,,Look at this one!" Peggy said happily as we were picking a dress for me. I looked at the one she held in her hand. ,,I am not sure about the color..." I said. ,,I am TOTALLY sure that purple will suit you!" ,,Okay, okay, I'll try it on..." I sighed. Surprisingly, she was right. The dress looked pretty nice on me...
(A/N This is how the dress looks)
,,This. One. Is. PERFECT!" ,,Okay, Pegs, don't yell in a store..." ,,But you're picking it, right?" I smiled. ,,Yeah, I do."
Timeskip to the evening, a while before the ball
Boys are gonna pick me up every moment... I dressed up and looked at myself in the mirror. Something is missing... Oh yeah! I forgot to style my hair! I was thinking about what to do with it for a while when I finally came up with a perfect style...
(A/N The look of the hairstyle)
Wow.. I was better at styling hair than I thought... I heard a knock on the door... (If somebody's gonna start a lyric chain of Say No To This Workshop...
I will join)
I gently open the door. (A/N Fxck I'm crying...) ,,Hey guys!" I look at the boys. They all looked kinda handsome. ,,Ashley!" They greet me as I am pulled in a group hug. ,,Um... Ashley, can I talk to you in p- private for a while?" Alexander's question was kinda... Confusing. Laf and Herc both just smiled and John looked a little down... ,,Sure..." I responded, leading him into the house.
,,So. what did you need, Lexi?" I asked him as I sat in the living room. He looked out of the window. ,,Y'know, there's something I need to tell you, Ashley... I... We know each other for a while now and we are very good friends but... It doesn't feel right.... What I am trying to say is.......... I-I love you, Ashley..."
326 goddamn words... This was kinda hard to write and the next part will be even harder... But I love writing this book, so I'll do it! It will get more interesting, just you wait! ~Charly
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