Chapter 2 . Poppys Birthday PT 2
Branch groaned he had been shoved into a closet by poppy , he was in a position where his back was on the ground and his legs were squashed into his chest and his hands on his lower neck . He heard faint voices " found you ! All of you expect branch . . Where is he ? " the voice of Guy Diamond said " I dunno " poppy's sweet voice giggled .
He tried to get out of the position but a shelf was right above him and he couldn't bang on the door cause his hands were on his neck . His neck ached he flinched Hearing the doorknob jiggling as poppy grabbed his arm dragging him out " see here he is I found him ! " she cheered " Ughhh . . I can't feel anything . . " the aching troll groaned in pain trying to stand up wobbling the rest of the snack pack had worried faces " Branch hold still catch your — " poppy began before branch tripped .
Poppy felt a heavy weight on her chest she opened her eyes seeing branch on top of her he was on all fours and blushing mad before scrambling off of her blushing. Madly " u-uh s-s-Sorry . . . " he said listening to the laughs from the rest of the snack pack . " Cmon guys lets go get something to eat " poppy said looking down , DJ waited till the rest of the group was ahead of the. Slowing down to poppy " Hey pops ? " she asked .
" what ! " she whisper shouted " it's nothing to be mad about ! Everyone gets embarrassed now and then but they need to get over it and move on or else you'll never be a good queen " she said walking ahead with the rest of the snack pack . Poppy walked into her bright pink bedroom walking to her bed avoiding the sleeping bags on the floor . She snuggled into her bed ,
Branch crept into his sleeping bag next to her bed " poppy ? " he asked her brows raised and her pink eyes widened guilt in her face , she wanted to hide herself from the rest of the world from laughing at her " poppy ?! " branch asked " huh ?! " she said sitting up . " are you alright ? " he asked in a worried tone " I-I'm alright " she lied , turning away from him .
They all said goodnight for they all had a big day Tomorrow especially poppy.
The suns rays peeked trough through the queens windows the snack pack groaned " the sun gods rays No ! " Guy Diamond groaned . " ugh " biggie said sitting up , poppy's eyes fluttered open she sat up rubbing her tired eyes.
They all got up and ate and eventually all her friends left " Bye DJ ! See you at the party tonight ! " she waved to her friend . And yes they were having another party , they were trolls after all they were celebrating the friendship between the trolls and Bergen's poppy ran up to her room shutting the door lightly behind her . She sat on her bed groaning thinking about what happened last night.
She had nothing against Branch , Just then she heard his laugh her head shot up as she opened her window about to yell his name but her jaw dropped . She saw a light pink troll with purple hair named tulip she listened in " it's alright branchie sometimes trolls are just grumpy ad we all have our days ! " she said fixing his vest " yeah . . I guess . ." He said .
" see you at the party ? " she asked smiling " yeah . . " he said chuckling before turning to the forest , poppy sat on her bed tears filled her pink eyes she sat there crying for what seemed like hours . Poppy looked at her card she had just made it was a grey troll crying while a bigger blue troll and female pink troll with purple hair were holding hands ' I'm just a sad song ' it sang .
She glanced up at her clock reading 8 : 14 " oh no ! " she said jumping out of bed crumpling the card up throwing it into the trash . She put on her light blue dress with pink petal skirt ( the one she wore on hug day ) , she ran out the door and to the blasting music .
Music was blasting everywhere it rang in. Her ears , she looked up seeing branch on the stage singing she smiled softly she ran " Hey , hello exuse me , hi " she had to say to many waving trolls .
She made it to where DJ was " poppy where were you ! I've been waiting for the last half hour ! " she said " sorry I lost track of time ! " poppy said " your Just in time for your duet with Branch! " she said pointing to the stage were Branch was now just finishing his song .
" alright now ladies and gentlemen I will now be doing a duet with ! - " he said pointing to the other part of the stage . Poppy was about to jump on stage but another troll jumped into action " uh . ." Branch whispered looking at poppy who shrugged confused . Branch didn't want to seem rude " uhh . . What's your name ? " he asked she was a pink troll with dark purple hair " I'm Violet " she giggled .
he smile knowing it was his friend " okay then violet " he said pointing to DJ she turned on the music and it blasted on and the pair began to sing :
Hey , I was doing just fine before i met you I drink to much and that's an issue but I'm okay
Hey , tell your friends it was nice to meet them but I hope I never see them again
Poppy felt her thought ball up into a knot as the two began to dance the crowd roared and screamed saying things like " Kiss him! "or " suck a cute couple " , " get married now! " she bolted away tears filling her eyes . she didn't look back, not once, and she heard branches voice, He didn't even care about her leaving!
We ain't ever getting older !
She looked back once she was far away enough still hearing branches voice faintly she was in the forest finally loosing everything she was holding in . She burst into tears she heard footsteps behind her " poppy ? " said a voice , she sniffed looking behind her seeing Bridget " are you alright ? " her Bergen friend asked worried .
" I-I'm fine " she said sniffing " poppy ! " she turned to see branch " I'll let you two talk alone " Bridget said walking away , " I lost you at the party " he chuckled " oh I had . . Queen stuff to do " she laughed " oh , sorry about Rosa " he said rubbing the back of his neck " oh it's fine ! " she said waving her hand .
" thanks pops " he said hugging her she hugged back gladly " welp " he began pulling away. " I better get back to my bunker " . He said walking away she smiled walking back to her own pod .
The next day poppy was skipping around happily until a voice stopped her " poppy ! " daisy said just behind her was tulip , Rosa , Lilly and flower they were pretty much all best friends poppy was their friend as well .
" hey pops there is this troll i . . .like and I need some advice . . " Rosa said blushing a bit , poppy was in a shock like stage " poppy ! " tulip screamed " huh ? Who ? Where ? What ? When ? How ?" She said " oh um. who is it you like .? " she asked .
" well it's . . Branch " she said blushing poppy froze " umm I gotta go bye ! " she said running away from the confused trolls .
Hey guys this chapter was inspired by grey jealousy and I didn't really like how it ended so yeah ;-;
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