Chapter 30
_Chapter 30~ Strange Connection_
"That report we worked on turned out really well! Better than I imagined, actually," Daichi told me as we gathered our stuff for the day.
"And you said I wasn't a capable partner," I said, placing my books in my bag.
"I'm pretty sure I didn't say that," he defended, a smile growing on his face. "But, for sure, you seem more reliable than the last one."
"Why, thank you." I fake curtseyed. Just as I zipped my bag, my attention fell on the ajar classroom door. My eyelids rose in astonishment upon recognizing Ryu idling by the doors.
"Is that... Iwasaki?" Daichi asked, following my gaze.
"It is..." I murmured. I hurriedly swung my bag strap over my shoulder. "You can go home, Daichi. No need to accompany me to the office today."
I didn't wait to hear his reply and instead booked it to the exit. As soon as I arrived, I craned my neck up.
"Iwasaki?" I asked, immediately catching his attention. "What are you doing here?"
He adjusted his slumped posture. "Um..." He bashfully scratched the back of his neck. "I just thought we should head for the infirmary together. Is that strange?"
My eyes shrunk in surprise. Typically, we met each other there, so it had definitely shocked me that he suddenly wanted to go together.
"It... isn't strange," I replied, the corners of my mouth lifting upwards. "Let's go."
Visibly relieved, Ryu returned the expression and we set off towards the office.
"Were you busy with Class President stuff lately?" I broke the silence.
"Yeah," he responded. "My teacher kept piling me with duties. I should've told you."
"No, it's fine," I quickly reassured him. "Whenever I saw you you'd always run in the opposite direction so I was honestly worried you were avoiding me or something. I'm glad that's not the case."
It was honestly the reason why his sudden request startled me. I hadn't exactly gotten a chance to talk to him these days because he'd been so 'busy.' A part of me had begun to think he was lying about that, so, I was relieved to know that wasn't the case.
Ryu was quiet for a moment. He meekly scratched his cheek, turning his head away a bit. "Well, I was busy... but I also didn't know how to act around you."
I cocked an eyebrow. "Act around me? Why?"
"Y-you said... we'd be friends," he awkwardly responded. "I couldn't figure out how that meant you wanted me to act, so I was avoiding you a little. Sorry."
Ryu's unexpectedly honest answer caused my mouth to collapse. Wait... really?
Warmth filled my chest. I couldn't fight back a smile. "You're thinking too much into this," I told him. "You can act normally. When I said we should be "friends", I kind of meant we should stop focusing on when we first met. Leave everything behind us so we can start fresh."
Ryu didn't seem satisfied, which was clear by the expression that he wore.
I rolled my eyes. "I never would've imagined you'd worry about stuff like this. Weren't you supposed to be focusing on your duties?"
"I was focusing on them."
"And that's pretty surprising in itself," I teased. "Who would've thought you'd be so dependable."
He pouted. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, really." I grinned. "Just, I guess Class President Iwasaki is someone amazing after all."
Although my remark came across as sarcastic, I genuinely meant it. I guess that got across to Ryu because a tiny smile broke out across his face.
Feeling my cheeks warm, I averted my gaze. "—Much like Delinquent Iwasaki, of course."
His smile slipped. "I'm not a delinquent."
Ryu nearly took the wrong turn. I snagged his sleeve to stop him.
I snorted. "I see your habit of being unable to walk in a straight line is surfacing again."
"I-I can walk in a straight line."
"You sure?" I taunted. "I can always hold your hand for you if you want."
He frowned, sparing me a side-eyed glance. "You say that as if you really would."
I did my best to match his courage. "So you do admit you can't walk in a straight line?"
I'd left him at a loss of words. "I can," he sputtered again. For emphasis, he tugged his arm away from my grasp. "Look, you just have no sense of adventure."
I resisted the urge to laugh. "Repeatedly finding yourself lost doesn't count as an 'adventure.'"
Ryu shook his head. "But I'm not lost. I just like taking detours."
"Yeah, super long ones where you need someone like me to help take you to where you're actually supposed to go." I let out a titter, returning my attention to the nearing infirmary. "It's actually so terrible. Maybe I should stick with you full-time or something so you don't bother other people for directions."
An airy chuckle escaped his mouth. It stunned me to find him smiling once again. I had lost count due to how many times he'd shown the expression today, but regardless, it went and allowed my heart to skip a beat.
He placed his hand over his mouth to cover his laugh, and when he dropped it, his grin still hadn't faded. "It's not that bad, okay? Drop it."
My lips parted slightly. This entire situation—it was odd. Before, it seemed as if it would take a lot more to get Ryu to relax like this. Considering this was happening now, was it a good sign, or a bad omen?
Taking one more glimpse of his undoubtedly cute smile, I vigorously shook my head. As I did somewhat like this happy-go-lucky version of him more than before, I wasn't going to risk asking about it.
* * *
"Reina, I'm going to be frank," Dad had said, adjusting the spectacles on his face. "From today onwards, you're no longer going to be working in the infirmary."
The once silent office after the exit of today's delinquents seemed to quiet further. Both Ryu and I who had been standing in front of my dad at the moment of his statement, began gaping. My jaw had fallen towards the ground as the news swept a premonition over me.
"Huh?" I swivelled to Ryu. "Am I going crazy? I think I just heard something really amazing right now."
Before Ryu could respond, Dad sighed, "Yes, I guess in your eyes this would be considered "amazing" news. Sadly, it was the only solution I could think of."
Facing him, my eyebrows knitted together. "Wait, I'm lost. What are you trying to tell me, Dad?"
"I no longer need you to work here in the infirmary," he replied, quite bluntly. "You're being laid off duty; you're no longer required to come here to help out... Does that make sense now?"
I blinked once.
Then twice.
I hadn't even realized I stopped breathing until I opened my mouth to speak and couldn't find my voice.
Seeing my reaction, Dad sighed, "It's not like I don't think you're capable anymore, but as a working adult, I've felt pretty duty-less lately. The students that had once come for treatment on injuries and supplied me with many extra hours have only diminished this room to some hangout where they're obsessed with my daughter..."
Stopping for a pause, his shoulders slumped. He removed his glasses from his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Your punishment seemed perfect because you were terrified of them. I wanted you to learn from this experience, and it seems like you finally have. Even if this result is worrying, it's still affective. So my point is: you no longer have any use here in this room, therefore I'm dismissing you. Reina, are you listening to me?"
He peered up to figure out why I was so silent only to immediately pale.
"Holy freakin' cheesecakes!" I screamed, practically beaming. "I'm free! Oh my God, I'm free!"
I ran towards the place where I had kept my bag, slinging it over my shoulder.
"Hey, can I leave right now? I can leave, right? And I don't have to come back? I can sleep in again every morning and eat my lunch and go home after school right after the bell? Right? Right? Right?"
"R-Reina?" Dad sputtered, halting me from my excited ramble. "You're fine with this?"
"Why in the world wouldn't I be?" I returned.
He seemed at a loss. "No, it's just... I was so sure you'd wanted to assist me here considering how you hadn't complained lately..."
"Dad, please. This entire situation was a nightmare." My eyes were probably sparkling as I clasped my hands together. "And to think that my suffering comes to an end today..."
A sudden realization dawned on me.
"Wait, don't tell me you're lying. Is the principal going to give me another punishment because I can't do this one anymore?"
"No... you're completely free," he assured me with an exasperated exhale.
I cheered, "Ooh, yes!"
"Excuse me," Ryu interjected, snatching my dad's attention. He pointed to himself. "If Kikuchi doesn't have to help out here, does that mean I don't have to either?"
Dad blinked before going on to timidly scratching the back of his neck. "Well, um... I hadn't given that much thought. Don't you want to continue helping out here?"
Ryu was quiet for a while and briefly glanced my way. I blinked in response, especially as he pointed towards me. "I'd... rather be with her."
My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets—Dad's, too. Suddenly, it was difficult to breathe. I was rendered into a state of shock.
Seeming to dismiss our stupefied looks, Ryu continued, "It's going to be dangerous to let her continue to hang around those delinquents. I'll make sure they stay away."
Oh... That's what he meant. My shoulders relaxed and my heart returned to its regular beat.
"Plus, earlier..." He avoided all eyes. "Kikuchi told me she needed to keep me by her side—"
"I-I said that for you!" I snapped in embarrassment, smacking his shoulder. I sent him a look that told him to shut up, and like a scolded puppy, he obediently hung his head. I spun to face Dad to press him for more answers. "So, does Iwasaki have to help out here anymore?"
His eyes travelled between the two of us. Eventually, he surrendered with a defeated breath.
"No, it's fine. I'll talk it over with the principal," he promised. "But at least for now, you both no longer have to assist me here."
I turned to Ryu for a high-five, a grin spreading across my face. "Yay, we're both free then!"
He sheepishly returned the gesture. "Yeah."
* * *
Our day only continued to get better.
"Wh-what? We don't have to pick up trash anymore either?" I fumbled for my words, gawking at the police officer before us.
Unlike any other day when he was radiating pretentious confidence, today he was oddly fidgety. He shuffled his feet as far away from us as he could. "U-um, n-no! You're d-done..."
"But I thought we still had lots to go until—"
"Y-you both are f-free...!" he cut Ryu off, cowering and shutting his eyes. "P-please don't hold this against me! I-I have to go!"
He went racing off without another word, leaving Ryu and I in a heap of confusion.
"What the..." I began, cocking my head. "So we don't have to help out?"
"Today's been weird," Ryu muttered.
"Yeah." I met his eyes. "I don't know if I should be happy with how things turned out, or scared because it's going to somehow come back to bite us..."
As we walked along the side of the road back home, Ryu spoke, "You should take it positively. Nothing good comes out of your negativity."
I gently jostled his side. "I'm not negative. I'm realistic."
"Not really."
"Yes, really. I'm a pretty positive person."
"Then I'm able to walk in a straight line."
"You're seriously bringing up the past on me?" I fixated a disapproving look on my face before rolling my eyes. "Fine. We both don't bring up either of this again, agreed?"
"Wow, what a beautiful friendship!"
The two of us were caught off guard, more so when we found the source of the voice to be none other than Aki Mitsoyu. I faltered back in surprise but Ryu on the other hand trained the nastiest glare in existence at him.
"Whoa, calm down." The redhead elevated his arms in defence. "No need to get so hostile, Iwasaki."
"I don't care," Ryu snapped. "Leave!"
"How rude. Don't you two want to know how exactly I helped you out?"
"Helped us out?" I asked Aki in confusion. "You did?"
Ryu's head snapped towards me, angry for ever taking him seriously. I forced a weak smile in response. Aki, who was watching this, broke out into a wide grin.
He barrelled up to me. "Senpai, Senpai, listen to this!" he said, radiating joy. "I helped get rid of your duties at the infirmary and also with community service! Aren't I so great?"
What? He was responsible for all this?
"I just had to talk to some people about them pushing around my favourite Senpai and they were very understanding about it!" The tone behind his words hinted that there wasn't much talking that had taken place, but I wasn't going to question it. "You're super happy, right?"
"Uh, yeah. Of course I'm happy."
He was elated at my reply. "The news really made your day, right?"
Though I was reluctant with Ryu's oppressing glare from beside me, I bobbed my head. "Yes, it totally did."
"I knew it would!" He gripped my shoulders. "You're finally free from all the things that stupid Iwasaki put you through! It's worthy of celebration!"
I stood still at that one. Ryu grabbed Aki's hood, yanking him away. "Stop touching her."
Aki frowned at him, easily tugging free. "Don't tell me what to do," he barked. "Senpai doesn't seem to mind." For emphasis, he scooped up my hand in his, flashing me a wink. "Right?"
"You—" Ryu began.
Gazing down at his hand over mine, I put on a smile. I flicked his forehead with my free hand. "Don't touch me."
Aki let me go, rubbing the spot with a pout. "Ow... Senpai, I thought you appreciated what I did for you?"
"She doesn't have to," Ryu hissed for me. "Nobody asked you to do this."
"Like you should be talking," jeered Aki right back. "You're the one that started this all."
Posted up to me like a guard dog, Ryu was glowering at a sullen Aki who didn't back down in the slightest.
My gaze carefully darted back and forth, lips twitching. Why exactly was I in this kind of situation?
"C'mon, I just want to talk to Senpai a bit," Aki huffed like a little kid. "Let me!"
"She doesn't need you to!"
"And she needs you?"
Ryu recoiled.
With a grunt, Aki swung his hands behind his head. "Tch, you're seriously not the tiniest bit fun! Never were and never will be."
Ryu hindered him from getting any closer to me. Aki came to an abrupt stop. He rolled his eyes.
"Fine, I'll go." He peered past Ryu and sent me a curt smile and wave. "It was nice seeing you, Senpai. I hope I can talk to you again." He spared Ryu one last scowl. "Without this ass."
Following Aki's rather quick departure, and even as Ryu and I continued to walk in the direction of our houses, the looming silence that consumed us was uncomfortable. I couldn't figure out anything to say to the frowning Ryu. What could I, with all of these various thoughts filling my mind? He had said the two of them had no connection but clearly they did. The question, though, was what kind?
"This isn't good." Ryu gritted his teeth. "He has his eyes on you."
"Why are you saying that as if I'm some kind of object?" I asked, not exactly appreciating it.
As if recalling I was with him, Ryu woke from his daze. "Sorry," he said once he processed what I'd said. He threaded his fingers through his hair. "You're obviously not an object. But I know Aki must see you like one. That's why it's bad."
"Why do you assume he'd see me as an object?" I pressed. He seemed to treat me like a human right now.
Ryu avoided my eyes. He came to a random halt. "Just stay away from him, okay? Even if he approaches you, run as fast as you can away from him. No matter what."
"You do realize how impossible that sounds, right?"
"Even still..." He dropped his head a bit. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you..."
My heart pounded in surprise. My cheeks warmed as its beat only continued to rise. A small part of me wanted to tell him, "You're over exaggerating," but it was too late. Ryu was already lost amidst his own thoughts, hastening his pace and leaving my only focus to catch up with his long strides.
Aki and Ryu's connection... It was definitely strange. I wonder what exactly happened between them?
I know, I haven't updated in foreverrr. School's so exhausting omg. And I still have exams to worry about next month TT^TT... But for now, since it's Winter Break, I'm free from my worries for a while. I'll be updating this story more often these next two weeks, don't worry.
I honestly didn't like how this chapter turned out but I blame it on the fact that I didn't get to write in a long time. Whatever, I'll make up for it in the next chapter. What was your guys' thoughts for this chapter though??
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