Chapter 46
I had about ten minutes to myself, walking back to the palace before I heard horses' hooves approaching from behind on the gravel.
"You're being a stubborn fool," Ajax called from the back of his horse. I could tell from his voice that he was furious with me. Good. "Get on Zelda and we can discuss this like adults."
I kept my arms folded over my chest and didn't even glance at the grey horse that was tied to his saddle. I didn't care that I was being stubborn and I didn't care that I was being childish. He destroyed any chance of having a civil conversation when he vetoed my opinion and didn't let me speak for myself. I was too proud and too hot headed to allow that to happen, especially when it came from a person who had already pushed me around so much.
"Fine, walk. I don't care," he spat at my silence.
And I did just that. I walked my way back to the palace on the gravel trail. I didn't allow myself to look at the horse, or Ajax. I just stared straight ahead. And when he went back to the barn I continued on into the home.
Adeline was in the foyer, talking softly to her husband. When she saw me her eyes lit up.
"Back so soon?" she asked.
When I said nothing her face fell. "Damn it, Ajax," she muttered to herself.
She glanced at me again, like she was about to say something but I just shot her a dark look and made my way upstairs. There I shut myself in my room and forced myself to go to sleep well before I was tired.
In the morning I took some time to attend to myself, taking extra care in the steps I missed yesterday. I took a long shower, brushed out my dark hair until it was completely knot-free, then pulled on some clean, comfortable clothes. And I prepared myself for his arrival because I knew that he couldn't stay away.
"Good morning," he whispered as he opened the door.
I didn't even raise my eyes from the bland book I had found on my dresser.
"I brought you flowers," he pressed.
And, at that, I did raise my eyes. In fact, when I saw the gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers I climbed off the bed and moved to stand in front of Ajax who was now smiling with triumph. This poor man had already thought that he won. Clearly, he thought it was much easier to conquer me than it actually was. The fool had no idea what was coming. I was not someone who was easily won over after they had been wronged. And he had dug deep yesterday, making me feel so invalid and incapable.
"They're for you," he said, thrusting them towards me like it wasn't already absurdly obvious.
"Lovely," I said dryly. My hand took the flowers from him just as a confused expression crossed his features. Then, I dropped them in the little waste basket.
"Are we going to keep doing this?" Ajax sighed.
"Now that is up to you."
"And how's that?"
"Well, you can get on your knees and apologize and maybe I'll find it in my heart to forgive you." I loved the was his face twisted at my comment. Yesterday, when he acted like he was too holy I knew this would be a good card to pull.
He scoffed at me after a moment of deliberation, almost looking amused at my defiance. "You forget that I will be king soon and even if I wasn't next in line I would still be a prince and your superior."
"You forget that I don't give a fuck," I growled. "And you forget that I had you withering like a little worm back in Denver and I can do it again."
Ajax captured his lower lip between his teeth. Those green eyes were alight with mischief. Like I was a damn challenge that he needed to defeat. And he loved it.
"You know it turns me on when you get so heated with me. I love the power struggle between us. It makes winning all the more exciting."
And he was right, I did know that. I knew that he loved pushing me when he had found me in the garage. He loved the way I resisted and he loved the feeling of my submission. But I was used to his touch now. I was used to the affect he had on me. I wasn't so easily toyed with any more. And he had pushed me too hard this time for it to turn into something that could be dissolved by heat and lust alone.
"I want you to get out of my room," I ordered.
"No, I don't want to argue with you about this. I just want you gone. Whether or not you want to acknowledge it you pushed me too far. You hurt my feelings and you made me feel invalid. So please, just go."
And, for once, Ajax listened to me. He opened and closed his mouth for a while, certainly trying to find something- anything- to say to me. And I just watched him struggle for words. Then, when he decided that he could say nothing in this moment to fix this he left.
I stayed in my room for a while. then I looked at those beautiful flowers in the garbage and cringed. Yes, I was mad, but those flowers didn't deserve that. I cleaned them up and asked the nearest staff member to put them in a vase and give them to Holly. The girl loved all things natural and would love flowers in the colder months.
I spent the rest of my day in my room. Queen Adeline came to check on me at one point. she was kind enough, but eventually I gave her a few too many one word answers and she left me alone. The boring old book that I found put me to sleep shortly after.
But when I woke up it was still dark out.
And when I felt the warmth spreading through my body I groaned out loud.
If the moon goddess was real she was trying to kill me.
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