(11) Place Your Bet
Not me updating three times instead of making something to eat-😀🤚 (don't worry, I'll go eat something after I publish this)
🚨Semi-Intense Chapter + Non-Con🚨
Reader POV
I wanted to leave the school so badly, but then I lost privileges to my phone as someone stole it and broke it in half, throwing the pieces at me while smirking.
The two days had passed and I knew what was going to happen.
Miya Atsumu revealed himself in a cryptic text message that he was the one who spread the rumors.
Kita's going to collect you at lunch so you can have a final bet on your freedom, Tsukishima.
Kita Shinsuke in the grade above me left me a message on my desk to go to the central courtyard for lunch.
He told me not to bring lunch as it would be provided, as someone very important wanted to talk to me.
I assumed it was my father or my uncle.
Riseki glanced at me with worry in his eyes.
"Do you want me to come with you?"
I shook my head, the door closing behind me.
In the courtyard in the white gazebo were the twins.
They looked at me expectantly.
"Tsukishima (y/n)," Osamu said smoothly. "Please take a seat."
I looked over at Atsumu and saw him smirking as he tossed a knife into his hand and caught it with ease.
I sat at the edge of the table, not comfortable at all.
"Are you hungry?" Osamu asked me.
"I don't care. You'll eat if we say so."
I shook my head. "I already ate something."
In truth, I didn't.
But I didn't trust whatever the hell happened to the food as there were rumors of the two poisoning students they disliked.
Somehow, they were able to get away with murder.
There were even rumors that some of the student council were selling drugs as their family members worked for the nearby gangs.
I assumed it was Michi's parents since our fathers both were working for Blood Union.
"Are you really acting like an ungrateful bitch?" Atsumu growled. He clapped his hands and someone came in carrying my best friend from Shiratorizawa.
Goshiki Tsutomu.
He was tied up and it was obvious they had already hurt him, judging by his black eye and how his left hand was hanging at a crooked angle.
Another student came, carrying a tray with a single gun.
Atsumu picked it up and put two bullets in.
"Let's play Russian Roulette." He spun the thing until it was mixed up.
I calculated how many holes in the gun there were.
And he put a bullet in.
I had a 16.6% chance of firing.
"I'll lay it on the table and whoever picks it up first has a single chance of firing at whoever they want."
Osamu stood up and went inside. "I will leave this to you and get the gift."
The two brothers exchanged a silent message and Osamu left, touching my hand and leaning over my head, hugging me before leaving.
What the fuck?
Goshiki was screaming as Atsumu went over the rest of the rules.
"If you manage to get the gun in time, you can shoot whoever you want. But if I get the gun..." Atsumu licked his lips in anticipation.
He placed it on the table in the direct center so both of us had the chance to grab it first.
"We'll continue each turn until one of us manages to fire at our opponent. And whoever manages to fire will receive a prize." Atsumu stuck his tongue out, his eyes wide with an evil glint.
"What are the prizes?" I asked him, not liking this at all. But it's not like I could leave.
He leaned over and grabbed my tie, staring at my cleavage that was showing a bit as he dragged me closer to him, nibbling my ear. "I'm sure you can figure out what I want. And you can request anything. Money, jewelry, clothing, even having someone killed. But you cannot leave."
I nodded. "If I win, can I up my rep? I really..."
Atsumu smirked and gently placed a kiss on my cheek. "Of course. I wouldn't want my lovely queen to be treated like a peasant by anyone except Samu and I."
He let go of my tie and leaned back in his chair.
"Ready?" The waiter asked, frowning. "Go!"
I was quicker and grabbed the gun, my heart thumping.
I pointed the gun at Atsumu and fired, but nothing came out.
"Too bad."
"Ready? Go!"
Now Atsumu had the gun.
He pointed it at Tsutomu and fired.
To my horror, he was killed instantly by the bullet between his eyes.
Atsumu stood up and came closer to me, kicking his dead body away from my lap. "I win, you lose."
He sat back down and glanced at the clock. "Come to our office at the end of the day, baby girl. You're ours now. Specifically mine, but I know Samu wants to share."
He tossed me the MIKE tag.
Since I was raised to be a good person (or at least that's what my mother wanted), I had to carry out my end of the bargain with dignity.
The MIKE tag was hung around my neck and I walked back to the classroom in silence.
Riseki and Briar looked at each other with worry.
It seemed I wasn't able to outsmart one of the presidents.
I couldn't move from my spot.
So Riseki and Briar brought me to the classrooms and dragged me to the rest of my classes.
At the end of the day, I didn't have the option to avoid the twins.
Osamu came to my classroom and dragged me away, holding my wrist tightly. "I hear we can have our fun with you now," he said calmly.
As he opened the door to their office, I saw an elaborate display of lingerie on the tables with all sorts of toys.
What the fuck?
Atsumu was leaning against a table, holding a vibrator of sorts. "You understand what we are going to do, right?"
I felt Osamu press his body against mine, kissing my neck. "Please don't-"
"You lost the bet. We get to have our fun with you."
In a flash, I was stripped naked and tossed onto their desk, tied up.
The metal MIKE tag felt cold against my skin.
"Samu, shouldn't we do this while she's wearing one of the lingerie sets we spent a fortune getting?"
"Fair point, Tsumu."
The two smirked at me once they dressed me in a sexy maid's costume.
"Say, (y/n)? Let's have another bet," Osamu suggested. "If you don't cum in the next minute, we'll let you go. But if you do, not only can we take you, but you'll become ours. And no one will dare to harm you. Whatcha say?"
"Hm, I don't care."
I felt Atsumu shove something inside me and I didn't even last thirty seconds.
He pulled the toy out and licked it clean, smirking.
"What a shame for you. But at least now, you'll be in our care. Maybe we should get you started nice and slow before we really fuck you senseless."
The two started stripping to my dismay, licking their lips with anticipation.
Too bad I didn't see the camera on the corner of the room or the eight certain figures watching behind the livestream.
Copied directly from my yandere Haikyuu Fall Edition oneshot book :D
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