(25) Sunshine
So, who's ready to read more traumatizing backstories for these yandere boys? The next few chapters (if you haven't already noticed) will be how each of the Inarizaki team became fucked-up. And obviously this is my own work (as it is not in the manga).
Kosaku POV (when he is 10)
"Yuto~" Mother picked me up and held me close to her body, my older brother Yuji pouting while sitting on our father's lap.
"Why does he always get the attention?" Yuji pouted.
"Yuji, smile for the camera. We can talk later, okay?"
We all faced the camera and the photographer snapped three photos before telling us we were done.
Yuji glared at me with annoyance. "You're always stealing Mom and Dad's affection! Stop it!"
"Oh Yuji," Mom scolded. "You know we love you so much. Stop being so grumpy!"
We made our way to the concert hall and I said goodbye to them.
"Yuto!" My best friend Arima Kousei waved to me. He was accompanied by his mother in a wheelchair.
He and I were rivals at the piano, but best friends otherwise.
Yuji crossed his arms but his frown tuned upside down when my father slung him over his back like a sack of potatoes.
"Unless you want to not get ice cream on the way home, you'll smile."
"Fine! Dad, put me down!"
We all piled into the car and I got out my toy trucks to keep myself busy.
But then Yuji took one. "Hey, this one's missing a wheel."
I leaned over, glaring at him. "Hey! That's mine! Give it back."
He held it away from me, frowning. "But why would you want to play with something as useless as this?"
"I don't care! Give it back!"
My father turned his head. "Yuji, give it back."
"No! Besides, he stole it from my room without my permission!"
"Carl! WATCH OUT!"
But it was too late.
I don't even know how it happened, but my father's foot must've been accelerating on the gas pedal.
Our car rammed into the truck in front of us, killing my parents instantly.
I didn't know how it happened, but my brother and I somehow survived.
But as we grew up, we could never fully forget what happened.
From the day of the funeral, I never played the piano ever again, swearing to myself that if we didn't leave that morning to my piano recital, they would still be alive.
Yuji and I were put into an adoption agency immediately as our family wanted nothing to do
with us for some reason.
We made good friends with the children at the Nishinoya Orphanage.
The director had a son named Nishinoya Yuu.
I never really talked to him, but I knew he was the one who people called the 'guardian angel'.
"Yuto! Yuji!" Mr. Nishinoya called us one day after lessons. "Someone is here to adopt you two."
I looked at my older brother with confusion and we fixed up our uniforms and headed into the director's office, making sure to bow to the director.
A man with a woman and a little daughter were in his office, dressed in fine clothing that I couldn't have ever imagined my late parents affording as they were construction workers and a secretary.
"Hello," the man said. "I am Kosaku Hito. Your father's older brother."
"Huh? But they said no family wanted us?" Yuji frowned. "And we've never seen you before."
"That's because we only heard of you two now. My brother and I had a falling out years ago and never spoke. We live in Hyogo."
"That would make sense since we're in Nagasaki,"
I didn't know how it happened, but we were both adopted.
Yuji waited for me outside the steps of the orphanage with our new parents and little sister Hina.
"Are you ready?" Yuji asked me with soft aqua eyes.
I nodded and took his hand, waving goodbye to all of the other orphans who waved goodbye to us in the many windows.
Our new mother smiled at us and patted my head. "You'll love our house in Hyogo. It's right by Inarizaki High, a prestigious school that you all will be attending."
"Ina High?" Yuji's eyes glimmered. "Dad went there..."
Kosaku Hito nodded. "We both were top students there in the arts department, though I switched to the technology part my last year there."
Things seemed really great.
Hina adored us, as did our new parents.
Hito took me to his job and introduced me to computers.
"See this?" He said as he pointed to a series of zeros and ones. "This is binary code: the language of computers. I'm going to teach you the basics of it. You always did display a liking for math and technology."
In the summer before I moved to my last year in middle school, I saw two kids a year older than me.
They were fighting by a grave.
They were identical twins, but one had spiky hair and the other had straight down hair.
There was also a guy with raven locks watching them silently.
Hina held my hand tighter and tugged me along as she wanted me to buy her ice cream.
Everything seemed fine until I entered my first year at Inarizaki, my brother his final year.
I found him outside his dorm room, red in his eyes and a needle in his hand along with a bottle of some sort of booze near his other hand, foam in his mouth.
"Yuji!" I picked him up.
I barely saved his life.
He was put in the ICU and I wasn't allowed to visit him.
"What happened to my son?!" My adopted mother and aunt demanded as she ran into the check-in area.
She was hysterical as she spoke to me. "Did he...?"
"I don't know,"
A week later, he was released from the ICU.
Our parents brought him home for winter break and took care of him.
"Why did you try to overdose?" I asked him softly one night.
"Because, Yuto," he said. "It's my fault Mom and Dad died."
I shook my head. "No! It was my fault!"
"Yuto, listen to me. I should've just left you to play with that stupid truck. If I had just left you alone, Dad would've been paying attention to the road."
Yuji held me close. "I'm sorry, Yuto."
I didn't understand what he meant by that until I came home from helping my dad at his government post with computers.
I let out a scream when I saw the scene before me.
Yuji had stabbed his heart and his arms had words carved onto them.
I'm Sorry.
I grabbed his body and cried into it, screaming and praying my eyes were playing tricks on me.
He was buried on the day after Christmas, his favorite holiday.
I found his hidden diary after the funeral, feeling numb and no motivation to take care of myself.
Kosaku Yuto,
If you're reading this, then it means I'm dead. Please don't blame yourself for anything. It's my life and I decided to cut it short. Don't be scared. Mom, Dad, and I will be always watching you from above. I love you so much, To. Someday you'll feel emotions unexplainable. But I don't want you to become me. Find someone you care more about than the stars and universe. They will become the light of your life and help you through the dark times. I love you so much.
From my song to yours.
Kosaku Yuji
I held the letter close to me, tears running down my cheeks.
I began to smile more as life moved on.
I began to play piano more, much to my family's surprise as I swore never to play again.
From my song to yours.
I never would forget those words.
I met Tsukishima (y/n) as she was a new student in the first-year classes when I became a second-year.
Is this who you were talking about, Yuji?
Is she going to be my sunshine?
I looked at the letter Yuji gave me that I framed and put in my dorm room.
I swear never to let someone I love go.
Never again.
Reader POV (now)
Shinsuke shook me awake, laughing a bit as I told him to go away as I was tired.
Too bad you're a fucking murder and rapist.
If you weren't, I'd love you.
Truthfully, you're probably the only sane one.
The truth of the matter was the fact that I was being held against my will.
Even though I was being kept against my own will, I couldn't deny that I was at least being treated well aside from what Rintarou put me through.
"(y/n), wake up. We'll be eating dinner now."
I looked at him with blank eyes and allowed him to pick me up.
I smelled something good and saw he had plated spicy curry and rice on the table for us to eat together.
"If you're wondering where everyone else is, they're doing their own thing."
It was silent until I heard notes on a piano.
"That's Yuto," Shinsuke explained, his eyes wide with shock. "He never plays piano anymore except in his home."
I opened the door and Yuto paused.
"Oh, (y/n)? Shinsuke." He patted the seat beside him. "You can come listen if you want."
I sat next to him and saw him strike a C-major chord.
As I listened to him play a piece, I leaned against his shoulder and started to fall asleep.
I really need to get out of here.
Sorry for no updates for the past two days. I was finalizing the ending of this book.
Thank you so much for 3k+ followers! It means a lot to me since I honestly don't deserve it. You're all amazing!
I made this chapter a bit longer, and I'm trying to make each chapter consecutively 1.5k-2.5k words, but sometimes I get lazy as hell. Hope you enjoyed!
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