Unfinished Business
"Farah.." Whining, Jaehyung continues to slur on his words as his hand hung onto Farah's shoulder and she just let out a sigh.
Although they were supposed to be home by now, but he kept bugging Farah to join him on barbeque and beer. However, all of this turned out into Farah babysitting the devastated, sorrowful Park Jaehyung.
"I'm so hurt, Farah, it still fucking hurts." His groan ended up muffled as he buried his head deeper into Farah's shoulder.
Stunned yet amused, she pats his head softly. "I know, baby, let it all out." Farah cooed and it was the very thing Jaehyung needed right now.
He still haven't told her what really happened and whenever he tried to, he'd just end up being vague. "Like, can you believe that? He knew.." He chokes up as he felt his tears coming up.
"He knew what?" Farah asks, caressing his head with circles in hopes to comfort him somewhat.
For a few seconds, he was silent, but they both knew his cries were the only audible coming out of him. "He knew that... I loved him." He whispers. The pain in his heart emitting through the shakiness of his voice, that he couldn't bring himself to speak without breaking into tears.
Farah knew this, and she also knew that she could only comfort the miserable boy with soft pats and tight hugs. She had nothing to say — or she didn't know what to say. She was just astounded.
And the air grows silent again. He couldn't control himself anymore. Though he didn't make a sound, the cries in his head was loud enough he didn't realize Farah was taking a phone call.
"O-oh, I don't think I can do right now." Farah glances at Jaehyung who still has his head laying low onto her shoulder, she just caresses his hair softly. "Huh? I'm outside.. oh, I didn't know you knew."
Just hearing Farah speak was enough. Jaehyung felt comfortable as he softly sniffled, wiping his tears. The alcohol is definitely hitting his system and all he could do is cry.
"Uhm, do you want to? I don't think he wants to.."
He finally realizes that Farah is on the phone and him being annoying, he tries to drag her attention away. "Who's thaaaaat?? Stop talking to them." He whines.
Farah awkwardly chuckles and shifts away from Jaehyung, but he pulls her close again. "Y-yeah, uhm, he's a little drunk." She sighs.
She continues on her conversation, the patience Jaehyung has is fading and he felt slightly annoyed. If he wasn't drunk, he'd slap himself for being nosy and annoying, but he really wants Farah's attention right now and the person on her phone isn't helping out.
So, he did the unexpected; he grabs Farah's phone from her grip causing her to gasp. "Wait, Jae– no!"
"Yo, I don't know who the fuck you are, but you're taking Farah's precious time from me and I am heartbroken right now so please leave us alone—"
He chokes up on his words as soon as he heard the voice from the other line. Farah just gave him the 'I told you so.' look before she rolls her eyes.
"Brian— What do I even call you.. man. I still haven't figured that out." He laid his head back onto the wall, lifting his forearm to cover his eyes as he tries to stop his tears.
"I'm sorry. I wish things didn't end up like this."
Jaehyung doesn't reply. He didn't know what to say and he doesn't know if he could even speak as all the willpower in him is being spent onto trying to surpress his cries.
Farah, on the other hand, sipped on her non-alcoholic drink as she waits for Jae to erupt.
"If I could fix things, then I would. But I hurt you without realizing."
"What if I hurt you again?"
His arms fell and he purses his lips. He wanted to curse him out but the words that came out of him were the complete opposite. "It still hurts. Everything reminds me of you, it's making me crazy." His voice barely made it through the lump in his throat. "I still love you."
He hears a sigh and he reacted by stuffing meat into his mouth.
"This is not going to work."
It's coming out, I'm gonna cry. "I know."
"You say that but I know you want me— us, to fight for it."
"I can't fight for something I've already lost, Jae."
"You'll be better off without me. Take care of yourself, okay?"
"I love you. Nothing will ever change that."
Three beeps. Three beeps but his heart is still beating. The call had ended and before he realized it, his tears were falling uncontrollably. His stuffed mouth stopped trying to chew down the meat as he was stunned.
"I-" He chokes, the lump in his throat and the beef isn't doing him any justice. Now, he looks like a stupid fool who's crying with his mouth stuffed with grilled beef.
After all, he's still in love with the person who swindled his heart before he even knew them.
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