knowing my suspicious were right. "You were that Satoru delinquent in middle school?"
Not bothering to deny it, he awkwardly ducked his head. "Do you hate me now?"
"I... kinda already figured you were some big shot," I said truthfully. "You even stood your ground against the Raidon Tsuki before. That was super cool."
"You shouldn't be amazed by things like that."
"I know," I responded. "But still. I can't believe you were a super fearsome delinquent in middle school. Black hair, piercings, and all that lone-wolf poise—"
Ryu flushed. "Don't even start with that."
I grew sheepish. Touching my cast, I hummed, "So did you change your name because you wanted to be different when you came to Akelius?"
Instead of replying like earlier, Ryu didn't say anything. Baffled, I craned my neck towards him.
"I'm sorry, Kikuchi."
I blinked. "About what?"
"I... should've just told you you were drunk," he said. "But I didn't want to tell you because of all days it had to happen, it was your birthday."
Similar to earlier, Ryu seemed just as dejected. I only came to terms with it now, but he just about cried for me then. Me. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that a boy—Ryu—would care that much about me.
"I'm glad I don't remember," I finally opted to say. "I must've been a weird drunk."
"Well, you...were kind of cute, too." My breathing hitched in surprise. Though, when I zeroed in on him, it was clear Ryu didn't appreciate my attempt at lightening the situation. Ryu's previously saddened expression returned and my chest constricted in response. "Even today..." he muttered, appearing as if he'd break from guilt. Not only from me, but something more than that. "Why am I never there when it counts? If only I could just help instead of being a negative all the time. Why is it always the same with me?"
My lips downturned into a frown as silence loomed over us. Then, knowing it should've been done, I smacked my hand onto his cheek.
Just like that day on the trip, Ryu's eyes grew as wide as saucers as he stared entirely at me in due shock.
"Listen," I started, raising my brows high. "Why're you moping? I don't blame you at all for any of this. What happened, happened. And if anything, it's my fault. Curiosity killed the cat, aka me in this case, but I'm not dead literally! I'm fine; breathing, talking, living. See?"
It caught me off guard when he enclosed his hand over mine on his cheek. "But how about if I allow you to get hurt again?" he demanded. "I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself."
"You won't...." I stopped myself from saying something I knew wouldn't get through to him. Won't what? Didn't those delinquents mention 'Satoru?' Then clearly they were associated with him in some way. Granted, if the Satoru they were talking about was him, anyway. I couldn't promise him something I wasn't sure of. And with the way he was now, there was no way I could tell him about those delinquents.
"No matter how much I want to, I can't get rid of my past," Ryu went on. "I used to be a huge troublemaker. I can't— How am I supposed to protect you? When all I do is cause you problems?"
I chewed on my lower lip, silent for awhile. Blanking my face, I finally spoke, "When everything seems to be going against you remember that airplanes take off against the wind, not with it."
Ryu had clearly looked fazed at that one. "...Airplanes?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Or you can also just remind yourself that somewhere in this world, there's a moron pushing a door that says pull."
Ryu blinked before his look shifted to one of bemusement. "Kikuchi, are you sure you're feeling..." He stopped randomly, innocently tilting his head to the side. "Wait, are you trying to cheer me up?"
Embarrassment seized me at once. "Uh, keyword is 'trying' to," I feebly said. "Sorry, I'm bad at this whole comforting people stuff. I'm so awkward when people seem about ready to cry... If anything, I end up making them feel worse, so I decided to maybe say inspirational quotes instead. I don't think they worked though... ha ha."
In accordance to my words, a blatant blush had grown on Ryu's cheeks as he liberated my hand from his. He stared at me, stiff, for a while.
"Um, Iwasaki...?" I began.
Swiftly, he wiped away at the last of his tears soiling his eyes before dropping his face from me, the tips of his ears tinging red. "S-sorry," he sputtered. "I'm so pathetic; nearly crying in front of you like that. Ugh...." He covered his face as he dropped his head, blushing even more. He groaned and ruffled his hair the redder he got until he weakly produced his voice, "I can't tell you to forget this all... can I?"
"Nope," I confessed, a relieved grin spreading across my lips. "But I'm touched you care so much about me. I need to step up my game a little. If you ever get hurt, I'm obligated to cry too."
"No! Don't you dare! This is enough embarrassment to last a lifetime!" Ryu shrunk himself, shielding his face further. "...Ugh, I want to go into hibernation."
"In September?"
"Yeah. And I won't wake up for all of eternity."
I laughed, poking his shoulder. "Now, now, I already told you it's fine so you can look at me."
He shook his head from his palms. "No way."
"Why not?"
"I know you're secretly laughing at me," Ryu reasoned.
"I'm not laughing at you."
"Then you're smiling."
I quirked a brow, unable to stop the very expression poking up my lips. "Okay... And you want me to frown or something?"
"No..." he drawled. "You look better with your smile."
Warmth flitted onto my cheeks in surprise.
"But that's why it'll mock me," he went on. "And I don't think I want to see your smile mock my awkward face about losing my dignity."
"You're being ridiculous," I said.
Ryu wasn't convinced. "I'm never showing you my face again."
"What!" I said incredulously. "C'mon, all of us get emotional at one point in our lives!"
"Not over something like that."
"Sensitive boys are cute," I reasoned.
Ryu went quiet, but he definitely peeked up through the spaces between his fingers. When I'd realized my flustering words had already been too late to take back, I vehemently nodded.
"Yeah, very cute! It's adorable!"
Ryu went back to hiding. "I don't want to be adorable," he mumbled. "Adorable's what you call a kid's ugly drawing."
"A-adorable?" I forced a laugh. "Wh-what? I meant charming! Yes, it's very sexy. Full points on the hotness scale, I swear!"
I had been rambling before I could realize what I was saying. Though, it had worked.
For the first time in a while, a short chuckle left Ryu's mouth. His shoulders jostled as he began to laugh. "You're so random," he said quietly, only making him break out into more laughter.
My jaw fell in disbelief. "H-hey! I'll have you know my randomness is also a one hundred on that nonexistent scale!"
It was then that Ryu dropped his hands and properly rose up his head. A wide smile had grown upon his face, only adding to his adornment with his reddened cheeks. He pushed back his fallen bangs from his eyes. "Fine, feel free to mock my awkward face with that pretty smile. But you can't bring this up to anyone else, got it?"
For the first time in my life, it felt as if I'd gotten shot with an arrow straight through the heart. The pit of my stomach roared with a tingly sensation, my face burning up yet again. It was weird. Really weird. And it was only him that ever made me feel like this.
Crap... I guess I did like Iwasaki.
A lot.
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