Bubs 💙
How was your night?
Bean 💗
You know how it was, I know
you saw Tom's comment
Bubs 💙
You're right, I did see Tom's comment.
You two are getting awfully close to
one another, or so it seems.
Bean 💗
Yeah, he's a good friend to me. It's
good to have someone my age that I
can talk to
Bubs 💙
I'm sure he's reaching for something
greater than a friend, Serena.
Bean 💗
LMAO, is you blind or is you blind?
Tom Holland is way out of my league
and he knows that.
Bubs 💙
Or you're out of his league and he
knows that? If I didn't know any better
I'd say he has a crush on you
Bean 💗
Bubs 💙
Right, I forgot you aren't the one
spending every waking day with him
on set
Bean 💗
Shut up, Sebastian
Bubs 💙
I'm serious! He never shuts up about
you and Zendaya isn't the only one
who finds it dangerously annoying
Bean 💗
Oh yeah? Who else does he annoy?
Bubs 💙
You're ridiculously protective older
brother, I'd assume
Bean 💗
You're right about the ridiculous part
Bubs 💙
I can't help it, you know I was the same
way with Louis. He's still lucky I don't
knock him out for hurting you the way
he did.
Bean 💗
Yeah, let's not talk about Louis
Bubs 💙
But you know I'm right
Bean 💗
Don't worry, I do
Bubs 💙
Good, then you know that if Tom
hurts you in any way you won't be able
to stop me from hurting him
Bean 💗
He can't hurt me if we're not together,
can he?
Bubs 💙
Just be careful, kid
Bean 💗
I will, Sebastian. I'll talk to you
later, okay? I love you.
Bubs 💙
I love you
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