Tag #1 updated lol
So... I have no idea how these types of books work, so I'll try my best.
Tagged by; @Marvelite_rainbow
1. Do I like someone?
Update; Like- every character from AOT (Minus Zeke, because he's a monkey.)
2. Do they like me back?
Update; It's gotten better, lol
3. Middle name?
Update; Irl is at least 15 characters, so I'll just go with Hany
4. Single or taken?
Single as a pringle (Sorry @Loki_Army616 I stole your line)
Update; Still single, and hopefully so until engagement
5. Last person I texted?
No idea
Update; o90s Loki
6. Last song I heard?
Loki green theme piano instrumental tutorial (It's not exactly a song but ok?)
Update; Vōgel Imn Kafig on piano
7. Battery percentage?
CoMpUtER MuAhHaHha
Update; 100
8. Girl best friend?
All of my lovely lady readers
9. Guy best friend?
Loki in imagination-land
Update; no?
10. Favourite OPT?
Ooo, hard one. Guess I'll go with . . . Scarletfrost? Wanda x Loki? Or Wandavision? One of the other, wait! No, Valki! Yep, Valkyrie x Loki.
Update; Still Valki, but LEVIHAN?! Yeah!
11. Why did I make this account?
Well . . . that's a funny story XD. Well, I was obsessed with Marvel tik tok for a while, and Wattpad kept popping up, but I kinda . . . ignored it? Eventually, I was just like; "Hey, imaa go check this out! :)" And here I am!
Update; same reason lol
12. Current lock screen (on computer)
13. Birthday?
May 18
14. Tag 20 people
My fingers can't handle this much typing! (Unless it's my story, then my fingers will suffer happily for that)
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