(12) Christmas Tragedy
What update is this? The fourth?
Either way, love me lmao
Reader POV
It's been a couple of weeks and a month since I became the pet of the Miya twins.
Michi did a 180 and sided with them, outing himself as one of them.
It felt as if someone trapped me in a cage with needles going through my body.
I was walking alone now.
I couldn't rely on anyone but myself.
My aunt Yuki got wind of what happened to me and she shrugged, not caring.
"The weak get eaten alive here, dear. Kill or be killed."
Speaking of deaths, the death of my sister and Goshiki Tsutomu was being investigated.
But we all knew that the Inarizaki student councip could pull anything with the proper funds.
But what made it worse was that I was a prime suspect to my sister's death.
True that Erika was someone who tortured me daily, she was still my family.
Now it was only my father, Kei, Mizuki, and I.
We were the only ones left of the once-huge Tsukishima-Monobami family.
My sister's mangled body was found three weeks after Halloween night, barely recognizable to anyone.
In fact they only knew it was her because of the DNA samples forensics took from the site.
I sat in my dorm room, blankly looking up at the ceiling with tears running down my cheek.
The calendar on my wall had Christmas Eve all through New Year's circled since I was invited to the Miya Mansion on the other side of Hyogo prefecture.
I had no other choice but to go.
And they used my brother Kei's life as the pawn to make me obey them.
"(y/n)!" Akagi chirped as he kicked my door open, whistling a cheery tune. "Are you all packed?"
I looked at him blankly, not saying a word.
"Oh, (y/n)..." Akagi sighed as he gently wiped the tears from my face. "I hate seeing you cry..."
Don't touch me.
I moved my head away from his hand, causing his eyes to darken.
I thought I could trust you, Akagi.
Was this your plan?
For me to gain your trust for the past decade and some only for you to use me?
Akagi gripped my jaw and tilted my face upward. "I need you to finish packing. Actually...scratch that. Anything you don't have we'll just buy for you."
Suna entered the room with Ojiro and Kosaku behind him. "Is she ready, Michinari?"
Akagi nodded. "Yeah."
"Good. You know Samu doesn't like to wait. We have to get going now if we want to be at the Miya mansion before dinner."
Kita picked me up and glared at me. "Try anything funny and we'll kill your brother. Don't make us kill him because you're being a brat."
I gulped and nodded.
"Good. Now..." he placed mittens in my hands. "My grandmother made those. You'll do well to wear them since she really put a lot of effort into them."
Ten minutes later, we left the school.
Only a few students stayed during the break as their parents didn't want them home or some other reasons.
In turn, it forced teachers to stay for the break.
I heard my science teacher Kuroo Katsuki grumble with annoyance at the prospect of staying during the break when he could be with his son Kuroo Tetsuro and the other Kuroo family members.
The chauffeur opened up the limo for us and we piled into the car.
I saw Kei sitting beside an empty seat, tied up except for his hands.
His eyes widen and I could've sworn I saw my eldest triplet start to cry as his glasses started fogging up on top of the gag he wore.
Kita placed me next to him, moving to the sides so the rest of the student council piled in.
"You've never been to the Miya mansion, right?" Kita asked the two newest members kindly as the car started, leaving the huge iron gates of Inarizaki high.
"Nah," Riseki said as he rubbed his palms with anticipation and the fact that it was a bit cold in the limo. "I'm excited! Kosaku tells me that it's really huge and fun to explore!"
"But that's not the kicker," Akagi smirked. "No parents!"
"Aw, what a shame. I would've loved to give your mother a gift from my grandmother," Kita shrugged.
Atsumu shrugged. "You can just leave it on her desk or something. We all know she'll go straight to her desk when they come back from Bora Bora."
The twins shared a sigh and looked down.
"Well, it's fine," Osamu said as he patted his brother's shoulder. "They neglect us anyway. Wouldn't make a difference."
Akagi frowned and opened a tin of assorted specialty popcorn his father sent for Christmas from New York. "Well, like my mom says: when there's awkward air, replace it with the aroma of food!"
Ojiro cracked a smile and accepted a tin of popcorn as Akagi's parents had sent 11 popcorn boxes for all the student council and myself.
"Ah, I miss America. But only because my family lives there," Ojiro said. "I don't miss the racism and bigotry."
"Yeah. Fuck those bastards,"
Akagi looked at me. "Want a popcorn tin? I know it's one of your weaknesses~"
I moved closer to Kei who wrapped a protective arm around me, both of us glaring hatred at our captors.
While they had been talking to each other, Kei and I had a silent conversation that spoke the loudest.
A series of taps in a specific sequence.
Morse code.
He moved closer to me as I told him through a series of taps on his fingers what they put me through.
I could feel his fury and sadness as I told them what the twins especially put me through.
After all, we were both only 15.
Just what kind of sick bastards force themselves upon a poor girl only trying to live?
And it wasn't just the twins.
I whimpered with fright as the lights turned on in the hidden room in the student council building.
"Don't be scared," Ojiro said as he tied my wrists to the bedposts, Riseki doing the same to my legs.
"This might hurt a bit in the beginning," Kita said.
One by one, the males stripped and threw their clothes to the separate bins with their named on said bins so there could be no mix-ups of clothing.
Kita, being one of the oldest, climbed on top of me and shoved himself inside, moaning as he did so.
Then Akagi shoved himself inside my mouth, Ojiro taking my other hole down there, the twins forcing me to rub them, and the rest of them patiently waiting their turn.
Hours passed and I was in pain.
Well, no shit.
Then to make it worse, they each had an hour to do whatever they wanted to me while the others watched with anticipation in the room behind the glass pane.
But they didn't cum inside me.
At least they had the decency to wear condoms.
At the end many brutal hours later, they each presented me a cup full of their essence that they must've dripped into the cup from their used condoms and whatever jacking off they did.
I was forced to swallow not one but ten people's salty essence.
They left me there for two days before forcing me to go to class smelling like a slut.
End of Flashback
Kei's body shook with anger as the boys in the car started to drift off to sleep.
Eventually I also succumbed to the sleep.
Hours later, I was awoken and I saw a huge mansion.
It looked something right out of a victorian mansion.
I was carried out of the car and taken upstairs.
Many portraits on the wall proved that the Miya family definitely had some ties to Europe judging by the paintings and the artists.
Not to mention some of the furniture.
"My mother sometimes gives tours of the Miya mansion," Osamu said as he adjusted me in his arms. "If you want, I can show you the attic where she keeps the most important artifacts so they don't get stolen or something. You'd be surprised by what we have saved."
Osamu noticed my silence and rolled his eyes. "You can't keep quiet forever, (y/n)."
A couple of minutes later, he showed me a beautiful room painted a very light blue with white and silver accents.
It looked something straight out of Versailles in France.
Hell, there was even a victorian gown in a beautiful variation of (color) with white trimmings and other things.
Days went by.
Sometimes I was forced to eat food with the boys.
Sometimes I would be allowed to see Kei who was tied up in the torture room in the Miya residence.
But not a day passed that the boys didn't want to be near me.
Right now I was being sandwiched between Osamu and Suna.
We were watching some movie called Elf (Ojiro's choiceh).
Akagi tried to talk to me as if nothing changed but he was unsuccessful each time.
I hated every single one of them with my entire being.
I wish I never came here. I should've just killed myself that day without delay...
Then my friends and family would still be alive.
On Christmas eve, the day was spent getting ready for Christmas day in terms of last-minute gifts.
Around 8pm, Kita called all of us for dinner that he and Osamu helped the chefs make.
I sat down at the table, away from everyone.
If only you all weren't psychopaths.
This would've been a fun trip.
My mind instantly thought of Eita and everyone else.
Eita...I miss you.
My fork dropped onto the plate and I gripped my chest, making wrinkles in the dress Kita had spent hours personally ironing and fixing.
"(y/n)?" Akagi stood up with worry and rushed over to my side as I placed my hands in my face.
"It's all my fault they're dead!" I whispered.
Kosaku saw I was reaching for the turkey knife and slapped it away, glaring at me.
"Don't you remember something we all told you?" Kosaku hissed with fury.
"The only way you're leaving us in this life is if we die together or something of the like. You'll never escape us," Suna finished.
I didn't care.
I slapped Akagi's arms off me, running into the wall and bashing my head against it.
If you keep living, they'll just continue on using you!
I felt someone yank my hair back.
Atsumu nodded to Riseki who ran out of the room with Omimi. "Now you've done it. Never-and I mean never-hit any of us. We are your masters and you are our bitch."
Moments later, Kei was tied up into a chair and Riseki came into the room with a box in his hands.
Osamu opened it up and I felt Akagi and Kita push me into my seat, wrapping their arms around my body so I couldn't move.
Kei was awaked when Omimi took the iron tool out of the fireplace and stabbed his left eye with it after Atsumu broke his glasses in half and stabbed the ends into his ears, twisting it.
Kei's screams became louders, especially when the rest of the boys took their turn.
They were killing him painfully and slowly.
But that wasn't it.
I struggled in Kita and Akagi's holds, trying to get free so I could help Kei.
Ojiro kicked him to the floor and used the same turkey knife to open Kei's stomach and removed his intestines, moving the pancreas aside before yanking that out too.
Osamu and Atsumu helped Ojiro bring Kei's barely alive body to a height while Ojiro secured the noose after making Kei's life worse and pouring concrete mixture into his throat.
Ojiro let it harden for a bit as Kei's body spasmed in even more pain.
Then the three got to work on lifting him up to the noose made out of his own intestines and setting it up.
Kei was then pushed off the chair and his feet barely touched the floor.
But they weren't done.
Whatever they could find was thrown at Kei's body.
I screamed louder and louder, crying and biting at the fools trying to restrain me.
Atsumu got bored and wrapped his arms around Kei's torso and yanked his body down.
There was an eerie snapping sound and Kei's body stopped moving and dropped to the now bloodied floor.
He was dead.
I felt a syringe being pressed to my arm.
"Go to sleep, (n/n)," Akagi whispered to me. "When you wake up, everything will be fine."
They released me and I crawled towards Kei, barely able to keep my eyes open.
I cradled his dead body in my arms, burying my face in his chest, crying loudly.
The last thing I heard was something I never would be able to hear the same way ever again.
"Merry Christmas Eve."
No more updates tonight. I fed you enough.
Hope you enjoyed!
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