Chapter 25
I stared at the door for a long time, wondering if I was hallucinating because everyone here knew I was on lock down. Then, when I heard Queen Adeline depart down the stairs I decided to try it, to make sure it wasn't a trick from my imagination. My hands were trembling when I reached out for the door knob. And as I twisted it let out instead of jamming like it did when it was locked. I released the handle and stepped away from the door like it had shocked me.
I was free.
But it was broad day light and I had seen hundreds of people crawling all over the estate grounds so how free could I really be? The second someone saw my face I'm sure I would be carted back to my room and chided before the door was locked behind me. After that the slip up would never happen again. But, on the other hand, if I didn't try to leave now someone might see that the door was unlocked when they came to check up on me and my opportunity would be snatched away.
Still, I decided that day time was too risky to try and make an escape. Through my limited observation I had noticed that the staff decreased largely around the time the sun set. And through the darkness I would have a much easier chance of slipping away unnoticed. With any luck Ajax and Adeline wouldn't notice that I was gone until the sun had come back up. that would give me hours to put space between us.
And now Adeline had given me more insight to the property. And all the wonders of the barn like a first aid kit and blankets.
I told myself that I needed sleep now. I would be spending all night running on adrenaline, wide eyed and wary for hours. Even if I was able to find a safe place before the sun rose I doubted that I would be calm enough to sleep. But rationalizing all of that didn't make it any easier to soothe my mind now. I put the anxious energy to use through packing up my belongings and eating as much of my lunch as I could force into my gut.
The clothing that I had been wearing when I arrived here had been washed at some point. it was my old hiking gear, perfect for almost any situation I could land myself in during my getaway. the clothes I was wearing now smelt a little like horse, but it wasn't horrendous enough to make me search for another option. I knew they were expensive and they felt great on my skin. I also knew that the queen had worn similar clothing, maybe it would help me slip under the radar. The sweatpants were the warmest clothing I could find so they were a must as well because there was a good chance I would be facing the weather.
Chocolate bars and the snacks that Ajax had purchased for me when I had first arrived were added to my growing. Though I doubted hygiene would be a problem I took the hair brush and toothbrush just in case. After I located a folded pillow case to use as a bag I slipped into the shower. I didn't know where I would end up tomorrow morning, but being clean couldn't hurt.
Then I was left to wait and watch the sun go down.
Somehow, between my ride and nightfall no one had come to check up on me. The sun disappeared and a few lights in the yard lit up. the house slowly stilled as workers went home. I expected to watch them all climb into cars and drive away to show me how to use the massive gate, but they all walked towards the forest instead. Though it was peculiar I just told myself to avoid the forest as much as possible and I would be fine.
Then, when I saw no movement outside the building and heard none inside I decided it was time.
I tied the end of my pillow case into a knot and hoisted the makeshift bag over my shoulder. The sneakers on my feet helped me move quietly through my room. I held my breath as I turned the knob and opened the door. No one was in sight. I shut the door behind me to ease suspicion. Creeping through the dark, I moved towards the stairs. I winced at every creak and groan, but never heard any movement or whispered words after I moved. No one was following me yet.
I moved across the foyer, staring at the light glowing behind one of the closed doors in the space. I couldn't hear anyone talking or moving in the room, but I wasn't going to take the risk of being loud. I had already convinced myself they could hear my heartbeat though I knew it was impossible. I eased open one of the large double doors and shut them softly behind me. I stilled. No noise. I knew the gravel would give away my position. I moved onto the soft grass for noise reduction and sprinted towards my last detour on my escape.
I raced to the barns and pulled open the barn doors. The autumn chill made blankets a necessity and a first aid kit could always come in handy. This was the only place I had seen either of those. I stared into the dark aisle, saw no movement aside from a couple horses trying to look at me over their stall doors. I thought I was in the clear.
Then, I felt something grip at my hips. The person had been silent coming up behind me, but the hold was dominant and certain.
And, at the same time, I heard the barn door on the other end of the building begin to groan as someone tried to pull it open.
I was about to be caught for the second time in a matter of a moment.
The hands on my hips were firm and unrelenting, forcing me to move. I was pushed to the side, bracing when I thought I would be shoved into the wall. But I realized I had been steered into the little room with the blankets and first aid kit, the place I had gotten my boots in. the two of us were hidden from the third party.
"Don't say a word," Ajax whispered in my ear from behind me.
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