Chapter 14
_Chapter 14~ Nicer_
"Iwasaki, that doesn't go on the head!"
The teen of orange hair rotated around, appearing absolutely frazzled.
"Psst, down here!"
Ryu's head tilted in the direction alongside the the delinquent he was treating. I let out a squeak, ducking my head further under the infirmary bed.
"What the...?"
"Reina, you are not an animal." Someone's arm came flinging under the bed. By the white coat, I traced it back to Dad. "This is ridiculous."
I slashed at him to disappear, hissing, "Don't give away my position!"
"Ow!" he yelped, retreating his hand. "You scratched me!"
"Shh! He'll notice I'm here!"
"Do you have a cat?" the gruff voice belonging to the delinquent Ryu was attending to reached my ears.
I perked, cowering further. Oh no. He caught me...
"It's a special kind of species," was Ryu's response—monotone loud and clear. "Called Kikuchi—"
From where I was I spotted Ryu freeze. I clasped my hand over my mouth to keep from saying anything else.
Ryu growled. "I told you to not call me—"
"The cat's name is Kikuchi Orange?" the delinquent cut off his yell. "That's messed up."
I grounded my teeth, inching closer to the wall. Why was this delinquent still here? He'd been occupying that spot for at least five minutes now...
"I can assure you it's human," Dad interjected to answer him.
My heart stopped. No... what was he doing?
"Human?" he asked. "And his parents named him Kikuchi Orange? Did they hate him?"
I held back a retort. Was he kidding me right now? Why hadn't he left yet? The sooner he exited the premises the sooner I could mentally prepare myself for the next delinquent.
As I stayed curled up in my safe ball, listening to what was going on outside, I was caught off guard when somebody's forearms swung out and seized my shoulders, yanking me forward. Before I could process what had happened, I was already out from under the bed and exposed to the light of the room, dangling from Ryu's hands which were gripping me from under the armpits. My jaw fell when my eyes locked with the equally shocked delinquent, currently oozing blood from his forehead.
As angered as I was because of Ryu, in that moment, I was overwhelmed by the immense nauseousness I felt at the sight of all the blood.
"Holy," I breathed, immediately covering my eyes. "He's dying."
"I'm what?" screeched the delinquent, leaping to his feet.
"You are not dying," Dad interjected.
I peeked through an eyelid just in time to see him usher the delinquent back down, making sure to shoot me a glare.
"Don't scare the patients," he said sternly. He took a seat on the stool next to the bed, grabbing a bandage from the first-aid kit. "It's a small scratch," he reassured him.
I let my hands fall to my sides as Dad treated the delinquent who remained quiet. I peeked past the crevice between the curtains only to locate more delinquents waiting to come in and readied myself in case some of them lunged in with a knife or pounded on the wall, threatening to enter like they always did. Despite expecting the such, it surprised me when nothing came. For once, it was completely silent. The amount of peace made my skin crawl.
What was going on? Weren't the delinquents waiting to ambush us? Honestly, if I thought about it, the most disruption I heard all lunch was small-scale arguments and cursing, but even that died down. In fact, the delinquents I was assured to be fighting outside were instead having a series of intense arm wrestling competitions, courtesy of Dad asking them to settle who'd be his first patient when they came in.
Regardless, this quiet put me on edge. I was so frightened hiding underneath the bed that I was unaware of the actual state of the infirmary. Putting down my guard like this didn't leave me as scared as I imagined.
I twitched a little.
Though, uncomfortable I sure was.
"Iwasaki, let me go."
The said male lifted me up and down as if he were doing bicep curls. "Have you always been this tiny?"
My face burned. "Hey!"
"How tall are you?"
"Not as tall as you." I wriggled my feet, digging my palm into his cheek. "Now put me down!"
"You're probably four foot something."
My embarrassment grew. "No!"
"Three feet...?"
"I'm five foot three!"
He paused. "You're really short—"
"I know that already, shut up!"
Seeing my teeming mortification, Ryu finally allowed it, setting me down on my feet like I were a little kid. I glowered at him, resisting the urge to stomp on his foot. He met my gaze and completely oblivious to my mood, positioned his hand at his forehead, drawing it out to portray the huge height difference.
"Iwasaki!" I cried, blushing hard. Was he kidding me right now?
"Can you two keep quiet!" Dad's snappy tone jolted me. We both faced him only to be met with an incredulous frown. "If you have enough time to argue, start doing first aid on the other patients."
I rotated my body towards Ryu. "You heard him."
"You too, Reina!"
Fear consumed me. "What?"
Dad gave me a warning stare, radiating I had no choice but to agree.
"But, I don't know first aid," I excused, batting my eyelashes innocently.
The delinquent Dad was treating stamped his foot against the linoleum floor. My heart leapt to my throat. More so, when I saw his scowl fixed in my direction. "Kikuchi Orange hurry and get the fuck out of here!"
I was outside the curtains in less than a second.
When I was, I clicked my tongue, hanging my head. Curse me and my excessive fright of delinquents. I didn't even correct him when he called me 'Orange.'
A sigh escaped my lips. Man, I hated this. And to think I could've entered this room through another door this entire time. Dad would definitely get an earful of this if he tried to lecture me later today of why I was late to getting here.
"Who are you?"
My eyelids fluttered open just in time to lock with aquamarine coloured eyes. I attempted to digest the unknown face—scrunched up and sour, thick blond eyebrows raised questioningly. My stomach churned once it settled in.
It was a delinquent.
"What's a girl doing here?"
"There's actually a girl?"
"Look, she's wearing a skirt."
"Don't tell me she works here now?"
One by one, all the wounded boys in the room formed a circle around me. My body became stricken. I was absolutely petrified as they all leaned in close, studying and even suffocating me within the minimal space I had. They were goggling at me almost as if I were a rare animal at the zoo.
"She's not saying anything," one said.
"Say, how would ya' feel about leaving here with me?"
A hand darted for mine from the crowd. I flinched away almost immediately. My heart rate exhilarated as even more lecherous whispers erupted all around me.
"Don't be afraid."
"I just want to show you off for a while."
"Forget him and come with me, cutie."
"U-uh." My breathing grew shallow, my mind a clogged mess. The faint sounds of Dad conversing with the delinquent who called me 'Orange' filled my ears, giving me the notice he wasn't available nor aware of the current situation to help me.
Paranoia spread inside of me like a wildfire. It took all I had to defend their lunging arms. And although I knew I should've tried to run, I couldn't move. While I was pushing off all their needy hands, extremities shaking furiously, somebody grasped my wrist hard. I traced it back to a redhead.
"Oh, c'mon," he said with a sharp grin. "Don't be like that—"
"Don't touch her."
I gaped as Iwasaki warded most of them off before standing in front of me, a protective arm raised to guard me. Sweet relief surged through my veins. Ryu promptly glared at them all—it being as terrifying and murderous as it typically was—but such a thing never worked against delinquents. If anything, it only put them more on edge.
"Who the hell are you?"
"The guy here to treat you," Ryu returned. "Now either disperse into a proper line or I'll have to ask you to leave."
"I'd rather be treated by her."
"Yeah, me too!"
"I don't care what you want. She's not going near you," Ryu decided firmly.
I watched this unfold from behind, completely openmouthed. Was this guy crazy? He was standing up against almost ten delinquents here! And why was he declaring that as if I didn't get a choice in this? Well, I didn't want one anyways, and I should be grateful that he was defending me, but at this rate they were going to hurt him!
"Then why the fuck is she here?" bellowed somebody from the back.
"That's none of your business," Ryu answered, his back now pressing against my body. They were closing in. "Do you all want to get treated or not?"
"Who the frick cares about that now."
Ryu was shoved resulting in him faltering a step. His foot landed on mine and a sharp pain consumed it.
"Ow!" I winced.
"Move out of the way!"
I cried out in more distress when they shoved Ryu once more. This time, his body slammed into mine hard enough for me to fumble. When Ryu regained his own balance, he retreated, as if fearful to hurt me again. But right at his moment of distraction and before I could follow it with my eyes, he was hit.
He collapsed to the ground at that.
My jaw fell, head whipping back and forth. All delinquents had their complete and utter focus on Ryu. I watched as some of them raised their foots to step on him while others reached into their pockets to pull out weapons I didn't even want to think about. Right when I was about to race to Dad to intercede before things could escalate in the horrific development it was leading towards, I spotted something glint off the light above.
A knife.
There wasn't enough time.
Shit, my mind blared like a siren. They were going to stab Ryu. My knees buckled. Nausea wrenched my stomach. What was I supposed to do then? I didn't have the leisure to stay immobile! Think, think, think. I could at least do something, right? But what? There was no way I was fighting them. I'd die!
But if I didn't act fast, Ryu would die!
This was all his fault! I could've handled this by myself somehow—okay, who was I lying to. Regardless, because he decided to intervene for whatever reason, he was a dead man. There was always the option of me doing what I did best—turning tail and running away—but I didn't want Ryu's death to be on my conscious. I had to at least do something!
Dammit. This was exactly why I hated delinquents! They always resorted to violence and unlawful acts like mindless puppets.
I hated this all! Why was it always me who got involved with this kind of BS?
With all my anger surging within me, I charged up to Ryu. Planting my feet, I guarded back the delinquents with the most heinous glare in my possession. "Back off!" I'd shouted before I could stop myself.
They all obeyed instantly—most, in understandable shock.
"What the...?"
"Is she glaring at us?"
"A girl is?"
"Why does this has to happen all the frickin' time?" I snapped regardless, grounding my teeth. "Do you have to frickin' pull out a knife just because he wasn't letting you touch me? Are you all imbeciles or something? Why the hell would I ever want any of your grimy hands near me, let alone voluntarily go anywhere just because you ordered me to?"
All delinquents were wide-eyed. I would've probably been as astonished as them, seeing as I was saying things that would've resulted in my death, but I wasn't in the state of rational thought at the moment.
Reaching out my arm, I gripped a delinquent's hand that was dripping blood. He yelped as I twisted it around, and made a face.
"Look at all of you!" I scoffed, eyeing all their obvious wounds in distaste. "You fight all the goddamn time, hurt yourselves all the goddamn time and end up here in this damn office all the goddamn time like it's commonplace! And what happens as soon as you're treated? You do the same shit all over again! Why? 'Cause you're all a bunch of bird-for-brain idiots.
"You all do realize that if you keep this shit up you're gonna end up nowhere in life, right? Just in case you're an idiot incapable of thinking straight, I want you to get it through your thick skulls that you're all going to end up forever alone. In jail or even homeless with absolutely nobody to care! So if you fucking understand that this is an infirmary and not a place you're supposed to fight at, get out or stack your asses in a straight line and wait for us to treat you!"
Hands at my hips, my breathing came out in ragged breaths. I wiped a bead of sweat that trickled down my forehead.
"What the...?"
"Did she just yell at us?"
"A girl did?"
My eyelids peeled opened and closed. It took a while for the delinquents' gawking stares and everything I'd shouted to settle in.
Did I seriously just...
Without waning, one of their looks shifted to one more hostile. He jostled through everyone else to loom before me.
Screaming, I dropped into a ball, burying my head in my knees. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry!" I squealed, covering my ears. "Please have mercy on this idiot!"
Cowering, I waited to get punched, pummeled, stepped on, knifed, shot— I was truly anticipating any form of pain to say the least. My heart was hammering like a drill in my chest, eyes glued shut. When feet shuffled all around me, I was assured of my death.
One, two, three— I counted the seconds until my doom in my head, biting down on my lip forceful enough to draw blood. By the time I reached twenty, I started to become paranoid. What were they going to do with me? It was so quiet. Don't tell me they already slaughtered me and I was already dead— No, wait. My heart was pounding. A little crazily, but it was there.
Unless that in itself was a lie...
"Reina, what were you thinking?"
"God is that you?" I feebly asked.
"I know! I wasn't thinking! I'm sorry for doing something so stupid! I'm usually smarter!"
"Okay, I lied! I'm naturally an idiot; I'm sorry God—"
My shoulders were seized by a pair of hands, nearly giving me a heart attack. My eyelids parted only to find through my blurry vision, that the culprit was Dad.
He heaved a sigh, dropping his hands. "I heard a lot of screaming and rushed out. Why are you like this, Reina?"
Tears streamed down my face, in relentless amounts. My fingers were still trembling. "Wh-what happened to the..."
"They left," he answered. "All of them."
Every single one? No way. I wasn't going to die then?
More tears filled my eyes—most likely of reassurance this time—and I quickly wiped them away. I inhaled shaky breaths, heartbeat slowing against my ribcage. "Thank... goodness. I thought for sure I was dead."
"You're very much alive and well," Dad reassured me, patting my head. "And extremely lucky that none of them were mad enough they couldn't listen when I told them to leave. Stop getting yourself into this kind of stuff, Reina. All right?"
I bobbed my head, attempting to stifle any further sobs. When I wiped away the last of my tears, I swallowed the lump in my throat. My eyes widened when I remembered the reason I'd done this stupid thing in the first place.
"Iwasaki!" I exclaimed, spinning around only to find the said boy seated on the ground, touching his cheek gingerly.
I crawled up to him, bumbling a few times due to how much I was shaking. Eventually, I arrived before him, gazing up at the spot he was caressing.
"Oh my gosh. Oh no. Are you okay?"
He peered elsewhere, his hand never leaving his cheek. "I'm fine."
Making a face at his childishness, I grasped his hand and pried it away. I gasped at the sight of the blood. "You're bleeding!"
Don't tell me they actually swung their knives at him?
"I'm fine," he insisted, swatting my hand.
"I'm so sorry."
"I already told you I'm fine."
Guilt gnawed at the pit of my stomach. "Let me grab the first-aid kit!"
"I don't need it!"
Dad offered the kit to me straightaway. "Here."
Ryu's head shot up. "I said I'm—"
"Your eye's purple too!" I accused, gasping at the sight of his left eye. "They even punched you?"
"I'll go grab an ice pack," Dad informed me, hastening out the door leading to his office.
Silence returned, filling the room. I hurriedly nudged Ryu.
"Get up!"
"But you're hurt!" I said, my heart constricting.
Ryu's hand swept over his face again. "I'm fine."
Before I could open my mouth, the bell for class rang. He rose to his feet.
"It's class time, I'm going."
I jumped up before he could dare go. "Iwasaki—"
"I said I'm fine—"
I stomped on his foot hard. He howled, losing his stability and tripping backwards. To my luck, he landed on a vacant stool idling there. I cut off his escape route before he could dare get back up.
He stared up at me, frowning. "Leave me alone already—"
I slapped a disinfectant cloth right over his cheek. He sucked in sharply.
A breath of relief left my mouth as I grabbed a band-aid. "Yes, it's not a deep cut."
He glared at me. "Kikuchi—"
"Don't move."
Although he tried resisting before, this time he went limp. His eyes were on me but I disregarded that as I carefully pasted it on.
"Are you done now?" he asked grumpily.
I grabbed his face to get a look to see other damage. As I scanned for wounds, nothing but his swollen eye was there.
"Did you get hurt anywhere else?"
He avoided my gaze. "Why does it matter?"
I puffed my cheeks. "Stop being stubborn. Tell me."
He didn't comply.
Gently cupping his undamaged cheek, I squeezed it.
"Stwop it," he ordered.
"Not until you answer me."
His eye met mine. "You're hurting me."
I let go. "Sorry."
He stroked his cheek and I grew impatient.
"I'm seriously worried here. Why aren't you answering me?"
"'Cause I'm fine."
"Can I trust that?"
With a groan, I flopped down onto the seat next to him.
"Now we're late for class," he noted.
"Don't even think about going to class until you get that ice pack."
Ryu harrumphed in response. I sat there twiddling my thumbs, the events earlier replaying in my mind.
"Why did you protect me?"
"I didn't protect you," he retorted. "I'm hurt, remember?
"But you got hurt because of me."
"No, I didn't. They picked a fight with me, not you."
"You could've fought back," I suggested. "In fact, I thought you would've."
"I'm in enough trouble already," he replied with a frown. "I don't want another excuse to see Mrs. Hamada."
"But it would've been self-defence."
"It never is."
I wanted to ask why he was so sure of that but didn't.
"You're nicer than I thought, Iwasaki."
His head jerked my way. "Huh?"
"I mean, you sprained my wrist, ate my cookies, and you are the one who got me into all this infirmary and community service business, but you also have a bad sense of direction and even stood up for me in a fight..."
Ryu appeared as if he wanted to argue but he instead dropped his head. "I already said I didn't do it for you." He blushed and added, "And I don't have a direction problem."
"Of course you don't." I cracked a smile. "Say, do you think those delinquents will come to kill me tomorrow?"
"You did say a lot of nasty things."
I blanched. "So I am dead..."
Quiet elapsed yet again.
"Sorry for your wrist..."
My eyes widened and I looked at Ryu. At the same moment, he met my eyes.
Wrist? my mind echoed. That was nearly a month ago... A grin grew on my face. "I thought you didn't like apologies."
He flinched. "I don't, but—"
"You still apologized to me anyways. Twice, now."
Ryu opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"Wow, I feel special," I laughed.
He face went red. "Just forget it."
"Nope, I never will."
And it was true. I probably wouldn't.
Omg yes, that scene. Refers to the original cover I had for the story:
Maybe I should change it back xD
I initially didn't want that to happen this chapter but whatever. Scenes like these are more important than other things. Oh, how did you guys like how I wrote that whole delinquent gang-up scene? I wanted it to be un-cliché like but how would that even work? I couldn't just let them kill her, lol. But Ryu is becoming more and more sweet/less hostile around Reina. Any thoughts about that (if you've noticed)?
Oh and also, I'm sorry I stopped updating. I have exams coming up these next two weeks (every single day too :O) but I felt the need to update before I could randomly disappear from Wattpad and leave you guys wondering what happened. I will try to write SOL during these two weeks so I can update weekly or something when summer starts, so look forward to then.
Thanks for reading!
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