chapter 4
"You're serious?" Clearly expecting multiple excuses to possibly avoid coming over, he was pretty shocked he actually agreed to it faster than he expected.
"Did I stutter?"
Still smiling, Jungkook walked towards the door, while Jimin followed close by.
"When do you want this to start?"
Pushing the door open, Jungkook pulled his wallet out and put two 100$ bills in the strippers back pocket.
"Tomorrow, if you want. But don't try flaking out on it Park, I will ruin your life."
Truthfully, Jungkook didn't know if he truly meant what just came out of his mouth. He was just taking sexual advantage of him and nothing more..right?
"Okay, but...before you go, can I ask you a question?"
About to walk out the door, he turned back towards Jimin with a blank face.
"Make it quick."
"Aren't you straight? You're known for having girls all over you."
Jungkook snorted, then walked out of the club without giving Jimin a clear answer. He sighed, then walked back to the changing room to go back to the place he always feared going to.
As he walked out the club with a hoodie over his head, he noticed four boys sitting right outside the window of a restaurant. Two of them, probably drunk out of their minds, and the other one talking to Jungkook, who thankfully, didn't recognize him walking out the club. He sighed, sitting on the bench near a bus stop then pulled out his phone, just to reveal a mass spam of drunk texts from his mom.
'It's 10:00 jImin, where the f areyou you fucking whore'
'I Need my MoonEy'
'I miss my babYboy'
'Help mE jimin'
The bus pulled up to the bench, then he got on, bowed to the driver and put the money in the slot. He sat towards the back corner, hoping nobody would sit next to him so he could relax in peace. He plugged his earphones in, hoping that his mother would be knocked out on the couch so things would be much easier when he gets home. The imaginary scenario in his head sounded quite delightful, but reality hit him as soon as the bus stopped at his stop, and he got off just to be met with police cars and an ambulance right outside his house.
"Mom, what did you do..." He uttered to himself as he ran inside, just to see paramedics performing CPR on her unconscious body. His heart dropped as one of the paramedics pulled a gurney out, but looked at Jimin with sympathy.
"Do you live in his household sir?" He nodded his head, and the man sighed, shaking his head.
"Are you related to her?"
'I'm 박 지민, her son. What happened.."
The men lifted his mom onto the gurney and into the ambulance, while Jimin followed. He tried stepping into the vehicle, but the medic blocked the back entrance, not letting him in.
"Sorry boy, this is a serious matter. We can't let anybody in for liability reasons." Police officers walked up to the ambulance, one of them now holding Jimin's arm. He ripped it out of his grip, then stormed into the house, slamming the door behind him, not caring if the officers broke it down to find evidence to figure out what happened to his mom. He just wanted to escape.
Unzipping his hoodie, he pulled out his phone, then looked for the contact 'Sunshine 🌞', then pressed the call button, praying he'd answer at such a time of night.
"Jimin it's late as hell, what the- WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? You look horrible."
As he explained everything with his tear-stained face, shuffling was heard through the phone.
"What are you d-doing Hobi?"
He picked up the phone again, showing he was walking outside towards his car.
"I'll be there in five minutes. Don't move."
"I don't plan on it."
The phone call ended, and Jimin collapsed on the bed, now bawling his eyes out in a fetal position. A car was heard zooming past his house, but a loud skidding sound echoed with a car door opening and slamming shut, revealing a messy red-haired dancer running towards the door, then pounding it. His neighbors are definitely going to complain for days after this.
Not wanting the police to come to his house again, he opened the door for his abnormally loud friend who almost trampled him within seconds of opening the door. Fresh tears formed at the corners of his eyes as Hoseok embraced Jimin, rubbing his back and whispering soft, comforting sentences in his ear. The smaller male rested his head on his friend's shoulder, not being able to hold back the amount of tears that he didn't want to show in front of the police, he just let every single emotion pour out.
"I don't even know if I'll see her again." He managed to choke out between sobs, but was soon pushed into a car, with his friend jumping in with him and into the driver's seat.
"Then we'll make the impossible, possible my friend."
As he turned the key to make the car start, Hoseok slammed on the gas and sped off towards the local Emergency Room right around the corner from his own house. The two jumped out, seeing the same ambulance that just stopped by the house not even twenty minutes ago, and they ran into the room with potential patients here for different reasons. Jimin sprinted up to the front desk, then slammed his hands, desperate to see his mom.
"박 대연. Where is she." The receptionist smiled sympathetically at him, then wrote on a piece of paper all the information he needed to get into the room.
"I assume you're immediate family. Go all the way down the hall, it's the first door on your right-" Before she could finish her sentence, the two ran off past the security doors and found the room, only to be met with more security guards.
"Identification, sir?" The one with the almost jet black hair looked down at Jimin, then looked at Hoseok and immediately dropped his authoritative tone.
"Youngjae, since when did you start working here?" The other guard looked at Youngjae with curiosity, but still wouldn't take his eyes off Jimin as if he were some type of threat.
"Those part-time jobs weren't cutting it, anyway, why are you here?" Before Hoseok could explain, Jimin ran a hand through his hair and sighed with obvious anger.
"My mother is behind those doors. Just let me see her." He handed Youngjae the paper the nurse gave him, but he still shook his head.
"Your mom requested that nobody sees her. She said it's for 'personal reasons.'"
And that was Jimin's breaking point.
He pushed both security guards out the way, then opened the door ignoring all the protests his friend and security guards said. As the sight came into full view, the nurses were packing their equipment up, and a sheet was placed over the body in the bed, and the IV was making a consistent beeping noise. He was too late.
"Mom..." He trudged over towards the bed while each nurse turned to look at Jimin's now zombie tranced face. As he got closer to the bed, one nurse tried to stop him, but was only met by a hard shove. Pulling the covers back down, he saw his worst nightmare; a pale, lifeless woman lying right in front of him that happened to be the one thing keeping him alive. Despite all of the scars, bruises, and emotional torment, he still found a way to love her, he still found a way to care for her, and to keep himself alive. But it all slowly slipped away.
"Don't leave me..." Breaking down in emotional rage again, he grabbed one of the leftover scalpels and started slitting his arms, soon hitting a vein, then a panic button was pressed by another nurse.
"JIMIN STOP, YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE" Hoseok screeched as he ran towards his friend.
"Maybe that's what I want. It's not like my life has any purpose in this world anymore." The scalpel was taken from his hand, and a cloth was wrapped around his vein to stop the gushing blood coming out.
"Take him to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), he needs to be treated immediately.
More paramedics came from the door and grabbed Jimin in a rough manner, forcing him into the hospital bed with Hoseok following them into the room.
"Jimin. Look at me." Jimin's eyes still waivered towards the ground, tears were still fresh in his eyes. Hoseok's hand went under his friend's chin, forcing him to look up at him. Knowing he had to be strong, he flashed his signature bright smile, lighting up the room despite the depressing emotions lingering in the room.
"You're going to get through this. Remember when I went through the same thing and you told me that?" Jimin nodded hesitantly, still trying to stop the tears from flowing.
"You can stay with me after you get out of here, and I promise to visit you too. You won't be here long. Do you trust me?"
"Thanks...Hobi." He slumped back into his bed, and a nurse came into the room with a small plate of food.
"Visiting hours are over sir, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave." Hoseok looked at Jimin, and he nodded, signaling it was okay to leave. He stood up, walked over to the bed and gave his friend a reassuring hug.
"I'll be back tomorrow, I promise." Jimin watched his friend walk out the room, listening to the footsteps slowly get more distant, leaving him to travel into his own thoughts. He hated being alone.
"Jimin? You have to eat, I'll be back to come for your food." The nurse walked out, and Jimin took the plate and walked to the bathroom, dumping the contents into the toilet then flushed it. He felt no type of hunger or emotion after his mother's death, he just wanted to disappear. A few minutes after not eating, the nurse came back, smiling, thinking he actually ate everything.
"You must have been hungry. Get some rest, the staff has decided to release you in two days." She grabbed his plate, then turned off the lights, once again, leaving him alone. He sighed, starting up at the ceiling, then his phone buzzed. Hoping it was at least a text from his dad, or even Hoseok, his mood sunk even more as he saw who it was.
'Jungkook 😶': You didn't forget about tomorrow, did you?'
I'm SO sorry this took so long to upload, these path two months have been nothing put consistent stress, tears, and just emotional roadblocks. It actually hurt a lot.
But I'm recovering, and I'm still trying to do better. I'll try to seem alive. Thanks for the support everyone. I love you guys so much ♡
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