(8) You Pissed Off Mom
Did I hear a triple update? Yes, I did <3
Reader POV
My sleep was disturbed when someone jumped onto the bed with me.
I groaned. "What do you want now, Mr. Tiny Dick?"
His smirk vanished and he grabbed my throat and pinned me down. "Don't say shit you don't mean. I can remind you right now that my dick sure isn't tiny."
"Oh yeah, you're right."
His grip released but then I smirked at him.
"Sorry, Mr. Microscopic Dick."
"Why, you little bitch-"
But Shinsuke's scream cut him off from speaking.
Atsumu rolled off me and I could tell he was a bit nervous. "Oh shit, he found out right now."
I followed him and met the others in the hallway.
"What the hell did you do this time, Tsumu?"
"Shut the fuck up before I slit your throat, Samu!"
I glared at the others who tried to move past me when a bright idea popped into my head.
Kita Shinsuke POV
I was in rage and overtaken by a wave of sadness.
Is this how feral you are, you fucking animal?!
Inside the fish tank was the body of my son who was literally alive five minutes ago.
Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Atsumu peek his head into the room followed by the others and even (y/n).
"(y/n)," I said in a softer tone.
How the fuck am I supposed to tell her?!
(y/n) entered the room slowly, her gaze blank. "What do you want, Silver Fox? Mr. Microscopic Dick was about to yell at me."
Osamu let out a stiffle of laughter until I threw a knife in his direction and he just barely managed to dodge it.
"(y/n)..." I didn't even know to begin. I touched her face, my hands trembling.
She grabbed my wrists and gave me a bored stare. "Well, get on with it. I'm in the middle of a game."
"On what?"
"On my switch."
I gripped her hands tighter and motioned towards the fish tank.
Her eyes widened. "What the hell...?"
I brought her into a hug, prepared to comfort her as I knew her mind wasn't in the mindset.
Well, what mother would be to learn that their kid has literally had their neck twisted and put in a fucking fish tank of all things?
"I know, princess. I'm so sorry-"
Her face turned into a smile and she shoved me away, tapping on the glass of the fish tank.
"Which one of you motherfuckers did it to Rengoku?"
I got my knives and gun ready to shoot the fucker even though I knew it was Atsumu.
"It was me," Atsumu whispered.
His legs were shaken and if he had fox ears and a tail, his ears would've been flat and his tail wrapped around his legs like a dog.
She nodded and turned back to me.
"Why didn't I think of this?! This is genius!"
My jaw dropped as did everyone else's.
"I beg your fucking pardon?" I was appareled with her.
"Did I fucking stutter, you disgusting fly?" (y/n) went back to look at Rengoku's dead body. "You boys should be careful what you say and show me. Someday, you might find yourselves in hell with your head two feet away from you."
She left the room and placed a hand on Atsumu's shoulder. "Thanks, Tsumu. Maybe you're not so fucking useless after all."
We were all frozen.
"Did she just-?"
"Shut the fuck up before I shoot your balls off," I snarled to Rintarou who put his hands up in a defensive manner and walked away. "Nope, all of you get your fucking sorry asses in here right now."
"Shit, you pissed him off," Ren whispered in Atsumu's ear as everyone slapped his back in sympathy.
I crossed my arms and put the gun down as well as the knives, closing my eyes and taking a seat.
"Atsumu," I said as I looked down at my hands with sadness. "He was my son."
I placed my face in my hands, trying not to cry.
"He was the only thing I loved in the goddamn world other than (y/n). So tell me!" My voice was getting higher as I looked at him with tears falling down.
I knew it startled everyone as they had only seen me cry one when I was allowed to become one of the student council members back when we were dumb teenagers.
"Tell me!" I screamed. "Are you going to take her away?! Am I going to be alone just as I was all those years in that fucking insane asylum and no one visiting me?! Tell me! Are you going to lock me in a fucking storage bin like Kotaro did when we were four?!"
No one said anything.
"WHAT!" I spat.
The poor maid bowed down and pointed outside. "The Mistress has escaped!"
I grabbed my coat and shoved everyone aside. "Thank you for telling me. Atsumu, I hope you're fucking happy."
The door slammed behind me as I stormed out.
Of fucking course (y/n) would take this opportunity and run from us.
Sorry, princess.
Not this time.
I already lost our son. I refuse to lose someone else I love.
Suna Rintarou POV
The door slammed behind Kita as he left.
I stared at the baby in the fish tank and started laughing.
"Holy fucking shit! That's so gruesome yet epic!" I used the fish net and salvaged it from the water and closed it, placing the dead baby on the diaper changing station. "Atsumu, just what the fuck is your deal, bro?"
Aran grabbed my shirt and punched my face. "What the fuck, Rintarou! He fucking killed (y/n)'s child! Who cares who the father is! He killed a part of (y/n)!"
I smirked. "Oh Aran, it's not a part of her. (y/n) could give one flying fuck about this clump of carbon. Besides, didn't you know she's killed a clump of cells before? I got her pregnant before we were arrested years ago. She aborted our kid."
"As she should," Osamu frowned. "I hate how Kita tricked her into thinking Rengoku was Shirabu's kid when she was pregnant. Why she never asked for a DNA test is beyond me."
"Well she wasn't fuckin' thinking Kita would've fucked the daylights outta her," Atsumu argued with his twin. "And who would?"
The only people who were quiet were Kosaku and Omimi.
"Wait, where's Reisuke?" Kosaku looked around.
"Wait, that's a good question."
Omimi shook his head. "Just how high are ya, Yuto? He's still back at the insane asylum."
"Fuck...did we seriously forget him?!"
I waved my hand. "Who fucking cares! Less competition!"
Omimi and Aran frowned. "What do you mean competition?"
I smirked at them. "If you really think Kita is sticking by the plan, you're fucking dumb. Or delusional. Or both. Hell, even I have my own agenda and I'm sure you all fuckers do."
I went up to Osamu and pressed him against the wall, taking one of Kita's knives and pressing it against his throat in a way that left a bit of blood. "And I would advise ya to watch your backs and sleep with an eye open. This is gonna end someday."
Osamu frowned and I let him go. "What makes you so sure Kita would-"
"You saw how he was," I said. "Fucking look closer, you dumbass. Now, anyone want to smoke a joint with me so we can have an excuse to mock Kitamama when he comes back?"
"I don't think you should be smoking pot right now," Kosaku said.
I glared at him and lit it up, puffing the smoke in his face. "I don't care, darlin'. I do whatever the hell I goddamn please."
"You sound like a 50's greaser," he frowned.
"And you sound like an 1800's meth addict but you don't see me sayin' shit," I flipped them off and left the room. "And keep your hands outta my shit. You want pot? You ask me. I'm talkin' to you, Omimi."
I passed a large window where I spotted (y/n) talking to Kita and he was shouting something inaudiable.
Ha. I've caught onto your plan.
But if ya really think I'm just gonna sit back and let you take her without an issue, you've got another thing coming, you fucking shithead.
I was just thinking about something about the endings. Do you guys want a good, neutral, and bad endings with the group? Or do you want seperate endings for each character? I already have planned out all the endings (all three group endings + character endings) so it doesn't matter to me. You guys call the shots for the endings, I just make it happen :)
And yes, I have confirmed the book will end at 17 more official chapters before we move onto the BONUS CHAPTERS. Thanks for sticking with this crazy-ass ride!
And a final note before I log out of updating for the night: Yandere Shiratorizawa, Nekoma, or Karasuno? Just for research purposes :)
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