The march to Noland’s throne room was tense and had a tone of absolute gravity about it. I avoided the eyes of Noland’s vampires, afraid I would see those who had nearly killed me the night before. Instead, I tightened my grip on my bathrobe and hovered between Jacobi and Xander, Wyatt following close behind. Jacobi was only wearing a pair of dress pants he had been allowed on before the McElroy Coterie finally could wait no longer and insisted we go with them.
When the doors of the throne room appeared, I glanced up at Xander on the other side of me who caught my gaze and smiled before throwing me a charming wink. At least one of us wasn’t appearing to be too concerned.
As we entered, I half expected more dead bodies to be displayed across the room grotesquely. Instead, the room was well kempt and vampires were standing still as statues and silent about the room. On the floor in front of the throne-like seats, Corentine and Aveline were kneeling partially and watching us enter the room. While Aveline looked concerned and anxious, Corentine just appeared angry and her expression only deepened when she looked between Jacobi and me.
Besides the woman who sat next to him, Noland was the only other vampire seated in the front and center in his throne. His legs were crossed casually and he had his chin resting on his hand, his fingers covering his mouth as though in deep thought. His sapphire eyes narrowed on mine dangerously.
The members of the McElroy Coterie which had escorted us fanned out behind us as though leaving a clear message that they weren’t going to let us escape easily. I stayed back with Xander and Wyatt as Jacobi walked a few steps ahead of us, pausing in front of Noland’s seat beside his Kindred and his sister’s mate.
“What is it that’s so urgent, Noland?” Jacobi asked sarcastically, knowing full well what it was that had upset this boy Master. Noland’s eyes didn’t waver from my form, causing me to shift uncomfortably in my stance. For a moment, he didn’t even answer Jacobi. Then he slowly drifted his eyes from me to Jacobi.
“I am upset,” Noland stated simply, his words seething with anger. “I graciously accepted your pitiful gifts and cheap token. I ignored the fact that you tried to attack my guest of honor. I listened to your proposal with a kind and open mind. After all, you’ve been taking care of my Kindred for awhile now. And how do you and yours repay me?” I was surprised by Jacobi’s skill of not just going insane with rage towards this boy Master. How was killing those “pitiful” humans considered graciously accepting them? And had he forgotten that his “guest of honor” was actually a prisoner vampire hunter who attacked Jacobi first?
“Let’s skip the bullshit, Noland. What do you want?” Noland sat up in his seat, uncrossing his legs and glaring angrily at Jacobi.
“Your hunter set free Clio Lenne. My coterie is in danger now, Jacobi. That bitch…,” Noland pointed at me aggressively, “… nearly killed three of my men. And you nearly killed the rest of them!”
Jacobi scoffed. “I barely touched them and she’s too weak to do any real harm to your coterie. Like I said: What do you want?”
“I want your hunter and you damn well know it!” Noland stormed to his feet, tossing the empty seat to the left of him against the wall in a fit. He turned to us, anger seeping from his bones. “I know she is no longer claimed by your Kindred and her mate. That makes her free game on my territory. Hand her over and I’ll consider forgetting any of this happened.”
For a moment, nobody moved a muscle. I held my breath, watching Jacobi as he processed the request he had already known was going to be made. And then I lost my breath as his face broke out into a devious smile, full of self-satisfaction and the knowledge that he was one step ahead of this lesser Master. I felt my attraction towards him burn inside me and a deep blush painted my flesh regardless of the fact that his man wasn’t even looking at me.
“You’re right, Noland. She isn’t claimed by Aveline or Xander any longer. But she’s claimed. I’m afraid I’m going to have to reject your request,” Jacobi answered easily, ignoring the shift of quiet whispers that was rumbling around him. Noland took a few threatening steps forward, halting only a couple steps away from Jacobi. Then he turned to look at me and raised his hand. I immediately felt his power reach for me, demanding answers and sending an unpleasant feeling over my skin. Before I could do anything further, I felt Jacobi’s spirit roar to life within me, clawing and shoving aside Noland’s possessively. Noland pulled back, stumbling as though he had been hit himself. And then he glared at Jacobi furiously.
“You claimed her?! You’ve never claimed a human in your pitiful life and you claim this… this fucking hunter?” I was stunned by the revelation. Jacobi had never claimed another in over 400 years? Why would he claim me now? My thoughts were interrupted when Noland suddenly swiped at Jacobi, raking his nails against his face viciously. On instinct, I lunged to protect him, but firm hands latched onto my arms and held me back. Throwing my captor a glance, I saw Wyatt’s dangerous form and when I looked into his face, he shook his head to dissuade me from interrupting the Masters. It was a struggle, but I held myself back from fighting to get to Jacobi.
Jacobi stood in front of Noland with his head turned to the side, deep gashes across his bleeding face, and his wounds healed painstakingly slow. For a moment, no one did anything. Then Jacobi lifted his head to glare solidly at Noland, who smirked haughtily.
“I was thinking you probably used your spirit to heal her,” Noland informed him dangerously, a laugh bubbling from his chest. “I should challenge you to a battle for your territory and your coterie right now. That would teach you a lesson about messing with me.”
“Touch him and see what happens,” I snarled furiously, my own daring surprising me. For some reason, I felt my own type of possessiveness over Jacobi, as though I had been the one to claim him. It confused me enough to make me hesitate, but the feeling was still there. If Jacobi was harmed, I wasn’t sure my instinctive hunter side wouldn’t just go on a rampage right then and there in my bath robe.
Noland raised his brow at me humorously, but then focused on Jacobi once more. “I’ll give you one last chance, Bryant. You can keep your hunter, but I demand compensation for my loss. I’ll take it in the form of her body, right here and right now.” Jacobi tensed physically as I only frowned in confusion. Noland smirked dementedly, “That’s right. I want to fuck your hunter right in front of you. I want you to watch her scream for help and do nothing. I want you to watch as I…” Noland leaned forward and began whispering in Jacobi’s ears venomously so that I was the only person in the room who couldn’t hear his plans. Still, I paled considerably at the thought, backing up into Wyatt as though I could slink away from the room without notice.
Before Noland could complete whatever description he was given, Jacobi snarled and grasped his suit top with his fists, almost growing like a giant to tower over him dangerously. “Have you ever wondered if a vampire can regenerate his shit once it’s been snapped cleaned off, Noland? Because you’re one more word from finding out.” I didn’t think Noland could possible appear any angrier than he already was, but at Jacobi’s threat he seethed to the point of imploding.
“I’m guessing that’s a no?” He hissed at Jacobi.
“You’d be right.” At Jacobi’s words, Noland abruptly tore from Jacobi’s grip, stomping back to his throne before pacing back and forth in front of it.
“You leave me no choice, Bryant,” He stormed furiously, halting before looking up at each of us. Then he slowly looked to his side to peer at Corentine, who was still kneeling nearby next to Aveline. “I reject your request to join my coterie. And also…” He reached out his hands abruptly, grasping her shoulders roughly. Before anyone could quite understand what was happening, his eyes blackened dangerously and a burst of power ripped through the room.
“Noland!” Jacobi roared just as a sharp, painful tug tore through him and consequently each member of his coterie. Just like I had felt the power of their spirit when Jacobi had bonded a new member to his coterie, I felt the power of one of his own being torn away from that bond. Xander, Aveline, and Wyatt each gasped, grasping at their chest as though a piece of their heart was ripped away. Corentine screeched, struggling in Noland’s grip. Jacobi stepped forward, grabbing Corentine and Noland both, attempting to rip them apart from each other.
Noland abruptly released Corentine, backing away with a pleased smile painted across his face. Corentine was on the ground, gasping in pain, staring at nothing. When Aveline reached for her, Corentine slapped away her hand, screeching again angrily. Jacobi stood above her, glaring at Noland with immense hatred.
“You better recover your spirit as fast as possible, Bryant. We wouldn’t want little Corentine to become rogue now,” Noland laughed evilly, obviously satisfied by his choice of retaliation. I felt completely sick.
“You… you broke her bond to the coterie. That’s treason!” I cried out, horrified for my own reasons. I was the cause of this. I set free Clio. I not only ruined Corentine’s chance to join another coterie, I resulted in her being ripped away from Jacobi’s. I caused her to want to leave his coterie in the first place. And my father killed her mate. It felt like the list of reasons why Corentine would want to completely murder me was only growing.
“Oh yes. Treason. Please do go tell the Royals what I’ve done. I’d love to see Audrina Roslind take Jacobi’s side for once. That would be a sight to see,” Noland answered sarcastically, his smile never leaving his face. Jacobi stood tense and furious. I could feel his anger inside of me, building over time until I was sure he would no longer be able to control himself.
“She’s your own Kindred,” Jacobi seethed darkly. Noland scowled then.
“She made her choice when she left me to join you. Adelaide could have joined my coterie. Maybe then she’d still be alive,” He responded bitterly, but I noticed he was now avoiding looking directly at Corentine. Momentary guilt flashed across his features, but he quickly diminished them with a wave of his hand. “Go now. Take you and your group and get off of my territory. Our business here is done.” Jacobi reached to help Corentine stand, but she shrugged his help away stubbornly and stood on her own, storming from the room without being halted by Noland’s coterie. Without a word, Aveline stood, touching Jacobi’s arm for a moment before walking towards Xander, Wyatt, and me.
“I won’t forget this, Noland,” Jacobi stated, turning to leave the room without waiting for a reply. I was led by a quiet Xander to follow behind him, my mind reeling at the current events. Corentine was officially bondless. How long before she’d become a blood lusting rogue? I knew Jacobi could re-bond her to his coterie, but as of right now he was apparently too weak to do so. Again, his weakness was my fault; just another reason for Corentine to hate me. How long would it be before he would be fully recovered?
Once we were in the vicinity of the guest rooms, Jacobi addressed his small group without looking at anyone, “Pack your things. We’re leaving immediately.” And then he disappeared into his guest room presumably to pack his own things. Normally, I would have hesitated. I would have wondered if I should address him and perhaps waited for Aveline or someone else to convince me to do so. Things were different now. I didn’t follow Xander to where his and Aveline’s room held my things. I immediately grasped the doorknob to Jacobi’s room, entering determinedly.
“Not now, Lysa.” Jacobi was leaning over a tabletop, staring at the wall with his back turned to me. I could feel his anguish inside of me; his guilt burning my veins. It made my own stomach tight with pain, being that I specifically blamed myself for all of this. For a moment, I wondered how it was that I could feel him so clearly when it hadn’t been that way with Aveline or Xander. But I figured it was different being claimed by a Master vampire.
“It’s my fault. Not yours,” I told him, taking a small step in his direction. His hands slowly balled into fists against the wood. Normally I would have felt frightened, believing him to want to hurt me. Now I felt anxiety, wanting to take away that rage and pain I knew was boiling inside. “I should have taken the punishment. It was my fault.” I felt that anger intensify instead, causing me to halt.
“Would you have preferred if I let him rape you in front of me?” My breath got caught in my throat and I took a half step back. The idea itself was terrifying and my answer was obvious.
“No. Of course not.” I answered before looking down at my hands, tears beginning to build in my eyes. “It’s just… I can feel your pain and anger and… I just feel so… guilty.”
“I know. I can feel your soul just as well as you can feel mine,” He stated, sighing in exhaustion. This time, I reached forward and ran my hand slowly down the center of his bare back. His skin was warm against mine as I soothingly traced the curves of his muscles. Again, I felt a strange wonder knowing somehow that this was mine.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered sincerely. Jacobi turned, grasping my wrist in his hand but allowing me to continue to touch his chest instead. As I caressed his abdomen absently, he reached for me, tugging on my bathrobe to lower it over my shoulder. An intense desire burned through me and echoed through Jacobi, causing him to move closer to me. He closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against mine. Without waiting for him to gain control of his desire, I tilted my face up, lifting to trace my lips against his almost timidly.
“We don’t have time,” Jacobi muttered against my lips just before capturing mine heatedly. He lifted the bottom of my bathrobe, steering me against the table before propping me on the edge of it. I twisted my fingers through his thick black hair, moaning against his mouth when his hand found the apex between my thighs. I was a flurry of animalistic noises, clawing at Jacobi’s flesh as he teased me. Unable to drive away his desires and pressed for time, Jacobi only teased for a short time before he removed his pants. He paused, pulling his lips from mine to watch me for a moment. I blushed under the spotlight.
“It’s rude to stare,” I stated quietly, squirming against him. He smiled, transforming his dark features into a breathtaking view of a near boyish charm. I stared in awe at that smile, reaching slowly to trace the corner of his lips which fell slowly once he noticed what caught my attention.
Before I could do anything more he plunged inside of me. I writhed against him immediately, my body on fire until I felt I would dissolve into nothing. I didn’t feel the pain of the table against me as he thrust his hips into mine. I only felt him filling me with a desire and hunger so intense that I wasn’t sure I could survive it. I cried out uninhibited except by his mouth covering mine possessively. I tugged at his hair roughly, digging my nails into his arm as he began to pick up speed. He growled in response, but I could feel his restraint underneath his hunger.
I struggled to breathe as I felt the warmth building with each thrust. With complete trust, I tilted my head back, feeling Jacobi’s hungry mouth devouring the flesh of my throat and collarbone. It wasn’t long until I was driven over that edge, crying out as he continued to take me without relenting. Just when I thought I would break, Jacobi plunged roughly inside of me, shuddering with intense pleasure. I gasped against him; sweat coating my skin as he slowly began to kiss my jaw affectionately.
“You’re mine,” He mumbled between kisses. I caught his face in my hands, drawing his golden brown eyes to mine.
“You’re mine,” I whispered quietly, lightly placing my own kiss over his lips before pulling away to watch his reaction curiously. He only stared for a moment until I was sure he wouldn’t say anything at all. And then he answered.
“I’m yours, Elysia Monet.”
While I wanted to stay in Jacobi’s embrace for as long as possible, a look crossed his face which reminded me of our situation and the fact remained that we needed to leave as soon as possible. Without a word, I pulled my bathrobe back over my body, smiling slightly as Jacobi reluctantly moved away from me. There was an abrupt and slightly panicked knock on the bedroom door.
“Jacobi,” Aveline’s voice called sharply, “Corentine’s gone.”
Jacobi hesitated for only a fraction of a second before dressing rapidly and answering the door. A part of me wanted to blush and die of mortification while wondering if Aveline had heard what had just happened. Another part of me was confused as to what she meant when she said Corentine was gone. Where had she gone to?
“What do you mean?” Jacobi asked Aveline, who appeared to be extremely disgruntled.
“I went to check on her and she was gone. She left this,” Aveline held out a small piece of ripped paper which Jacobi took from her quickly, opening it to read the note out loud.
“Don’t look for me,” Jacobi looked up from the note and watched Aveline absently for a moment. Corentine had run away. She was no longer bonded to the coterie so it would be difficult to find her. She obviously didn’t want to be found. But the fact remained: Corentine was bondless and if she didn’t find a bond soon, she’d become rogue. There was no cure for being rogue. Only death. But then if I had lost my mate and been rejected by my Maker before being ripped from my coterie, I wouldn’t feel too keen on sticking around either.
Jacobi looked back at me, “Go get dressed, Lysa.” For a moment, I watched him. I knew he felt deeply about Corentine and the fact that she was gone bothered him. There wasn’t much he could do on Noland’s territory at this time without risking the death of himself and his coterie. But something told me he wasn’t above risking himself for Corentine.
“What are you going to do?” I asked suspiciously.
“I said go, Elysia,” He replied sharply, causing me to wince at his harsh tone.
“You can’t stay here. You can’t. You’ll get hurt. You’ll-,” Jacobi quickly grasped my shoulders, interrupting my babbling and grabbing my full attention. I was slowly beginning to panic. I knew once Jacobi was bored of me, he’d toss me aside and let me go home. He had said so himself. But still, I didn’t want him to chase after Corentine and risk his life. He was weak and it would be my fault if he was harmed.
“Go with Aveline. I’m just going to try to find her before she’s gone too far. I’ll meet up with you in Jersey. I promise,” He said quietly to me. When I began to argue, he interrupted by repeating, “I promise, dove.” I watched him intensely, but knew in this he wasn’t going to budge.
“Fine,” I whispered before pulling from his grip and moving past Aveline into the hallway.
So today is November 26th, which is Elysia Monet's birthday! Happy Birthday, you crazy lady you. I thought in honor of this birthday, I'd add a couple of Creator's Facts About 'Struck'!
Let's see. The name Elysia has multiple meanings, between "from Elysium" to "blissful", but the Greek meaning actually defines Elysia as one "struck by lightning". If you're bored, you can look up the meaning of multiple other names (first and last) in this novel; it might be interesting to see how they correlate with the actual character!
Another Creator fact is that I dedicate a lot of my story to my grandfather, someone who I dearly loved and was attached to, who died on November 26th four years ago. When I think of his death, I remember this image of a dove which was etched on the inside of his coffin before he was buried. So I incorporated the dove into many aspects of the novel, some of which are very obvious while others are quite hidden. If you want a hint at one of the hidden aspects, it involves Wyatt. :P
Anyway, there's a million other things I threw into this novel that would take ages to explain and aren't that interesting, so screw all that and keep reading to find out what happens with Corentine, Jacobi, Elysia, and etc!
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