Issy is scard of the storm
P : It raining guys ! Let's go inside every one !
They all head inside
P =Man I was just going to start building!
F; Phineas it's ok we can build Tom
Buferd ; It's a good thing we are inside look at the rain .
The gang looks out the window .
F = It's pouring out there !
Baljeet = It's dark in here !
C =. From upstairs the gang here's this Phineas ! I was blow drying my hair !
P = Sorry sister ! It was the storm it knocked out the power! get the flash lights ferb!
Boom !
Buferd = What was that ?
P = It was thunder! He is so excited it is raining . Phineas loves this type of weather. He would be outside playing in the rain . If only the storm wasn't so bad . Than I would be jumping in puddles. He thinks this to himself.
F = Is everyone ok ?
The gang ; Yes . We are .
P = So looks like we are all stuck here !
F ; Yes . I got some games we can play .
The boys are playing uno .
Isabella is looking out the window still . She sighs . I wish the storm would go away .
F = Isabella do you like the rain?
I = no . I am Not a fan of this weather.
Phineas stops playing the game to go See if Isabella wants to play .
He didn't get ask her to play because all the sudden a flash lighting strikes the tree in the yard !
F = No ! that's my favorite tree!
Buferd = You can get another tree ferb !
Baljeet Where is Phineas?
F / Checking to see if Isabella wants to play
Buferd = the game is over why would he do that ?
F = I think he wants an excuse to talk to her . He knew I won the game already.
Back to the window where Isabella was still standing looking outside . She was crying.
Phineas now was at her side . He has a worried look on his face .
P = Isabella what's going on? He doesn't like to see Isabella sad. It was breaking his heart hearing her cry . Please stop crying Issy . It kills me to you so upset . He waits for her reply.
Isabella sees Phineas is worried about her . How cute he is worried about me . Maybe I should stop crying.
Boom !
Buferd = Anther thunderstorm?
Baljeet ; We had one a second ago ? Baljeet trips on perry! Sorry perry! My flash light stopped working!
F= Here use mine .
Thanks. .
Phineas try's to get Isabella to stop crying again !
Isabella finally stops crying because the thunder went away !
She is still looking outside! I = It is still scary outside . She shivers in fear . In her head . What if the house gets hit by lightning? I hope this storm doesn't kill anyone ! Isabella crys thinking about how she could lose everything she has . She didn't know what was more scary the storm outside or her thoughts that everyone in the room could die because of the house falling part.
P = it's ok I am hear.
Isabella is lost in her thoughts and doesn't her Phineas trying to convince her that the storm will go away soon . She allso does nor realize that Phineas has moved closer to her to make her feel better. He grabbed her hand .
P =. Isabella squeeze my hand and every your scard .
I = Isabella hears that . She listens to him . She squeezes his hard hard.
P = Owe .
I = Sorry.
P = No don't be . It is worth the pain. Do it again!
I = No . Phineas I can't do this.
P = Yes you can . Don't. Be upset. He smiles at her
I = I can't help it . She she crys more . Phineas wips away her tears with his fingers.
P = Your to pritty to be upset about this . It's a silly storm. No need to get all worked up about it .
Phineas wraps his arms around her .
Are Your going to be ok ?
I = Phineas I think you aren't understanding that the rain Is getting worse .
P= I understand that but it doesn't effect me because I am in doors safe and so are you .
You smell good ?
That's so random.
I thought it would cheer you up .
Did it work? I will tickle you if didn't work?
It worked .
I don't see your smile yet . He tickles her
Ok Phineas that's enough .
No it's not . He smiles at her .
O I will get you for that Phineas Flynn !
She tickled him bsck
Ok Isabella. That's enough fun for you.
Your no fun Phineas.
P = What ever you say cutie .
Are you flirting with me ?
I am hot
Nope .your not
O wow .That hurts .
Just joking Phineas
I know you were .
C= Candce goes to fill up her bottle in her kitchen . Aww how cute thier flirting. I should record this .
She starts recording Phineas and Isabella . But drops her phone.
P = She jumps out Phineas's arm when she hears a loud noise.
C = Opps she runs back to room . With her phone in her hand . But she leaves her water in the kitchen !
F = what was that ?
Buferd = I don't know .
Phineas glances out the window = O wow that a lot rain .
Isabella sees the tree from the backyard hit a window !
F = that was close to baljeet! Is he ok ?
Baljeet ; yes I am ok .
Buferd = What If that hit my nerd ? Everyone thinks about what Buferd said.
F = This all could have ended badly if that happened
Baljeet = no I am all wet the window that broke ! Ferb fix's the window!
Baljeet = This storm will not stop until tomorrow morning! My wether app says more storms are coming. He freaking out . He doesn't want be stuck in side with Buferd any-longer then he has to .
Buferd ; o nerd be quiet ! He slaps Baljeet on the arm!
Baljeet = owe
Buferd = I thought I said be quiet! I am trying to sleep !
Baljeet = How are sleeping with rain outside !
Buferd = That actually relaxes me .
Baljeet = I never thought of it that way . Baljeet calms down and reads a book he found. He leaves Buferd to sleep on the couch. He seats next to him with the book .
Back with Phineas and Isabella things were not going as Phineas planned .
On top of trying to get Isabella not to cry . He also had to deal the pain he was in .
P = owe
I = Phineas are you ok ? She still scared from the storm but is also concerned about Phineas.
P = No. My heart hurts! He has hand on his chest .
Randomly he says Isabella why are doing this to me !
I = Phineas I am very confused. She is still crying since she is still scared of the rain .
P = O never mind . Just tell me what's wrong? Are you hurt? Do you need the first aid kit ? I can get that ? Did I scare you ? I shouldn't have screamed before. He is out of breath because he was freaking out about Isabella!
F = Phineas breathe . We can't have you fainting on us ! Like the time you did on the beach !
That was different that was because I was dehydrated
F = You had to go to the hospital. I don't want to see that happen again. You also had a heat stroke that day !
P = I remember that. I am happy you brought that up ferb .
F= sorry I did , o What about the time you almost passed out when Isabella said whst cha doing?
P= when was this ?
Buferd / That was so funny ! I think it was yesterday.
F = Hey Phineas what cha doing ? Isabella help me . I can't breathe! . O Phineas why did you faint?
Buferd = remember He responded . I am not sure why this happens to me . Remember Isabella passed out after he hugged her .
Baljeet = Yes .
Buferd = I love to make fun of Phineas and Isabella
P= guys That conversation never happened!
F= but did happen it was not something I made up .
P = I am sorry but I don't remember that .
F = I am sure Isabella does! Now breathe before we lose you!
P ; I will breathe now . ferb you are so embarrassing. She can hear you !He blushes as he realizes Isabella was watching him the whole time he was talking to ferb. She waiting for them stop talking so she could answer Phineas's questions he asked her .
I = I am calm now . You didn't scare me .
P = Than what scared you ? I know you were afraid of something.
I = I don't know what your talking about. She shivers as anther thunderstorm starts
Phineas is not falling for this . He is still worried about her . He runs his fingers through. his hair .
P = Isabella I am worried about you . You keep shivering.
I = Phineas can you hug me it would make me feel better.
P = He does That .
I = Phineas I am ok
P= your trembling. You have goose bumps on your arms .
You want me to think your ok ?I know your not ok . Don't lie to me ! Why are you not letting me help you ?
I= oh Phineas I will talk you soon about everything .
F = The thunder is getting louder!
Baljeet = You should not be so excited about this storm.
F = We can do fun stuff together inside .
Baljeet = ok . Well I think you and I got a different idea of what fun is .
C= you guys are so lucky it's raining out there ! I was about to bust you .
F = Go beck upstairs sister
C= she does that.
Buferd = man who woke me up ? I finally got to nap!
Baljeet = It was the thunder Buferd.
F = No . that was our sister !
O than I am going back to sleep. He does that , he is snoring.
All this time Baljeet was still reading., Baljeet = no more reading for tonight. I got a head ace from Buferd storing in my ear . He try's to nap.
Back to Phineas amd Isabella
P= man this storm keeps interpreting me . It's so frustrating. I need some air !
F ; You can't go out here it's raining!
He ignores this . He goes out side anyway!
He comes back all wet and still frustrated with Isabella. I wish had the friend I did before the storm started. storm is messing things up between me and Isabella! Curse you stupid storm. He bangs on the window in frustration!
F. = I
F = Phineas please don't do that ! It very load.
P = well excuse me for being upset. He is still dripping wet from the rain . He did not care . He just wanted isabella to tell him the truth. He stops banging . I hate this stupid fight between me and Isabella!
F = You know I think she wants to talk about it.
P= hum well that's good . I will talk when I want to her . He is crying. Why do I ruin everything?
F = No you don't ruin things. You fix them .
P = Ok. He hugs ferb
F = Phineas Your wet!
P = Sorry bro !
I ; Phineas I think it's time dry off
P = Why ?
I = so we talk.
p ; I don't want to talk now . I busy drying off
I = Phineas we have to talk about the fight.
P = after I am done we can talk . he is drying his hsir off with a towel! .
Isabella. Thinks to her self. dam he is hot . Phineas goes to his room change his clothing. he cames bsck still ticked off with isabenlla. He is walking around the room .
I = Phineas stay still . So we can talk. She grabs him by the shoulders to stop him from walking around the room a second time . Phineas what's wrong?
P= I can't read your mind ! You got to tell me why your crying !
i ; Phineas your yelling.
P ;Sorry. I lost it . i feel bad i yelled at you . I was thinking about why could be upset . Isabella are you scared of this storm?
I = it's ok . I didn't think you would notice that I am scared of the storm Phineas.
P = I had feeling that was reason why you wouldn't stop looking outside.
Anther bolt of light flashs and Isabella jumps in fright .
P=. Isabella there is nothing to be afraid of I am here . He wraps his arms around her in a hug.
I = thank you Phineas.
p ; For what ? all did was hug you .
I = No you did more than that . You made me feel less afraid of the storm.
P = I am glad I could help .
P = Isabella smiles at him . I could stay here in your arms all night . You make me feel better. She hears Candce yelling from up stairs . Why isn't my phone working ?
This scares Phineas a bit. He brings Isabella closer to him to help him feel less afraid of his sister.
p ; Isabella are you feeling better now ?
i : Yes I am now that I am safe with you . Are ok Phineas?
p; Can I tell you something?
i ; Sure.
p ; I am a little scard of the storm too
i ; Really ?
p ; Yes . I am afraid that if the storm doesn't stop I will be stuck inside with Candce yelling at me . He holds on tightly to Isabella.
Isabella graps him tight P = still scared of the rain outside ?
I = Yes .
P = I feel you . The weather it self makes me feel uneasy. I can't build because of it . I was trying to be happy that we were all stuck here in side . He can feel Isabellas breath on him . He shivers .
f ; Phineas! Catch ! Ferb throughs him a blanket.
P = thanks bro!
I = realy ferb
F = I was just trying to help you get with Phineas.
I = she blushes, starts dreaming about what ferb said
She didn't realize Phineas was not hugging her anymore. Instead he now he was holding her hand.
Ferb gives Phineas a thumbs up . That was his way of telling Phineas he was doing the right thing .
P = Isabella are you ok ?
I = Hum ? I was lost in thought sorry Phineas.
P = it's ok. I was thinking. I could fix this storm by building something to end it .
I = Can that be done ?
F = No we don't have the tools to make what we need to .
P = So I am a little sad about that .
I = Sorry Phineas. She smiles at her
P = it's fine . He smiles at back
The rain hits harder on the window!
Phineas remembers Isabella is afraid of the storm.he looks to see if she needed some comforting words.
i ; I am ok Phineas.
p ;
Good to hear . He let goes of her hand .
Phineas falls on Perry's toy .
P = Owe. I am ok!
I = Are sure your ok Phineas
P = Yes. What are you doing Isabella ?
She is examining him to see if anything hurt him . , Phineas can feel his heart race as she does this . In his head . What is this feeling? O I know what it is ? It's love ! I love Isabella. Nothing is impossible. Maybe I got a shot with her after all .
I = Checking to see if you were hurt by your fall ? She sees Phineas blushing . In her head . Aww how cute . He is already falling for me like I planned.
P = Are taking my clothes off ?
I = Yes that how the I check to see if your ok.
P = He blushes again . There's nothing to check out for . I am ok .
I = O your just saying that because you don't want me to take your clothes off.
P = Yes that's right. I don't feel comfortable doing that
I = O than let's do something that is more comfortable for us both.
P / What did you have in mind ?
I =you will see soon .
Ferb makes a fire in the fire place since the power went out and everyone was cold .
P = Phineas smiles at Isabella . Ok I think I a, ready for what ever you have planned.
I =. Phineas?
P = Yes Isabella
I = I could use some company at the moment. She is not by the window any more . She is seated by the fire . She has a blanket with her . You know I am still scared of storm . She thinks to her self. I should mess with a bit. To see how concerned he gets about me .
P =. Than I will not go anywhere until your not scard of the storm .
He takes a seat next to her and wraps his arm around her . I wil not let anyone hurt you ! Go away storm !
I = Your so protective of me ! Oh stop yelling at the rain ! She laughs at him .
P = If Some one has protect you for the storm it might as well be me ,
The rain hits hard against the window . This scares Isabella more .
I = Phineas! She runs towards him in tears !
P = Isabella it's ok I am here . He holds her tight .
C=. From upstairs PHINEAS! What did you do ?
F = Candce shut up !
P = We didn't do anything!
Baljeet = Buferd is Singing rain rain go away !
Buferd = Shut up nerd !
The lights go back on .
C = We got the power back !
F = The storm was not to bad .
I = disagree!
P = Calm down . It's ok . The storm is over
I = Thank you Phineas she kisses him on the cheek .
P. = well that went better then I thought .
Isabella= I agree. She kisses him on the lips
P = I love you too Isabella. He kisses her back ! O look there perry!
F = he has been here the whole day.
P = hum . I didn't realize that .
After the kiss the kids eat dinner . The mom made pizza.
M = it's still raining kids . Why don't you all watch a movie?
P = ok mom They do that and than go to bed .
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