Chapter 21
_Chapter 21~ Wo-MAN Up_
Of all the days, why did it have to be today?
"Hey, Reina!"
I inwardly groaned at Daichi's enthusiasm.
"Hello? Is anybody home?"
There was a knock on my head.
"Go away," I mumbled, my face implanted on my desk.
"Reina," he tried again. "Why are you so down today? I know school's ending after this period but that's exactly why you should be happy. No like... this."
As the final block of the day had been turned into self-study, majority of our classmates were off raucously chattering. Upon finishing some worksheets at his desk, Daichi, in an attempt to socialize, twisted his body to face me. Ms. Osaka had long since fled the scene, all to take care of some 'adult matters,' but that was the least of my concerns at the moment.
I lifted my head to look at the boy who couldn't seem to catch a hint. He gasped at the sight of me, lurching back.
"Ew, you look like a zombie!"
I swatted his arm immediately.
He winced and frowned. "Fine, you look like a grotesque monster."
I raised my hand again. Yelping, he elevated his arms in defence.
"Okay, okay! You look like Reina!" Puffing, he dropped his hands, gazing at me through his thick-rimmed glasses. "So what's up with you?"
As soon as he said that, the excited murmurs of my classmates had once again seized my focus. My gaze landed on the males who majority were carrying neatly wrapped boxes of red, pink, or white. I made a face. Groaning, I fell back onto my desk.
"Daichi, today is Valentine's Day."
"I know," he replied in a heartbeat. "I got a few chocolates today."
He fished a couple bags from his pocket for emphasis. I scoffed at him.
"Who would want to give chocolate to you?"
His jaw fell. "Hey, that's offensive."
I shrugged and sighed again. Might as well ask him... "Daichi, if I were to give you a chocolate cake today what would you think?"
"You're giving me chocolate cake?" He sounded ecstatic.
"No," I snapped. "I said if. So? What would you think?"
He frowned. Though, not to disappoint, he tapped on his chin. "I would think... that you completely like me."
I flinched at his bluntness. "But how about if I don't like you?"
"You don't like me?"
I glared at him once more.
He pouted. "Again, offensive. But, if you don't like me and give me chocolate on Valentine's Day, then you need to make it clear it's giri* chocolate."
I groaned. "But that's embarrassing. Why should I have to clarify that or not?"
"Then don't clarify and leave me believing you have a crush on me."
"Can you stop talking about yourself for one damn second? You're really self-absorbed you know that?"
Daichi gawped, slumping in his seat. He then closed his mouth and patted himself. "Is there a sign on my back saying "Insult Daichi" or something? You're hurting me a lot today."
I heaved a guilty breath. "Sorry."
He dismissed it with a wave. "So who are you talking about?"
"Iwasaki." I rested my chin on my palm. "I promised I'd make him chocolate cake but I completely forgot today was Valentine's Day and brought it. And now I really don't want to give it to him..."
He bobbed his head. "Okay, then just give it to him tomorrow."
"But I already promised yesterday," I whined. "Plus, it's already with me. I might as well give it."
"Then give it."
"But that's embarrassing!"
Daichi rolled his eyes. "You're acting like you have a crush on him or something."
"I don't!"
I winced at how loud my voice came out.
"No need to get so defensive," Daichi chuckled. "But since you don't, it shouldn't matter, right? You probably don't even have to clarify since you promised him it yesterday."
"True, but..."
"You're so awkward," he said. "Have you never given a guy chocolate on Valentine's Day before?"
I flinched, picking up my pencil and instantly doodling on my papers. "O-of course I have."
"Really? To whom?"
Although I didn't look his way, I had a feeling he was smiling. "Doesn't matter. You haven't met him."
"A name at least."
I ducked down, shielding my face.
"You're talking about your dad aren't you?"
I recoiled straightaway. "What? No!"
He raised a pointed eyebrow.
"Knew it." He ruffled my hair. "Little ol' Reina has never been in love."
Scowling, I shooed him aside. "How can you say that so surely?"
"Because it's obvious."
Was it? The bells overheard rang, signalling the end of class. I shook my head, rising to my feet, shovelling my scattered worksheets and notebooks in my bag.
"Hush," I told him, before I left.
Daichi's laughter resounded after me as I gave him one last wave and headed out the doors. Watching how some people scurried for the exits made me feel a little nostalgic. I used to be so terrified of sticking around after school so I'd dash for the bus. But after forcing myself to stick around proved not to be as scary as I imagined. Especially lately because I hadn't seen much delinquents around at all. Even when I helped Dad, only about one or two delinquents came every morning and lunch included, and it wasn't due to gunshots or knife wounds. Rather, from regular cases like sudden sickness or headaches.
It was odd, I agreed, though who was I to complain? After that little event where I yelled at them I was better off without them making my life a living hell.
As I squeezed through the gaggles of people, I spotted Ryu walking aimlessly ahead. For a split second, I considered leaving and giving it to him tomorrow. But another part of me urged me to get it over with. Like Daichi said, I already promised him it so it wasn't as if I'd have to specify why. It was that easy.
Opening my mouth, I picked up my speed.
He didn't seem to hear me and that lowered my spirits slightly.
Not wanting go give up, I tried again, "Iwasa—"
Before I could finish, a swarm of girls ahead squawked upon seeing a boy and charged at him, bringing me along for the ride. Before I knew it, I ended up wedged between a bunch of giggling girls and the ever so popular Kaede Amami whom they all were trying to give chocolates to.
I fled from the site as rapidly as I could but Ryu was long gone. I frowned. Maybe I'd cut him off outside.
After switching into my outdoor shoes, I hurried outside. It was easy to spot Ryu in the distance from his exaggerated height. Instantly, my nerves tensed. I picked up the speed.
"Iwasaki, my man!"
My eyes widened when another voice overlapped mine. I craned my neck to see Miyabi racing towards him, flapping his hands vigorously. Ryu glanced back and right as he did, he saw me first. His halted in place, brows rising in recognition, and I timidly looked down.
"Sheep is here too?" Miyabi cheered once he joined us. "What a coincidence!"
"Yeah..." I mumbled.
Miyabi stared at me for a while.
"Oh yeah! Guys, look at how much chocolates I got today! People are so sweet!" he boasted, holding out loads of wrappers for emphasis. "Get it? Because chocolate is 'sweet'?"
Both Ryu and I didn't respond. Miyabi was sweating buckets, the pressure clearly getting to him.
"Okay, then. Uh..." He looked to his right. "Did you get any chocolate today, Iwasaki?"
Ryu was mute.
"You're still not very popular with the ladies, huh?" Miyabi shook his head. "You have to smile. Smiling would make people like you a lot more. How many times do I have to tell you that?"
Ryu narrowed his eyes into slits.
"Talking, too," Miyabi went on, trying his best not to cave. "Talking helps a lot. Looks can't really say much... B-but your looks are spot-on though! Good job with them! I completely get what you're telling me, ha ha!"
Miyabi laughed nervously, flashing him a thumbs up. He also made sure to keep his distance, which would've been pretty humorous if he didn't accidentally bump into me and step on my toes.
Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Ryu continued on down the pavement. As soon as his glare was off him, Miyabi sighed in relief.
"How about you, Sheep? Did you give anyone chocolate today? No wait, did you make me? I want Sheep's chocolate!"
Suddenly feeling both their gazes on me, I couldn't look up from my feet. "I-I didn't..."
Ryu glanced away once I looked up. Miyabi blinked.
"Oh, is that so?" he murmured.
The quiet didn't last any longer than a few seconds. Being the ball of energy he was, he easily rambled about something else, this time about a girl who confessed to him in the past.
As he did so, I cursed under my breath. It's okay, just give it to him later, I told myself. I could do so after our community service hours today. I'd have plenty of time then.
My heart rate slowed to a normal pace. A cake was a cake. So what if it consisted of chocolate? It was completely obligatory. Yeah. He better not get the wrong idea.
Scratching the back of my head, I exhaled heavily.
I wonder why I kept convincing myself that he would?
* * *
I really didn't like this.
At all.
Fixated on the grass where the trash lay, I peeked at the countless bags I'd already filled then behind me. Why was there so much trash today? Of all the days...
"I think that's enough for the day. You can leave," the police officer accompanying us said.
I wanted to drag my bags towards the garbage bins but I had a hard time carrying them all at once. I dropped two of them as a result. Convicted on coming back for them later, I stepped towards the bins. It was then Ryu came out of nowhere and scooped them into his own arms, setting off at that. My mouth fell at his gesture.
"I could've carried them myself," I called after him.
"You're welcome," he responded.
My lips pursing together, I hurried after him.
No later than a few minutes, we left the field. I trailed after Ryu, feeling my nerves catch up with me. I eyed my backpack. Should I give it now?
I found it hard to open my mouth.
As Ryu sauntered ahead, I watched as he lifted his arms and sniffed his clothes. He then retreated and smelt the air. He made a sour face before continuing on. Immediately, my heart stopped. And so did my feet. Was it me? Oh no. It was. It had to be.
I totally smelt like garbage. Agh.
Ryu peered at me from over his shoulder. "Why did you stop walking?"
I bobbed my head, wanting to hide my expanding blush. "P-p-personal space."
"Personal space?" he echoed.
I nodded.
Quirking a brow, Ryu headed off by himself. As he did, relief coursed through my veins. I briefly sniffed my clothes and although I didn't smell anything as repugnant as I was expecting, I wrung my hands. There was no way I could give this to him now. Absolutely not.
I slipped off my bag and held it away from me, hoping that the smell wouldn't rub off on it. I peeked upwards at the cause of my stress.
Tomorrow was always an option...
No! What was I saying? Why should I waste another day agonizing over this? Just man—or really, wo-MAN—up, me! You promised him cake so give him the damn cake.
Inhaling sharply, I hollered, "Iwasak—"
"It really does stink like garbage."
My breath caught in my throat. My mouth moved, but no sound came out.
I hung my head in defeat.
Yeah... Maybe I'd wo-MAN up next time...
Giri* - Obligatory
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