...fifth time
I got tagged by marichat_addict4262
4) I might write a one shot which could turn out to be a two parter or more depending if readers enjoy the story. The story is about where Marinette is pulled into an alternate universe by a portal that is created by the miraculous book. Let just say that Adrien is a mess right now s.
5) 10 things about me
Nickname: none
hair color: Dark brown but looks black to most people
eye color: dark brown
1 fact: enjoy hugging my stuff penguin whenever I need to fangirl about something
favorite color: green
favorite place: no clue
favorite celebrity: don't know but if it is youtube then Nathan Sharp here a playlist of some of his songs
channel is natewantstobattle: https://www.youtube.com/user/NateWantsToBattle
or Thomas Sanders: https://www.youtube.com/user/Thatsthat24
Jon Cozart: https://www.youtube.com/user/Paint
favorite song: don't have one
favorite animal: penguins or pandas
favorite book: This book is not good for you
6) do this in less than three days (first day)
28 people I tagged
Skyler_ann (YeshaRocks)
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