Chapter 60
I was in shock when my mother took hold of my arm and began dragging me down the snow covered driveway. I had expected many things to come from this day and I had prepared for all of them with extensive planning. But this, this was not something I would have considered in my wildest dreams.
She was here. She was alive.
I didn't allow myself to think that something awful could have happened to her because I knew that it could put me in a frenzy. She was my mom, half of our little team. She meant everything to me. To avoid having a panic attack in the royal palace I had always told myself that she was just running away from something I didn't understand. But now, she was here. And the relief that hit me told me that I had been extremely concerned for her wellbeing subconsciously.
"What are you doing here?" I asked after what felt like a life time of silence. I had so many things to say and yet none of them would come out. I was just stunned.
I didn't know if she couldn't hear me over the crunching snow beneath our feet or if she simply didn't care enough to answer. Her dark brown eyes appraised me. Though I had felt beautiful all night one glance from her was enough to make me hate the dress I was wearing. Her grip only tightened as we neared a small rental car in the drive way.
"Where are we going?" I questioned.
"Get in the car," she ordered.
And I did as she said. Why? Because I hadn't seen her in months. Since I was very young she was the only person I could rely on in my life. We had been a squad of two for as long as I remember. I had to be with her. I had to know that she was okay and that things would go back to normal, even if it meant stepping away from a ball in my honor. Ajax would be furious and I could already envision the queen glaring at me. I didn't care. I would face all of that later.
As I settled myself and the massive plume of my dress skirt on the cloth passenger seat I turned to my mother. She yanked the little mask off her face, discarding it in the backseat. Her lips were pressed together in a thin line of concentration and she gripped the back of my seat while reversing the car. There was no denying the urgency in the way the tires spun, struggling for traction on the snow.
"Ajax isn't going to be happy when he finds out I'm gone," I warned. I don't know why I was using Ajax as a shield. I didn't like the fact that I was leaving the ball. And I certainly didn't like that we were leaving at a high rate of speed. None of that had anything to do with him, but for some reason I thought he would be a source of power now.
My mother didn't answer. She turned the car around and raced towards the gates that separated the royal property from the rest of the world.
"Can you see if I dropped my wallet, I think it might be somewhere by your feet," my mother said.
And like the good daughter I was, I dipped my head down and searched through the layers of my skirt for a wallet. I only found a pair of runs that were about my size. And when I peered up again we were through the gates, a single guard signaling that they be shut behind us.
I had been played. I expected this to be the end of the road. They would never let me leave without questioning Ajax, but now the people who were supposed to protect me hadn't even seen me.
"Mom," I ground out, my voice firmer this time. "Where are you taking me?"
"I just wanted to spend some time with my daughter. Is that such a crime?" she demanded. Her words could have been sweet, but her tone was hard and cool.
"No, it's not. I never said it was. But you're the one is acting like they are doing something unlawful," I protested.
"It's because they hate me," she snapped, waving her hand to indicate the palace that was slipping away behind me. "When I heard that it was a masquerade ball I knew it would be my only chance to see you without their awful talons in everything." As she spoke her foot pressed down harder on the gas pedal. The car started to swerve on the snowy road, struggling with the ice.
"Mom, what are you talking about? Ajax and his family have been nothing but kind to me. Yes, it was hard at the start, but I can't imagine that their situation was any easier to deal with than mine. They opened up their home to me when I had no one and they dealt with all the tantrums I threw. They paid for Holly to come out here and support me. I'm sure they would have paid for you too. Now, can you please slow down and tell me what is actually going on?"
I was thankful when she did raise her foot off the accelerator ever so slightly, but I still didn't understand why she was trying to get me away from Ajax. And I didn't know why she was being so skittish about everything either.
"I just missed you. I wanted to make sure you were okay. I thought we could go out and have something to eat, catch up a little. After that I can take you back if you want."
"We could have just talked there, mom. I'm sure they would give us space if we asked for it," I said. "They're going to send a bloody search party after us for this. we are pulling into the nearest diner, ordering one appetizer, then you are taking me back."
My mother just bobbed her head in a nod.
Thankfully there was a truck stop within a twenty minute drive from the palace. I knew that I would be out of the ball for about an hour in total or more, but I hoped it would be enough to sate my mom and short enough that Ajax wouldn't come looking for me just yet.
"Thank you for not putting up too much of a fight," my mother said when we parked the car. "I know how persuasive those royals can be."
I tried to read her face, tried to see what angle she was playing, but couldn't.
"I'm happy you're here mom, really. I've missed you. But Ajax is a part of my life now. I would appreciate it if you didn't talk badly about him."
"I'll do my best, now come on," she said.
I followed her out of the car and into the diner like a well trained puppy.
~~~~Distraction Section~~~~
Hey everyone, we are about to go on a wild ride with mom here so buckle up. Also Animal Crossing was released today so that's exciting for everyone who digs that game. I've personally never played it, I grew up on Sims and Ratchet and Clank, but I've heard that it's amazing so I might have to invest. If you've played animal crossing would you recommend it?
Now, time for the Question of the Day: Do you have any collections? Is there anything in your life that you just have to pick up when you see it?
I collect mugs. I drink tons of tea and am slowing dipping into coffee. I have about thirty mugs I would say. I have everything from Chip from the Beauty and the Beast to a cow mug that stands on its udders. I have the Pixar ball as a mug and a mug in the shape of a doughnut.
Let me know what you're obsessed with!
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