(8) Steam
Anyone who's read [Dangerous Love] Yandere! Miya Atsumu x Reader (by me ofc) is probably quaking at the title of this chapter and the music I chose:>
Reader POV
I woke up and saw my clothes were still on, and Michi sleeping at the end of my bed.
I sat up and stretched, smiling in satisfaction when I thought about last night.
I must've been tired since I fell asleep early.
"You're up," Michi said as he lifted his head and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning, (n/n)."
"Good morning, Michi. Did you take me back here?"
"Nah, Miya Osamu did. I was caught up in some shit with Suna." He stood up and stretched, smiling at me. "It's Saturday. No classes."
"Hmm..." I walked into the bathroom, unhappy with my dirty hair. "You're free to stay, I guess."
I grabbed some clothes and headed into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me.
I didn't need to worry that Michi was some perv since I knew him since I was four and him six.
Once I was done and I fixed my hair up, I got out of the shower to see Michi gone.
I checked my phone and he sent a text to me that he was going back to his dorm to change and that he's be back soon.
I decided to see my candy stash, eager to see the loot this year.
Michi came back ten minutes later with the rest of the student council except Atsumu.
"Where's that bee wannabe anyway?" Suna asked Osamu who shrugged.
I glanced at Osamu and saw him licking his fingers and staring at me intently, a bit of chocolate on it.
"So who is going to tell me why my room is now the meeting spot of the student council?" I asked with a frown.
"Our offer still stands," Kosaku said. "Please think about it."
I sighed. "I already said no. Respect my wishes."
They all spread their candy out, exchanging candy pieces with everyone.
"I'll trade you five of my almond joys for that kit kat king-size bar," Suna said to Omimi who nodded.
Riseki pointed to the abundant M&Ms in my corner of the huge dorm. "I'll trade you my entire lollipop stash for half of your M&Ms."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I hate this brand anyway."
I unwrapped a (flavor) lollipop and started to suck on it, not caring I was in a room full of horny guys.
Osamu beside me excuses himself to my bathroom.
"If you do it, clean it up," I warned him.
"Nah, I have to take a piss and not jack off. Unlike Suna."
Suna glared at Osamu and threw a candy at him, only for Osamu to catch it and drop it into my hands as he stepped over me.
Osamu POV
I sighed in content as I poured a bottle of a certain substance into the toilet to make it sound as if I were actually taking a piss.
I flushed the red liquid with glee.
Kita held up a bottle of something deep red.
Almost brown.
"Bring this to (y/n)'s dorm and put it into either sink or toilet you can," he said.
"Did you dispose of the body?" Aran asked.
Kita nodded. "Yeah. Samu has her blood in that bottle. When her death gets out, they'll immediately put (y/n) into question since the Tsukishima siblings don't get along, but she's the only Tsukishima sibling who lives in Hyogo. Everyone else lives in Miyagi."
"Why not pin it on her cousin Jabami Yumeko or her father?" Akagi frowned as he helped us clean up the ballroom from the Halloween event.
Kita shook his head. "Her father Tsukishima Izumi runs a world renowned mafia called Blood Union. If we fuck with them, we'll be asking for our heads cut off."
"But wouldn't they fuck us up anyway? I mean, (y/n)'s his daughter besides Tsukishima Mizuki and the dead bitch," Riseki asked.
Tsumu smirked and slapped Kita's back. "Nah. If you did your research properly, Tsukishima Izumi is only keeping his kids alive so he gets tax benefits and an excuse to get an insight on the schools since each Tsukishima sibling goes to school with the children of rich folk or mafia people."
"Right...so if I pour this into her sink and toilet, they'll see it with their devices that she tried to get rid of the blood. Though I don't know how they'll justify the blood in the toilet."
"Easy," Kita held up an (e/c) eyeball. "We'll come up with a story or something that (y/n) brought Erika into her dorm and killed her. Last night I stole a copy of (y/n)'s dress. My sister Briar is her exact size and shape, so it was easy. There's recordings of '(y/n)' bringing Erika to the dorm and going back to the ballroom so the real (y/n) would be brought to her dorm with Osamu."
Kosaku shivered. "But what about the blood in the greenhouse storage area?"
"Easy. (y/n) got tools there. Besides, there's no video cameras in the ballroom."
"The real question is how you got Briar to help us," Omimi said as he crossed his arms.
"I promised to help her get Tsukishima Mizukims affections."
"Oh, Briar is lesbian? Cool. I thought she was bi," Kosaku shrugged. "To each their own, I guess."
"Mmhm. Now we need to act quickly. We'll all go to her dorm and Riseki, offer her your stash of (flavor) lollipops. She'll probably want to eat one. Then Samu will ask to go to the bathroom and she'll think he's jacking off. That's when you pour this into the bathroom and sink."
End of Flashback
I flushed the toilet, smirking as I then went to the sink and turned on the water, pouring Erika's blood into the drain.
I walked out of the bathroom and flicked soapy water at (y/n) who flinched it surprise.
I sat down next to her and Kita asked me silently with his eyes if I did it.
I nodded and he sighed in relief.
"So (y/n)," Omimi said to her. "Tell us about your classes. Do you like Inarizaki?"
All of us knew where she came from before she transferred here.
Shiratorizawa in Miyagi.
My phone buzzed and I saw my brother was calling.
"What's up, loser?"
He then informed me using our code word that he got our two targets to use as pawns.
"Hey, fucker. I've got the steamed buns for everyone to have a kick out of. I hear they're really good up in Miyagi, so I got them after saying hello to some friends."
Everyone around (y/n) started smirking while she was unaware of it, too busy eating her candy and running fingers through her slightly damp hair.
If you read the oneshot snippets of this (you might or might not what I'm talking about if you read my Goretober and Yandere Haikyuu oneshot book), then you know where this is headed. Remember not to spoil or I will hate you with my entire being :>
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