Characters cause I forgot
Lucas Ecuadorean mum Polish stepdad
Closeted gay 15
Christian/ Kris Pinoy pansexual 15
Adeline 13 year old sister of Kris
Scott Pinoy straight 15
Kian García Pinoy gay 14
Gerald Dela Cruz Pinoy aroace 15
Mateusz Novak Polish Dad Greek Mum Gay and internally homophobic 15
Rowan Norwegian Dad Korean Mum Gay and so far in the closet I'm surprised he hasn't reached Narnia already 15
Charlie girl Jamaican gets gossip from everyone good at fighting a bit dumb straight 15
Alice half pinoy half Aussie has all the ships and book smarts and gossips ace and bi school council president reader 15
Kylie Pinoy sweet nice smart gossiping but shy straight 14
Aaliyah Ethiopian tall very smart nice gets gossip cause friends with everyone bisexual 15
Lila Irish not many friends has two friends that kinda don't like her so she befriends Charlie Alice and Diya bisexual 14
Diya Sri Lankan hated by Charlie, friends with Alice who she has a crush on lesbian 15
Marie Italian friends with everyone straight A student pan very sweet vice president of student council
Nathan Delgado Puerto Rican 16 bi really nice year 10 sweet hangs out mostly with year 9 and 11 doesn't fit in with his year loves reading
Notes: Alice and Gerald are good friends even if Alice is a little reluctant to admit it Scott asked out Charlie who rejected him then a day later asked out Lila and they're dating Aaliyah used to like Kylie but she's straight so now their friendship is a little more awkward although kylie doesn't know why cause Aaliyah never confessed
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