It was hard to tell what time it was in this place. It seemed like time was no longer existent, or perhaps turned around. There were hardly any windows and none within my viewing range so I couldn’t tell if it was dark or light outside. But at the same time it didn’t seem to matter anymore. I was led between two vampires in the most comfortable bed, being held hostage from my life while awaiting a death sentence, and possibly suffering from the beginnings of Stockholm syndrome. Though I couldn’t be sure if that diagnosis worked if the people you were growing feelings for weren’t actually the ones who kidnapped and terrorized you. I’m sure it still counts if they aid the person who did, though.
There was a plethora of new clothing set aside in the large walk-in closet specifically for me. We had spent hours just trying on outfits which at first was uncomfortable. Then by the end of it, it had turned out to be pretty fun. Aveline thought it would be entertaining if we all tried on clothes, pretending to be models. And then Xander thought it would be even more fun to try on each other’s clothes. Needless to say, Xander in a bra was rib-cracking worthy.
Now we laid in bed, quiet and comfortable, each of us wearing next to nothing. I wasn’t sure how it had happened, but I had now felt like it was natural to wear only a thin layer of white cloth tank top over just a small pair of panties. Even though Aveline was only wearing pink lacy panties on one side of me and Xander only a pair of boxers on the other side, I didn’t feel unsafe or self-conscious. I was simply exhausted.
I was lying on my stomach, my arms folded under the pillow my head was lying on. I faced Aveline, but my eyes were closed. I was enjoying the feel of fingertips brushing over my bare skin. Xander’s moved over my back softly, tracing the lines of the branching design. I didn’t understand their obsession with the Lichtenburg figure, but I didn’t complain. Aveline’s fingers trailed over the back of my legs almost lovingly, sometimes moving between my thighs only briefly in a way that sent goose bumps across my skin.
The feeling of being touched so softly and so carefully caused my body to hum pleasantly all over. I had never really felt so... reassured of my existence. I had never felt so nurtured and cherished, not even by my mother or any boyfriend I had in my past. And this by two strange supernatural beings that I hadn’t met until just a day or so ago. Still, I was exhausted and very much the happiest I’d been since being abducted. I sighed contently, feeling on the verge of going to sleep.
“Our little tiger is so beautiful. Don’t you think, my love?” Aveline cooed affectionately.
Xander sighed, which wasn’t a very content one. “We weren’t supposed to get attached, precious Aveline.” And then I felt his lips along with the tip of warm wet tongue trail along my back instead of his fingers, making me gasp in surprise and blush deeply. “She smells wonderful, did you notice?”
“Don’t be so teasing, Xander,” Aveline giggled quietly, “The poor thing is exhausted. Let her sleep.” I felt her fingers brush through my hair, and her lips lightly press over my forehead. Not long after that, I drifted off into a relatively peaceful sleep.
I woke up in the darkness quite suddenly, though I rose up to sitting position slowly. I didn’t have to look around to know I was alone. I was only “awake” for a moment though before my mind folded over with something like an invisible film. Almost immediately, it was like I was cast from my body while something else took control. Though I knew this, I wasn’t afraid. It was something I had never been afraid of, though it was always something that was an inconvenience in my life.
I was watching the images over the film, trying to make sense what they were saying. At the same time, I was struggling to push them away and to wake back up. I was always concerned if I focused too much on the dreams, I wouldn’t wake up. I could see a face of a raven haired beauty flashing before me, her pale blue eyes lifeless. There were what seemed like millions of other faces, but hers was a main focus this time around. I again grasped for my body, but the images pulled for my attention.
There were words being spoken behind the images. And twisting through them were feelings like rage, pain, and loneliness. The feelings were the easiest to feel clearly, while everything else was a blur. Something was different this time, though. Along the edges of the film was static, like lightning strikes. And behind that were flames… or perhaps blood. Or… something else…
I abruptly awoke. Even though my eyes were open, it was like they were still closed, not making sense of my surroundings. The first thing I noticed wasn’t that I was standing barefoot in only panties and a thin practically see-through and very loose tank top. In fact, it wasn’t even that I had my left hand extended in front of me almost hesitantly with my palm faced forward and fingers only half extended as though reaching to feel something. Actually, I didn’t even first notice that I was in a hallway in front of a room I had never before been to.
No, the first thing I noticed was a figure standing in the door only inches away from my fingertips completely shirtless, tall, dark, and very dangerous. My eyes moved from his amazingly sculptured chest up to his deep frown, and then further up to his citrine, almost golden, brown eyes which were framed by his messy black hair. I almost could pretend I didn’t recognize him without the fangs, black eyes, and knife. But it only took me a look at the rage building behind those eyes to remember.
I didn’t even lower my hand before guessing a random direction and running for it. Now, I hated running especially after waking up from sleepwalking, but the last time I had seen this man I had been hanging from shackles and I definitely did not want to go back to that. In fact, I would have been happy to never have set sights on this man again, even if it meant being Xander and Aveline’s pet for the rest of my short life.
I only got a couple feet before my path was blocked by a solid body. I moved to reverse quickly, but he grabbed my upper arms firmly and planted me against a nearby wall. I gasped in a couple of breaths rapidly, preparing to present my terrified death screams.
“Do not scream, Monet, unless you’d like me to change my mind about prolonging your life,” the man threatened quietly. I choked down the scream building inside of me, looking up into his face to find that he still hadn’t reverted into those demonic features. Based on current experiences, this was actually a good thing, so I forced myself to take slow deep breaths and hold still in his grip. When I wasn’t struggling or attempting to scream for my life, the man tilted his head slowly with an abrupt curiosity.
“What were you doing outside my room? And how did you know where my room was?” He asked suspiciously, as though I had been planning to assassinate him while he slept. That would probably make more sense than the real reason. “I asked you a question, Monet. It would be in your best interests to answer…”
“Sleepwalking,” I answered quickly. It sounded like a lie even to my ears. I quickly added, “Elysia.” He blinked in confusion, probably thinking I was now speaking tongues.
“Elysia?” He said.
“My name is Elysia,” I responded breathlessly, wanting to kick myself for even trying to correct him. I just was starting to feel like being referred to as Monet in this place was very bad luck. “Yours is… Jacobi?”
“I assume Xander and his mate told you this,” Jacobi stated with distaste, obviously not pleased that I was attempting some form of introduction. For some reason, this statement offended me. Perhaps it was the feminist in me, but I could have sworn Xander’s mate had an actual identity beyond that…
“Aveline,” I said defensively, “His mate is called Aveline. And yes, they mentioned you.” I was stunned by my own words. Where exactly did this burst of courage come from? Or should I refer to it as stupidity? Did I happen to forget that this man is currently in control of the timeline to my life and death?
“I know her name, she is one of mine,” Jacobi responded, sounding quite offended himself. Then he released me and moved away suddenly. “Don’t bother me again unless you’d like to continue where we left off in the dungeons, Monet.” He disappeared down the hall into his room with a click of a door. I felt as though all the air in my lungs escaped in utter relief. And then I felt complete frustration with myself. Honestly, of all the places to sleepwalk to, this is the one I decided was the place to be? Hell, next time I might as well slip into bed with Corentine.
I sighed, turning to head back to Aveline and Xander’s bedroom. Then I hesitated before turning around to look in the other direction. I walked slowly back towards Jacobi’s room, trying to pass by quietly so he didn’t think I was trying to end my life purposely. Once I passed by it, I practically pranced to the end of the hall, looking to turn right only to find another hallway. I hesitated again, looking behind me and back forward. For some reason, this direction didn’t feel right.
I quickly shuffled back down the hall, slowing down to glacial speed when approaching Jacobi’s room. Once I had successfully moved past without him attacking me, I quickly shuffled down the hall to where it turned off to another hallway almost completely identical to the one on the other side of the hallway. I hesitated; once again feeling like this wasn’t the right direction either. It was like I was stuck in the Shining. But then, the other hallway felt slightly more like it would be the correct direction… I decided to try that way first after all, so I quickly moved down the hall before slowing down to walk on the tip of my toes while passing by Jacobi’s room.
His door abruptly opened and he emerged, reaching out to snatch my arm in his grip roughly. I gasped, afraid that he had decided to finish me off after all, but he only began pulling me down the hall behind him with steady determination and an aura of irritation. From behind I could admire his terrifying but actually quite attractive frame. But I rushed that thought from my head. Finding a man who treated me like I was scum and then thinking he was slightly attractive, how typical.
The hallway opened up to a wide balcony area that led to two sets of wide stairs. While one set led down to what appeared to be the first floor, the other led to the second floor below the one we were on. Jacobi led me down that one, which ended up being more hallways. Only I began to recognize these hallways, based on the pictures on the walls. I felt my heart jump to my throat in relief.
Jacobi stopped in front of Xander and Aveline’s door, opening it sharply. Then he turned to me, grabbing my upper arms once again before moving me a couple of steps into the room. I stared at him with wide eyes, not sure what exactly he would do next. But he only turned around, walked out into the hallway, and shut the door in between us.
Once again, I released a large breath of relief. I walked over to the empty bed to find a note next to it. I picked it up carefully, turning on the lamp on the bedside table. Scrawled across the paper was the following:
We’ve gone for a snack, among some other things. We’ll have the kitchen bring up some food until we’re back. We’ll leave the door unlocked because we trust you, but please don’t leave the room. It’s for your own safety. Love, Aveline & Xander
I put the note down, looking around the large bedroom. Then I turned off the light, crawled back into bed, and spent my time trying not to think about my close call with Jacobi until I fell asleep.
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