"I am so bored Lilly!" I whined as I was resting on her bed. She was currently looking at her laptop for something. She didn't want to tell me, so I just hung out and minded my own business. However now.. I am getting more and more bored as each minute went by. I didn't have work tonight and I really didn't feel like masturbating, so doing porn was out of the question. I could do my OF, but Lilliam wanted to hang out together and I don't really do a woman on woman kind of thing unless it's my girlfriend who is okay with being on camera with me.
I don't even do any kind of pornography with another woman unless it's my girlfriend. Because the only woman that I should be touching or should be touching me is the same one that I'm dating and being in a relationship.
Now being in one is kind of in the no zone for me. As much as I do see myself being with another woman and as much as I do love love, I just don't want to get in one and instantly regret it because she wants to restrict me from what I just love doing. Now I do get some people who don't want to see their lover in that kind of light, but when I tell a woman what I am doing straight up before we even start dating and when I tell her that I really don't see myself leaving anytime soon because I am having fun with all of it, then I see it as straining for her to turn around and try to hold me back from having my fun.
"What do you want to do today then?" Lilliam asked and I sighed. "I guess I could do an Instagram live. I just wanted to do some steamy content and you know the restrictions that they have on there..." I spoke with a sigh, pulling out my phone to go on my page. " You could do some kind of content, you know?" She asked and I shook my head. "You wanted to hang out today, so I am going to do something simple that is casual for me to do in the company of my good friend," I said with a kind smile and started a live on my insta.
"Hello there~ Hello, hello," I said with a soft smile as many comments started to roll in and I saw many already requesting for me to take something off. "Sadly guys, this is not my OnlyFans and this is not my porn account, so I am going to have to politely decline. As much as I would like to post some of my steamy content. Maybe I will do it later on tonight though," I tell them as more of a promise. "I am also with one of my best friends Lilliam!" I chirped and aimed my camera in her direction.
She looked up from her laptop and looked at the screen. She smiled and waved a little. I then turned my phone back and looked at the next requests that were coming in. "No, Lilliam doesn't really do the things that I do, so she won't be doing that with me. Besides, you guys all know how I am. The only reason for me to touch or post such content with another woman is if that woman is my lover," I tell them and they did show a bit of disappointment but the did understand where I was coming from.
"Guys, I really want to go out, but I really don't know where to go... Give me some suggestions!" I chirped and they immediately started to do what I said. "I don't really don't want to go to another strip club as I have already worked yesterday. Maybe I could go tomorrow though. Do you want to go with me?" I asked and looked up at my food friend. "Sure, I'll go. Maybe Zayna would go to..." "Aww, look at my friend crushing," I teased and she gave me the bird. "Guys, these two have been falling for each other for a good while now and the fact that they aren't together is freaking crazy. They would hang out with one another at every chance that they get and the only reason as to why they aren't hanging out now, is because Zayna is out of town for the week "
"Lou! You know that she follows you right?" "So? I sat this all of the time to the both of you and when you two are together. It's not going to stop just because I'm live," I said to her and just focused on my comments.
"About me? If you are asking about my love life, then I really don't know what to say. Like I do want to have a girlfriend eventually, because hello... I do want to get married one day, but I also like the thought of having that one special girl as my own, but I really don't know. Like I don't want to be held back, you know. I don't want her to be all like 'Oh I support you and I love that you are doing what makes you so happy' one day and then go 'Don't do this, don't do that's the next day, and that just irritates me, you know?" I asked and shrugged. "If it does happen, then I'd be happy of course. Right now though, it's just me," I then further explained and they understood where I was coming from.
"Hey, I was thinking of what to wear to my outing with my family tomorrow, do you want to help me decide?" Lilliam asked and I looked at her and nodded my head. She moved her laptop off and walked to her closet. I sat up and looked at the outfits that she showed to me. There were a few good ones, but I of course did deam one as the perfect look. It was a pink crop top with white ripped jeans. "I think that one is the best for the weather outside. With it being so hot and with the blazing hot sun being out there," I advised and she went with it. She kept it on a hanger and had it held high on her closet door.
"What am I wearing?" I read the question out and smiled and pointed the angle down a bit on myself so that I could show them my outfit for the day.
"Do you guys like it?" I asked and lowered my top a little. Of course, they weren't getting a full boob or even the slightest sight of my nipple, but I still wanted to tease them a little.
Which did work as the comments roared in and there was many comments calling me beautiful and sexy. All of these comments were making me smile wide and I thanked them for the love. "Thank you, thank you. I really wanted to wear something casual but still a bit sexy at the same time, you know?" I asked and they just complimented more on my style and it made me giggle. "I really do appreciate it guys. Now, do you guys want to do a little q&a before I figur4re out what I want to do on here officially?" I asked and they were all up for it.
"What emoji could you not live without? Hmmm... There are a couple that I really won't stop using for the life of me, but I guess if I were to pick just one, then I would just say that the blue heart emoji is something that I really can't go a day without using. If not that one, then it would be the kissy face winking emoji. Those are the top two that I always use."
"What's the most random word you know in a language that isn't your first? Okay, so this was so random, but one time I just randomly said koekje and it was during an orgasm. Sometimes I would say some random shit whenever I hit one. It's really rare, but it does happen! Now when I said it again into a translator, I saw that I said a word in Arabic that meant cookie in English. Weird, right? Out of all words to say while hitting an orgasm, I just shot the word cookie. I guess it does play well sometimes whenever I would ask my girl if she wants me to eat her cookie.. I really don't know hahaha... Okay, I know that it was weird, but I learned something new that day, so give me a little credit!" I exclaimed and laughed. Lilliam was laughing too.
"What song do you know every word to? Can you sing it for us now? Rachel Platten 'Fight Song' for sure. I just love how encouraging it is and there was a rime where I would listen to it on repeat. Mow about singing it... I will do that for you, but lie to me and say that I sounded good, okay?" I asked with a little giggle.
"Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Were wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?..."
I sung out the rest of the song and when I was done, I looked at my phone and I was seeing a lot of positive feedback start pouring in and my friend even started to clap for me and I smiled at her. "Was it really good? You guys can really tell the truth," I said and I saw them saying that I did amazingly and that I should really consider going into the singing industry. "I think I want to keep that as a hobby of mine more than anything as I can't be doing something like this while also being a singer. I love doing what I am doing now, so I'm going to keep that at the back of my head for now," I tell them and they understood of course.
"If you could pick your own nickname, what would it be? I really do like the nickname Lou, so I guess I would just stick with that one as it is a nickname that I would have my friends use for me and there are only a couple more names that I would let my girlfriend use if I had one," I tell them and they liked what I said. They tested it and started to call me Lou and of course, I was okay with it as it wasn't rude or anything.
"Have you ever been forced to wear matching outfits with someone? Why? Oh my god, ues! My toxic ass ex-girlfriend wanted to match clothing as she doesn't like it when I showed too much skin, so she would force me into wearing the same clothes as her. When she tried to get me to quit my job as an OnlyFans creator, I left her bum ass and went back to wearing clothes like these," I tell them and looked down at my outfit.
"And I sent the clothes that she bought me to charity. Put some actual use into it as I would always change out once I am out of her sights. That relationship was just so bad guys and I am so happy that I am not in that anymore but thanks to her, I really don't want to get into a new one now..."
The comments that came in supported my decisions, but they reminded me that I should not let some controlling person have control over my happiness as it means a lot for me to find some happiness for myself personally. I knew and understood where they were coming from, so I just nodded and went to the last question before I was having Lilliam join me on this live.
"Is there anything you dislike in your work life? I guess this is more of the strip club than the others, but there are a few times where my boss would be away and she would have her son watch over her business for her and those are the days where the son would just care less if they wanted to do it with me, then they would have to pay him upfront and it would take a huge scolding from me for him to not let the customer get to that point with me. Like... if you are going to have someone watch over your business, then they should know how to handle it properly..." I spoke with an eye roll.
Men are so gross...
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