Chapter 13
_Chapter 13~ Bad With Directions_
"Don't worry, Kikuchi!"
My eyebrows simultaneously ascended on my forehead as I watched as the guy stalked ahead of me, arms raised and eyes glued shut. It was honestly quite amusing, but all the stares of the surrounding people left me bashful. I timidly slowed my pace as Daichi led the way.
When we turned the corner, Daichi ended up running into a garbage can, leading to quite the exaggerated reaction.
Tripping over thin air only to regain his balance thereafter, he emitted a startled battle cry.
"B-back away!" he shouted, fists clenched as if he were going to throw punches. The way he was trembling dismissed the entire idea. He was scared senseless. "I-I mean it!"
All gazes shot to the two of us. I awkwardly shrunk away, praying they wouldn't think I was with him.
"K-Kikuchi, I'll hold him back!" he shouted onward. "G-go a-ahead! I-I'll catch up!"
The guffaws that erupted around us allowed for my embarrassment to heighten. Feeling myself blush, I reached out and seized Daichi's shoulders, shoving him down the hallway.
"W-where are y-you taking me? Let's f-fight fairly!"
I sighed as he began swinging his fists into the air. Then, I let go of him.
"Sugiyama, you don't have to close your eyes."
"Kikuchi?" He parted an eyelid, peeking curiously behind him. Shock etched onto every portion of his face at the sight of me. "Why are you— What happened to the delinquent?"
"If you're talking about the garbage can you ran into, it's back there."
Daichi's jaw went slack. "Garbage... can?"
"Yes. You must be the first idiot to ever to try and pick a fight with a garbage can," I deadpanned, hastening past him. "Anyway, I'm going to be late. My dad will chew me out even more."
He pursued me in a heartbeat, falling into step with me soon enough. "Your dad?"
The question made me stiff. Typically I was grateful people couldn't piece my connection with the school nurse, but other times it really sucked. I hated explaining it to others, in fear that I'd garner unwanted attention.
"Never mind," I said.
Since there wasn't anything more to be said, silence hung over us as we briskly walked towards the infirmary. Right before I could turn a final curb, I stopped dead in my tracks. My lungs malfunctioned as well—I couldn't breathe.
"Why'd you stop—oh." Further words from Daichi got caught in his throat.
Although I couldn't see him I had a feeling he was just as pale as I was.
The yells, the sounds of pummelling—with additionally faint screams here and there—held me firm in place. My heartbeat kicked in full force until I heard it loud in my ears. My fingers trembled and I swallowed hard.
"Is that..." Daichi started.
"Y-yes..." I finished, inhaling and exhaling shakily.
"Crap. It's packed today?"
"Class Presidents shouldn't swear."
Mustering up as much courage as I could, I carefully poked my head out and fixed my gaze into the hallway. It wasn't surprising at all when I saw a line of delinquents trailing out of the office—two heavily wounded ones resting against the wall. The fighting was still audible, so it was most likely happening at the very back where my vision couldn't reach. At this realization, I had unknowingly begun to tremble. My mind swirled.
"You're supposed to go through that line?"
Daichi's inquiry left me speechless. I chewed on my lower lip, swallowing the lump forming at the back of my throat.
I wasn't scared. I've done this before. I could do it again.
Oh, who was I kidding. Did I want to die? I should've came earlier. Just because yesterday was empty didn't mean everyday would be.
I dropped my hands from the wall, fixing my posture. I spotted Daichi watching me from the corner of his eye. Without much warning, I spun on the heels of my feet and dashed down the hallway we came from.
"Kikuchi?" he called after me.
I screeched to a stop. Daichi crashed right into me. Wincing, he drew away and I faced him.
"Yes?" I sweetly asked.
"What do you mean by 'yes?'" he remarked in disbelief. "Where are you going? Don't you have to go to the infirmary?"
Forcing a smile, I locked eyes with him. "Do I look like I have a death wish?"
He flinched at my bluntness. "But, the door's just over there."
"Take that garbage can with you then. It has a better chance at surviving than I do."
He stepped in front of me, blocking off my escape route. Making a face, I gandered up at him.
"Move, Sugiyama."
"You can't give up."
"This isn't some kind of movie," I scoffed. "I'll give up when I want to."
"Not if I can help it."
His determination had me irked. "You're just walking me there. At least you don't have to go inside."
"True, but—"
I jostled him aside and stepped past him. "Let's leave. I'll pretend I was busy today and go tomorrow. And I'll make sure to go right after the bell so it's not packed like now."
"But— Kikuchi!"
I rolled my eyes as I continued walking. I barely registered an unlikely hold around my waist as I shuffled my feet. I peered down at the ground and at my kicking legs, and I realized the floor wasn't moving. My actions halted, though, my toes didn't touch the ground.
Colour drained from my face at a fast rate.
Why weren't my feet touching the ground? Someone was carrying me...?
"Your dad knew you'd run away."
My expression instantly fell at the familiar voice. "Put me down."
Ryu turned around, still dangling me like a piece of paper in his arm. "Let's go."
"No, unhand me!" I hissed, my cheeks hot. Being carried by someone was one thing but Ryu was a whole other. Where did he come from? This was embarrassing as hell!
As my last effort, I shifted my head in the direction of Daichi. I signalled for him to free me but I was shocked to see just how petrified he appeared. It wasn't the kind of fear he had in his eyes when I mentioned I worked in the infirmary— it was the kind where he looked like he were going to die. Regardless, I extended out my arm to slap him. Sadly, my reach fell short.
"Sugiyama!" I cried anyway.
My words whizzed past his ears. He was as still as a statue. Incredulous, my mouth fell in disbelief. He was kidding me, right? What happened to "I'll have your back!" Was he letting this happen because he wanted me to go to the infirmary? He did look genuinely afraid— but what of? If it was the delinquents we already established our fear moments before!
Ryu, without paying Daichi heed, started down the hallway. My heart rate picked up in frantic rhythms as we approached the line of delinquents. I squirmed in his grasps.
"Put me down, Iwasaki! I'm not going in there!"
He ignored me.
Furious, I began punching the place that was closest to reach: his thighs. As my fists connected, I realized just how firm they were. I could tell right away that he was fit. Well, he was super tall. He probably had abs too... Ridding the flustering thoughts forming in my head, I proceeded to punch harder.
"Iwasaki, I'm not going! We're getting closer! I hear them fighting! Please stop!"
Even though I was doing my best to throw him off balance, Ryu didn't seem affected.
The cries of the delinquents grew louder. Tears were filling fast in my eyes. "No! You cookie-eating monster! You're so heartless! I hate you!"
He took a sharp turn without warning. My body swerved right and I gawked as we entered a vacant hallway.
"What the...?" I murmured, my voice trailing off. The sudden yells of the delinquents faded out before long and I was stuck gaping at the tiled floor.
"Good, you stopped yelling."
At Ryu's comment, confusion welled up inside of me. "Are we not going to the infirmary?"
"We are," he replied. "Jeez, you're a lot of trouble. The fact that I had to come and get you proves you're so much work."
Pursing my lips, I opened my mouth. "I didn't need you to."
"Apparently you did. You weren't going to come."
"That's because it's full of..."
Ryu didn't say anything at first. Tilting his head the other way, he frowned. "Do... delinquents scare you that much?"
"Are you kidding me?" I jeered. "Who the heck isn't terrified of delinquents? They're conniving and vicious and heartless... and they're absolutely crazy! They'd kill people without even flinching!"
My voice echoed off the walls making me wince. Maybe I shouldn't have been so honest. Then again, Ryu reiterated so many times that he wasn't a delinquent. It most likely didn't matter.
A deafening silence followed accordingly and I primmed my mouth, eyeing the passing walls. It was then I became aware of my current predicament. Embarrassment got the best of me.
"Um... aren't you going to let go of me?"
"Are you going to run?" he retorted.
"Then no."
He adjusted his grip around me. As the sensation of his arm around my stomach settled in, I blushed. Even though it wasn't much, it made me uneasy. Of all the positions he had to hold me in did it have to be like this? I felt like a sack of potatoes and this was seriously awkward. Was it because I wasn't used to being touched by others? Or was it because he was a boy?
Still, he was carrying me with so much ease. I was one hundred and ten pounds though...
"Aren't I heavy?" I asked tentatively.
New warmth blossomed on my cheeks. I punched him again. "Put me down!"
"Stop hitting me," he snapped.
"I will if you put me down!"
I socked him even harder. Ryu winced this time, holding me out away from him.
"You're the one trying to run!"
"Let me run if I want to!"
"No! Your dad will yell at me if I do."
"Then tell him I'm busy or something!" I squirmed vigorously for freedom. "Let me go, Iwasaki!"
"Why does it even matter if you go? Suck it up!"
"Delinquents like you don't understand how us normal human beings feel!"
Ryu nearly dropped me, giving me a heart attack.
"Hey!" I cried.
"I'm not a delinquent," he said.
"Don't care! I'm not going!" I reiterated for the umpteenth time. "Now put me down—"
All at once, Ryu dropped me. I stumbled slightly, and just as I thought I regained my footing, I fell right over. I landed on my bum, grimacing. Parting an eyelid, I sent him a dirty look. "Wow, thanks."
"You're welcome."
"I didn't actually mean that."
"And I care because?"
Scowling, I hauled myself to my feet and dusted my clothes off. Jerk... Sighing, I took in our current location. A frown grew on my face. "Why are we in the science hallway?"
"We're heading to the infirmary," he replied, sauntering forward.
He was kidding me, right? "The infirmary is down that way; the way we came from."
He halted abruptly. Visibly tense, he headed left. "I-I knew that."
I watched as he went towards the direction of the front entrance, puzzled. "Where are you going?"
Again, Ryu stopped. He went forward towards the staircase this time.
"Uh... Iwasaki?" My words trailed off as I witnessed him pace back and forth. It was almost as if he couldn't remember where we came from. My eyes widened at the notion that came to mind. "Are you possibly... bad with directions?"
Ryu came to yet another halt. His grey eyes flickered over to me, and I spotted as his expression shifted to a mortified one. "I-I'm not!" he denied almost instantly. "This school's just hard to get around!"
My mouth slightly fell. Oh my. I recalled the previous time we'd taken the bus, and everything clicked. It was true. Ryu really was bad with directions.
But it wasn't normal. He couldn't even remember what direction we came from (and I was standing in that very hallway). It was more sad than amusing, to say the least.
"Is this your first year here or something?" I asked him. If it was, it'd make sense.
"I've been in this school since last year," he replied.
Last year? So he started the same time I did.
I frowned. "And you still don't know this school well?"
His shoulders tensed. "I do!"
For emphasis, he went stomping left. Though, nothing had changed. He was basically still moving around in circles. After watching this happen for a few more seconds, an exhausted exhale escaped my mouth. Making a face, I shook my head. It was obvious he wasn't going to let me run and hide. I might as well man up and go anyway.
"I'll take you there."
Ryu, who was trying to head up the staircase, glanced back at me. "Wh-what? I can take you there myself—"
"No thanks," I stated firmly. "Now follow me."
Albeit speechless, he didn't move. With a groan, I stomped forward and up to him before beckoning with my hands for him to go. He narrowed his eyes at me as if to say no. "I'll go there myself."
He was embarrassed. Well, I couldn't blame him. If I was as bad with directions as he was, I'd be the same.
"You do realize that I'm actually agreeing to go with you there, right?"
Ryu hesitated.
"Let's go," I said.
I headed straight down the hallway we came from without bothering to look back. I heard the shuffling of feet pursuing me, signalling that I had succeeded.
"I... I knew it was this way."
I simpered. "Of course you did."
"I did!"
"All right, I totally believe you."
I peered over my shoulder to see just how hard the guy was blushing. I had to admit, for someone I detested and found so terrifying days prior, he really wasn't as bad as I thought. Getting to know Ryu was different than anything I had experienced. For one, when he was embarrassed he was definitely inferior. It was like one of those moments the main character of a manga realized the big, scary delinquent love interest actually had a soft side she couldn't help but find somewhat cute. Maybe Ryu was like that? Excusing the label of delinquent, I still think that character archetype still applied.
"You're walking too slow."
I was shoved to the side and into the wall. My hands reacted in time to stop me from hitting my face. Anger bubbled up within me and I immediately glared into his back.
Or he was your typical unsociable, jerky troublemaker.
Most likely that one.
Before I could dog Ryu and make sure he didn't randomly didn't take another turn to get himself lost, the door to the staff room slammed open. I lurched back just in time to miss the contact by one millimetre and my heart skipped a beat as a result. I lost my balance and was just about to fall when somebody reached out to grab my arm. I looked up in surprise to see the face of my dad staring at me.
"Reina!" he bellowed in just as much surprise as I was. "Where were you?"
He unhanded me and I blanched. "Dad, uh..."
A frown plastered on his face. "Don't tell me you were trying to escape?"
"I promise I was coming now!" I cut him off before he exploded. "But the room was full of the delinquents and Iwasaki was lost and—"
"I sent him for you a half hour ago!" Dad sucked in a quick gasp of air, running his finger through his hair and shaking his head. "Never mind. Not important. There's a bunch of people waiting to be treated. Let's go."
I crinkled my nose at the idea. I digested how he had emerged from the staff room and confusion welled up inside of me. If it was so busy, why was Dad here and not in the room then? Don't tell me he was looking for us? That meant that he had more of a reason to berate me later on...
"Where's Iwasaki?" Dad demanded.
I looked to my right only to see that Ryu was gone. Bug-eyed, my head whipped back and forth. Don't tell me... "He probably got himself lost again," I groaned. Already? I couldn't take my eyes off him for one second could I?
It took no time at all to track the male down and drag him back to Dad, who seemed to grow more impatient by the second. He gave me that look that told me he'd have to talk to me later then turned around and headed inside of the staff room. Puzzled, I watched him.
"Dad, where are you going? The infirmary isn't that way."
Dad halted in place. His glasses glinted as if realization just dawned on him. "Oh," he drawled, "I didn't inform you of it?"
A premonition gnawed its way to the pit of my stomach. "Inform me of what?"
He gestured for us to follow him.
"Stay close," I told Ryu before doing so.
"Shut up," he barked in defence, probably because he was still a little bashful about what had happened earlier.
Dad led us past the front desk and towards the first room to the left. On the name tag sitting on the desk, I read Dad's name. This was his room...? Blinking, I watched as he made his way to the corner of the room where a tall trophy case stood. Squeezing through the small opening, I heard the click of a knob. Astonishment washed over me all at once as I took in the door and also the familiar curtains from the infirmary peeking through.
"I can't believe I forgot to tell you two," Dad said as he turned to face me, hand gesturing to the entrance. "You can get into the infirmary this way, and much quicker. Now you don't have to fear passing through those students daily, Reina. Good thing I told you, right?"
Dad was smiling so innocently, but in that moment so much frustration swelled up inside of me I swear all I saw was red.
Of all the times he could've mentioned something as wonderful as this, it had to be now?
Let's just say I would've honestly jumped my dad if Ryu wasn't there to hold me back.
Damn this chapter was long.
And cute. At least, to me. But don't worry, more cute moments will begin happening a lot starting next chapter. A looot of cute things :)
Lol there was another door to the infirmary this entire time. Haha. Reina's dad really should've told her of it earlier tsk tsk xD
Questions for the chapter: What do you think of Ryu's bad sense of direction? And if he struggles with it so much, why do you think he even tries to take the bus?
Also, thanks for the 1k views!! That feat will never stop getting me so giddy no matter how many times I pass it ;v;
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