Chapter 3 : In Come The Cat And Rat
" Ah. I see at least one of you is awake " Shigure said " We found you three last night unconcious and worse for wear out in the forest while on a walk, so we brought you three here to rest "
" We ? " Akira questioned
" Yuki, Kyo, and myself carried you three here. Yuki and Kyo had to go buy groceries a little after lunch while I attended to an errand, so dear sweet Tohru here kept watch of you and your friends and the house until I returned " Shigure explained
" You three must be starving !! It's past lunch but I can make some tea and snacks for you and your friends when they wake up " Tohru said smiling
Akira smiled back " Could I help ? I'm no chef but I can follow a recipe " she asked
" Sure !! What do your friends like to eat ? "
" Well Makaira can eat just about anything ... "
Moments later while Tohru was serving tea to Akira two teenaged boys came into the house - one fuming mad
" Stupid rat !! One of these days I'm gonna beat you into the ground !! " The orange haired boy known as Kyo growled
The dark haired teen - Yuki - shook his head lightly " I'd like to see you try stupid cat ... "
" Now now you two. It wouldn't be wise to fight while two of our lovely guests are still resting " Shigure chided
Both teenaged boys looked from Shigure towards the blonde haired girl at the table
" Uhhhhhh ... Hi ? " Akira gave an awkward smile while internally fangirling
Yuki smiled politely " Hello miss. I hope you and your friends are feeling alright. "
' Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh !! Prince Yuki is talking to me !! What do I do ?! What do I say ?! '
Akira quickly got up and bowed to each of them " P-Pleased to me you all !! I'm Akira Sohma - wait n-no that's not what I meant to say !! It's Akira Kojima !! Heheheheh ... " An anime sweatdrop went down the side of her head
" Tch ... I thought you were going to take those three to a doctor this afternoon Shigure ... " Kyo stated glaring back at Shigure
" Hatori came over a while after you and Yuki left. All three girls are okay, a bit dehydrated though. No broken bones, and the scrapes the girls had were taken care of by Tohru last night " Shigure explained
" They still shouldn't be here !! "
" Awwwww but you said yourself that they could get hurt if those three stayed out there unable to defend themselves " Shigure said
" Grrrrrr wipe that smug smirk off your face before I knock it off !!
" OW !! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD USE PAPER FOR DOORS ?!?!?!?!? " A loud voice sounded from somewhere inside the house. Which only meant one thing ...
" Sounds like Sakura's awake ... " Akira laughed a bit nervously as a very annoyed red haired girl came barging through the paper door
" Okay who are you and where are we ?!?!?! " Sakura demanded pointing an accussing finger at the guys
' Oh dear ... ' Akira said to herself as an anime sweatdrop went down the side of her head
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