Chapter 33
_Chapter 33~ I'm Here_
I'd never really enjoyed the start of a new school year. The only thing you could really look forward to were the cherry blossoms since they were always so stunning, but other than that you had new teachers, new classmates, new and harder material to learn... Since I'd never been so gung-ho about change, mainly due to the fact that I didn't get to live a normal school life—being thrust into a delinquent high school because of the will of my father's new job and all—of course me and change didn't blend.
Though, maybe...
Maybe this year would be different.
Turning my gaze upwards towards the third year's class lists, 3-1 in particular, my focus was fixated on my name as well as my cousin's centimeters above it.
"Yes, I'm with Reina!" Erika cried out from beside me, practically tackling me into a sideways hug.
I recoiled, attempting to push her off of me. She didn't relent. "Erika..." I sighed.
"Oh, c'mon! Don't be such a downer," Erika whined. "Aren't you excited that we're in the same class?"
"Of course I am... like I told you how I would be over and over again throughout our walk here."
"I'm excited too," Erika admitted, beckoning me towards the building. "Anyways, hurry up and show me the inside! I want to see! I want to see!"
"Okay, okay," I murmured, slipping out of the crowd of students and heading towards the doors.
"The building looks kind of rundown but the inside is better, right?" Before I could answer her question, Erika whipped her head left and right, scouring the passing students. She quickly whispered, "Hey, Reina... Are the boys in this school hot?"
My mouth quirked down a bit. "Hot...?"
"Y'know, good-looking," she responded. "When I came for registration, I heard that the guys here are dangerous. There're a lot of bad boys in this school, right?" She dreamily sighed. "Man, I'm weak to those kinds of people...!"
"What are you saying, Erika?" I hissed, snapping my fingers in front of her face to wake her from her reverie. "It's not good to get involved with them at all!"
"But you hang around one of your own don't you? How lucky...!" Letting out yet another starry-eyed breath, her shoulder leaned up against mine. "I can't wait to meet a prince charming of my own."
"Prince charming?" I demanded, letting the fact that she mentioned Iwasaki slide. "At this school? Are you being serious right now?"
Erika didn't answer; her attention was already diverted to something else. She commented on anything and everything we passed on our way to our classroom. She was curious to know why we weren't considered twelfth graders, implying that it was the norm classification in Canada. I had equal questions to why her Japanese was so good, to which she explained that she grew up in Hokkaido until she was six before moving. Plus all her parents ever did speak to her was Japanese, so she got used to switching between languages. Nevertheless, it truly was flawless. I wouldn't have doubted it if she told me she lived in Japan her whole life.
Upon arriving to our classroom, seeing how they were already familiar due to our long years of schooling together, most students were socializing with others. I was startled greatly at the sight of a familiar male sitting towards the back of the room.
"Iwasaki?" I said in surprise. We were in the same class? I hadn't even noticed his name inscribed on the list out front!
At the mention of his name, Ryu looked upwards, eyes slightly widening at the sight of me. "Kikuchi... we're in the same class?"
"Yeah, we are," I replied with a smile. "I didn't even see your name on the sheet when I looked it over. I probably missed it. Weird. I feel like I would've easily caught sight of it too."
Ryu visibly stiffened as I took the open seat beside him. His focus was soon captured when Erika came to a halt in front of his desk, eyeing him with caution. Ryu blinked, puzzled by her look.
"Is something—" he began, but she cut him off.
"Iwasaki... was it?" She let out an exhale, glancing my way for confirmation.
"Um...?" I spoke, perplexed as well.
"You're the guy who scared my Marco into acting so vicious," Erika accused, placing her hand to her hip. "Poor boy was scared for weeks."
"Marco?" Ryu asked.
"Erika," I started.
It took me by surprise when a grin broke out across her face. "Well, you're pretty cute so I'll forgive you." Winking, she brushed aside strands of her brown hair before they could fall into her eyes. "Say, want to hang out after school?"
Ryu's mouth had fallen. Majority of his disbelief must've derived from astonishment, though that didn't halt the blush blossoming on his face. "H-huh?"
"Hey!" I cried, my plummeted jaw falling even further.
Erika frowned as I ushered her away from him and towards a desk. "What's the big idea, Reina?" Her enthusiasm suddenly flattened. "Don't tell me... is he already yours? Shit, I'm so sorry. Hitting on the same guy you're with is cruel."
My face reddened. "Wh-what are you saying?!"
"Oh." She appeared shocked. "Was I wrong again? But..." Her voice shifted into a whisper. "You do like him, right?"
"Wh-wha... I mean... Erika!" I ended up seething, unable to control the embarrassment sweeping over me.
She laughed, nudging aside the ginger punches I threw her way. "Sorry, sorry. I've overstepped my boundaries."
I collapsed into my seat, scowling at her in hers. Then, I timidly peeked over at Ryu only to find him attempting to mind his own business. For a split second, he turned my way and we locked eyes. We both quickly darted our gazes, him dropping his head onto his arms and shielding his face. After a couple seconds, I galled my remaining courage to return my attention back to him, my eyes focused on the curls of his orange hair from behind. At that moment, my head couldn't help but be filled with thoughts about the break, and Aki.
I frowned to myself. Aki... did he really say that Iwasaki and him were brothers? The Ryu Iwasaki before me right now?
But if the Aki he was so cautious around was his younger brother how was I supposed to take this? The reason why they seemed so close despite being on such bad terms— it was because they were siblings. But was it by blood? They both had different surnames...
Maybe Aki was lying. I mean, out of all the ridiculous things he'd ever said, this had to take the cake. Besides, earlier that day he admitted to not liking telling the truth.
Then again, Aki had never lied to me before had he? He'd always been so brutally honest...
A loud sigh escaped my mouth. As much as I would like to ask him about it, I had a feeling that he'd instead get angry at me for not running off and allowing Aki to take advantage of me. I didn't exactly want to get berated, so there was no way was I saying anything, but...
"Take your seats everyone." A middle-aged man strolled into the classroom, thin black hair making up the majority of his scalp. The loafing students did as told and loaded into the empty desks dispersed throughout the room. "Nice to meet you; I'm your homeroom teacher, Matsuda. I hope for a smooth year with you all. Also, please keep in mind that as this is your last year, make sure to do all that you can to succeed for the sake of your future endeavours. Your marks, and your dedication to your education is vital for college and university admittance, so take it seriously. Am I clear?"
The students chorused with similar words of agreement and Mr. Matsuda looked pleased as a result.
Flipping through the many sheet he had in his possession, Mr. Matsuda adjusted the glasses resting on his nose a little higher. "I'll begin by taking attendance. Shout out if you're present. Erika Amaya?"
"Present!" my cousin cheered, throwing her hand into the air.
"Shiro Hajime?"
"Reina Kikuchi?"
I raised my hand. "Here."
"Momoka Kisanagi?"
"Sadly here," a girl called out.
Mr. Matsuda ignored her statement. "Sato—"
I was caught off guard a bit when Ryu from beside me cleared his throat to stop the teacher. He immediately rose his head. "I go by Ryu Iwasaki."
Mr. Matsuda's eyes flickered with a hint of recognition. "Oh yes, you came to me earlier...."
Scribbling out and rewriting something beside it, he continued with attendance. My eyes were wide as I turned my focus onto a nonchalant Ryu.
Wait... that wasn't his birth name?
As Mr. Matsuda began addressing the students whose last names began with 's', the door to the classroom burst open. All eyes darted towards the source and almost immediately, fear seized us all, including the teacher. Hands stuffed into his pockets, hair mousy and uniform scruffy, Keisuke Yamasaki entered the room. A glower was evident on his face as he searched the classroom with his eyes, invoking fear into all of the students in the process.
Except for one.
"Oh my God, who is he?" Erika whispered excitedly in my ear. "Everyone looks so terrified of him! Is he a famous bad boy or something?"
She continued to shake me, but I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind to respond.
After what felt like centuries, Keisuke clicked his tongue. "Tch... the wrong class again?" His deep voice echoed off the walls, emanating his rage. "When the hell is this school going to get it right?"
Keisuke's murderous eyes darted to the teacher, who was quaking visibly. I guess not all teachers were so calm about delinquents like my dad was.
"Last year when they separated us, I'm sure I told the principal that she'd get it if she tried it again this year. Are you the one who requested this?" Glowering, his animosity was on par with a wild animal's. He took a few leisure steps towards the teacher, leaning forward for emphasis. "I can't freakin' hear you. I asked if you're the one responsible for this!?"
"N-n-n-no! I-I mean, I am— wasn't..." Mr. Matsuda was a mess in front of the guy, especially when Keisuke grabbed hold of his collar.
I'd never been so grateful to have been sitting at the back of a classroom until today.
"Ugh, what is that idiot doing..."
The faint groan amidst the silent class caused Keisuke's attention to shift towards the source. By the way he'd grown even deadlier, I guessed this must've meant the end for whoever his eyes had fallen upon.
"Who's the idiot, Momoka?!" Keisuke barked, singling out a girl.
She pushed back in her chair a squeak and once I saw her, I immediately recognized her as the girl Ryu had accompanied— the one involved with Raidon Tsuki.
Instead of cowering like the rest of us, the girl gritted her teeth, appearing almost miffed. "Did I not just say it was you?"
"Don't freakin' dare act all high and mighty!" Keisuke spat. He let go of the teacher, balling his fists. "Just because Raidon hasn't hurt you yet—"
"What does that guy have to do with anything?" she spoke rather brusquely despite her trembling voice. "You're the one acting all high and mighty; bursting into this classroom and assaulting the teacher."
"I can assault whoever I want!" Keisuke bellowed. "Ugh, what kind of bullshit is this? I don't get to be in Raidon's class and yet I'm in this bitch's?" He stomped his foot, glare aimed at the teacher yet again. "I'm leaving this class! Write me a transfer slip to 3-3 right now!"
"Y-y-yes! A-at once!" The teacher scrambled for his desk, scattering multiple objects for a pen and paper.
As everything seemed to settle down for the better, the classroom door opened once again.
But who appeared was far worse this time than the last.
In accordance to even Keisuke's shock, Raidon Tsuki ambled in through the doors. His eyes scanned over the entire classroom and they almost seemed to twinkle when they fell upon the black-haired girl who had clearly paled as a result.
By the purple colouring of all the students' faces, I bet none of us were breathing anymore. A few could've fainted too, but Mr. Matsuda— poor guy— was definitely seeming the most light-headed.
"R-Raidon?" Keisuke stammered, wide-eyed at his boss's entrance. He had brightened like a puppy who's owner came home after a long day. It was hard to believe he could be the same oppressing figure as earlier. "What are you doing here?" he began again, imaginary tail wagging.
Raidon barely batted an eyelash in his direction.
Keisuke beamed nevertheless. "No way...! Don't tell me you came here for me? I was just about to transfer into your class!"
"Cool," Raidon said, as if he hadn't even heard him. Stepping past him, Raidon curtly bobbed his head at a nearly unconscious Mr. Matsuda. "I will be joining this class if you don't mind."
All eyes followed Raidon as he continued into a row, walking forward until finally stopping in front of Momoka. She looked as if her life was over—the exact opposite of a smirking Raidon.
"Yo, Weed," Raidon greeted.
The girl flinched, backing away as much as she could. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
"The other class was boring." He shrugged. Gazing over his shoulder, he locked eyes with the boy in the seat across. His eyebrows tapered malevolently. "Move."
The boy literally flew out of the seat.
Paying him no mind, Raidon flopped into the chair. The students all around them began shaking.
"T-take my desk too if you want!"
"H-h-have m-my chair!"
"Do you want me to fan you? I-I can fan you!"
"Please don't kill me...!"
"W-w-want something to eat? Drink?"
Raidon didn't take their offers very kindly. "Screw off."
They all went mute at once.
"What the heck... this class is weird as fuck." Raising a brow, Raidon turned to the girl he referred to has 'Weed.'
"What are you plotting?" she demanded, attempting to hide her face.
"Plotting?" Raidon innocently cocked his head to the side.
"Stop doing what you want all the damn time! Mrs. Hamada is going to get you for sure if you keep breaking the rules like this!"
"Yeah, right," Raidon scoffed, rolling his eyes. "What's the worst she could do? All she'll do is give us detention."
"Why 'us'? I don't want anything to do with you!" she hissed. "Get detention yourself!"
"Huh? But that's not any fun. It was hilarious how scared you were."
"You told that guy to freakin' cut me up! Why wouldn't I be scared?"
Their back and forth banter was honestly comical in a sense. But also terrifying. A girl that was my age was literally standing her ground against the city's most feared delinquent— the guy that was said to be the most petrifying and merciless human being there ever could be!
"Hey, hey, when I heard there were bad boys here, I didn't think they'd be this fearful!" Erika let out a dreamy sigh. "I love it...!"
I was trying to calm my trembling limbs. "L-love it?" I whimpered incredulously. "Y-you're crazy! We're not coming out of this alive! Oh my God, we're going to die."
"Hey," someone whispered from my left this time—Ryu, "stop shaking so much."
"E-easy for you to say!" My jaw chattered as I observed the fact that Keisuke had begun fuming due to the attention Raidon was giving the girl. I reached out to grab his sleeve, gesturing to his malice in disbelief. "A-are these two really going to be in our class...? How am I s-supposed to live? I... don't want to come to school anymore if it means this! What should I do? Get home-schooled? But... but...."
"—chi. Kikuchi!" The incessant call of my name dispelled me from my swarming thoughts. As I craned my neck towards Ryu, I became aware of the tears that had unknowingly welled up at the corners of my eyes. "Hey Kikuchi, it's fine," he spoke, locking eyes with mine—them reflecting his reassurance. "I'm here. I'm in this class with you; I won't let them hurt you."
My eyes grew as wide as saucers, and my pounding heart abruptly halted its beat before erratically starting up again. My focus had completely diverted away from Raidon and Keisuke and was entirely fixated on Ryu as he squeezed my wrist.
"So, stop freaking out okay?"
I finally updated... I know, it's okay to hate me. I even made someone a promise but broke it (I'msosorry >~<). But school's just too time-consuming! Q~Q Plus, I'm kinda in a slump where everything I write feels horrible so I didn't want to publish anything I wasn't satisfied with (but I published this chapter anyways because I feel like I'm being irrational). Anyways, I'm sorry for the long wait!
This chapter was so a treat for you Stepping On Love readers haha. But speaking of Stepping On Love...I actually decided I may continue it ^^ I'll tell you interested readers more on later date. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! <3
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