(16) The Tower of Hell
Take attendance here <3
Reader POV
Keiji reached out to me, fear in his eyes as Suna started to move away. "Mommy!"
"Su-Rintarou! Put him down!"
Suna glanced at me with a smirk. "And why would I do that, my dear? Didn't Osamu tell you?"
Osamu shook his head. "No, but I suppose that I could tell you now. This is the Tower of Hell...or Heaven, depending on what route you're on."
"It's simple: you go to the very bottom and meet the other survivors at the top with Keiji. There are eleven staircases to chose from. But if you chose the wrong staircase, someone close to you dies. Or you meet one of us and we decide what we want to do with you." Rintarou held up his hand.
"We'll play this in five rounds. If you have still not reached the top on the last try, we will decide your fate, unless you give up and submit to us."
"Think of this as your final chance to decide your future, and also Keiji's future," Kosaku informed me. "Because if you lose the game...we get to decide your fate anyway."
"But what do you mean life and death?"
Kosaku pointed to the rifle in glass with a keyhole. "If you take the right route on the fifth round and get the key, there are a total of seven bullets in the hold. You can shoot anyone you want."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "And how do I know you didn't rig this?"
"Because none of us know where the key is. Our son had the privilege to store it away on the fifth floor in a compartment."
Keiji moved in his father's arms, clearly uncomfortable. "Put me down! I want my Mommy!"
"Sorry, kid." Suna held him tighter. "But we'll begin the game not today, but in four days."
Kita nodded and folded his hands. "That would be correct. The next four days will be you with Keiji as we cannot guarantee you will survive."
"After all...you're playing against all of us except Keiji."
Ushijima shook his head. "And why have you kidnapped Oikawa, Kageyama, and myself?"
"Because we can. Any more questions?"
"Why wait?! We should just go now!" I spat, causing Oikawa to let out a yelp of terror.
"No. Preparation on the fifth floor is not completed. It needs to be 99.99% accurate, otherwise it will be defective."
"Okay." I glared at Oikawa. "What the fuck are you looking at, shithead?"
"Not you, but that." Oikawa pointed to something behind me.
It was Tendo Satori, but on the wall.
But his stomach was ripped open and tape worm was in his stomach, moving around while continuing to feed.
I covered my mouth, feeling sick.
"Oh my fucking god..." Ushijima beside me was about to snap the chains when they tightened.
Kita gave me an insane smile. "And if you continue to be annoying, you'll be the next, Ushijima."
I heard gas go off and knew what it was.
It was halothane.
Something that smelled sweet but would knock us out.
The five surving student council members covered their faces with masks, smirking at us.
When I woke up next, I was in an unknown location.
Or at least, that's what I thought until I looked closer at the painting.
"Why would I need to be here...?" I jumped up, reaching for my dagger I always carried with me.
And of course those burnt cruton fucks took it.
Fucking assholes.
Kobo trodded into the room, Kita following him.
Said fox jumped onto the bed, expecting me to pet him.
But I had other plans.
"So, what the fuck are you thinking?" I asked Kita. "If you really think I'll comply with your terms, you're fucking stupid."
"Well, that's for you to decide. Didn't we tell you?" Kita beckoned my son into the room followed by Suna.
"Mommy!" Keji ran towards me, hugging me tightly. "You're alive!"
"Of course I am," I moved him against the wall, moving so Kita couldn't get him. "And I plan to keep it that way."
Suna was about to speak when I shook my head.
"Oh no. If I'm supposed to deal with you fuckwads until you're all dead, then I'll be spending my days happy with my son. Piss off."
"You don't get a choice." Kita left the room, pointing to the gun on the dresser. "I'd suggest you to keep that bullet Akagi gave you. You'll need it for the final level of the game."
"Though you could kill one of us right now," Suna snickered. "But that's up to you. Cya later, baby fox."
"Go burn in hell!"
Suna closed the door. "You love me."
Then it got quiet.
"Mommy, where are we?" Keiji asked me. "I'm scared."
"Don't be. Remember the plan if this happens?" I asked him.
"Yes, but-"
I leaned down, hugging him. "I need you to be brave, Keiji. You can do this."
He took a deep breath. "Mommy, I'm going to miss you."
"I know you will. But you cannot stay here. It's unsafe for you."
He hugged me a final time. "Okay..."
I opened the window for him. "You see that trellis over there? Wear these gloves so the ivy doesn't get to you."
I watched him leave, knowing he would be fine.
After all, he was my son.
And he's got that necklace with a locator hidden in the gem so my family can find him.
I left the room, not giving attention to Kobo since I knew he would be fine.
I made my way to the kitchen where Osamu was Cookin' [like a chef, I'm a 5 star 미슐랭].
"Where is Keiji?" He asked me, not turning around. "I hear he likes onigiri with orange duck sauce."
"Right here." Suna came into the room, not even acknowledging the fact Keiji was protesting and screaming with terror. "I caught this little brat trying to escape."
Keiji looked at me with fear in his eyes.
He knew these men were dangerous.
"Let him go right now!"
Suna did, but he slapped my face. "Fucking bitch. You should know by now that kids don't survive. If he wasn't my son, I'd slit his throat open and shove a burning piece of wood down his throat. Or perhaps maybe I should, given he hates me and so do you."
"Do it pussy," Osamu snickered.
"Shut it."
3 days after today.
Then we battle for our lives in the grand finale.
Y'all- I got zero ideas for this book and I'm slowly moving away from the HQ fandom.
I was supposed to return to updating HQ books in Febs after my break from this fandom, but OH WELL.
I also have been upping the length of chapters in my newer ones to be over 2k words, but I have literally no ideas for this book anymore. Might as well finish it so :D
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