chapter 6
'Already cancelling on me? This better not be some lame ass excuse just to get out of our deal.'
Jungkook was glued to his phone as the truck was parked. Stupidly, he agreed to a bet Taehyung would obviously win, which made him the getaway driver while they created mischief within the tunnel. He could really care less on what the members were doing, as this was their form of 'initiation' when a new member joined the football team. They went to fuck shit up, and if they got caught, that's their problem. If they snitch, it's even worse when, or if they get out.
Jimin 🍑💦: 'I really can't Jungkook, it's personal.'
Each word his eyes looked over just translated to 'bullshit' in his head. So soon? Things happen, but the fact it was almost 48 hours ago, Jungkook felt it was such a coward move to bail out.
'Everyone has personal reasons for everything. You better be there tomorrow.'
Jimin 🍑💦: 'Okay...미안해.'
"KOOK, STEP ON IT THE COPS ARE HERE." Taehyung yelled.
Truthfully, he felt almost like a personal servant for his own best friend. Taehyung was great up until he graduated, and really, there was no backstory behind why he really ended up the way he was besides the phrase "he ended up with the wrong crowd". He became way more verbally abusive towards Jungkook, more for the fact that he knows he'll agree to him no matter how stupid he was. Jungkook felt trapped, but since he genuinely had that small spark of care for his friend, he stayed.
"DRIVE MAN DO YOU WANT TO GO TO JAIL?" Jungkook stepped on the gas hard, and they sped off as the cop sirens got more and more distant. Taehyung, almost like a really strict CEO told one of his teammates participating to take off the cover that hid the truck. The others cheered while Jungkook remained silent, which caught Taehyung's attention.
"I know you're usually quiet, but you seem off. What's going on?" As if you really care Tae.
Jungkook just shook his head, assuring his friend that everything was fine, but deep down he knew he was lying.
"Are you sure? We can go back to the dorms if you want and just chill there."
"I was planning on it anyway honestly..." He said, barely above a mumbling tone.
Taehyung didn't question any further and went back to his teammates, sitting down and grabbing a water bottle from the back pocket in one of the seats.
"What's good with him?" It was rare for Yoongi to actually speak to the team unless it was to get or give back their equipment, but all of them knew that he actually managed to make an effort to talk to Jungkook from time to time.
"I honestly have no clue. It's like he's dazed by something, or someone." Yoongi pursed his lips, then nodded his head and turned back to organizing the teams jerseys.
Pulling into the front of the school, everyone decided to wash the paint off with whatever water they had left and head their separate ways back towards the dorm. Taehyung, being his usual persistent self decided to at least get some sort of understanding out of his friend whether it annoyed him or not.
"You wanna get something from the convenience store?" Jungkook simply nodded and silently walked alongside Taehyung, still questioning what could possibly be so important to cancel out on him.
As the two walked, the same fiery redhead they saw maybe 45 minutes ago was visible through the window, purchasing a few seaweed snacks and a few beverages, since his roommate usually wouldn't bother to go out and care for himself. Although, from time to time, he would stop by his apartment if he got out of hand, which they assumed it was one of those times. Stepping into the store, the small bell rang which caught Hoseok's attention.
"What's up guys?" Putting on his undetectable fake personality towards them, Hoseok smiled, which Taehyung returned.
"Jungkook's on his man period, so I'm buying him food." His remark earned him a slight smack on his arm by the younger male, but still laughed regardless if he was annoyed by the comment or not.
"Your roommate still giving you problems? Just go to the front office and ask to switch rooms. Or just get a single dorm."
"There's only two weeks left in the semester, so why not? My friend needed a place to stay at the moment since he's going through a lot." Jungkook's attention was now gone from his phone, and now focused on Hoseok.
"What friend?" It was almost as if he were figuring out a mystery case. He didn't know Hoseok well, but with him being an observant person, he knew when someone was hiding something from the way he/she words certain subjects. He watched the redheads eyes falter and his lips purse.
"You both know him, is all I can say. I don't think he'll like the fact that his friend would spill information about him without his permission." From that description, Taehyung had a slight clue that it was Jimin but Jungkook instantly knew. He decided to play stupid.
"Tell him I said feel better." Although Jungkook was observant, little did he know, Hoseok sensed the undertone in his voice.
'What the hell did Jimin do?' He started to think of the worst possible scenarios ranging from owing him money, to possibly sabotaging something he actually cared for. Taehyung almost seemed like he held an imaginary remote control for Jungkook's emotions majority of the time, but deep down, he knew he had some type of resent.
"I need to get back, it's getting late." With those few words, Jungkook kept the emotionless stare on his face, but before he could walked out, Taehyung called out for him.
"Wait, are you gonna be at Jongin's party tomorrow night? Everyone's invited. Well, as long as we actually like them."
'Maybe this will be a way to get Jimin out for once.' Hoseok smiled, and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm bringing someone with me though. He won't bother anyone or cause any drama, he isn't that type of person."
"Alright. Just be there by 8, that's when we bring out the alcohol and spiked drinks anyway."
Hoseok waved at them, then got in the car. Little did he know, he just walked his friend into a massive storm that made not get any better.
Sleep was a foreign concept at this point for Jimin. Even after trying to take a shower in different temperatures to get some type of relaxation, the anxiety still remained inside him.
'You. You're always flirting with girls effortlessly, right?'
'It's a shame, you we're so willing to be one for my brother's best friend.'
If anyone only knew why he was doing it and the shit he went through on a daily basis. Anytime he went on the stage, the confidence he displayed was all just an act, and truthfully, girl's never really sparked an interest in him. Every phone number he got from each private session was deleted the moment they left, but this was different.
Jungkook, in Jimin's eyes seemed like a wireless antenna was attached to his head, while Taehyung controlled him. After his private session that ended up turning into an embarrassing emotional ending, he felt a spark of interest in him. Beneath that barrier, he felt like he was hiding something as well, and wanted to get it out of him so badly.
But like every guy, he has a sense of pride. His just happens to be much bigger than others.
"I GOT 떡볶이 AND 소주" The door flew open to reveal a slightly less happy Hoseok, despite his usual loud tone. Jimin ran down the stairs, then took the bags out of his hand and set them on the table.
"What took you so long?" He went to go grab a bottle opener, while Hoseok sat down.
"Got caught up with dumb & dumber. By the way, there's a party, and...I need someone to go with me..." Hoseok's voice faltered, sine he most likely was expecting a no.
"You know how I feel about parties Hobi. Plus, is one of the football team members hosting it?" His friend didn't answer, and Jimin let out a sigh.
"Jimin come on, it's Jongin. He isn't THAT much of a egoistic asshole."
"Yeah, and he also is friend with the two captains on the team who are egoistic assholes."
The two went back and forth, but knowing that Hoseok was known for being persistent, Jimin eventually just stopped answering after a while.
"I'll tell you tomorrow."
"Good. because the party is tomorrow night."
Jimin's eyes widened, but relaxed as the Soju started to kick in after a few sips.
"Exactly why do you even want me to go?"
"Jimin you never come out of your apartment unless it's to go to class, go to practice, or go strip for a bunch of horny women who are probably cheating on their significant others."
The sad reality, was Hoseok was right. Jimin hated going out in general, the neighborhood was really sketchy, usually a bunch of drunk college students would pass by, screaming slurs while leaning on their poor sober friend who has to deal with it.
"Again, I'll sleep on it." He walked up the stairs, tipsy, but noticed his phone lit up with a text from Jungkook.
Jungkook 😶: 'I hope Hoseok told you about tomorrow night, because I know you're at his damn house, and you're going to that party.'
Hoseok wouldn't say anything about him without a good reason.
'How did you know I was there?'
Jungkook 😶: 'Taehyung and I ran into him at the convenience store. He said he had a 'friend' going through something, but didn't say who. It was a dead giveaway, because he'll usually never hide who he's with unless they mean something to him, but that doesn't matter.'
Jimin shuddered under the covers, as he could feel the aggression in that text message. Having an internal debate with himself, he decided to respond either way.
'I guess...are you going?'
Jungkook 😶: 'No shit. You're going, or you'll probably regret not coming.'
Leaving him on read, he turned off his phone, and thankfully the alcohol left him in a very dreary state. He knew he had a long day, but really, the thought of what may happen to him scared him even more. As sleep started to take over, one more text popped onto his lock screen.
Jungkook 😶: 'And one more thing...tell anyone, and you're not gonna be seen around here anytime soon.'
I'm tired asf and it's legit 10:30 at night. Here's chapter 6, but I'm shocked I actually got OVER 150 reads. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but hey, people actually know I exist 😂
This year has been a mess on top of a disaster and I can't wait for summer... I just wish I was graduating.
That's all. Who knows what will happen in chapter 7 🔥
=🌼Love yourself, Love myself🌼=
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